Why do men look at adult photos at work?

Porn is not good for anyone’s marrage. It becomes a habit and not real.

They watch it on the pooper 🤷

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Yep, it’s the porta potties. Strike had to make a rule against it, it got so bad.

If he’s doing it while at work,in a PORTA POTTY, he’s probably…most likely addicted!! :astonished:


Sounds addicted to me…


If you look at porn while you should be working then you have an addiction.

Its porn, not him cheating!

Lol, as a woman who works in construction, I’m both disgusted and amused. The chance that he’s playing with himself in the porta johns is extremely slim. Those things are disgusting. However, men will look at porn at any time.
They’ll pull up extreme porn on their phones and try to shock each other with their finds.
Men are weird.
What’s truely concerning is that he freaks out if you look at porn on your phone. He’s probably pretty self conscious about his tiny weiner or his ability to please you. Watch whatever porn you want, and if he freaks out, ask him why he’s so insecure about it.
Good luck!

He may be gay. Or he may not be satisfied with just looking at you. No matter how sexy. Its a sickness and disease. Godly men rule over heathens. Sorry but cut your loss. Or you will end up in hell with him.


I’m just here to read all the comments from people that don’t have a penis but advocate my body my choice.

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What’s the fucken problem with him watching porn? You said you could do it but it would be a problem?? Why tf stay than?

Trust your gut.
Now is a good time to move on.


Porno in a port-a-john? Sounds like a addiction. Does he hide it b/c he feels like you’ll have an issue with it? Why does he feel threatened if you look at it? He sounds emotionally immature. My advice is to do couples counseling so you both can communicate clearly and respect each other’s boundaries. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

He is definitely addicted and you need to either leave or he can get help. Which I’ve heard is hit or miss on working. Tbh idc but at work is not ok. Suppose to be working, not yanking.

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Men have super high sex drives. If he has to releave himself, it is what it is.

Really y’all’s advice is to move on :joy: wth people everyone watches porn I say leave his damn phone alone unless u pay the bill!!! Count ur blessings he could be sleeping around instead he’s watching a screen chill out let that man jerk off!!!

Pork not bad maybe you should watch keep it fresh


I understand your frustration, but instead of fighting with him due to him looking at porn at work, why don’t you dress in something sexy, or in nothing at all, and send him pictures. You’d be amazed at the reaction you get and how much better your sex life will be. When my man worked, he used to look at porn all the time. So I took the step of sending him pictures and he LOVED it. It was a turn on for me too knowing that he was doing it for me instead of those girls on the sites.

Just because there watching doesn’t mean there yanking


80 % of construction workers start liking guys


He’s Definitely Addicted To PORN!!! Must Be a Fantasy Thing For Some Men.

Leave. I was in the same situation, being treated less than human, right after giving him a beautiful daughter. Not only did he have an addiction with porn, he was also having secret inappropriate conversations with other women, and he was (obsessively) searching women he knew on facebook, some of them including my own family, and some of them way under age! And I’m not talking 20-30 a day…I’m talking hundreds…doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. He ended up hooking up with my “best friend” who left her boyfriend of 7 years, that we hung out with almost daily, as soon as we broke up. I couldn’t unsee it, it hurt me and killed my self esteem that was already low because of having a child. And on top of it all, I was being abused in every way. For what? He didn’t even love me. This was my first real boyfriend, the father of my child. Best thing I could’ve done. I finally had my life back and my self esteem soared beyond what I ever felt before. Put YOU FIRST, if HE WONT.

My ex used to do this. He would wait for me to pass out then he would dip off to the bathroom and help himself instead of waking me up. He just lost interest in us in me…

I think that you creating your own and sending it to him… That would be a game changer.

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They are gross and that’s all they ever think about


Get it on your phone and see how he likes it


The double standard would bother me.


All I’m sayin is if he’s jackin off in a porta potty, there’s bigger problems at hand. That’s jus nasty.


I was told to wake up :rofl:

Definitely an addiction! My ex was the same way and I hated myself bc of his problems. Walk away until he gets help


Christ he must be red raw :joy::woozy_face:

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They children wanting to be

It’s an addiction and he’s not going to stop he may even turn to cheating.Every guy I know that watches it alot like cheat on thier partners alot and my friends now have low self esteem and thing they are not good enough that there’s something wrong with them.After seeing what it can do to people and thier relationships NO WAY WOULD I STICK AROUND NOPE…


why is it him watching porn bothers you yet you say you have it on your phone to? its not only men who watch porn lots of women do to, it dosent mean hel cheet on you at all, cut him some slack

I’ve dated a porn addict once. Honestly, as long as he wasn’t actually talking to other girls or spending money, I didn’t give a shit. Lol

He might just want to look macho at work :muscle:. Show it to the other guys.


The only problem I see is the fact that he gets mad if u have it on ur phone. That’s a major red flag


My boyfriend is a porn addict and God it was a pain in the ass ar first! Now he watches it with me when he feels the need or if he absolutely has to have it at work and my pic’s just aren’t helping (like needs videos of people having sex) I’ve asked him to at least ask me first as long as it’s not all the time I’m gonna say no. I’ve had to change myself a lot for this man as porn is a no go for me. I’ve seen changes in him so I can do it myself to suit his addiction and help him.

I think him getting mad at it being on your phone is wrong if it’s on his. It’s bothered me in relationships before but in my current one I’m completely trusting in him so I don’t worry at all.


Not normal… he has a problem and he has no respect for you or how you feel


This is why I laugh when people insist porn isnt a problem…

It’s such an unhealthy thing for people let alone a relationship. It’s an addiction and it doesn’t belong in any relationship. I wouldn’t put up with that as well as him being hypocritical.


Be glad it’s bf and you haven’t married into the porn addiction life….get out scot free while you can, cause it will literally ruin your life.

Mine does it all the time, he’s a horny guy as long as he’s coming home only to me who cares


It’s absolutely an addiction. My ex was the same, he’d go out of the room after sex to continue on alone or not come to bed and go and engage himself in it instead daily! Sometimes 2-3 times a day.
Men grow out of it in their 20’s but others just don’t know how to grow up. I find it disrespectful, porn has made the expectations higher for both woman and men, I’ve never had a penis the size of the ones in porn videos Or orgasmed like the woman do so feel a little ripped off :joy:

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Sounds like my ex who was a sex addict.

Hey hun, I went through this with my ex. No matter how horrible it made me feel he continued to do it. Some women love porn and some don’t. At the end of the day u need to talk to him and tell him how it makes u feel. If he loves and respects u he will understand. My ex didn’t give a fuck, (I was in a very bad DV relationship). He used to shove it in my face, watch it at work and sneak around behind my back and watch it. It destroyed me, my confidence and then it got to a point where I was disgusted by him and didn’t want to touch him or be touched.

I never used to mind porn but now I can’t stand it. All I can say is if he loves and respects u as a partner he won’t dismiss ur feelings. I have a wonderful partner now that understands and treats me really well.

Don’t let anyone tell u u are stupid for feeling the way u do. Just because “most men do it” doesn’t make it acceptable. When u chose to be in a relationship u choose to respect and consider ur partners feelings, especially if he’s getting sex. For some women it devaluates them and destroys their confidence. My ex used to watch it at work too. I understand that some people have a problem but u shouldn’t have to settle and allow it because in the end it will destroy u. I tolerated it for 10 miserable years and I have absolutely no confidence. No matter how much my new partner tells me he thinks I’m beautiful I don’t see it.

Ur feelings matter hun x

If you don’t use it you lose it.🤷🏻

Im not trying to be funny but when’s the last time you guys have been intimate? Maybe he just needs an outlet :woman_shrugging:

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The last line got me. So you watch too and he tripping? Yeah. He gotta go.


That’s an addiction, and a major red flag that he doesn’t “allow” you


I don’t know if this is common or not I just know that my husband does not do this and I did not think most men were doing this at work


Who y’all dating Jesus :flushed::joy:?! Ain’t nobody with a real job got time to be wanking it at work?!


Ewwwwww :face_vomiting: just ewww. :nauseated_face: Get a new BF.


I’m either naive and dumb or I’ve just got it good but I NEVER go through my mans phone. Never really feel the need to. He doesn’t go through mine either. :woman_shrugging:t3:


You should be watching it together


Why are you checking his phone everyday?
He is working and coming home to you so…it’s not interfering with his work or your relationship?
What’s the big deal?


Yo that’s pretty unfair that he doesn’t let you have porn but he can. That’s the only problem here. I’d be more worried about fairness in the relationship than him looking at porn.

Addiction and, most importantly, lack of self control. That would worry me.


It’s called being a sec addict he isn’t happy with just you. I had a bf like that and it got weird and I left him


I. Would. Not put. Up. With. This


Have it on tours when his is off yours will be

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At least he is just on his phone my idiot is going to see a woman wrnt and seen one the orher day he.met on fb and she was a prostitute

Not everyone wants to be with someone who looks at other woman especially ever day :woman_facepalming: that would worry me because that is just addition at this rate if he has no self control . I’d talk to him and if he doesn’t want to change or just chill out about it leave


Addiction and lack of self control.


My father lost a very well paying job, nearing retirement. He was warned several times by the company but just couldn’t stop viewing it on company time and company computer. My parents retired in poverty.


Put porn on your phone, Tell him I’ll stop when you do🤷‍♀️

At work, eeekkk he does have an addiction. Also he shouldn’t get mad at you. I would have porn on my phone so he can see it and get pissed off.

Just because it’s on his phone doesn’t mean he’s doing anything at work :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Maybe he just kept the page open from a time before.

A lot of assuming going on honestly :woman_shrugging:t3:


Stay out of your mans phone. I promise your relationship would be better.


He’s addicted. My soon-to-be ex-husband has the same problem.


Fuck it. Watch it anyway.

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Im assuming he looking at work because he can’t at home.


Doesn’t seem very professional to me!!

That’s his jobs problem honestly. Tell him it makes you uncomfortable how he’s going about it and it seems compulsive at this point and see if he cares to adjust his behavior.

He probably has an addiction to be honest. It can cause all kinds of issues in a relationship. I would let him know that he needs to seek treatment or you are out.


Or you can date a dead-beat who will probably be doing the same thing but on your dime…


As long as he’s servicing you still I don’t know what the big deal is. My man looks at porn everyday.

But he comes home to me everyday.

I’m so okay with it, I got him one of those phone holder things that go around your neck. :joy:

Trust me when I say you could have worse problems… Like him going out and fucking someone else. Js.

When they lose it on you for doing exactly what they do then that tells you everything you need to know.


Has anyone checked out midget porn? It’s a game changer baby! Lol :joy:

Jo Bax can’t believe how many other men are like this


Is this for real? I get bored at work sometimes and watch porn. If my gf is gone and I want a stress relief I can and will watch porn IF I WANT TO. Nobody is going to dictate my sex drive- also my gf can do the same and does :woman_shrugging:t3: you guys think way too much.

Maybe he gets the need to attend to himself often including work, and so he uses is as took to achieve what he wanted.

I went insane on my BF for it once. He either hides it very well or stopped. Because I told him it made me see him in a different light and if he had to hide it from me then there was an issue!


Women will always look for nothing in any relationship to quarel


Take your own porn pics and send it to him… Men are visual women arent… Just a suggestion. Porn isnt heqlthy as its not a reality.

Because men always want what they can’t have. He would hate the thought of you looking at other men but doesn’t have enough respect for you to be considerate about watching it himself as it’s not a problem to them. . It will usually be ‘a morning trip to the bathroom’ whilst you’re busy etc but work is a bit of a strange place. Can’t imagine a job that gives time for that :woman_shrugging: probably why most women are self conscious. Who blames us :woman_facepalming:


Porn is a big no for me. My guy knows if i ever see him watch we are over

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Porn is a distortion of real loving couple sex. He’s emotionally cheating by desiring other women. That’s fine if both of you don’t mind but it’s disrespectful. Also fantasies may be acted out, on other women if given half the chance. He could be focusing on improving his sex life with you not fantasing you’re someone else whilst he’s doing it.


I’ve been in a great relationship for 3 years now. He watched it when he was single and doesn’t deny it. Says he doesn’t need it anymore. If he did we would have to have some kind of conversation and boundaries with that because I think it is a turn off, so it would probably affect our relationship if he was watching porn like your boyfriend does. I don’t think he should be doing it ALL the time, but some couples have very strong relationships and they both watch it. Relationships are built on mutual respect, communication and trust for one another. He shouldn’t be worried about you watching it if you want to. Especially if he’s watching it at the rate he is. Sounds like he’s jealous of you looking at other men, which happens, but hasn’t taken your feelings into consideration. The work thing is odd for sure :eyes:. It’s unprofessional and it’s definitely not something he should be doing there. If he is doing that, he may have a problem. Like I said. It’s just odd and raises a red flag for me.


If you can’t look at it either then you should leave! Yall should be okay talking about personal stuff like that. If he’s not answering you one day he might do more than just look at porn. Talk to him and communicate. It should be okay if yall both look at porn. Nothing wrong with “mast-bating”


Run to the nearest exit!


You probably should be concerned about two things: a sexual addiction which means he is going to drive you nuts wanting sex too often & unreasonably and/or cheat on you and the fact that he can have porn on his phone and not you. That is a sexist attitude.


My husband, now ex husband viewed porn lots then he became addicted, then he wanted fantasy like he watched on porn.He lost touch with reality and had many affairs. He told me he started fantasizing about young girls at the pool where he worked. Now my 28 and 21 year old twin daughters feel he did stuff to them, they want nothing to do with him. He lost his wife and daughters and is a mess now at 10 years later. He has been in mental treatment and kept getting worse. He actually asked me to have threesomes and an open door policy when we were separated and I hoped the treatment would help as I didnt want a divorce. After he said those things to me especially about young girls and then a porn sight of young girls was on our home computer, I flew to the divorce as I became concerned for our young daughters at the time. Porn destroys people! I stayed true to my Christian faith and have been single and much happier since our split and divorce 10 years ago. John 3:16 For whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life! The devil gets to people through porn :frowning: I choose my saviour and Heaven will be great!


As long as it’s not child porn, let it go.


Sweetie. Leave. Thats trouble waiting to happen this is just the start. He can but you cant is abuse waiting to happen. This is a pattern for life. He can because he says so, you cant because he so. Really? Sweetie leave kick him to the curb on the next block.


I don’t get porn on any level.


Dump him. Porn is very destructive.


I don’t like porn either and my husband doesn’t like either. We don’t have it in our phones, he can look into my phone any time he wants and I can have his phone too. But I think that sounds like sex addiction


I do not have a problem with my husband watching Porn at all! Maybe because I’m not an insecure prude lol :joy: the problem I’d have in this situation is…#1 he may be risking his job and/or safety if on the job watching #2 he has a problem with her watching it.