Why do people dislike the movie Turning Red?

I’m not trying to start arguments here…but can someone explain to me why everyone is against the movie Turning Red? Please no aruging I’m just very curious about opinions…I have a 4 month old son and he’s not watching it because I’ve heard of reviews I’m just wondering what the fuss is about or why it’s bad?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Why do people dislike the movie Turning Red?

why is your 4 month old watching shows anyways? :skull:


I don’t see a problem except maybe uptight people yapping about dumb stuff


I like the movie . It can’t all be unrealistic fairy tales .


We loved it, I thought it was a great movie.


I never knew a 4 month old could watch any show and understand it :joy:


First of all a BABY isn’t going to understand the movie to begin with. :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:


My daughter is 12 and we enjoyed it. I didnt see a problem with anything in it.


Because it addresses periods
I LOVED the movie.


I didn’t have problem with it

Nothing. Absolutely nothing is wrong with that movie


It’s not and your 4 month old wouldn’t understand anything happening anyway so I don’t see big deal.


It was boring and hard for me and my girls to get into haha

I don’t think a 4 month old is going to understand any of the concepts in that movie. I watched it with my 6 year old and I saw no issues :woman_shrugging:t2: the girl did say “sexy” and “twerking” which is one of the reasons parents were upset.


Mom of three boys and they loved it!!


it addresses period and is basically about puberty.

Because everyone is so damn sensitive these days. Whine about everything and anything now.

My 11 year old likes it :woman_shrugging:t2: I’ve never seen it

I have a 4 month old son and he sees boobs all day every day I’m sure he will be fine :breast_feeding: :wink: :rofl::rofl:

I loved the movie. But I’m not a soft parenting mom.
She says “crap” one time & it talks about her period one time.
Most women don’t like it because they think it teaches their daughters to rebel from the moms… but what about literally every other freaking movie… :joy: Ariel? Moana? Brave? :roll_eyes:


Because it talks about periods & rebellion…let’s be real everyone was rebellious when they hit puberty…

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My fiance and our 4 year old Daughter and 5 year old son loved it! I would really like to know what was wrong with it also?

Because it mentions periods for like maybe 5 minutes of the movie if that , people need to get over it :woman_facepalming::sweat_smile:

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Lol at my work its the most popular movie at the moment the kids pick to put on during there appointments

I have three girls we watched it and loved it

My 7yo son loves it.

Because people have nothing better to do then bitc* about a hilarious and adorable movie!


I dislike it for the simple fact of if it’s on, I cannot binge watch Bridgerton. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I think its an adorable movie though. :rofl:


My 6 year old son watched it and enjoyed it. He watched it, however with his older siblings so I cannot review it🤷🏼‍♀️

There’s nothing wrong with the film my 11,7 and 2 year old all sat through it and was absolutely fine just people they have to moan about something lol x


I haven’t watched it but have read articles about it. Everything I read that’s “wrong” with it centered around the mom. I guess there’s a point where the mom “publicly humiliates” her and stuff of that sort.

I don’t like because the girl gets crazy !! She talks back to her mom in such an uncomfortable way, it kinda makes me wanna skip that whole part because I don’t want my kids to imitate her behavior. At some point she even starts shaking her ass at her mom in a very disrespectful way and it was just way to much for me. And I’m not one of those moms that scare easily or keeps her kids away from just anything. Her talking back to her mom really made it hard to watch for me

I just didn’t care for it. Nothing wrong with it.

Some people are up in arms about it because it addresses menstruation and “encourages rebellion.” I watched it with my 4 year old and we enjoyed it. If you’re concerned about it I’d just watch it on your own first to screen it but honestly your 4 month old son isn’t going to absorb any of it anyway.


I thought it was cute. My daughter is obsessed with it but after a few times of watching it I’m over it. I didn’t LOVE it but not because it talked about periods I just didn’t think it was great!

Because it depicts every day life of a teenager and it’s not a fairy tale :woman_shrugging:t4:


They show the mom bring an armful of feminine products and it makes people go… “Oh that’s icky, women are yucky waaaa” but it is very cute and highly accurate depiction of what it’s like being a young girl… Ya know other than the transforming into a creature hahaha


We loved it. It’s been on repeat in our house everyday. My 5 year old can now recite the words to each song :notes:


I don’t get the hype of why it’s such a bad movie. People saying the daughter disrespects her parents… yet she acknowledges and apologizes right after. Along with saying a man is sexy. One time. I seen nothing wrong with the movie and allowed my kids to watch it. Just depends on your preference.


There’s literally nothing wrong with it. People are just sensitive as Shit.

Because theumy are dumb lol
The movie was great

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People are afraid to teach their kids about periods. It was a cute movie and cute way they did it


Your 4 month old is fine


Me and my daughter loved it

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We love it, it’s been on repeat in our house. I have two little girls i think it’s actually appropriate and brings a soft light to what teenage girls go through in puberty.


But 4 month old tho?:rofl:


Turning red is awesome i watched with my kids and it was a great movie

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Me and my 3 year old love it :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Not sure. It addresses normal life stuff. Depends on how you raise your kids. Sensitive times we live in :joy:


First of all your kid is 4 months old. They won’t remember the movie nor know what’s going on. The second thing is its mainly just Christians freaking out about the movie.


We love it nothing wrong with it my 3 yr daughter and 5 yr old son love it

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I haven’t seen it to pass judgement so…

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Great movie for girls. But downfall is, my 5 year old daughter is obsessed watching it now. Watched it way too many times to count. Lol :joy:

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The movie hints around girls coming of age with becoming a woman I’ve watched the movie several times because my kids love it


Many conservatives don’t like the movie because it portrays a teenager acting like an actual teenager… she has a crush on a boy, gets embarrassed, periods are discussed…the girl struggles with following family tradition in her culture, and being herself.
Basically, some people don’t like the idea of their kids learning that it’s okay to be who you are. It’s okay to not follow tradition.


I saw nothing wrong with it

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I didn’t like it for my 6 year old girl , i also have a 4yr old girl. Its very apparent about boys and crushes so i let them watch it once but never again until they’re older and actually seem that they’re hitting the puberty stage. I just don’t think my kids should be worried about dating boys at this time. It’s cute, i love it, just not age appropriate for my kids at this age.


I love it!!! Can watch over and over and over!!! I think most people were saying something about like period products…

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Can’t comprehend a single word at 4 months old wtf :joy:


4 MONTH old?!?! :woman_facepalming:t3:


You’ve got a 4 month old who can concentrate on a movie?


Haven’t seen it Yet! However my 10 yr old insists… and we will see it! Ppl are judgemental and shallow! And they’re usually the ones who live with the most regret just stupid and insecure.

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It’s really not that bad. The mother is extremely overbearing is the worst thing in the whole movie.

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I didnt like that they had period as a part of it or how she said the way she calmed down the panda was thinking of those ppl she loved and then it showed only her friends and not her family at all…


They dont want thier kids knowing about puberty or the fact its normal for kids to feel that way about boys.


I didn’t like how she lied to her folks saying she was going to a sleepover and went to a concert. I have teens tho. It hit different.


For my personal opinion, I didn’t care for the chanting , especially when you don’t know what they are saying in the chants. If you believe in any type of demonic entities being placed in children on a spiritual level then you may want to look more into it. After the chanting the girl turned into the so called “ cute” character which some feel it is a demon. If you want to learn more search up Marcus Rogers he speaks on it and breaks it down completely. I won’t let my children see it. We tried and turned it off after chanting. Everyone is free to do what you want and believe what you want. Don’t come for me or at me. Thank you ! Hope this helped ! Good luck !


The people who do have a problem with it are uptigh & airheads. My daughter loved it, shoot, I love it too. Aside from turning into a giant red panda it is realistic. We all go through puberty and have a rebellious stage.


I think a 4 month old is good to watch they won’t get it
My daughter is 4 years old and likes it a lot
It’s girl power for her and likes the music and color
My 8 month old daughter also watches it

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My three kids love it. They’re 13, 10 and 1.5. I don’t see any issues with it.

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Our family love it and watch it regularly. Our Son is 18months and our daughters are 3 and 5.


Mufasa is murdered by his uncle who blames it in mufasas son, just enjoy it or don’t watch


My 5 year old and two year old love it. I think it’s a great movie to show kids it’s okay to be who you are, and still be loved no matter what.

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I haven’t seen it yet but was told shes disrespectful towards here mother

We absolutely love this movie!

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I didn’t dislike it but if I did I just wouldn’t watch and recommend and move on with my life :joy: people are so extra making long as post and videos :clown_face:

It’s about hitting puberty and being slutty.

It’s great, my girls love it!

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Some things I’ve heard are because of the period scene and because they think the girls (who are about 13) in the movie are “overly sexualizing” and obsessing over the boys the crush on, honestly I think it was a very accurate depiction of 13 year old girls


My almost 7 year old loved it… I watched it with her it’s cute! People are too sensitive


Plus the panda eyes is a secret thing in the oedo community

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It’s a great movie! My three yea roof loves it.

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Just watch it yourself and decide if you want to let him watch it or not. We really enjoyed but my 2yr old didnt understand it much. She liked the music and big panda.

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It is a great movie. I was raised Pentecostal and I loved it. I don’t understand people these days.


I had zero problem with it. My girl loves it :woman_shrugging:. Periods, rebellion against parents at 13, liking boys, etc… is all normal things kids do as they grow into their own little human… so I don’t have any issue with it and we watch it


They don’t like that there’s teenagers doing teenager things that they don’t think their teen will or does ever do :joy:


It is literally one of the cutest movies. I thoroughly enjoyed it. But a 4 month old won’t know what’s going on anyways :sweat_smile:… send it

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It’s because it’s about a females menstrual cycle and people can’t handle the truth or way of LIFE and being educated


My 3 year old nephew watches it. Loves it. And doesn’t have a clue about what’s even happening. All he knows is there’s a big red panda and he loves it.

A 4 month old baby ain’t going to remember a movie :joy::joy:


It’s because people like to nit pick and sook at everything nowadays lmfao
I love it, so do my kids. It’s a great movie!

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I’m not! Loved the movie and people love fake outrage!

I haven’t seen it but I heard there are mentions hints for menstruation :drop_of_blood: hence the color red ?? Not sure

It’s about a girl getting her period. Her period is her turning into the panda. Her and her friends go around school selling photos of her panda and if your an adult who thinks about it its sounds like she is selling her vag. That’s the problem.

To each their own.


My son 12 and grandson 5, both watched it. I dont see what the issue is.

My 2, 4, and 7 year old liked it. Went right over their heads. Ppl r too we sensitive these days

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It’s a awesome movie my 5 & 6 yr old love it! And my 2 year old who will never sit and watch tv will watch all that movie

I would watch it and review for yourself. Half the time your views are different from others. My personal view it was ok. Thought maybe the storyline could have been a tad bit better but apart from that was a good movie.

I feel like 99% of those folks haven’t even seen the movie and blindly hate it based on their one friend’s fifth cousin’s dog’s neighbor’s dentist who said it depicts children being sexualized and teaches kids to disobey their parents. However, I believe that if 100% of those folks actually were to watch it 99.99999999999% of them would realize that it’s actually a very wonderful and realistic view of what it’s like for girls starting adolescents and gives amazing coping skills for when your hormones bring on mood swings and also a beautiful lesson for parents on how to deal with their children going through this time in a loving and accepting way.