Nah I never buy the full amount of stationary. And if by chance I do. I keep most of it at home and my daughter let’s me know what she’s low on. Than I stock up on what she needs and she takes it the next day.
You will be surprised how much the kids actually use and how much teachers come out of their own pocket for their classrooms.
Just give what you can
Don’t know how old you are, but I’m 32 and I remember that it was that way when I was a child - they (the school/teacher(s) ask for multiple of reasons… such as: if the child comes into class without a pen, glue stick, etc then the teacher can provide from the class stock. In some cases, some teachers will take what the child has brought in and mark that those things are theirs and theirs only so when they need an item, the teacher will grab it from that students personal stock. The teachers can only provide and do but so much, and truthfully, I think it’s only fair. There are some teachers that go out of their way and buy out of their own pocket (which they are not entitled to but do out of the goodness of their hearts) to buy for students that they know their family cannot afford as simple as a backpack for their child. You are not just helping your child but also helping the children that are worse off or did something as simple as forget a supply. It makes a whole lot of sense to me.
It’s not a demand, they are letting all know what they need. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t say you need to send this as extra. They have x amount of kids in class so that’s how much they need in total. This is nothing new teachers always ask parents to help out with child’s classroom supplies, teachers pay out of their pockets for them
They need that many supplies to get through the year. I’m sure if you spoke to the teacher perhaps you could split it up and supply them with a certain amount every month to make it more affordable?
Because we don’t make any money, and our schools don’t provide it. We have to use our OWN money for supplies, that’s why! I have 90 students a day, how many children do you have??
I am in Scotland , everything is supplied by the schools . We buy uniform and pencil case maybe add a rubber , ruler sharpener and few pencils but the school supplies all of that
I think the issue is the government not funding the schools with enough financial support. Thats were the change needs to happen. Like here we have the president sending billions of dollars to the war with Ukraine mean while things are getting crazy here with inflation. Unfortunately the educational system is were fundings are always cut first. That needs to change. My kids don’t really have field trips anymore like i used to have growing up😭.
Just give what you can. No need to complain. The teachers dont get paid enough to deal with the kids and they are teaching them and taking care of them for 8 hours a day. I give my child’s teacher whatever she/he wants plus extra so other less fortunate kids have what they need as well. If we don’t provide it the teachers have to pay out of their own pockets and their pay is already pretty crap as it is. The kids go throughout supplies like crazy too. If the teacher is asking for it, they really need it.
Buy one pencil and one glue stick for your child and see how long that lasts.
I dont know what age your kid is… But i promise you. My kids can mob thru 24 glue sticks in one project
Also. The school gives out all supplies necessary if you cant afford it… Just gonna throw that out there
Bc teachers don’t get paid crap, and any supplies the kids need that we don’t provide the teacher will end up providing.
Is this high or primary. I’ve never in last 20 years been asked to provide 24 glue sticks etc at once. Kids have kit list start term. We buy whats needed thro year to top up stuff. I work on school pta, we raise money to provide these items if school asks via fundraising etc.
We don’t do stuff like that in the UK buy if we did, why not just buy 1 of each and then replace it when it needs replacing? That would be much simpler
Give what you can through out the year. Every little bit helps.
Is this an American thing? We dont do this in Australia?
In Arkansas. My hometown is not requiring the students to provide School supplies. I was very happy to hear that the school districts are now going to provide most of them .they simplified a list of items and it’s Very small . Kudos to the schools for stepping up.
Since when don’t school get funding for school supplies?
The principle allocates where the money goes.
Shop ahead at all the sales.
Find deals on them? Some kids can’t afford school supplies.
I’m guessing you’re not in the uk? In high school the kids have a list of bits they need for themselves but we don’t have to provide the schools. It’s shocking the governments won’t ensure the schools can deliver the basics with the tools they need.
Complains because teachers ask for more supplies than just thier child. Also complains because the teacher isn’t paid enough/the school isn’t funded enough to do enriching learning projects because they don’t have enough supplies.
If you can’t afford to buy 24 that’s fine they understand but if you can and it’s to help the next generation do better and learn more things why not? I for one want to make sure my kids and their friends are taken care of because teachers do so much and not appreciated enough.
It’s been like that since I was a student in elementary school in 2000. You just contribute what you can. My dad did pencils and tissue box’s. Teachers have to supply A LOT of their own stuff. The rooms you see all decorated and full of supplies usually come out of their pocket.
The parents who CAN contribute everything do, so that students of the parents who CAN’T donate can still have what they need. If you can’t donate but so much, it’s OK. It’s a wish list they can’t enforce, but teachers shouldn’t have to buy for several entire classes out of pocket. Every little bit helps, though why we don’t adequately fund schools to cover classroom supplies I don’t know.
It is crazy I just send the supplies…sometimes the extras come back home…other times they dont.But long as my kid gets to use what I sent.I send extras fir others when I can.
That’s crazy why do you need to buy so much?
Wow… That is insane. I would not do it. Sounds like you are providing for everyone. My kids are homeschooled now, but when they did go to school I would put their names of the stuff I bought for them.
Ma’am that’s not for the whole class. That’s for your kid. And that’s for the whole school year. So 10 months 100 pencils. That’s 10 pencils a month. 10. In which your sweet angel will lose, break, throw, and hopefully actually write with. Why so much glue. Because your sweet baby will leave the cap off and it will dry out. Many get lost. A few will be eaten Don’t ask NO one knows why but it happens. Colors same story. They get broken, thrown, lost, used down to a nub. Most teachers will tell you, by the last nine weeks they have to buy more colors, pencils and glue out of their own pocket.
Teachers don’t get ANY funding for this stuff. They get funding for classroom supplies they need like tape, staples, pens, stickers, posters, laminate paper, all the stuff in the sensory tubs.
90% of what you see in a classroom from fun reading corners with bean bags to the books your child practices reading with came out of the teachers pocket. Go down the office supply section of Walmart and start adding it up. Tape, tape dispenser, staples, stapler, 3 hole punch, laminate machine, even the pencil sharpener.
Every classroom has all this BECAUSE A TEACHER BOUGHT IT!!!
Now go say Thank you and send extra. Chocolates and flair pens are always welcomed treats.
Our school district allows teachers each year for their classroom. This coming school year, they each get $118 to buy supplies for 20ish kids FOR THE YEAR. Want to know where the rest of the money comes from?? Their paychecks. Sure, it isn’t your responsibility, and if you can’t afford it, talk to the teacher. But quite frankly, those kids deserve what they need to succeed. And a better attitude from you about it. Do what you can. I’m a single mom, I get it, I really do. They’re kids. Do better my friend.
Our public school district charges $20 fee per student and they supply everything
Just provide what you can. A lot of teachers don’t have the budget to provide supplies for kids. Schools alot teachers a yearly budget for things like paper, notebooks, pencils, arts and crafts supplies, etc. Some schools get a few hundred per teacher some at little as $10, per year. Not per student. I highly suggest listening to Teachers Off Duty podcast/videos. While they do light hearted stuff, they talk alot about the issues in the American School system.
Just buy what you can afford
Smh 24 glue sticks? Ok girl.
Lots of the communities around here have churches and such that will do a back pack giveaway that is full of supplies. Keep an eye out for things like that to help.
I’am making over $145 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 19722 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless
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Because a lot of people can’t afford it. It comes out of their pocket if they run out of things, but I can agree it isn’t a fair system. I’ve been in positions where I certainly couldn’t afford the entire list, but I do what I can to help. I’ve also never had them ask me for 24 glue sticks or 100 pencils lmao I buy what I can in bulk and send in the excess. The teachers always appreciate it and truly they understand if you can’t afford the whole list. They can’t either lol the last couple years the schools have actually provided my kids supplies and the teachers didn’t ask for anything but have wishlists posted in our parent/teacher app we can buy from, but I’ve been there. It’s a whole lot some yrs, it would be much better if the schools were able to simply have what they need to teach/do their job.
Because our government sucks even though our tax dollar supposedly go to pay for all of it.
If you truly can’t afford the supplies, let the school know, and they may be able to tell you who could help with that. Most communities have school supply drives and people contribute those supplies so they can be provided to those who wouldn’t have them otherwise. You could check things like NextDoor and search for community groups on FB such as for your town, subdivision, etc and ask for help there. Otherwise, shop the sales to get those items. Does your state or town have a tax free shopping weekend for back to school shopping? Most stores run good sales at that time too. And then next year, you can start buying those items a little bit at a time, assuming your child is going to start kindergarten - may be a few differences for a first graders supply list, but not many.
I would talk with your school and let them know you can’t afford that. I honestly get everything I can at the dollar store first .
The school were currently going to charges $50/semester I believe. And all we have to provide is backpack/lunch bag (and the accessories that go with), indoor shoes, and make sure they have proper outside wear and an extra outfit (as we’re in kindergarten moving to grade 1)
That money goes to salaries and other issues from a lot that I have been reading
Are you serious!!! Because your child needs school supplies. Glue sticks are currently on sale at office max and target for 10 cents. You’d be surprised to see how careless elementary school kids are with they stuff
Just buy it. The teachers use much more of their money to provide for our kids in the classroom every year than alot of us realize. We can at least provide some pencils and paper without throwing a fit.
Thats a bit extream
Making parents
Pay for that many school supplies
Simply say you can’t afford that much
And you won’t contribute to the class room needs
If you love your kids and can find a way, get them out of government schools.
Home school or private school
The best investment you can make for them is in their education.
You always have the option of home schooling…
If you can’t afford it, deff talk to someone and see how they can help, but in the grand scheme of things, the school supplies are a small price to pay for your child to have a fun and exciting learning opportunity. I have 2 kiddos, only one of which is in school right now, but what I do is look for deals online (amazon) and in store (dollar tree and Walmart) towards the end of the school year and there is usually always clearance on school supplies. You may have to get a few odds and ends when your supply list comes in, but the basics you can get on clearance or in bulk when you have the extra money. I just bought a box of 100, 2 pocket folders for $13 last week on the Walmart app, last year I spent $8 and $10 on boxes of Elmer’s white glue and the glue sticks, $8 a box of pre sharpened colored pencils. My local Walmart has one subject note books for 35 cents right now too. Walmart also has a sale going on for markers, crayons and colored pencils (normally $3.97-$4.97) for 50 cents to $2 each. I bought a few of each (around what I would buy full price for them) and did this last summer and into this year and now have a stock pile of school supplies that should easily last my kiddo 2 school years. And of course dollar tree has most everything you would be looking for as well.
Probably because they are sick of buying everything themselves & then being treated like shit by the kids and their parents. Remember during the pandemic when parents had to teach their own kids & what a shit show that was? How soon we forget to appreciate our teachers!!
You don’t. But def be glad for the people who do, I haven’t been able to provide before and my daughter was given free supplies from the teach because of all the stuff other parents were able to provide.
I would just buy what you can - if you can only by 1 glue stick or one box of pencils - and then let the teacher know to send a note home if your child runs out. As a preschool TA - it is amazing how fast they go through glue!! Mostly for my class at 4 years old - they waste a lot of glue & they spend time learning how much they actually need to use on projects.
I’m a cashier, i make less than a teacher so I buy just enough for mine. I do sometimes, provide snacks, etc bc the other kids just watch. Bless the teachers that make sure all kids have 1. But I can’t buy supplies for everyone. I have 6, all about to be in elementary school. I do what I can for mine. They have all supplies plus extra stuff. I definitely buy at the dollar tree and Walmart (they have sells). If I could I would.
I buy extra and save for the next school year makes it easy so that I don’t have so buy extra one year if I can’t afford too or I can send extra to school with my kid to give to another child who can’t afford it
We are only suppose to provide for our own kids, then the teachers ask for donations for the class
I would never, just send what you can these things end up broken lost or stolen, and nothing wrong with public schooling, I have 2 nieces who are Charted accountant/internal auditors they don3 perfectly fine through public schools and universities, private is a waste of money u do not have
I am a teacher aide for 1st grade and have never heard a school requiring 100 pencils. I would love to see the school supply list. And you aren’t supplying for the whole class. Each child is given the same list. I bought 48 sticks of glue last year and after the children used theirs up or lost them or forgot to put the lids back on…. The teachers supplied them. You have the option to keep your child home and teach them
Teachers ask for so many school supplies bc during this school year you will forget to replace or run out of something, just like every other parent does, and the teacher doesn’t want any kid to feel left out bc of their parents shortcomings.
We’ve not had to get school supplies last couple years , our county supplies them for the students …They can get quite expensive.
I buy One of each for my kids and if my children need more then I get it last thing I’m guna do is send them with10 glue sticks for everyone else’s kids fcuk no
If you can’t buy the listed amount, buy enough for your child to get by for awhile and call it a day. You can talk to the teacher and let her know the situation. I guarantee they will be understanding. People are asked to buy extra so nobody has to be without. So this year you can benefit from the extra items and maybe next year you can send in a box of 100 glue sticks. It’s going to be okay. Do what you can.
They do it for the parents like you who can’t afford stuff. If your child happens to be one of the kids who doesn’t have money for pencils or folders then they would use some of the extra ones forbyour child. That’s why they ask. And people like me and many others don’t mind to buy the extra because we would rather there be enough for every kid…
I totally agree! With all the States with lottery, and supposed to go to the schools, why should we supply such materials? I pay more for school tax then I do for property taxes! It’s ridiculous!
I always buy every item but the quantity I buy what i think the need. I do not buy the crazy amount they ask for. Then I just tell my kids to let me know if they get low on something though out the year and I replace it
Our teachers ask for only so much hopefully to get through school year 18-24 pencils for us so many glue sticks for our own kid and whatever else needed. And also possibly asks each kid bring in boxes of tissues ,wipes, hand sanitizer to get through the year.
Teachers ask for all those extra items and then requires the children to turn them in, because the teacher pools all the supplies and passes them out among the children in the class and share with other teachers
I Get Paid 0ver $ 107 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13958 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The p0ssibility with this is limitles
Most teachers buy their own schools supplies out of their own money. And on top of that if they have kids of their own, they have to buy their school supplies as well.
I was a sub last year and am a teacher aide this year… we need them because they get used… one glue stick is not gonna last to e entire year…
These kids do a lot of gluing!!
They dry out and then need a new one.
I understand after being in the classroom and seeing first hand why they need what they need…
So if your teacher asks for 10 glue sticks… send them!!!
I buy my child standard supplies and that’s all. I don’t send extra anymore.
I buy what I can afford. We keep extra supplies at the house usually. I can’t afford to buy for the whole class. I don’t mind pitching in though.
I know for my son’s school he brings in a shoe box sized container and his supplies go in there. It stays in his cubby so when he needs more it’s there for the year and what he doesn’t use always comes home end of year and I just use it towards next year’s supplies.
If you can’t don’t. They don’t use 80% of what they have us purchase. It’s so wasteful.
Just get what you think is reasonable. They ask for so much because there are those who don’t buy any! All the schools around us, except for our school has bought the school supplies this year. Just get what you can get and don’t stress over it at all!!! Time are hard these districts need to realize that.
Funny, if the insurance ask for $$$$ you pay, if the car repair ask for $$$$ you pay. if the hosp. Ask for $$$$$ you pay. If the tax ask for $$$$$ you pay. Doesn’t matter the price of the gas $$$$$ you pay. Some $$ in school supplies you scream and kick.
I buy extra for all my children…Teachers should not have to use their own pay to help aid the class supplies my child goes to everyday… teachers don’t get enough credit. Also some children show up to school without breakfast, love at home and a nurturing parent. So the little extras help those children who’s parents don’t give have or even care to get them supplies.
Buy what you can and try to buy extra when you can… my kids teachers have even asked for snacks for the class which I love cause some children may not even get dinner when they go home
I only get supplies on my sons list but its only for him. His first year in kindergarten, i didn’t get any of them back after than year. In the start of first grade, i got his box back from kindergarten but no scissors or any of the supplies. I managed to get them back after first grade but mostly teachers throw them away if they aren’t reusable. I luckily have extra suplies from first grade so my supply list for school buying is cheaper.
In a teachers defense they try to keep extra supplies when they run out of their own.
I’m on disability and can’t afford crap. But when it comes to my grandson if he needs anything for school or the teacher ask for help for supplies I’ll try my best to help his parents get what he needs for school.
There are so many children and families out there who can’t afford to buy school supplies so, if you can buy anything extra do so. If not then don’t . But don’t knock the teacher because she don’t get paid what it’s worth to give kids an education and is stuck doing what the school board and state tells her to do.
Because they use that amount throughout the year. Go to the dollar store and be done with it. Hello prove for those teaching your children.
You do realize your child will be using all those supplies you bring in, right? You child most def will go through 25 glue sticks. Teachers have activities planned for the whole day, and lots of projects. Trust me, they will use them all.
Buy and send what you can afford. But the children 100% use them.
Teachers have to provide for students who show up unprepared. That means they request supplies from the parents at the beginning of the year and then they pay out of pocket for the students throughout the rest of the year. Y’all can’t expect them to be able to pay for your children to attend class and participate as required. Teachers do their best, maybe try placing yourselves in their shoes. Get pissed at the lack of govt funding in schools, not the teachers
Because little Johnny will probably eat, lose, or break them. That’s why.
Because teachers make no money to buy the items and some children go without because their parents simply can’t afford any school supplies. If you can’t afford to buy things there’s plenty of school supply drives you can go to and apply for free supplies. I always buy extra because I know what it’s like to go without and I don’t want any other children feeling left out.
Working in a school
For over 20years they do
use all that is asked for. Shop smart if they run out of say glue sticks you can always get more. Also bring the financial secretary at my middle school all teachers are asked for the classroom supplies they need. We provide pencils, paper, pens and the list goes on and on. Do not feel
Obligated to buy excess
Because the teacher can’t afford it either and everything can’t be bought with faculty senate money
Look at your school. Look at the way they care for their teachers an look at what they deem as a necessity for them to provide your teachers an children. That will give you your answers. The funding they get doesn’t go to supplying classrooms it goes towards new gymnasiums, football fields, baseball fields, other school renovations, text books, food, bathroom supplies, paychecks( barely). All schools ask bc 99% of what’s in your kids classroom is out of your teachers personal pocket. So when it comes to pencils, crayons, paint, paint brushes, tissues, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes , first aid kits, ect. Yeah they ask for you to help provide what you can bc the teachers can’t afford it all an they shouldn’t have to buy bc of how funds are dispersed there isn’t enough to tackle all needs so the smaller things are left for the teachers to provide an you the parent. Public Schools get the short end of the stick.
Because school budgets have to choose staff or supplies. Locally a board had to either buy the supplies and fire 4 people or keep the 4 teachers n ask parents to get supplies.
Why not collect a fee at the beginning of school then the teachers can purchase a supply so that everything the kids get is the same
I’am making over $150 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 19631 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless
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Um because schools aren’t fully funded and teachers can’t afford the supplies either… It sucks, but that’s why
My child’s teacher takes him all day and teaches him, so I don’t have to, so I can go to work and make money to pay bills. Remember 2020 when we were all at home being teachers? Loosing our minds. Remember that? That teacher can ask for an area rug and I’ll get it for her/him. Whatever you need, I do for you Seriously though, if you are struggling your county should be conducting school supply drives to help those in need.
It’s so all the kids in the class have everything they need .
My 5th and 6th graders school list for this coming school year
I’ve struggled a lot over the years and some years they have just gotten what I could afford. I usually don’t buy the expensive brands that they want because I don’t agree with that. I go to the dollar tree and buy the cheap brands and usually don’t buy everything like the Kleenex’s and ziploc bags and stuff unless I can get them there. I send a note or leave my number for the teacher and tell her i couldn’t afford those things right now but if it comes up that they run out then let me know and I will go buy them when needed. It’s easier to get the main things for the very beginning then buy the extra later when I have some extra money. As they get older it gets easier because they need less things.
I spend a lot more homeschooling my one kid, I’ll tell ya that. Dollar store is cheap. You can find bulk online at like oriental trading too.
1 kid can easily use/break/lose 100 pencils in a year.
When I was in grade school in the 60’s we had to furnish all of our school supplies and buy our textbooks.
Parents can watch for back to school sales and buy enough to last all year.
If you can’t support a kid and its needs you shouldn’t have one…
Maybe you should stop complaining like you are the only one who is buying that much for the class. Go to the dollar store…its not that big of a deal! Do you realize how much one kid goes through a year?