Why do guys make jokes about me and my husband’s unborn baby being theirs?

Omg its a joke. I can see why it might be upsetting, but girl, people say stuff all the time. Let it roll off your back. When I was pregnant with my first, a lot of my and my exs friends would say the baby was theirs. We all just laughed it off and moved on. With kids, you have to learn to let shit roll off your back. Good luck to you!

I want to see what ya look like now. Got 3 men claiming your baby as theirs, not many do that🤣 jk i see it as harmless, but if youre uncomfortable just tell them that and your husband and maybe make it clear for them all.


I wanna see what you look like. You must be :fire::fire:. They say it because they think you look good.


Everyone has their own opinion. It is weird but you know it’s yours and your husbands baby. My husbands friend would say how’s my baby doing but not meaning it’s their baby and I knew that. But if it bothers you than handle it and say it makes you uncomfortable that’s what I would do mama!


Maybe they are envious :rofl::rofl:


This is some weird shit :pleading_face:

Sounds like your husband has doubts about your baby and he’s talking shit about you to his friends, it ain’t no coincidence they joking about your unborn child

Guess jokes are lost on you. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


My kids dad and I worked together and our boss was a mutual friend. He said it was his baby one time and one time only. My kids dad looked him straight in the face and said “oh so your paying child support, good the baby needs medical coverage to and you will be expected to change dirty diapers and do the 3am feedings”… boss was speechless and never joked about it again. Maybe try some snarky comeback like that if you don’t wanna tell the other two your uncomfortable. Make them uncomfortable in the situation. They get the point hun

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Honestly it’s probably because your husband is a piece of shit or they see that he won’t be a good dad. So

Idk. Guys are so weird around pregnant women. My fil said something he thought was funny that I almost never forgave him for.

Haha sorry about this. Maybe you should respond “you gotta start paying the bills.”

Guys do this all the time when there friends gf or wife get pregnant!!! Kinda like some women say it too!!! No reason to make it awkward and weird… If your husband didn’t say anything and or laughed it’s just them being men… Also guys in general get weird around pregnant women…


I don’t know that’s really weird. It wouldn’t bother me so much but I know it would absolutely cause a shit storm with my man and that would bother me. I’ve never had this problem thankfully!

Take it as a compliment lol some guys cant claim their own child and youve 3 saying they do lol think their just joking men are strange x

You must be loads of fun to be around :roll_eyes:


Did you tell your husband tell these guys in your dreams this baby would be yours. Are you beautiful I just don’t know why they are saying this stuff

My hubbys friends that he worked with that he was really close to did the same thing lol. I think it’s just them being guys and joking around. You can always look at like it’s a good thing at least they like ya enough and think your hot enough for them to be willing enough to have a baby with ya. I think it’s like a guys thing like saying your gf’s hot. I would just joke back with them, which I actually did.

Honey they are teasing your husband. They think you are a beautiful lady . It’s kinda thier way of telling him how lucky he is.
Think of some quick come backs to build you man up.
Like ( In your dreams , you can’t hold a candle to my man) then touch your man’s arm or give him a quick kiss.


To me that’s weird as fuck.

I dont think they mean any harm by it, I think its more that they care and they will love the baby like it’s theirs, however it is kinda weird

Here’s the deal—number one: if you don’t like it & it makes you uncomfortable, you have every single right in the world to set boundaries. The only way men will finally stop acting like they have rights to our bodies is if we set and hold powerful boundaries. It is easier to just ignore, but ignoring BS means the BS continues to exist. A simple response, “I don’t feel comfortable with you referring to my baby as yours. Please do not do that. It is disrespectful to me, to my husband and to your wife. You have no rights to my body, commenting on it or otherwise. Do Better Brother.” In the future, he will think about what he says to other women and you will have done us all a favor.
2–for all the women on this thread that say a woman is no fun if she has boundaries, you are perpetuating rape culture & we need to end it. Do better sisters. Do better.

My response “ Thankfully I dodged a bullet on that one, your wife, not so lucky :blush:! “


Maybe you just need to find a sense of humor for the rest of your pregnancy? :thinking:


I’ve had girl friends refer to mybaby as theirs and it is just as weird. I wouldnt take it personally… but calling it out is a good step. When I talked to my gfs about it they always explained they had baby fever and wanted a baby themselves. Maybe its just the guys projecting their own feelings.

Your Husband, should respectfully tell your mural friends to knock that off, are they 12? You can talk to the other wife and tell her you recognized her discomfort and felt the same, trust me she said something to her husband later!


Hang with decent people comes to mind. Four children later, no one ever made vulgar remarks like that to me or any of my friends in my presence. Just wrong, not a compliment to you and def not to their partner.


I don’t think this is at all weird but just normal responses from friends who are telling you they’re there for you when your baby is born. You should feel very grateful you and your husband have friends that feel this way. Can’t you just smile and not say anything instead of feeling they’re attacking your morality??


it means your hot and they want to bang you without actually saying it


I would find it weird if someone said that to me as well. And would find it uncomfortable also.
Like, why does anyone think that’s ok to say?
That’s very inappropriate and weird.
If y’all are close enough to joke like that then cool but if not, shouldn’t be joked about.
Because that can actually cause relationship issues. Some people would take that seriously and might even leave or abuse their partners because of a joke like that. Genuinely shouldnt be joked about


That’s so weird. Your only response is… eeeew like NO !!


I think it’s a guy thing. My friends husband & brother in law always joke that one of their boys in the brothers because he looks a lot like the brother… to the point that their son even said it to a teacher!

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Just say “you wish” or “In your dreams” that should shut them up. They are joking… even though no one finds it funny!


That’s the way guys joke.


Old time joke,but if it makes you uncomfortable ask your husband to tell them to knock it off or respond with an (oh no my baby won’t be ugly)they would laugh it off and stop,I would think.

If said in front of ur husband it’s a joke.


It is weird & inappropriate.
They should cease immediately. I am assuming you once dated these guys.

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Weird and that’s why I don’t keep men as friends :+1:t4:


It’s not a guy thing holy shit y’all. A guy thing is sending your four wheeler over a hill faster than you should, or mixing all the cereal together. Not outright sexual talk about being the one that impregnated her. That’s creepy. That’s weird. That’s gross. It sounds like ppl are saying “boys will be boys, just laugh it off and tell them they wish” no. Tell them that’s gross and stupid to say to someone. Especially since multiple people have said it. Shut that shit down. That’s not okay. Even if you didn’t feel weird, it is very weird.

I’ve had it said with all 3 of our kids 🤷 Never bothered me but then again just left a note on my friends door that said “I banged your husband and fell in love with him.” :rofl::rofl: We can’t have friends who don’t have a sense of humor.


I would get your husband to speak with them.
It’s not ok to do that to you

That’s friendship my best friend is pregnant I day my baby even to her son. Grow up


They are indirectly telling u they want you, and they wish it was them not your husband who did the deed to get u pregnant.
Guys joke guys are dumb. It really ain’t that funny but to them it is. Tell um to STFU
Your husband needs jump on this tell um off

I had friends do that do. We still joke that they owe us child support lmao… guess it depends what type of person you are. I am pretty chill and find humor in most things. Some people may think it’s odd but guys like to joke around. You will probably find out they joke like that with your husband alone as well lol … don’t let comments like that meant as jokes get so in your head. People like to joke…


So many people lack a sense of humor.

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I think if they are just saying it out loud and so blunt like that in front of your husband and/or their wives, they are just messing around…when I had my first, I remember one of my husbands friends who always tried to instigate stuff told him my baby looks like his brother and not him and started grinning to show he was trying to say that maybe I cheated with his bro. Then told my husband to go with him to the beach with these 3 girls he was with. This guy was the worst with the instigating and just went too far that day…I told him not to start with his bs and told him sometimes his stupid a jokes arent funny and to act like an adult for once. Usually I would laugh it off and say something smart back but he was also hinting at my husband cheating on me and actually was starting to cause problems with his jokes. Anyways, after I said that, he stopped immediately and whenever we saw him after that he was way better…still made little jokes but nothing like that again and was actually nice to me. I will admit though the first time seeing eachother after that it was awkward…I think he was embarrassed that I told him off and maybe realized how what he said was going too far. But most of my husbands family and friends mess around with eachother that way if they are cool with their wife or girlfriends. And the ones like me give them sh… right back. If they arent joking like that, usually its because they dont know the wife well or she isnt the kind that can take their twisted way of joking around lol. You know and everyone else knows it ain’t their baby, so dont let yourself get too upset. And yes if it’s your hubbys friends and it honestly makes you uncomfortable, he should be talking to them…even if nonchalantly, like “hey dont say stuff like that” without sounding too defensive or serious and you can say “yeah that is kinda weird” and hopefully they get the idea that they shouldn’t make that joke again. That way it doesnt have to be awkward. Sometimes if the guy friends think that the wife is attractive, the guy knows they do and they say it just messing around and he knows why even if you dont. They need to respect you if it makes you feel some type of way though. Just dont let it upset you too much…I’m sure they arent actually trying to make people believe its their baby. Just let it go in one ear and out the other. :slight_smile: