Why do men take so long to propose?

I proposed to my lady 3 weeks after meeting her and were married 3 weeks later. That was 41 years ago and life is great.


Same situation. Over 13 years, have a 7 year old son together. I’d love to get married, hes just not quite sure yet. I don’t feel like he’s stringing me along. We could get married and then split. Marriage isn’t for everyone, and being married isn’t gonna change how you feel about someone. No piece of paper is gonna change how we feel about each other. We love how our life is now and we don’t need to get married to prove it. We’re committed to each other without the papers!!


Have you actually had a conversation about marriage with him? My husband never actually proposed but we’ll he’s my husband and we had a prior conversation about it.

I just celebrated my 7 year anniversary with my bf yesterday. We are getting married. Hes just waiting for a few bumps to clear… longggggg story… doesn’t mean he can’t ask already??? I gave myself an ultimatum… if he doesn’t do it by (insert date) I will… so maybe do things a little differently and ask him to marry you

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They wanna make sure they’re gonna spend the rest of their lives with the right psychopath


Because most men are awake to the nonsensical idea of the governmental institute of marriage. If everything is fine, why get the govt involved? Then if it doesn’t work out, get the govt and lawyers involved. Don’t get me started on the diamond hoax…


He doesn’t want to get married :roll_eyes:


My husband didn’t propose until we were already together for 6 and a half years with two kids. We got married 9 months after he proposed though .

Well why don’t you propose you’re the one thinking of marriage….do it…


You can’t say you don’t want to communicate and bring it up then moan about him :woman_shrugging:t3:

Why is it so hard communicate with with partners.


Don’t listen to none these unsupportive comments for fucks sake… I was with my husband for 15 years and 9 kids before we got married… ALL our kids was there and it’s just a piece of paper :page_with_curl:… if he does right by you and loves you… then I wouldn’t worry about it… if it bothers you enough… maybe hint it or say something subtle to get a feel of his opinion… but he’s going to be the best person to tell YOU how HE feels :heart:

We got married 2 months after meeting so I would think he doesn’t want to get married if it’s been this long.


you have 2 kids together, did you ever think just maybe getting married before even getting pregnant??? But i am guessing that is not the thing today, So with that said, that is not the thing these days. So don’t; expect to get married :slightly_smiling_face: End of story :slight_smile:


Me and my husband was together 2 months , got engaged, at 4 months into our relationship got married. So it’s because he’s comfortable girl


We found out we were pregnant, that same weekend we drove to Vegas and got married. 07/09/2016

I would bring it up if marriage is important to you.

If you wait and that’s not in his cards then you will be wasting time with someone whom isn’t on your level.

He can be a great father. But not marriage material or it may not make a difference to him bc your living as you were married.

For me it isn’t super important. I have been with the father of my 3 kids for 12 years. We have a house together and all the things married couples have.

Have yall ever spoken about it? Idk I personally dc if I ever marry. And if our dynamics are working, why fix it? Marriage is not everyone’s end goal, it’s not required for happiness. Maybe he feels the same way.

Too many legalities involved. Maybe a lack of trust and being afraid to be fd over. Probably heard some one-sided horror stories. I understand your feelings about wanting it to happen naturally, but it’s literally been 7 years and kids. Unless the two of you have a lot of strife in your relationship why not ? I would definitely feel him out about it. Is it a make or break thing for you ?

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Maybe a conversation about marriage needs to happen. My husband and I were together for 10 years before we got married. We’ve been married 3 years and have a 12 year old daughter together.

A man was with my mom for almost 10 years, never proposed. With another for maybe 2 and they were married. Take that how you will


They don’t take long. Not when it’s a conversation that has been had and an undertaking reached

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Besides not being married how is the relationship? I get wanting to be married but if you two are doing great together and love and support each other then what for? I would say mention it to him but without attacking or a ton of emotions. Just simply ask him what he thinks about marriage or you can propose to him.


Because marriage means absolutely fuck all in the grand scheme of things.

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Probably doesn’t want to marry you.


Does he want to get married? Does he know that you want to get married? Because if y’all have never discussed marriage before that could be why. And if you have discussed marriage before then I would say you just need to directly ask him why y’all haven’t gotten married yet and you’ve been together 7 years sometimes men need you to be direct otherwise they just are clueless.


My stepson met his fiance and daughters mom when he was 16 she was 23 in 2017…they had their daughter in March 2019. They are getting married in 21 days.

This is why communication is so important in a relationship. Did you ever let him know what type of timeline you wanted or expected? You have to be blunt yet kind.

“Hey honey, can we talk? I feel like we have been together for quite awhile now. I would like to be getting married in _______ years. How do you feel?”

Alot of times, men have different timelines than women. If you do not actively communicate ( at least once a week, a 15 or so minute conversation) about checking up on a relationship, you can’t expect your partner to know your dissatisfaction. Worst case scenario, you find out your needs are too different. At that point, it would be best to separate before permanently ruining a relationship.

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Ahhhhhhhh to be free

My husband proposed after three years, and we married when we were seven years together. We are going on eight years together and just hit our first anniversary. Depending on age, some men need to be sure, maybe he’s not sure, or perhaps he’s too comfortable the way it is. You two should talk about it.

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It took my husband 3 months to put a ring on my finger. We were married at 7 months. He knew what he had and he wasn’t gonna lose it. We’re going on 2 kids and 2 years married and more in love than ever. He is my entire world.


It your not happy talk to him about it. I personally wouldn’t be w someone that long and not be married. My husband wanted to marry me on our our first date. Not all guys drag their feet. If your not happy move on. You deserve happiness.

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7 years? More than likely not gonna happen, A man that is out to Mary pretty much knows if he’s going to marry a girl within a couple months of meeting her. unfortunately it’s just not likely to happen I watched my mom go through this and he never proposed she wished she had left sooner.


Why don’t you propose to him ? It’s 2022 doesn’t always have to be the male who does it … :smiling_face:


He doesn’t want to get married?


I begged my wife to marry me from the beginning, not being weird or psycho lol but I knew

I was with mine 8 years I found ring in his draw. He told me to plan wedding for October this year maybe u need to talk to him & discuss it? He might be saving. Only he can tell u xx

If he wanted to, he would.

Was with my ex for 14 years. Never did.

My now husband asked after 3 months.


Honey if he wanted to propose he would have done so already it doesn’t take 7 years he’s just comfortable


Does he even want to get married?

It IS his choice…to not ask!

Honey you are obviously not the one for him or he would have done it already so in other words he’s content with you til something better comes along


I need to know… is it two or ten kids


Why do women wait that long? If he wants to get married, I think he would ask faster😁

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My aunt & uncle went out together for 13 yrs before he proposed!


My husband asked me like 5 months after being together. The 5th we will be married for 2 years

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Baby don’t let your boyfriend stand in the way of your husband.


My ex was abusive, after 3 kids and nearly 11 years together he proposed. I turned him down. In the beginning I was so happy with him and hoped he’d ask. After he treated me like crap for YEARS, I no longer even have the slightest inkling to marry him.


If you want to be proactive. Turn the tables and propose to him. There is no law saying he has to be the one.
Then you’ll know exactly where you stand.


If he wanted you to be a wife, he would have made you one.

You’re doing the right things in life with the wrong person.

It’s technically your fault for settling. I mean no disrespect about that but you’ve stayed for how long? Playing house? And you both aren’t on the same page?

I read some where that men know within 6 months or less of dating if they’ll marry you.


Mine proposed after 4 years together. I made it clear that I’d say yes, and even showed him the ring I’d like (he gets sort of overwhelmed when it comes to choosing meaningful gifts).

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My husband and I met January 2010 he proposed on our 6 month anniversary and we got married 6 months later. I was 21 just under 2 months from turning 22 when we met. He surprised me with a vow renewal and anniversary party for our 10th wedding anniversary. It was actually the same day we got engaged so it was actually our 10.5 year anniversary lol.

If he wanted to, he would. He would find out if you wanted to marry him when he proposed to you…

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It’s more difficult and expensive to get divorced. Think about it.

But for real. If he wanted he would’ve by now.

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We have 3 kids and been together going on 11 years. No proposal and I’m fine with that. I’ve never really wanted to get married. Maybe you should ask him if he sees marriage in your future.


If he wanted to marry you he would’ve already purposed. He’s leaving his options opened.


You need to have this conversation with him to see if you are on the same page.


Maybe your feelings are stronger than his.

Steve Harvey says a man won’t propose because their thinking is, “why buy the cow when you already get the milk for free”

So either stop doing wifely duties and start living to make yourself and kids happy and maybe he’ll realize OR leave.


Some become comfortable/complacent, having things done for them without the whole “legal” entanglements, Is more of a benefit. Best thing to do is hear it from the horses mouth. It’s time for that conversation, tomorrow is not promised to any body,icd is too short to live wondering. Because if you have to start wondering where you stand, it’s time to stop wandering and start walking…


If he wanted to marry you he would. My husband married me after 17 months. That was 10 years ago


He doesnt want to. He has all the benefits already. If he wanted to he would of. I’m sorry.


You let him make you a wife without requiring purchase of the wife package if that makes sense lol so now he has no reason too because all it is is a piece of paper at this point. If it means a lot to you and he doesn’t care care he doesn’t want to and you need to find out why


Sometimes people just don’t want to get married. I’ve been with mine for 10 years, we just had our third child together. Neither of us are going anywhere, but he doesn’t want to get married. For me, it’s not a deal breaker, I’m happy with our life together and don’t NEED to be married. Shitttt he’s fucked if we break up anyway with three kids lol.

They don’t want to marry you. Red flag. Don’t pressure love …… if it doesn’t flow, it’s not meant to be… x


Why buy the cow when the milks free.


You gave him the cart before the horse! Why does he have to marry you? If he wanted to he would have.


They dont… there is an underlying issue as to why it’s not happening. Maybe it’s you. Maybe it’s him.


Why are women so focused on getting that ring?

Why aren’t you content? What difference will getting married make?


Just hit 11 years, two kids later, no proposal. We have definitely talked about it.

Maybe he doesn’t want to get married, nothing personal to you, but just in general. You can love someone and not have a desire to marry.

Why buy the cow when he gets the milk free


Looking for the right ring? Have you ever talked about marriage ?

If he wanted to he would. If you wanted to, you would make it non negotiable. I guarantee there’s a man that would want to marry you first day meeting you. Don’t settle for a relationship you don’t want.
Stay at Home Moms :fire:


I wouldn’t wait that long if a sooner marriage is the goal for you.

Could be an underlying reason but pretty sure you could propose.

My husband proposed ON THE ALTAR as part of his vows. Some men do not rely on marriage and therefore it’s not extremely important to them. My husband isn’t a marriage dude. He’s very private, very off grid legally, but marriage was important to me so “if it’s important to you it’s important to me” and we got married.
Literally mid vows, he got on his knee.
Talk it over, see what he’s feeling about it. Your feelings are valid.


My husband told me after 6 months of dating we would be married forever. We have been together for 22 years and married 17 of them.


You have to talk to him. If he was going to propose he certainly would’ve by now. Maybe he’s opposed to marriage. 7 years is so long to wait. It’s not gonna happen unless you talk to him. But be prepared he may say he doesn’t ever want to get married.


If they really want to marry you…they don’t.

My fiancé proposed in 7 months. I don’t think this is a “men” problem, it’s a him problem. If he wanted to he would.


Why don’t you propose to him?


A lot of times when a woman leaves a long term relationship the man’s very first thoughts are…”she found someone else” “how could she do this after all these years together“ and so much more…BUT what men don’t think about is all the times she went to sleep feeling like crap because she caught him talking to other women. Or all the times that he would disrespect her and call her out of her name. Or How he kept saying he would change but never did…Men don’t think about all the times she was there when no one else was. How she prayed to God to help him change. Men don’t think about how she always put everyone and everything before herself. Men don’t think about how all her friends and family told her to walk away but still she stayed. No…all men can think is “how could she do this” lol…

Women don’t just wake up one day and decide to leave. A mans actions, his words, the way he makes her feel builds up over time and eventually all his bs becomes this weight that she just can’t carry anymore. When she stops venting to you, when she stops getting on you, when she stops trying to get you to see things her way, just know it’s not because you won and finally she’ll put up with everything… It’s because she’s preparing her escape from your toxic ways. So no she didn’t leave you to find someone else. She left so she can find HERSELF. :ok_hand::ok_hand:

Appreciate your woman while you have her fellas…

Ladies…know and realize your worth, love yourself! :heart:


He’s got everything he wants. Why get married! People just keep putting these carts before the horses


My friends parents were together for 30 years before they got married ! And others just don’t want to be married! Your common law married if you’ve been together that long

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If they want to they would

Because you never set proper boundaries to begin with I mean 7 years and 2 kids later and you’re wondering why he hasn’t


If you’re so impatient why don’t you propose to him.


Just talk to him about how you feel. My sister dated her husband for 10 years before they got married. I personally never want to get married. People are all different & we all have different opinions. Just TALK to him🙃


You are giving him everything and he isn’t interested in the commitment. I don’t believe in the saying a paper does not make a difference but I say it does.

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I feel you on this. I’ve been with my partner for 10 years and there is no proposal in sight. I have given up.

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You already have a family and not everyone believes in marriage. If he is good to you and the kids and you have a good life together what does a ring or piece of paper do to make your life better?
And people are so weird telling her to leave him because he didn’t purpose. That’s literally terrible advice to break up your family because you didn’t get married yet. Terrible advice.


They don’t if they really want to…

If he really loved you and wanted to spend the rest of his life with you . He would.


Because they don’t really want to marry you, you’ve played house and baby mama this long why should he, he’s got a good thing going, if it was a husband you wanted, should of held out for that. Was having kids a joint decision or yours, did you discuss it before hand or just get pregnant hoping it would get you the ring🤔


It will still be his choice if you talk to him and you should at least talk to him about it. Let him clearly know that it is what you want. Start with that! If he absolutely doesn’t want to for some reason and you do definitely do, then reevaluate. But def communicate what you want first !!


Marriage isn’t everything.If life is working for you both and your both happy the kids are happy.Then don’t stress it unless it’s extremely important for you.

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Because you didn’t make that a requirement.


If he wanted to he would have…

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Cause most of us women act like wives before we become one and so men don’t see a reason to get married when they have a girlfriend wife anyway


Some just don’t want to marry, ever. Could be maybe you found one and that’s not gonna change.
So, you get to choose how you want to live.
Life is way to short to put your happiness in someone else pocket. He has shown you who he really is … Believe him