Why do men look at adult photos at work?

He is cut off from his heart - there should be a
Path from the sacral to the heart that matches up with your partners and causes you to feed from each other because of the mutual flow of love to the heart


He needs it so he doesnā€™t have all those hairy asscracks in his memory all day. Lol


I donā€™t like it either. Your partner should be all you need.


cant see a probl;em might learn something new


Pornography is an addiction much like any other addiction. It is disrespectful to you and sick. He needs professional help and a willingness to acknowledge that. He also should care enough about you to see that it is hurtful to you, and obviously it is and why your posting about it.Addictions require more help than Facebook or social media opinion can give. Unless he sees the problem, acknowledges it as a problem and knows he needs to stop, seek help in stopping if he is unable on his own and admits or is concerned about your upset feelings in this, he wonā€™t stop. While we can never force anyone to get help for any addiction because that is something they must want for themselves, we can decide how much hurtfullness we are willing to tolerate in a relationship.


Run donā€™t walk away from this guy. The porn is a true addiction and it will only continue to get worse. I have been thought this with my daughters. RUN.


Porn is a subject we discuss in our relationshipā€¦At first, I got a bit funny when we started to see each other. However, both of us like it (although Iā€™m not watching it every day)ā€¦ Now, I couldnā€™t care less what he does, so long as it doesnā€™t get it the way of us. If rather be open and transparent about it than make him feel ashamed and lie to meā€¦


RUN, donā€™t walk away from this guy! He will bring you nothing but grief. :cry::sob:


I think this question needs to be answered by menā€¦us women can only assume but a real man would give us an honest answer and im sure theres many reasons why they do this and not just at work but we need the men to answer this question.

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Ughā€¦personally Iā€™d dropped him in a heartbeat, kinda disturbing the fact he must do this especially @ wrk ,Iā€™d questioned his character, & canā€™t help wonder what other little dirty secrets heā€™s has going onā€¦


Sounds like he has an addiction to pornography! Unless you want to follow in his foot steps, avoid him. You are the only person that controls what you see and do! If you want to follow his example, then do it!! Otherwise, do what you know is right!! Do you want this in your life? You must be second guessing yourself or you wouldnā€™t be posting this. If this isnā€™t how you want to live, then distance yourself from him!! Sh.t shouldnā€™t hit the fan because you turn away from him but only if you follow him because someone you love (girlfriend or wife) finds it on your phone!!

Sounds like porn addiction/sex addiction to meā€¦ If you arenā€™t marriedā€¦ Run


Most men do no look at porn at work! He is taking time when he should be working!


Dump him! If he looks at porn meaning he isnā€™t satisfied with you!


My husband has watched porn our whole lives ffs he could be doing much worse lol


its sad what is happening the average kids view it is 11 got to hook them young I feel for you


Actually the average age someone from my generation saw there first pornography was 13 ish now the average age is 5

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Because what they have at home is not enough for them they donā€™t appreciate what they have or could loose

sounds like he is. Insecure and have a porn/addiction. I would suggest getting some help if he refuse then its time to move on.

They do it in porta potties alot. I have worked construction sites.

H is nothing wrong with men looking at porn, it doesnā€™t mean he doesnā€™t love you , itā€™s just how they are wited

Check the times and duration. Let me know. My answer is one way men or itā€™s the woman

Iā€™ll never understand why some men need to look at that stuff.

If u have to have open in any part of your relationship chances are that person really isnā€™t all that in love with you to begin with. If your in a truly committed you should be happy with each on all levels if not you might as well just step back because itā€™s not real

he is simply escaping reality. if the relationship is good otherwise let it go. why are you checking each others phones?

I wouldnā€™t want a man who is into porn. If Iā€™m not enough for him he can take a hike

Not one male that I can see in the comments I wonder why correct me if I am wrong

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Men like it my grandson showed me anyone can pull it up on their phone in less than 5 seconds

Run for your life , as fast as you can . And donā€™t look back . Heā€™s opened himself up to activate unresolved issues. Generational curses.

You need to dump him NOW. I promise you the guy will be the wrong dude for you. In fact he would be the wrong dude for any femaleā€¦WAKE UP!

Hmm he is not worth having in my book. If he needs to look at other woman hmmmmm, why is he with you?

Why do u think the porta potties are rocking? Heā€™s addicted

It means your not giving what he needs. So start sending him porn of you have more sex with him.

Time to get rid of him .he will never change!


That will start to be a huge problem for you if itā€™s not already.


Heā€™s a man! The end!


Hopefully heā€™s not doing high risk work :grimacing: :sweat_smile:!

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A classy man who you want to spend time with doesnā€™t stoop to this level.

To me, I donā€™t mind if my boyfriend watches porn. Never been something that bothered me

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Go to incognito to searchā€¦no fights then

Is this for real come on

Red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:ā€¦ get outta there

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who needs this sort of junk on Facebook?!

Wow, youā€™re so up in his grill you need to know what heā€™s up to in the portapotty on a job site? Yikes

I mean, itā€™s all yikes, but the yikes def ainā€™t all his. Youā€™re a set of red flags on your own. :wave:

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Run fast and run far

Iā€™m not going to listen to you!

Sounds like sex addiction.

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Listen to these comments. Take them, walk away, and donā€™t look back.

Stop making a habit of collecting red flags

Reverse out of this now

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Bf needs to become an exā€¦

If his Superiors catch , he can lose his job!!

  1. It is weirdly common but not appropriate.
  2. Its also not appropriate to be going through each others phones.
  3. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
  4. If youre not okay with porn then you need to end the relationship because it will not stop and also not look at it?

Sounds like you with the wrong manā€¦

I couldnā€™t do that. It would be so obvious. I wouldnā€™t be able to hide my natural reaction. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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All these women that are so insecure.

U let him he ainā€™t stopping, $20 and move on

Thank Some Men Thing Sad

Amazed at only women respond, and most are clueless, looking at symptoms not root causes.

Time to move on. Porn addictions can destroy your intimacy.

I really think itā€™s just a man thing Iā€™ve never been worried about it


I always said; whatā€™s good for the goose, is good for gender!


Tell him to beat it. It will only get worse.

Get away from him. Only going to get worse

He obviously has a problem
If it were me I would dump him


People will always find a way whether they are female or male. Clearly he likes the things he downloads to his phone and most of the time is not even really about the person they are with. He may have an addiction , he may just like stuff like this or he may truly be an asshole. But if he gets mad at you for doing the same clearly he feels heā€™s more entitled to look at things like this and youā€™re not ! You need to sit with yourself and see if itā€™s worth it in the end being with someone like this

they usually cant measure up to the real thing, porn is not what its ceacked up to be, they fantisize it is greater than what they have been gettig, but it is a big act. some people never get out of sex what they really want, so they live in a pretend world. and because thier partener dont scream, and act like shes on clowd 9. . he has to look else whereā€¦ if he is looking at porn all the time it hurts his wifes feelings, that he wants to see smut, it makes her feel she might as well give up. he wont ever be satisifide, so she stops tryingā€¦ when she tryes something new, he thinks she is getting it some place else. and if he gets stuck on porn, she will be,

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Um heā€™s a guy and that is what guys do. Donā€™t nag or even acknowledge it. Why are you looking at his phone anyways or vise versaā€¦Guys sent each other nasty photoā€™s etc all the timeā€¦its what they do.

Pick someone who is like you. Share the same interests and hobbies.

You need to pack up your stuff leave him


Sick needs help.should be able to work with out it .gross

That much porn is in need of therapyā€¦

From my experience, men who do this are perverts. It will never stop and any female he is with is never enough. Dump him. He will always want more than any woman can give him.

He is a sexist pig. He objectifies women, yet does not want equality for to objectify anybody. You are better off without him.

Yea, because most all you women think its horrible. Why? Men are sexually excited by porn. Men are visual. Plus if you have 3 screaming kids, and no sex life, be glad all he is doing is watching porn.

If you can nut in a porta John. You deserve the porn.

How did this dumb shit get on my page?

Personally I would ditch him.

Start worrying when hes oggling Men !

I wouldnā€™t consider yiu a best friendā€¦ Noseying into his business then going on social media asking total strangers on advice on how to deal with his businessā€¦ Omg your a nosey bitch Iā€™m surprised you got any friends at all. I hope he finds out this is yiur post and he kicks our arse out his life indefinetly :roll_eyes:

He is deeply addicted :broken_heart:

Please reconsider him as a friend.

Even doctors say itā€™s dangerous.

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Um, time for him to goā€¦

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WHO TOLD lol lol lol

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I work in construction. Some of my male co-workers at times have something like this on their phone. Sometimes itā€™s some weird video being passed around or whatever. I donā€™t notice them slipping away to yank one off or anything, I mean maybe they go home on lunch for that, or an afternoon delight but this doesnā€™t bother me. Though I work with men, Iā€™m included as one of them and treated as an equal more often then not so we donā€™t hide things from one another. I personally do not have problems with porn but do have women friends that do and I can say I accept their feelings toward it. My advice. Thereā€™s a conversation to be had. A mature one. Not a jealous upset naggy one. If you donā€™t try to understand anotherā€™s thoughts then you cannot even begin to think theyā€™ll want to understand yours. In my experience over all my years since I started dating. This isnā€™t something that goes away totally. Itā€™s always going to be there for a reason or another, understanding is something you probably wanna start with. You are worthy. Just remember that. Please do not let this begin a body image issue, confidence or otherwise. Itā€™s typically nothing to do with you. Swear. Someone listed a man thing. Yep. Agree. I probably know more women that watch porn though than men. We have imaginations and like that kind of stimulus to. Hormones. We might be ā€œoldā€ we ainā€™t dead though.

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Tammy Conley I disagree honey. Itā€™s not cheating. Itā€™s strange, but not cheating. Thereā€™s no emotional or physical transfer. Itā€™s just an image that is appealing to the person watching it. Maybe something that the w
Spouse wonā€™t do or ask for from the other.

This can actually be a sign he ready to cheat he getting hot seeing other women more likely on live chats too with real women

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Not in no dirty, stinky ass, port a potty thoooošŸ„“

My x used to have the same problem it really made me feel unattractive and self image issues of course I was only 17 at the time so that didnā€™t help :rofl: but I would get him some therapy because itā€™s a problem unfortunately for many men

Obviously you arnt bringing it sexually as much as he needs clearly. Also heā€™s a hypocrite so heā€™s probably a dick.

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seems like maybe an addiction ? he needs individual help to deal with it & yall need help together to openly communicate ā€¦ i wish you luck for real

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There are tooo many of these stupid things posted! Give a monkey a break!

Because men love to look at breasts and ass! ā€¦. They just do! All men. Heā€™s working hard. Let him have something to look at. Or try sending some sexy pictures when he least expects it. The return investment on thatā€¦. Youā€™ll thank me later.

Bc you have a problem with it at home. Grow up its ok


Stop going through his phone. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Let him know how you feel but aside from thatā€¦is he brining home 40 hours (or whatever amount of hours) worth of money? As long as heā€™s working and comes home every night and your intimate needs are met Iā€™d let it go.


If you donā€™t like it and you express that then he should respect you enough to stop. Each relationship is different and you need to set boundaries.


My ex was an alcoholic porn addicted serial cheater! N how dare I finally get fed up with it was his attitude!! All the way 2 divorce court!!