Why does my wife wear things to work but not at home?

Me and my wife have been together for 20 years and I love her more than anything other then our kids. When we are home spending time together sometimes she will wear thongs buy after awhile she will take them off because she says they are uncomfortable and most the time she wear regular panties. My question is I notice that sometimes she will wear thongs to work for 8 hours and I’m just wondering if I should be worried about it. How she can wear them for 8 hours at work but after a hour or so at home she changes them.


Thongs ARE uncomfortable. At least to me. So many womens clothes are uncomfortable. I do know a lot of my female coworkers wear thongs to work but not at home (we are abunch of young women who work in health care we have no problem with tmi conversations/personal stuff). Honestly they could feel better to work in while she works. What job does she do. When we are out and about and working we sweat alot, everywhere. Even our butt cracks. Regular underwear can just help build that moisture and it’s uncomfortable. Also we have this urge to try and look a little more “done up” or nicer when in public and that includes in ways that arnt actually noticeable to others. I might wear my nicer set of bra and underwear or change my eye shadow color to go shopping but at home your lucky if i even have a bra on under my oversized mens tshirt that probably has a hole or two.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Why does my wife wear things to work but not at home?

What is she wearing to work? Maybe she doesn’t want regular underwear lines on dresses and pants .


Uh, cuz they are uncomfortable as shit, and she probably feels like she can be comfortable at home. Maybe she don’t want panty lines showing thru at work?

She doesn’t want a panty line at work and thongs can be uncomfortable and no one wants to wear them if they don’t have to


Wear one and you will understand


I think this is a question for your wife.


Bruh . Panty lines at work and at home are like earth and space you don’t compare the two :woman_facepalming:t2: LOL soon as I get home it’s bra off comfy pants on and those who don’t like it can leaveeeeeeee :joy::woman_shrugging:t2:


Sounds like she just wants to be comfortable at home. Thongs work best with certain pants. I wouldn’t think into it too much


No you shouldn’t be concerned. I’d wear them to work so I don’t have panty lines in my clothes, but when I’m home I want to be comfortable. You are reading too much into this.


It could be because she doesn’t want pantie lines and when she’s home she just wants to be comfortable


Maybe she doesn’t want to have the lines from her regular panties? Idk I’d be thinking it was alot cooler she just simply doesn’t wear them at home. Lol just my opinion tho lol

If it’s not wrapped around you I wouldn’t worry about it. Girl just wants to be comfy.

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She wears them to work probably because of the pants she wears and doesn’t want a line to show- not to be sexy.
It’s not comfortable, and after a long day of string between your cheeks, you want to get comfy. Buy her something sexy and comfy if you expect her to be a VS model in your home.

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The same exact reasons why woman wear bras to support the sisters but yet as soon as I’m home that’s the first thing to come off


depending on her clothing for work she may not want public eyes to be able to see her entire panty outline as that could make her uncomfortable but she feels comfortable around you and her home that there shouldn’t be judgment


I’m happy for you guys that after 20 years this is the only thing you have to worry about :joy::blush:


She probably wears them to work so no one can see a panty line on her ass. I wouldn’t worry about this too much.

Depending on her outfit at work usually maybe to prevent panty lines then of course at home she wants it off like a bra :woman_shrugging:


Thongs are not a symbol for cheating, if that is what youre getting at.


Uhh what? As soon as I get off work I walk in my house and I strip down right then and there. Why would we wear our uncomfortable work clothes when we don’t have to? We are at home where we can put on comfy clothes… I don’t think I’m understanding this because wtf… why is her wanting to not wear her work clothes at home even an issue? We do not wear things for men. Idk what entitled man came up with that but we do not dress for men if we are wearing something cute it’s because we want to look at ourselves it’s never ever ever ever ever ever so men will look at us. I think I’m just not understanding the issue or I’m not understanding how it’s an issue…

Seriously? No. You shouldn’t worry. Most wear thongs so there aren’t panty lines. When u wear regular panties, you can usually see them through pants/skirt. Not a good look.

For the same reason women wear underwire bras or heels outside the house but immediately take them off when they get home, they look better but are uncomfortable!


Because panty lines are terrible. I used to wear thongs to work for this one reason and never at home… because they are terrible…. Don’t fret and talk to her.


Depends on her work attire. Id she’s a professional and has to wear business casual, panty lines are a thing!
The only time I would wear a thong for work is to avoid panty lines!

Wear a sexy pair for her buy her a pair you can eat off her. Problem solved

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Sorry but dumbest question I’ve seen on here yet.


So so many reasons, lines, mobility, not enough clean of other kinds

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No I don’t think it’s an issue , work is more of a formal place and at home she can be comfortable and not have to worry about it . Don’t listen to every one being rude the point of this page is to ask questions lol I think it’s fine because I’ve done the same .

It’s her home, she wants to be comfortable. Is there a reason your thinking to deep into what your wife is doing?guilty conscience?


If I could slap this dude, I would. :woman_facepalming:t3:


Because normal underwear goes up your butt when your sitting and standing up alot, sound like she just dresses comfortably at home, thats a good sign.

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Home is where u should be most comfortable. Ain’t no way in the world would I wear a thong at home all day. Have u wore one of those things? I’d rather panty lines :sob::sob:

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She simply doesn’t want panty lines at work. There’s no deep meaning to it.


Same reason why a bra is worn to work but uncomfortable at home.


At home= comfort. Don’t read into. I’m sure she dislikes having to wear them 8hrs a day


I love seeing men asking questions! Sometimes a thong is comfortable all day, sometimes it’s not. I would offer to bring her on a shopping spree to buy some new, more comfortable ones :heart:


If this is what men think about, when your wife is busy my god help us all, think yourself lucky she’s with you, treat like a queen, so she never thinks about swapping her panties to thongs,


Personally I’d rather be comfortable at home. Nobody likes underwear lines.

Thongs and bras suck so once home off they go…:joy::joy:

This is not a real question??:joy::joy::joy::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:. A man is complaining about his wife being naked at home??? What

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Home is comfort that’s why

She wants to be comfortable at home.


She probably just doesn’t want her panty lines showing. It’s probably not that serious


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: bro get it together it’s underwear


An honest question deserves an honest response…
Unfortunately the stigma for women to look “presentable” at work is to blame for this one. She more than likely HATES wearing them all day at work. You wear them so you don’t have a panty line showing (this happens in a lot of dress pants, skirts and dresses because the fabric is thin). When you worry a panty line is showing then you feel uncomfortable because people may stare at your booty.
She’s comfortable around you.


Just tell her,but at work ur never relazed,and they aint cumfy,try wearing 1 before u complain

I can’t even believe this question was allowed :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: why wouldn’t you just ask your wife yourself??? Plus I can promise you it’s because she doesn’t want panty lines showing at work


Why don’t you wear a thong?? I mean is this a serious question! When you are home you just wanna be comfortable


As an Australian, I was wondering why you were worried she was wearing thongs…thongs to us are your “flip flops” :woozy_face::sweat_smile: was gunna say I wear my thongs everywhere…at home, to the shops, especially the beach :grimacing:


Honestly home should be your place of comfort. It’s the reason you wear a bra at work but remove it when you get home.


Ask her? Simply ask her why

Maybe depending what pants she wears. Some pants you will see a major panty line and dine women don’t like that to show.


It’s probably that she just doesn’t want panty lines at work. Shame on people for being rude about this. No one asked for rude comments he asked for advice.

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Who tf wants to wear a thong at home… :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: you wear one at home where you’re supposed to be comfortable and see if you like it… stop being insecure over underwear… been there done that.


same reason you take a bra off when you get home it’s for comfort nobody sees you at home but the family your comfortable with

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Can’t answer because I own regular and thongs. I have to be in the mood to wear those cause I’m not a fan of them really. Uncomfortable. Maybe she wants her butt to look good and have no lines. I don’t know what she wears to work as far as pants etc so I don’t know.

I think you can figure that one out yourself

She doesn’t wear them at work to be “sexy” she wears them to make sure she looks presentable. I’m sure she hates them at work! Home is comfort, you should take pride she finds comfort in a life with you…


Because she wants to……

How about you put on a bra a size or two too small and wear it 8 hours or longer. Then, you might understand what your wife endures to be professional at work so she can be comfortable in her own home. Also, I’ve always been told, “let the guilty dog bark first”. Should she be worried about you?


She wants to be comfortable??!!


I mean you should try wearing a thong and see how u like it riding ur crack all day long then let us know! :woman_facepalming:t3:


Usually women wear thongs to avoid a visible pants line through their clothes. Usually work is a set formal wear and home is for comfort.


We hate the underwear lines esp in public. You are her safe zone she doesn’t feel the need to impress society with what a women should or shouldn’t look like etc. it has nothing to do with you. But everything to do with comfortability. She doesn’t need to be uncomfortable at home in under garments that she would normally be insecure about it the real world. Take it as a compliment. You know that women more than anyone in the world and she knows she doesn’t need to impress you ofc she will if she wants too. But I think you’re reading too much into it.


Ok so for me… I wouldn’t wear that crap to work. I’d wear em at home… for my husband.

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I just got home and took off everything as soon as I unloaded groceries. Home is for comfort, and a string up your butt isn’t a comfort at all. Same with bras and heels.

I’m assuming this is satire. If not, thongs don’t leave pantry lines but can become very uncomfortable.

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Just tell.her to wear none it’s way more comfy :blush:


How about YOU wear a thong and see how long you’re comfortable in it!!!
Trust me, we don’t wear them for comfort!!!


We don’t wear them for comfort. We wear them so underwear lines don’t show through our pants. They are uncomfortable. I prefer nothing at all tbh.
She should wear whatever she wants at home. If you want her to dress up before being intimate then ask but please let go of the expectation that she should wear work dress at home.


Panty lines. This person is projecting. Probably messaging every insta Thot available and now insecure about his wife’s underwear choice. Guess what? I wear a bra and often take it off the minute I get home. :joy:


I wear thongs at work and normal at home🤷🏻‍♀️

She might just want to be comfortable…at work she might feel she will get judged if she has panty lines🤷

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Home is your place of comfort, or it should be able to be. While yes, thongs can be a sexy thing, a lot of women wear them simply to avoid panty lines.


Sigh. Men :expressionless::expressionless:
She’s allowed to be comfortable in her own home. Especially since you’ve been together 20 years, she’s comfortable with you.
Thongs are MAINLY for no show panty lines. Most women won’t wear them just to wear them. I hate my no show or my thongs but I’ll wear them in public with my leggings or a sundress. (Not now tho cause I’m 38 weeks pregnant :rofl:)


Is comfort at home. Different out is issue of pant lines and everything.

At work it’s about presentation, panty lines! At home who cares!! She just wants to be comfortable!


You are her comfort and her safe space! No you should not be worried about it.


She is probably wearing them to avoid panty lines through her clothing. Nothing to worry!


They may very well still be uncomfortable for 8 hours at work. But some attire doesn’t work with regular panties. If I want to look presentable, I defo don’t want my panty lines showing. Thus why I have some thongs. The only reason I own thongs is purely because I don’t like panty lines showing with some outfits. But you best believe when I’m at home I want to be in peak comfort and I’m not going to be wearing a thong.


We don’t care about pantylines making it look like we have 4 butt cheeks at home.

Let her know they do make underwear that doesn’t show panty lines and they are super comfy! She can be comfy all day long! Lol

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The whole reason for thongs are so the panty line doesn’t show. Would you rather her male coworkers see her panty line and have thoughts about that? Also, you try wearing a thong. We don’t wear them for fun and to have a good time. Being comfortable at home and not worrying about her panty line should make you feel better. She’s obviously comfortable around you and you should allow her to be. Physically and emotionally.


She doesn’t want panty lines. That’s why.


20yrs! Braah manup n tell her to wear nothingk!


I wear them both. My guess is she wears them to avoid pants lines unless she’s a stripper or escort.

Your problem is more of a compliment than you realize. Your wife being comfortable and not feeling like she has to present herself (in an uncomfortable way btw :joy:) means that you are her home. You are where she can relax and be comfortable. It means that you are her safe and secure place to be completely herself and how she wants to be. She doesn’t feel that she has to present herself in a certain way to be accepted.


How about …because she f’ing wants too.


everyone saying that she might want to be comfortable or “you try wear thongs”… he states that she doesn’t find them comfortable but will wear them for long periods of time at work, you’re all clearly missing the point so bad​:woman_facepalming::joy: she says they aren’t comfortable but will wear them all day for work… all i can think is that she doesn’t want visible panty lines so thongs are always the best for that. no big deal.


Lots of women choose not to wear to them at home (a time they don’t need them) to let themselves breathe down there. Especially people who struggle with yeast infections.
A thong is worn so there aren’t lines.

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Thongs are to prevent panty lines. Nothing more.


She wears them to work most likely because of panty lines and wanting to look presentable


Home is for comfort. No panties or bras :smile:


For her to be more comfortable, and have no panty lines go without any.

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My bra and underwear come off when I get home. That’s my safe place to be ugly!!! I don’t think anyone wears thongs bc they like it, it’s more to not have a panty line.

So yall have been together 20 years?? And this is the only thing you are worrying about??? Dude, I’d let this one go… lol


I wear thongs all day but when I get home they gotta come OFF. I hate panty lines & my man doesn’t mind the granny panties that pass up my belly button :joy::skull: unless you have a reason to worry due to history I think this is a wild question. She should be able to wear whatever without being looked at differently.


So your wife is not allowed to be comfy at home?