Why do men take so long to propose?

My husband took 6 almost 7 years to marry me. We had 4 kids together. We married 11/12/13. Give him time to make it perfect the way he wants.

Tell him the wedding will cost him less than child support will if he doesn’t get on the stick or get out of the way.


My husband proposed after 3 months. Been together almost 7 years now, 3 kids, and still very much in love. Men know within the first year if they want to marry you or not for sure. My heart hurts for you tho because steps to move forward from here are obviously much easier said than done.


Having been married young and then divorced ( he decided to cheat with several women ) I am now in a relationship with an amazing guy. We have been together 6yrs, and yes I sometimes think it would be nice to be married but then I realise how lucky I am to have such an amazing guy. He brought me a commitment ring a few years back and constantly tells me he isn’t going anywhere and giving me compliments and I realise I don’t need a bit of paper to tell me how much we love eachother. I’d say if he treats you right, he is honest and a good man then why do you need to get married ? It will happen it may take 10 months or 10 years but it will happen you just need to be patient

Go ahead and cut your losses. In his mind you’ve already gave him everything that comes with a marriage without getting married so why would he? You deserve better


My partner and I were together for 5 years before we proposed, married 3 weeks ago after 8 years together. Everyone telling you to leave him cause he won’t propose are being very hard, my partner said he didn’t propose sooner because he felt pressured by everyone else to and he wanted to do it when he was 100% ready and not just because its what was expected of him. I spent the entire day (he proposed at sunrise on a hike on my birthday on the water edge at a beach) asking him if he was certain this was what he wanted because everyone had been on him about proposing and I was scared he did it out of obligation and peer pressure. He will propose when he feels the time is right, and have his back when people are on Jim about it. Eliminate the pressure for him so he can see you have his back regardless of a ring on your finger.


Why dont you ask him…there has been many women that have done that


Well my husband of 7 Months waited 8 years to ask me. Wanted it done in secret without telling anyone and no planning. Wasent worth it.

I don’t have any advice, marriage isn’t a goal of mine but if it happens it happens. I’ve been with my High school sweetheart for 8 years, we have 2 kids (6yo, 1yo). We both talk about but just not in any hurry.

None of my older siblings are married but have been with their spouses for over 10 years, they all have kids with their spouses, only one of my sisters are getting married after being with her spouse for 13 years and 4 kids together.

They’re afraid to commit to a fkn McDonald’s order… propose to yourself and your baby. Make a commitment to you and your baby. You don’t need a man for that, trust me

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Time to put baby in daycare and go back to work and save your money. Maybe this will make him step up and notice, if not find a place to live. Because you’re going to be on standby for the rest of this relationship! tell him put up or shut up!

Why can’t you propose?

Been with my bf for a year and we talk about getting engaged/ married when we are financially stable. He may really want to make it perfect and not know how or what to get exactly. Maybe when you guys go out, point out rings you like. That should be a big hint for him and he’d see what style / colors you like. Or suggest going to get your fingers sized, both of you, for rings. Also don’t be afraid to pop the question on him. :joy: if my man doesn’t propose in a timely manner (within the next two years) I intend on proposing to him instead :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You need to have a serious conversation. Is he saying what he thinks you and his mother want to hear and stringing you along or does he want to be married. Is he worried about the cost of a wedding? He really has no incentive to get married. You live together and have children. In this day and age there is no stigma around living together. You need to lay it on the line. It’s time to get married or move on.

You spelled Ex- Boyfriend wrong. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I was with my husband for 8years before we got married! We’ve been together over 13 years now! No need to rush it, it’ll happen when its suppose to! :wink::heart:

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Make sure u show him that you really really do love him just start doing things more often u normally wouldn’t just do. Maybe just not smuther but like show alot of affection more then u normally would. Appreciate everything he does even if it’s small , no women really does that stuff anymore and I see them in the same predicament

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If he hasn’t decided yet, he has doubts. Maybe you’re in the wrong relationship.
Honestly, if you want marriage you need to hold out for it, don’t keep having kids, that’s not fair to them.

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My middle daughter was with her husband for 7 years then engaged for one before they married 2 years ago. By waiting as long as they did to marry, they ended up being in a great position to purchase their home a few months after they married

Give him an ultimatum.
Sounds shitty, but do it with nothing but good intentions.
You’ll find out the truth from there.

He is not ready to get married,start your own life cut him loose


Cuz being married means he loves you more or something? As long as he is faithful and takes care of you and kid and he brings you real happiness it all it matter. A ring and sign piece of paper does not mean anything in my opinion


The relationship between the two of you is the most important thing. I said to my now hubby, you better marry me now and he said I just don’t want all the big wedding thing. I said well let’s elope and he said ok. We got married on the beach in Hawaii and have been married for 7 years. Some guys are just not into the song and dance around the whole wedding thing.


I Get Paid over $ 140 per hour working from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my mate makes over $ 20894 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.

M0re Info… https://cashhafiz8.netlify.app/

Every guy is different. Just because he says he wants to marry you doesn’t mean he is ready right now. He could want to get married but not be ready yet. He will purpose when he feels he is ready just don’t pressure him because then maybe if he feels too pressured he may change his mind. Me and my husband were together for 3 years before we got married. I have an old friend who got married only 4 months after being with her husband, and then I know a couple people who were with their spouses for 10 years before they got married.

My husband dint propose till 11 years later… be patient, he will do it on his own time

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Don’t ruin a good thing by forcing it. I’ve been “engaged” for four years with no wedding plans. Honestly not worried about it either. I’ve been married before and :woman_shrugging:t3:

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He’s probably waiting for the right time saving money etc

Why would he? He has all the benefits of marriage without the attendant responsibilities. He knows he has you and he doesn’t have to marry you. It’s not important to him, but is important to you. How important, only you can decide.


He’ll do it in his own time

You could always start planning the wedding so he’ll know he has only so many months to do his stuff

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RE: " like I’m not good enough to be with him at that ‘level’ of marriage".

BINGO! He’s got the bennies without the commitment.


my man proposed at our sons 5th birthday party if that helps :joy::joy:

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If a man does not value you enough to commit to marriage when he knows how important it is to you, then you are too good for him. A woman risks her life every time she gets pregnant and has a child. Find a man who values you for who you are.


Get a babysitter for a Saturday night, even grandma…and make a nice dinner…and TALK TO HIM.
If he doesn’t want marriage, it’s only fair you know.
If he isn’t interested in talking and being honest, you have 2 choices: deal with it or leave. And by leave, your actually go and be on your own for a while. Even if he’s begging or showing up with rings, no. Take your time to decide if you want to go back or find a man who has the same goals.


Well then you do the Proposing I mean pick out matching rings just something simple and maybe a really nice quiet restaurant and then you ask
If he says no then you know it’s not gonna happen tell him you will even just elope so it doesn’t cost a lot since he worried abut household and home repairs maybe the cost of expensive wedding scares him if you want to be married you could do it all under $500.00 if you just go to court house in nice clothes and do big wedding later when the price time is right
Good luck hope he says yes


My husband proposed on our 6 month anniversary. We got married 2 weeks after our 1 year anniversary. We got together January 2010 I was 21 almost 22 he was 28. My stepson met his fiance when he was 16 (2017) she was 23 they have a 3 year old daughter and they got engaged Dec 2020 on her birthday. Their wedding will be September this year. I never really ever brought up or thought about marriage. He asked my dad’s permission then asked me. Stepson’s fiance would bring it up multiple times over the years, but he wasn’t ready for that or a baby but he took to the Dad role very well and it definitely matured him and her.

I lived with mine for 5 years and we had 2 kids. We got married when our youngest was 11 months old, we have been married almost 39 years, together almost 44 years. He had been married before, I had not.

Get rid of this site

Marriage is a huge deal. It’s supposed to be a lifetime commitment. Let him decide when HES ready. Not you. You don’t get to decide when someone else is ready to do something. If you’re ready to spend the rest of your life with him then chill out and wait.

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Hubby proposed every day for three years before I said yes.

Watch the movie “he’s just not that into you”.

Just walk … Life is too short. There is nothing wrong with you! He knows how you feel (you’ve told him) and evidently it doesn’t matter to him. You do not want that kind of relationship.

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I proposed to my husband after being together 6 yrs and living together 2 yrs of that. Been married almost 7 yrs now. Take the control away from him and you do it. He will either say yes or no. Maybe he’s afraid of the expense of a big wedding and if that’s the case have a smaller one.

It all depends on when the guy is ready! I was with my fiancé for 1 1/2 before he proposed the first time then the second time he proposed was after our two year anniversary and he upgraded my ring! He knew I wanted to marry him and would tease him about but didn’t pressure him into it the first time I had a feeling he was going to do it and found out I was right when it was delivered to our home since I work from home the second time he completely got me off guard be patient he’ll ask when he’s ready

If he wanted you as his wife, you would be engaged by now. No way am I waiting 4.5 years for man to put a ring on my hand. They say most people know within a year if they want that person or not.

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Propose to him…you will find out if you are what he wants forever.

I Get Paid over $ 150 per hour working from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my mate makes over $ 20740 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.

M0re Info… https://cashhafiz37.netlify.app/

He will do it when he is ready or you could also propose to him.

Is she sleeping with him . Well then you have your answer .

Look things change when you get married. To some it can become a prison sentence. However, married or not I believe they law would consider your partnership real. Remember a ring doesn’t make a happy relationship, that happens on it’s own.

One of my best guy friends’ parents had been together for just under 30yrs before they finally got married a few years ago. In due time and every relationship is different.

I am eas­lly ea­rnin­g extra $­500 or even more by wo­rkin­g o­n­l­lne j­o­b from h­o­me. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was ma­king $­1­86­54 per month but now i see how it works.

M0re Info… https://cashhafiz64.netlify.app/

I was with my ex for 12 years no marriage proposal and guess what we had 12 fantastic years together, does it really matter ?
You can put him in a position to speed the process up! Human’s move to the beat of their own drum

I waited 4 years. Watched one set of friends get married after 2 years and another get married after 3. After 4 years, gave my now husband 2 months,then said we either set a wedding date or we needed to split. We set a date for 3 months later,went and picked out rings and got a license,and got married in June. I never got a proposal or engagement ring,but i finally got married like wanted and he let me have whatever i wanted for our wedding. May have to bite the bullet and set an ultimatum.

We have been together 12 years now…married 9 years.

He could just be comfortable were your relationship is. Some people are afraid to get married because they feel it’s an emotional restraint. Is it marriage you want or a wedding? If it’s marriage suggest going to the registrar and saving the cost of a ceremony. Set up a date night and you propose to him. Good luck

Don’t rush it have patience it will happen I waited a long time n got a beautiful ring I ever wanted .

Cart before the carriage. Seems to be the new norm

Check with his jeweler to see if he returned the ring, or gave it to another woman.

Honestly it’s not all it’s cracked up to be :no_mouth: I don’t want to do it again really it’s just a piece of paper the wedding part great but the legal part is a shit show

Push it…and don’t take no for an answer.

Make him tattoo your name on his ass too.

I Get Paid over $ 150 per hour working from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my mate makes over $ 20740 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.

M0re Info… https://cashhafiz95.netlify.app/

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This is on him, not you. He is making lame excuses to avoid the commitment .

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Some men want to propose when you don’t expect it. If he knows you know it’s coming he may not like that because he wants to surprise you. Mine bought me a ring that I picked out two years before he proposed. By the time he did I had forgotten all about it. He later said that’s why he waited so long he wanted it to be a huge surprise so he could see the look on my face. Girl it was worth it. Been married 5 going on 6 years now. Stop stressing over it it’ll happen when it’s supposed to happen.

Let him go at his own pace ik with trying to rush relationships especially when it comes to commitments us men have to make ourselves mentally physically and spiritually ready to rush a relationship could mean the end of it it doesn’t matter if it takes him 5 years to propose or if it takes him 10 just be patient and enjoy your time with him and as far you arguing about small stuff just remember if y’all are arguing about it it means you both still care about that subject deeply if he starts to not care about the small things you’re losing him - insight from a man’s mind

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This reminds me of the show on Netflix called “The Ultimatum.”

If he wanted to, he would have. All the excuses in the world don’t change reality.

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I would tell him that you need to live apart until he decides he is getting everything he wants without making the commitment. You are sleeping together, you are probably cooking his meals and doing his laundry etc. He has 24 hours a day access to his baby. What more could he want? In other words he is getting his milk without buying the cow. If he knows that is really important to you and he is taking no action to do that…maybe he isn’t the right one. Are there other issues in your relationship that are questionable/? Maybe you just NEED at husband.


Look stop focusing on the “Marriage” thing.
My husband asked me 3 times to get married I told him yes every time but when we were alone I told him that we needed to wait until until I turned 50 because if you love someone the love will never fade so we got married on my 50th birthday and have been together since 1985

I Get Paid over $ 150 per hour working from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my mate makes over $ 20740 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.

M0re Info… https://cashhafiz124.netlify.app/

Why buy the cow when he’s getting the milk for free!!

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Why do women expect to be proposed to? Can’t they just do the proposing and accept a “I’d rather not but still stay together without the marriage licence” to live by for another 30 years like we have? Maybe your SO doesn’t see needing a marriage licence necessary as much as you do. I’d let it go and just pretend you have one when you don’t (like we do). :slight_smile:

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Talk to him perhaps he has concerns your relationship may change if you do get married maybe he just isn’t ready why have a time frame if you love him want him wouldn’t you want to just wait until he is ready to do it or maybe just maybe he wants to do it when you’re not expecting it. Maybe talk to him tell him your concerns then just leave it and wait and see what happens

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Listen to me! Don’t try to force or rush him into purposing to you. He will do it IF and WHEN he wants to. Otherwise, yall will get married and it will probably end with you having a broken heart worst than you do now. And if he was to ask you now, you will never know if its because he WANTS to or if he FEELS like he HAS to

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I’ve been engaged for like 7 years now lol it’s nice to get proposed to, but I don’t really care too much about marriage. We have 3 kids, I have a 15 year old daughter and he has a 17 year old son and 13 year old daughter. They see us as family, it doesn’t matter to them if we’re not married. We’ve been together 9 years and our kids call each other brother and sisters. I know marriage is important to some people, my religious family doesn’t agree with me but idc. We may get married someday, may not. If not, I’m perfectly content. If it’s a big deal to you though, then it should be seriously discussed and you have to be ok with either not getting married or possibly leaving. I’m sorry. Wish I had better advice or answers.


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As much as it hurts try to stop bringing it up. It sounds like you have a beautiful life and a lot to be thankful for. It sounds like he is committed to you. Don’t create a problem that doesn’t exist. He needs to be ready and there is NOTHING you can do to change that. However, bringing it up may feel like you’re being pushy and men will retract. If he decides to propose there has to be some element of surprise and genuine desire. When you stop wanting it so bad is when things will fall into place. Relax.


It sounds like he’s scared of the cost of the wedding.


Could be he doesn’t want to, doesn’t see the need. Living as you are you are married. He’s committed to you and you have a baby together. Maybe have a discussion about how you feel and don’t push him too much. Tell him why you want to be married.

Wow don’t rush him he clearly isn’t ready don’t force him,if it’s a year later then let him go to hell give it time especially if u want him to propose ,coz if u argue over every little thing now ,what’s the marriage gonna be like

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It sounds like he isn’t ready for a real commitment.


Sometimes people are happy in a relationship without getting married. He is probably content with things are right now and is thinking about the future.

l get pald 0ver $ 130 per h0ur w0rklng fr0m h0me. l never th0ught l’d be able t0 d0 lt but my buddy makes 0ver $ 10581 a m0nth d0lng thls and she c0nvlnced me t0 try. The p0sslblllty wlth thls ls endless.

For Details >>>> https://remarkable-meerkat-3e552f.netlify.app/

Talk to him. Give him a time you are going to wait for a decision on when your getting married. Prepare to leave at that time and do it.

I’ve been told because they want to get a big expensive ring. The ring is a representation of him.

Maybe you keep ruining his surprise lol. I’d be frustrated too wanting it to go the way I planned and you kept nagging about “why”.


Weddings take :dollar::dollar::dollar::moneybag::moneybag::moneybag: rings take :dollar::dollar::moneybag::moneybag::gem: don’t over think it.

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I dont think hes ready and he sure shouldnt have to if he doesnt want to. Dont force him. He wont be happy if hes made to do it.


Stop rushing ur man into marriage . Before it blows up in ir face… if u dins he taking too long then leave… who says tbat there is a time frame for proposal na… mine did after 9 years and we still engaged… I self do rushing to go down the aisle. Some relationships are so better than the married ones… Don’t harass the man for ring u may just end up with nothing

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Ask him what he’s afraid of, and/or propose to him.


Don’t compare yourself to others. They may get engaged quicker, but chances are their relationships won’t last. I think people these days are just too quick to push things in relationships. That’s why so many of them fail. Maybe he realised he just wasn’t ready yet. You keep bringing it up and dwelling on it is just going to keep you agitated - possibly why you’s are arguing more. Either forget about it and move on with life or propose to him yourself.

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I wouldn’t pressure him just be content with what you have at the moment. He will come around he is just not ready yet

Why are you in such a hurry
To get a piece of paper

The world is full of couples who aren’t married
And can raise kids , fix up a house togeather
Just as good as a couple with a bit of paper can


I actually have a guy friend who really wants to marry his woman, but he’s taking forever and I finally, recently, asked him why he keeps holding off. Here’s what he said:

He wants to be able to propose and marry very shortly after and have a big wedding and a honeymoon right after the wedding and until he can give her that, he’s not gonna ask her. He said she deserves all of that and he can’t start his marriage not able to give her everything she deserves.

Ok, your guy might not have these same goals, but maybe he wants big things for you and for himself.


What’s in it for him if he asks you to marry him that he doesn’t have now ? Some men wait to see if something better is out there. Is getting married going to improve his life ? Just some questions you need to ask yourself.

Do you know he loves you? Do you love him? Stop and think…just what will a piece of paper change?

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Half his stuff after divorce. Lol

Because he isn’t going too


All I hear is blah blah blah… Simple. You don’t need a million dollars to get married. You don’t need an expensive ring. Everyone stating that is silly … You live together and have a baby… It’s time. Hit him up and say… Looking forward to your proposal my love… Don’t worry about an expensive ring or million dollar wedding… I’m yours when you are ready soon … Lol


Don’t force it. He won’t propose if it comes off as your choice instead of his choice.

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