Why do people dislike the movie Turning Red?

Hes not going to understand at 4 months old lol he won’t know what he’s seeing. My daughters school showed it my son watched it too with his dad they love it they say its hilarious


Where can I watch it

So… wait. You want to know why people object to it but you don’t want any comments that disagree with you? Lmao…

Had no clue anyone thought it was controversial until now. My 10 yr old daughter and I loved it. It’s very relatable in a humorous way.


Idk :woman_shrugging: I didn’t see anything wrong with it.

Snowflakes gonna snowflake, I guess.


I personally see it as a coming of age movie… we all loved it!!

People are upset because the girl disobeyed her mother. To me it was just about a 13 year old virl trying to found herself and find a little space from her parents which is what happens in the teen years ad they and you prepare for them to leave home.


At 4 months old all your baby is gonna understand are colors and movements. Personally haven’t seen it as my kid is well past puberty

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my 9yr old son likes it. :woman_shrugging:t6: he had a few questions. I answered with honesty. we thoroughly enjoyed it. even watched it for a second time today.

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First of all, your kid is 4 months old… not 4 years old. Secondly, nothing is wrong with the movie. It’s a funny and cute movie about a teenage girl finding herself and trying to be her own person. Disney can’t just make movies and TV shows for 5years old, so I’m glad they made a more “mature” movie for older kids getting ready to go through the same changes


I don’t understand the controversy honestly. I thought it was excellent. Very relatable from both the parent’s and child’s perspective. Very cute. 1) Periods shouldn’t be taboo. 2) I don’t understand why people are up in arms about the bad behavior. This isn’t the first Disney cartoon that depicts that.


There’s nothing wrong with it! It’s a great movie


Nothing wrong. Unless they think the part is about the mother and the pads is a no-no

I mean… your child is too young to understand any of the dialog but people are just uptight about puberty being depicted in a kids movie.

It’s a movie about a tween hitting puberty. Except her ancestors have this magic power that turns them into super cool red pandas when that happens. Something her parents hid from her so she naturally freaks out when it happens. There is a scene where her mom suspects she hit puberty because she’s the right age but thinks she got her cycle first not her panda power. So she pulls out a bunch of different types of maxipads and tries to tell her body changes are normal but the girl shuts her down embarrassed. It’s cute and funny and great to watch with your 9yr old and up. Parental guidance suggested for kids younger than that if you’re not ready to have those conversations yet.

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Because people think children shouldn’t know what puberty is :woman_facepalming:t3:

My boys are 8 and almost 5. They love it and have been watching on repeat.

No one dislikes it. It’s a ploy to get everyone talking. And the sheep come out in droves


I liked it.
I watch it and wore a right up about it. It hits so many keys points across the board. Sadly people take the negative an run with it.

Did you just write that your 4 month old won’t be watching??? Omg he has no clue what a movie is or what red is or what a tv is c’mon…


My 1 year old loves it. People don’t like that it shows famine hygiene products, which I think is absolutely ridiculous. Jmo.

I have yet to see it but the last 2 movies from Disney tgat came out, at 1st I heard NOTHING but bad from a bunch of people. Several months later, I hewed that its noy what people are making it out to be. I haven’t seen it yet myself but from what I’ve heard is, the girl trerks in it, draws a simi pornographic picture of her and a boy she likes. BUT that’s just what I heard and after a few other movies of what people seemed to over think, I’m not sure I believe it. I’d have to watch it myself

It’s a good movie, my 9 year old and 2 year love it. Alot of people don’t like it thought because it has teen rebellion and period talk in it.

The only thing confusing is the fact that you’re asking this about a 4 month old. You could put hardcore porn on and a 4 month old wouldn’t know what’s going on.

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It’s so cute!! My girl (10) and boys (3 & 5) all loved it. People who complain about it are :snowflake:


We thought it was fantastic

No worse than the princess movies or other Disney or Pixar movies all have some type of negative if you try hard enough 

At 4 months old your child wont be able to understand… but with that said, I LOVE that movie. I watched it with my son (5) this morning and i thought it was great. I’ve noticed that people have a problem with it due to the fact that it can be said it is about a womans menstrual cycle. But I personally thought it was great and my son loves it too.


Conservatives are mad cause mei writes fan fic, it talks about periods and she fights back against her mom. There’s nothing actually wrong with it


One reason. It deals with girl issues. Our society is draft


Because we don’t discuss the red sea or Aunt Flow.


I doubt watching it would affect your 4mo old


Your 4 month old is completely oblivious but ok.


I heard because it’s about puberty. I haven’t seen it because my boys are all too old for Disney movies now, but that’s why I guess

My 2 year old is obsessed with it! I like it too.

My two year old and I love it! The people who don’t like it just don’t like having open communication and explaining to their kids.


As long as you instill the strong values you want your kids to have. No kids movie will change that.

Basically, it brings up puberty and “my body my choice”.


I had no issue with it.

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Like everyone said they don’t like that it shows feminine hygiene products but not once have I heard anyone complain about a tampon/pad commercial or ad while watching TV. Just a way to complain about something I guess


I don’t think it’s inappropriate. They talk a few times about periods and pads and stuff like that, and the teenage girls express that they have crushes on boys :woman_shrugging:t3: I personally didn’t like it, just because I didn’t get into it and I don’t really like the anime-style elements, but I didn’t think it was inappropriate. Just wasn’t my cup of tea :blush:

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My 12 year old started her period two years ago and her school just sent a letter this year about puberty classes. I’m like, you’re a little late :roll_eyes: we both loved this movie. It’s not only about puberty but also a young child figuring out who they are without their parent breathing down their neck. Being able to make their own decisions. I think a lot of people don’t like it because of the facts she defied her mother and snuck out.

How are people who haven’t seen the movie trying to discredit the amazing art that it is.

It talks about puberty, crushes, destroying toxic ideals and how to grow up and do better than the abuse that our family’s put us through.


The controversy stems from them talking about periods and fantasies about a boyfriend from a teenage girl. Somehow that happens to be inappropriate in a movie about teenagers.


Your 4 month old?? Really???
Do you have an older child??


Because some people still live in the stone age and think males shouldn’t know about periods


Because a lot of people are pansies these days and are making way more out of it then most kids could even mentally fathom. People have to pick apart EVERYTHING these days and find something to be offended by. I’m sure they find something offensive about every Disney movie out there :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: our kids see a whole lot worse than a movie describing a teenage girl getting her period, having crushes and being rebellious.


Too many people care about what other people think🤦🏻‍♀️ My 2 year old loves it and so do i! Stop following the crowd and make your own opinion tbh

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Myself and all 3 of my boys (13,4 &3) all loved it.
People need to stop picking apart movies and making it more than it is. It was a great movie!

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It’s adorable! My 8 and 2 year old girls are obsessed with the movie! I think it’s cute and I see nothing wrong with watching it :woman_shrugging:t2: my 2 year old watches it 2-3 times a day :slightly_smiling_face:


I had no issues with it .

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#1. I think a 4 month old is too young for movies. #2. We’re a nation that doesn’t discuss puberty or “the change” much. Maybe lots of parents see this as a movie for girls.

Because it’s about female puberty and “my body my choice”…

My son loved it…AND 4 months old can’t even see the television…SMH :woman_facepalming:

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Watch it and decide for yourself.
My family loved it.


my 3 year old loved it so did I people just hate anything that has to do with traditionally stigmatized topics like puberty.

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It’s not bad, people are just dramatic pearl clutching weirdos that think kids are going to end up deranged when bodily autonomy is discussed


I thought it was cute and my girls both really enjoyed it :woman_shrugging:

Your 4 month old could watch pretty much everything and none of it would register. So far as Turning Red goes, the movie actually tackles puberty and ALL the emotions that come with it, including defying authority. It makes a lot of Conservatives uncomfortable.


I loved it. Gave me flashbacks of when I was a cringey 13 year old :joy:

Lmao your infant won’t understand a lick of it. You’re fine


4 months old ?? He still only looking at colors stop it :woman_facepalming::rofl::rofl:


I loved it! Quite relatable :hugs:

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My girls and I loved it!! I have an 11yr old and a 14yr old

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Prolly cuz she says jiyrate (sp) lol

People who are saying a 4 month old is too young to comprehend a movie; perhaps your 4 month old couldn’t comprehend, however, 4 month old babies are very aware.

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It was amazing, im so glad disney and other companies are actually showing real life things, attitudes and actions.

It’s Disney. Period.


The movie is good.

I have two options.

One… maybe the person who wrote the articles are the one have a problems with the movies.

Two… Some white women that are boomers are the one who hate it

I really enjoyed it (previewed it on my own) my daughter (4yo) started watching when I had it on my tablet and insisted on watching the whole thing when I was done. It is a good and interesting movie that really highlights breaking generational stigmas and being true to ones-self.

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I let my 10 year old son watch it and we loved it. People are ridiculous.


some weird people are having a barney over it, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the movie.

my son loves it :heart: he’s 5 years old

Honestly…because people suck. It’s a good movie

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I’m not against it …

We liked it… do t know why anyone would say it’s bad

Your 4 month old ain’t gonna know s about s regarding that movie, hahaha. It has periods, pads, and pms all over it but it’s honestly not bad at all. Like, it should be normalized that chicks have periods. So I don’t understand why people are in an uproar about it. 💁


My daughter and I love it!

Definitely for older kids imo…

Never even heard of it🤷🏻‍♀️

all three of my kids love the movie :relaxed:. 7,5 & 2 years old… my daughter even bought their merch, a dress and sweater. I personally love the movie too haha

I liked the movie but the undertone sort of promotes a bit of rebelliousness. But if you think about it a lot of shows Disney promotes has the same undertone. The parents are usually depicted as dumb and the kids are usually sassy and dismissive of their parents in words and behaviors.
This movie toes the line in between. It’s actually a good discussion piece for parents and kids. How much is too much in the realm of parenting? It may be interesting to hear what your own child has to say.


I just watched it with my 8 year old daughter and saw nothing wrong with it. People are all huffy over a mention of a menstrual cycle for all of 30 seconds of the movie.


We watched it with my 6yr old he loved it. But again I’m an odd parent. He watches whatever just has to walk out the room on sex/dirty scenes.

Didn’t hate it didn’t love it

I really like it there’s nothing wrong with it

We all liked it my kids loved it too

Just watch it. It’s cute.

Because everything offends people these days :woman_shrugging:t2: my kids are 6 (girl) and 4 (boy) they love it and so do I

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They hate it because it’s about the girl turning into a woman. Literally her period. They thinks it’s not appropriate for younger children. In all honesty who cares…kids that age just don’t get it


It’s more for girls age 12 and up probably not right for a 4 month old

It was cute. It wasn’t what I expected but it was a solid watch. My kids (13, 10 & 8 ) enjoyed it

A 4 month old and you are worried about it? 🤦 my 6 yr old son loved it and ONLY saw a cute animated movie.


My 6 and 3 year old boys love it. I can’t tell you how many times they’ve seen it now

Me personally my opinion. I won’t let my kids watch it… Nor do I really allow them to watch Disney either. To each their own!


My three year old is in LOVE WITH RED

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I think it was a great movie and see absolutely nothing wrong with it. I mean theres far worse thing these parents allow there kids to watch and do, but Karen’s gotta Karen :woman_shrugging:


The ones who have issues with it are the ones who don’t want their kids watching it and coming to them with questions. Because Gawd forbid they have to educate their own instead of Hollywood of social media.


My girls (10 year old & twin 7 year olds) loved the movie!
I don’t see how it’s “inappropriate” but I know some say its because of her going against her mom and slight period talk. But my girls didn’t even see it that way :woman_shrugging:


It’s not even bad lol :joy: when we were kids they had all kinds of hidden shit in the movies we missed as kids but later on found out! Idk why people act like we didn’t have the same thing

My kids have watched it once every day since it came out