Why does my boyfriend keep accusing me of cheating?

If there’s truly nothing to suggest you are then he’s either having issues where hes becoming insecure/paranoid or possibly controlling. Or he really is cheating and projecting it back onto you. If he can’t give serious and solid reasons for how he’s behaving and doesn’t start to sort it out then yous would be best having some space otherwise it’ll just become toxic

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l get paid over $167 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18410 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info. https://amazingincome796.pages.dev/

Guilty dog always barks first. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Sounds like he has some serious anxiety issues to me. Try reassuring him.
Hopefully he’s not having an affair

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Sounds like he is gaslighting you. Maybe narcissistic tendencies.


l get paid over $167 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18410 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info. https://amazingincome824.pages.dev/

That’s when you say, “No, I don’t need you. I’m a big girl. You’re only here because I want you here. Stop your shit before I change my mind.”

Sounds like a control freak

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He’s afraid of losing you, maybe he’s starting to see how much you mean to him. Extra afraid for some reason?

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Devils advocate here, I’ve been known to accuse my partner of cheating simply because I’m so deeply insecure I would rather assume it’s happening then be caught off guard by it, now that’s not to say I haven’t cheated in the past but not in this relationship, however I still do the same thing, not just out of the blue though, on occasion but consistently throughout the now 4 year relationship

Anyone who does this is either the cheater (know for a fact because it recently happened to myself not to mention happened before too) he could be a narcissist, I call those things being said as gas lighting.


Sounds like he has a lot of self esteem problems, that only he can resolve!

Hmm he’s insecure and toxic sounding. Is this brand new or really has this been his whole deal the last decade? He should probably be shown the door. Also, if they didn’t marry you and it’s been 10 years, you’ve been a placeholder.

Changing car light and he say you don’t need him I’d be say of course I do who else am I going to boss around :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Uh that’s controlling, gaslighting and narcissistic. Red flags everywhere. Run


This is my husband of 11 yrs. He is so insecure of my male co workers. He used to constantly accuse me of cheating to the point it almost ended our marriage. He still makes “jokes” when he’s feeling insecure

He’s the one that’s cheating. Wake up girl. He’s a narcissist.


He is cheating on you thats why he is doing that.

If you can account for his every move and know he’s not cheating then there are other things going on here. He could have a lot of built up anxiety, OR he could have some narcissistic tendencies that you should watch out for. You could try asking him what makes you say or think that?

It sounds like he has an insecurity issue; maybe some anxiety

My ex was like this. I 100% KNOW he wasn’t cheating he was/is severely insecure. He would ask me every single day and i kept saying are you just waiting for me to say yes? They want you to constantly make them feel validated and it’s exhausting. It’s too much. I’d leave the relationship if he doesn’t stop.

He’s cheating leave before it gets worse

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Yeah that’s a red flag that he’s the one cheating

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Insecurity- but this is a form of mental abuse.

Hes cheating on you it’s usually the one thats doing the accusing is the one thats actually cheating he’s trying to turn his guilt on to you

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Sounds like mental abuse/narsasitic behaviour and usually the accuser is the one doing the naughty,take it from someone who’s lived it it’s not gonna get any better


Maybe he’s just a b****


Don’t worry about the past 10 years, just don’t waste the next 10 on this bozo.

Been there done that hes the one probably lying to u id get out of that relationship or tell him u will leave if he doesn’t stop the accusations and just be by urself for a bit

He sounds immature and insecure.

If he isn’t cheating then he may be extremely insecure and he doesn’t know how to maturely tell you what he needs. Maybe ask him to do stupid stuff for you that you are 100% capable of doing yourself.

Very insecure or he is cheating

A person will do to you what you allow… what evidence do you have that he is not cheating??? The insecurities are definitely a red flag…

Red flag! It will get worse, especially if you get married. Trust is huge in a relationship and you’re not responsible for his insecurities

Those who is the accuser are normally the ones that are cheating.


he’s the one cheating. he’s projecting.

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So like my ex of 10 years that I just got rid of I messed up married him and when my son was 8 months old he started saying I was cheating, lying and calling me names.he did a 360 on the day we marry. I got rid of him 6/18/2020 but the 6 before that where hell if I watched tv ,go to work or talk on the phone had to be on speaker or I was cheating. He was a narcissist/mental health/ very insecurity and the day I got rid of him the heaviness I was feeling left I Peace I my life


My daughter had a boyfriend like this. He was so insecure. After a year she couldn’t take it anymore and left him.

Bc he is cheating… so he thinks everyone does. Run from this man child


He’s insecure keep doing things yourself you don’t need no one.

100% insecure if you know for a fact he isnt cheating himself.

Run ! Block ! And don’t look back !

I have agree with you Lori Ann plus the month he was born lol :laughing:

The one accusing is usually the one cheating


Move on sweetie, long overdue!

Sounds like you need a new boyfriend.

Yup he is either cheating or very insecure I had a similar situation with my husband not to long ago he would continuously accuse me of cheating when he was the one that was talking to other girls behind my back the guilt finally got to him and he came clean one night when drinking when I mentioned divorce he realized what he was about to lose I gave him two choices keep talking to girls and become single or work it out needless to say he chose to workout with the simple fact that he no longer had trust from me until I felt I can trust him again now he is doing his best to gain my trust again.

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Leave him if he is still your boyfriend after 10 years bye.

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100% insecure… He’s doing wrong and you probably don’t see it !!

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Wow! Walk away and don’t look back. Because truly you don’t need him

Had this happen to me years ago. He kept accusing me of cheating until his friend informed me that he was the one cheating on me and drove me by the new gals home in which believe it or not MY car was sitting in her driveway so yeah he was in there lol. The friend dropped me off on the corner, I walked up to her house and knocked on the door. I’m guessing they looked out the door first before opening g it because her sister answered and I quietly asked if he was there. He came to the door, I demanded my car keys, the new girlfriend didn’t even come out of the bedroom where she was hiding. I took my keys and told the sister…tell your sister where she can come and pick up his belongings because he’s not welcome back in my house so he’s your house guest now. He moved in, they married and low and behold…he cheated again on HER and fathered two children outside his marriage to her. Idiot still stayed with him. Walk away now my friend while you can. It’ll save you a lot of useless heartache. You deserve better.


He’s insecure and he might be the one cheating… keep your eyes open

Cuz he’s cheating or needs therapy

Lol insecure or cheating

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Sounds like a boy… one who hadn’t grown up yet.

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he’s insucure and if he’s not cheating he is thinking about it!


Maybe he cheated and it’s the guilt. But my concern is that this seems toxic and abusive controlling behavior. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: RUN


Because you allow it…if it bothers you, do something about it. You can only change yourself.

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One who accuses is one who’s cheating :woman_shrugging:


Somebody is insecure… and needy. Time for counseling… or a serious sit down conversation as to WHY he is so insecure ??? Maybe he’s going through issues ???

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My ex was all the time accusing me of cheating, turns out he was the one cheating. So of he’s not cheating, he’s very insecure


Why are you still with this insecure a&&hole?


Trust me we never think they are cheating. But take it from someone who found 3 different conversations with explicit pictures after being married almost 27yrs. So I almost bet he’s cheating


I had one husband like that. Get him out or you . If I didn’t in time I was cheating.

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Cause you’ve either cheated in the past, he’s insecure or he’s cheating. Good luck.


He’s prolly cheating


Because he’s cheating


He is cheating I bet ya


The answer is…" no, I don’t need you anymore "


Probably not feeling good about himself low self esteem. Ask him why he thinks your cheating


Seriously? Like is this a serious question?

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I went through this and he turned out to be a full blown phyco narcissist to the T. Ended horribly. Best of luck.


Well damn u might as well hell the way he’s carrying on

Lol “an no he’s not cheating” said the poor person being wildly cheated on

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Sounds like it’s his easy way out of your relationship


My husband used to make “jokes” about me cheating. I told him over and over I didn’t like it, but it was just a joke to him so he didn’t see the harm. One time I got pissed, told him off very loudly, told him it was hurting me that he even joked about me like that, and it hasn’t happened since

Sounds like a narcissist

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Sounds insecure and controlling.


Leave him alone…after all he’s a guy!!

Just syart telling him yes every time he asks.

My ex cheated on me with his ex fiance through emails and photos for four years before I ever found out. He accused me of cheating the whole time, and he was very insecure. Not that I’m saying to go dig through his email, but there are always ways of communication that you might not be aware of.

I’d say he’s looking for a way out!


Queen, run. He’s insecure, wants you to be extra co-dependent, and I’ve seen too many times where they’re just projecting their own guilt on to you. Maybe he’s not actually cheating, but it’s more than likely that he’s thinking about it, then feeling guilty, then getting paranoid because in his mind, if HE’S having these thoughts, what if you are too??

People have asked me if I need them before, and my honest answer is: I am here because I want to be, not because I need to be. I’m not with you because have to be, I’m here because chose to be with someone I care for. Healthy relationships are ones where either person could walk away if they chose, but stay of their own free will, and both sides fully embrace that reality.

And queen, if you tell him that, politely, empathetically, and he’s upset or offended by the idea that you don’t NEED him, then he’s not mature enough to be a good partner. Full Hard Stop.


Or he is the one who cheated and is accusing u my ex did the same

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His a controlling narcissist, it couldn’t be more clear to other people looking in, if it were written on his forehead.


He is cheating… My husband accused me of cheating, meanwhile he was cheating online and

Hes looking for an out

I’d say you don’t need him.

He’s looking for a way out or cheating (even if it’s not physical, in my opinion all cheating is cheating, especially emotionally). But please get out leave do whatever you have to do, the verbal abuse will only get worse and it might not start there.

It’s easier for us to spot the narcissist, we’re not in it. But don’t waste more of the only time you’ve got on this person. If they’re capable of change you being with them isn’t going to make it happen, 100% needs to be done on his own without you. I hope you realize your worth soon and realize you don’t deserve to be treated that way! :heartpulse: