Why does my husband accuse me of cheating?

He’s accusing you of what he’s guilty of.
He’s the cheat!
Dump him!
You’ll never regret it.

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Do a DNA test on the baby and he still blames you, kick him out.


He is a negative person and probably doing what he is accusing you of doing. You need to get a good lawyer and get him out of the house,
before he gets physical.

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He is a loser. Ditch him


Him accusing you of cheating when you arent is a HUGE red flag and means he is the one cheating. I understand you love him and don’t want to tear the family apart but you need to do what’s best for your kids and yourself. He is a narcissist and an ass. My ex was exactly like him and I’m glad I left before it ever got physical. My daughter liked him but never called him dad (he claimed her as his, not his bio dau
daughter). And she adores my current boyfriend and even told us both that she wants to call him daddy one day. Children can see what effects relationships have on their parents no matter how young they are. Good luck hon. You deserve happiness and love. So to do those kids

Any husband accuses their wife of infidelity, then he has a guilty conscience

Has he been acting weird other then accusing u of cheating? Increase of energy? Focusing more? Less money? Could he be doing drugs behind your back? Not trying to sound rude. Physcosis sometimes makes u believe shit thats not possible and completely unrealistic!

I would try counselling my partner believes I’ve cheated on him which I have never done and has never given up the idea of it until counselling together was and is the best thing we have ever done. Still working through our issues and we have alot but we are worth it. You decide are you guys together worth it through everything you have been through together is it worth it if so try counselling and if not I would say then leave but don’t give up not yet. Also maybe do paternity test with him to show him if he needs that.

Leave his ass he doesn’t deserve you

Get out of there love. It’s not worth the trouble and you’re missing out and cheating yourself with a better person and life. That type of jealousy and obsession does not go away with counseling it’s constant and an uphill battle on a muddy slick hill. You can climb but will end up where you were at before.

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The guilty rooster always crows first and the loudest. He’s accusing you of exactly what he’s doing. Get an attorney.

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This is abuse. Leave now.


Take your babies and go now. It will just get worse and that isn’t a healthy environment for them. I think he’s projecting his own guilt!

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I would agree with everyone else, perhaps this attack on you is a deeper rooted issue on his end. Or perhaps he is trying to get out of this by deflecting on you. I would address it and say if accusation don’t stop you are done. If it doesn’t improve move on no one needs that.

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After the first week of marriage he started this crap and you stayed? On top of having 2 kids with him? Insane! You should go file for divorce, file for child support through the state and they can do DNA tests at your request just to shut his ass up and then be done. You and your kids will be much better off without that toxic shit in y’all’s lives. The sooner the better! Also, it sounds to me like he has a guilty conscience, and I don’t see how he can honestly say he loves you if he has done this since your wedding. But that’s my opinion.

His guilty conscience… He has cheated / is cheating. He has lied / is lying. I spent 20 years hearing the same thing


Maybe hes cheating so he thinks u are get rid of him

leave, and don’t look back!

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I would even go far as as to say that he has more children elsewhere. That fact that he said that the baby wasn’t his on the way from hospital just because they didn’t look like him says that to me. He is trying to take away attention from him onto you so that you don’t see he is the one cheating. It’ll never stop and it’ll probably get worse.

Soon it will become rage and physical harm. You can’t win. You have to leave and go to a shelter because you are at most risk when leaving or just left. That is when husbands kill their wives. If you can love someone who treats you so badly, just think of the love you would feel when someone loves and respects you! Right now you have to get away from this sick man and do it safely. Don’t look back…think of your children. This type of behavior will only be taught to your boys. You would be doing them a disservice by staying with their father. Don’t let on that you are leaving. Wait until he goes to work, call the nearest women’s shelter and get the boys and yourself out of there!!! DON’T EVER CONTACT HIM!!!

Leave him while you can. You do not want to be stuck hearing this and you do not want your children to hear him speaking to you… they will understand sooner than you think. It is not worth it staying.

What an idiot he obviously doesn’t understand how DNA works and thet babies are like mothers and/or fathers, He is obviously the one cheating and for the sake of the children tell him to pack his bags and go. They should be in a safe enviroment, not an abusive one.