Why does my boyfriend keep accusing me of cheating?

Do you still make him feel wanted and needed?


Guilty dog barks the loudest


Ewww …he is boyfriend … dump him…


Speaking from personal experience when I was accused of cheating and my ex got sus on me and started saying crazy stuff. I went through his phone and he was cheating on me for a couple months, I wouldn’t be 100% that’s he’s not guilty accusing you.


Usually those cheating or about to accuse first. I say usually but not always. Maybe try a discussion about why he thinks you are cheating.


He’s really feeling insecure about something!


She said hes not cheating :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I was too every argument was go suck that dick… well I left. And honestly who knows what’s going on who cares. But it got to point I was being accused daily for no reason when I was home all day.

He’s looking for a way out. Get out of that


Tell him to knock it off or you will leave. If he does not eo et k on it LEAVE.

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He’s insecure af and gaslighting you. He’s probably 100% cheating. Cheaters tend to accuse their SO of cheating.


Does he have control issues? Gaslighting and manipulation are toxic. I suggest counseling


Because he must likey is and try to throw you off so you won’t find out that happen to twice I’m no longer with them


He’s not cheating?! :rofl::rofl::rofl: BOYFRIEND of 10 YEARS isn’t cheating?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: Oh, honey… please leave this man child! He has wasted enough of your time, don’t you think? He’s delusional for accusing you, and you are just as delusional if you think he isn’t cheating. He needs to grow up and you need to move on. Best of luck!


Speaking from experience, he’s cheating. My husband and I just separated in March. He accused me of cheating every day. Come to find out, he’s been cheating for over 5 years of our marriage that I know of now. It may be longer. I’m in the process of filing divorce.


Cheaters always accuse first


He wants you to leave because he is to chicken to do it

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Sounds like something changed in his life that made him insecure or suspect. Especially with the comment he made. Ya’ll need to have a real sit down and talk. And I would honestly tell him to stop saying that ish or I’m done. Because that’s sus and it’s disrespectful IMO.

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Because he is an insecure little boy, and most people that accuse other of something they are not doing all the time is because they are actually doing it and they are paranoid about karma and he is a gaslighter


Well considering at my ex job, the security guard was hooking up with the line workers. Keep thinking he is not the doer​:joy:. Or work with your husband and everything is perfect. But here the girl that keeps giving him attention is the one messing with him :rofl: so please keep telling my yourself he’s not cheating

How do you know he’s not cheating?
Sounds like projection to me.


Hes cheating been there done that hes projecting.


You may not see the evidence, but he’s cheating. Maybe not every day, but he’s screwing someone else and is blaming you because that puts the focus on you. How do I know? I’ve done it, and it works. The only other possible explanation is that he’s insecure about everything. You don’t want to be his mother, right? Unless you’re comfortable staying in that role, the one he goes to for constant approvable but never believing you, you need to get out now. My recommendation? End it now, and do it fast. Otherwise you’re going to wind up as a statistic, and possibly just another notation on a police blotter.


How do u know he’s not cheating? Ppl accuse other ppl of what they’re doing

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Covering his tracks.

Projecting. He’s cheating and has a guilty conscience and is blaming you in order to distract you from what he’s actually doing


Ew what insecure behavior. You can’t do things by yourself?! What are you, 5? I’d be telling him if he doesn’t stop the gaslighting & the manipulation he will be finding himself a new girlfriend. I would NOT put up with that, there is more MEN out there that will treat you with the respect you deserve.

Honestly, my ex cheated a lot, and was always acusing me of cheating. Cheaters assume that if they’ll do it, you will, too. And if you don’t know about their cheating, maybe they don’t know about yours.

My ex was very controlling and manipulative, too. Always gaslighting me and trying to turn all of his shit around onto me. I remember when I was getting to point of being sick of his bullshit, he accused me of cheating again, and I told him he was being ridiculous.

He said, “I’m just so worried that some other guy is gonna come along and treat you better than I do, and you’ll leave me for him.”

So I said, “Maybe you should spend less time worrying about whether or not some other guy will treat me better, and more time worrying about the fact that you’re leaving so much room for someone else to treat me better.”

If he’s leaving room for someone else to treat you better, it probably means you deserve someone better. :v:

The one who is accusing is the one who is a doing. He most likely is cheating and hiding it . He may not behaving sexual relationships with women but he can still cheat using his phone


He may not be cheating but that is red flag and controlling behavior. It doesn’t usually get better

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He is projecting…. So most likely he is.


Who cares. Get rid of him.

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Just give that man some extra attention… Really! He’ll be fine


Look it up, I almost guarantee he has BPD or he is cheating or both.


I mean, were you his first/only girlfriend? If not, maybe he went through an experience so traumatic to him that it made him fear that it will forever be done to him. Or maybe he’s so insecure that he believes anyone is better than him.

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Narcissist and cheating


Girl i know everyone has said it but this is a clear sign hes cheating and very uncomfortable.about it. Ive been here and trust me just ask ohh well can i see your phone then, and dont just look through things, just look at his recent app usuage. Keep a silent face as you see things you didnt want to, throw it all in a bank of your mind hand back his phone and said okay thank you, acting like you didnt find anything. Then go to your best lady that you can tell anything to amd stew on it. Nine times outta ten if shes close to you shewill give you real advice


Yeah sorry for this buttttt, he IS in fact cheating! :woman_shrugging:

And no he’s not cheating? He is definitely projecting. But clearly you think there is no other reason and convinced yourself he’s not already.


He feels he isn’t good enough for you and is scared you will cheat on him. He wants to be needed, once he doesn’t feel needed he will be obsolete


In my experience, if they are accusing, it’s because they are doing it themselves.


He’s not going to change, either. It’ll just get worse.


The one that accusing is doing the cheating


Controlling or cheating- either way end it now


Usually the cheater is the one cheating .

Insecure, not trusting, cheating, or controlling…
Or, all of these.


Girl I’ll say I’ve been with my man for 12 years married 1 year with 4 kids and mine has never said anything about me saying or doing anything or doing any work around the house or vehicle without him jumping up and automatically doing it, if he is complaining about it then there is something up

Insecure!!! He feels like you can find someone better than him. You changing the lightbulb got him feeling less like the man in the relationship because you didn’t let him do it. Definitely insecure…… Does he get upset when you hang out with friends or family?


Sorry, but he’s prob cheating. Sounds like he’s gas lighting you as well.


I’ve always learned if they are accusing you of doing something that means they are the one doing it


Find someone else. He ain’t for you.

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This is projection… he’s thinking that you are doing the things that he’s probably doing… :thinking:


Told previous partner “keep giving me the name and I’ll have the game!”

I honestly don’t understand why these posts are made.
You knew before you wrote this that something was up otherwise you wouldn’t of written in.

The only position you’re in is to decide whether or not you want to be another DV statistic.

You already know what you need to do.

He might feel insecure with himself and looks as he aged especially if you are what he believes too hot for him doesn’t mean he’s cheating though

Cuz he’s the one cheating. Guaranteed.


Mine was like this n was cheating the whole relationship.

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Sounds like he’s insecure.


You say he isn’t cheating……but he is. That’s projection and gaslighting.


Imo- cheating or has cheated and now has a guilty conscience


He’s either insecure or cheating, or cheated and maybe feeling bad about it and doesn’t know how to letting you know.


Sounds like he is most likely insecure with himself and afraid you feel the same about him that he feels about himself and might leave. Some people just handle it differently. I get insecure sometimes as well I don’t express it but I think those same things in my own head sometimes. It makes me feel better when I communicate with my husband and he reassures me that I’m a beautiful person inside and out and he loves me no matter what and won’t leave me. Makes me feel 100% better 90% of the time. Maybe sit him down and reassure him and tell him that what he is saying makes you feel awful? Talk it out with eachother. Communication is key.


He’s a fool. You deserve better.

Something has him either insecure or paranoid, like a guilty conscience


Narcissist … RUN !!!

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Sorry but he is either cheating and u just haven’t busted him OR he wants to cheat. And sometimes u can annoy a partner enough with the accusations that they go “well s/he already thinks I’m cheating so I might as well see what all the fuss is about” then u open the door for them to cheat. He is hiding something. My mom accused my dad all the time…and she was banging the fire department. My stepmom accused my dad of cheating when he would be helping a buddy at his business and he of course got sick of it and said ya sure believe what u want…and she went and banged another guy three days later and two weeks after that she moved in with that guy. My ex husband accused me of cheating all the time because I had male friends because it was less drama and they were all married. He didn’t want to hang with the guys with me so I didn’t hang with them either an he went home to “help his brother” for four days (lives 3.5 hrs away) and I found out thru FB he was there screwing a girl he met thru his gaming (Xbox). So something isn’t right band I was raised to be independent. So the last guy I tried a relationship with got all mad saying I didn’t need him. Why did I want to take care of myself…I expressed there was nothing wrong with what I was doing and he to prove a point went out and started parading women around in front of me that needed him to try making me jealous (he didn’t actually cheat though-psychological/medical reasons I know he didn’t) and I wasn’t putting up with those petty games.

Ya he definitely already cheated, sorry girl

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He is cheating. The cheaters always flip out and accuse the other person. If you can leave you really should. A narc will always be a narc.


How do you know he’s not cheating the one who thinks your cheating is the one who is cheating


Usually when they accuse you of cheating their the one that’s cheating.

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Insecure :triangular_flag_on_post: it’s a way of controlling you to get the reaction from you that he wants. Manipulation tactic.

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Already cheated or is

Massive red flags, get the hell outta dodge.

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All the :triangular_flag_on_post:
Time to go!

95% of the accuser is the guilty on! Think about that?

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Ew. Sounds like a very insecure man.


Girl I was in a 10 yr relationship with my ex thinking Ima wait until he finally asks me to merry him. My ex was just like this. I didn’t believe he was cheating thought he was perfect but he was always on me about cheating but I then realized :joy: :woman_facepalming: It took me 10 yrs to find out. he was the one actually cheating. He always would say Oh You Are Crazy!!! I love you I would never hurt you kind of BS. My best friend which was his sister in law didn’t get along until I started putting pieces together And the evidence :pensive: I found him sleeping with her she also was pregnant not once but twice but didn’t know who the father was because she was sleeping with the 3rd brother. All 3 of them at the same time. What I’m trying to say is he maybe the one that’s cheating and 9 yrs he hasn’t asked to marry him​:thinking: I would be worried. I would walk away because if theirs no trust it’s BS end up loosing time with someone that’s not worth it. This mentally emotionally fd me up.

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My ex husband did this all the time. And he turned out to be the one that was doing it.

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Me I would say nope hit the road I can do better. He is thinking of cheating

Sounds like my ex he was and still is a narcissist they never change it just gets worse.


With the x 10yrs & always accused me, never, ever cheated but he sure did! Projecting what they’re doing. RUN & FAST, dont wait & lose part of your life you can’t get back.

He is cheating. When a guy is paranoid it usually means he is cheating. Trying to lay the blame on you first to justify his cheating. The attitude “not needing me anymore,” is another way he is justifying what he is doing.


He is cheating himself… Guilty

He may not be cheating…but his eye balling some one alse.and thinks you are as well…facts.

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Narcissistic drainer. Stand firm and tell him you’re done. He can not and will not pull you down with this crap every day anymore. 10 years you’ve put up with his crap. No more


Are you sure he isn’t cheating?? I would be gone!! Red flags :triangular_flag_on_post:


You two need to have a long discussion. Ask him who he’s thinking of cheating with. Tell him his comments to you are hurtful and it is time to stop.

Not being able to trust your partner is a huge concern. He’s likely to get worse as time goes on.


Cheating!!! That’s the first sign of them cheating! Run!!!


He’s definitely cheating

Smh she said 10 years

Cheaters ALWAYS project…he’s defs cheating lol

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He’s cheating. It’s proven the person guilty is the person accusing. Whatever they are accusing is what they are doing. Guilty conscience.

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Hy staan agter di deur. Feite!!!

Cheating has many forms!! Could be with someone online, text, in person, or over the phone

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Bet he is the one cheating POS


It’s a sign of cheating, when the other starts saying your cheating usally they are cheating or thinking of cheating, considering it’s been 10 years and hes only just started it I’d say he is

His either cheating and if his not has definitely got issues .But I would honestly say 90% chance he is and trying to put his guilt on to you. Its the most classic sign ,been there done that a few times.Also cheating is not just physical contact but eventually it will be.


Definitely sounds like a guilty conscience. If not cheating, then guilty for something else he’s not telling you.

Maybe he is feeling insecure… Or maybe he is actually the one cheating…