Because it doesn’t last long, those baby months. You will blink and all of sudden they are making their own lunch and dressing themselves lol.
5 kids. 6 5 4 3 and a 1 year old lol. I was also working full time on 3rd shift before i got let go
I’ve been a single mom working full time to my first now I’m stay at home mom with my second and find it a lot harder. I’m just not the type to stay home need to be out working
Because you can’t train for it. And you feel as if you are in constant competition with other people, that don’t know you, but think they’ve got the right to judge you and your child. Because it’s the most important job in the world. Because you only get one chance to do it right.
But it really is only as hard as you make it. Make the most of every minute, because it won’t last forever.
It’s fucking hard mom of two boys
Its tiring, its repetitive, isolating. People act confused if you suffer depression ‘why would you have depression you get to stay at home all the time and not worry about work, you should feel blessed’ we are allowed to feel depression. People act like you shouldnt feel tired ‘because you have been sat at home all day’ but with a baby you’re up all night then you have to get up in the morning to and run around after these little people who are 100% dependable on you which to me is the most tiring thing iv ever done. I do feel blessed to be a stay at home mum to my 6. But its exhausting, mentally draining, isolating. When i do see people i never really have anything to talk about apart from what the kids have been up to. Its hard!
When you work full time your kids still wake up through the night! Then you gave to still go to work
Beatrice Maris so are single working mums
Because when your a S.A.H.M. people assume, you sit on your ass all day. Ergo, no need for a break, or a shower alone, or a damn night cap.
But its like, where, do you think this child is learning to talk, get manners, potty train, use silverware, and again, COMMUNICATE. Like, they don’t teach that in school… We do.
It’s harder been a working mum.
I absolutely loved being a stay at home mom. I had 2 girls, both breastfed. 1 for a year and 1 for 3 years. Best experience ever. Waking up never bothered me and my girls co slept with us. Never used a crib. Both girls are very accomplished now. I feel staying home paid off.
That’s the problem with society. Mom’s should be able to be home with their kids. My mom was a single mother who of course got no help and worked her whole life, never got remarried, just me and her. I got no attention as she was always tired. She had to work holidays being a hospital employee. It’s horrible for a child to be home alone on Christmas.
Because just cause it’s easy for you doesn’t mean it’s easy for everyone else. No matter what the situation is not everyone thinks like you do .
It gets lonely from a lack of adult interaction. Plus you get tired of being home and want to do other things.
Because it is taxing being the reason a child is alive
You’re lucky. My baby is 7 months and has to sleep with my boob in her mouth all night.
Well from my point of view you loves your kids too death be there do anything for them but you wake up do the same things every morning you get your self in a rut cooking cleaning washing wiping bottoms the endless Tatum’s…but you great a bond with your kids and I have been a stay at home mum for 5 years now and I love it more than ever but …I would like too work too
I read in one group childcare was $300/week for infants. SAHM life has it’s perks.
Babies are alot of work!! Especially a breastfeeding babe! It’s easy to get stuck with them on your boob! Lol and it’s not just a baby us moms care for, there are plenty of home duties we still take care of all while keeping people alive!
I don’t think it’s hard at all. I love staying home its alot better than working. Having a nb or young baby can be tiring but Im sure its much harder for moms who have to work too.
Sleep regression, cluster feeding, worrying of any little thing that could go wrong with your baby, maintaining the home and other children is what made it hard for me. On top of my hormones trying to get back to normal, I was a wreck.
Honestly, I worked at night and was home during the day for years, i stopped working when covid hit and have been home with my 3 kids since. I want to go back to work. I wake up and do the same thing every single day, i have no adult interaction, they fight all the damn time, its really lonely and you feel blocked off from the world
Be thankful I work full time then full time mom when I get home. Cattle Farm and chickens
I was a stay at home mom for 5 years. I started working during Covid and honestly it’s harder being a working mom. It’s the added stress of making it to your shift plus house work, our animals, grocery shopping, vet visits, doctor appointments and therapies, plus taking care of myself. Being a stay at home mom is hard too. You’re relied on to have everything done when hubby comes home and to have dinner ready. Honestly if we could afford it, I’d stop working but I like the adult interaction and my kids get more time with their grandparents.
It’s hard because it’s a never-ending, thankless job. There’s no sick days, no pay. You’re constantly needed, cleaning or feeling guilty for not cleaning. It’s a rough gig but definitely has it perks. I’ve been very grateful that I could be a SAHM during the pandemic & all the school closing etc. It’s also nice that my kids get to spend breaks and summer etc at home and not at daycare with others. I’m working on starting a crafting business to make income and help as I can. Being a FT working mom is hard too… it’s all hard!
Its very draining and stressful having to take care of your baby while doing house chores/keeping the house clean and running errands all in a timely manor.
I think it is a state of mind. As a stay at home mom you never get a day off. Sometimes it is stressful as you have so many things to get done and it never ends…cooking, cleaning, etc. But on the other side is watching your child grow and being there to see all their firsts. I have done both but would not change any of my experiences, I loved being at home.
It gets very lonely and can be boring being at home a lot. You don’t get to clock out like a 9-5 your job never stops. I felt like I was stuck feeding ALL of the time. It has its rewards too though you just have to find a balance.
I loved being a SAHM
Just lonely for me. But I rather be lonely during the day than pay an outrageous amount of money for someone else to watch my kid
Lack of social interaction, and having nothing to dress up for anymore or etc. I find it odd and could not 100000% do it. I work part time and it’s just enough for me to remain sane. Some may call me crazy some may call me selfish. Staying at home isn’t for everyone and working isn’t for everyone. Friend of mine loves it and wouldn’t have it any other way. I last about 6 months and start to go nuts.
I wouldnt trade it for anything because I get to stay home and raise my son but you will 100% have days when you are just done and wanna lock yourself in the bathroom and cry. It is like groundhog day everyyday and it is a very thankless job.
It never ends. There’s no time off unless you leave the house, but who has the energy to leave the house? Days blend together. It gets boring but still manages to be overwhelming. There’s no raises or commendations, so it’s a fairly thankless job. You have to be disciplined enough to keep up with stuff you may hate with no outward motivation… well, the survival of your child, but like… I mean the stuff beyond that, lol. Often society and family members don’t value it as work, and it makes you feel invisible… or unentitled to your struggles. That’s why PPD is so often undiagnosed. Family may not even mind taking advantage since “you don’t have a job anyway”, and pile more on your plate. There’s no good sleep. Your body and your life belong to other people, both big and small. It’s legit not for everyone. But… neither is working while being a parent either.
The lack of sleep was the hard part for me, although he started sleeping through early on, I was always on alert mode, incase he woke up. I’m going to express early on with this next baby, so others can help me do feeds so I can sleep. Accepting help this time around, I didnt with my first thinking that meant I was a failure, where now I see getting help is a great thing.
I was a stay at home mom for over 10 yrs, at one point I had 3 boys in diapers and my daughter… I loved every minute of it and miss it dearly
You live at and in your job
Because it’s 24/7 365 days no real time off. And if you do rest you stare at what needs to be done or constantly thinking about what needs to be done. No one cares about what you do do. All I wanna do is snuggle my baby before she doesn’t want to any more.
Everyone is different I found it to be easier. It was harder to get out the house do drop offs get to work on time then still do everything in the house.
Ugh. As a military spouse with a 5 month old, it’s hard because my family isn’t 2 miles away. I have to constantly be Mom & Dad 24/7 and I burn out really easily. Also it’s difficult because I have to put the military first. It’s hard to find a stable job since we move so much & trying to coordinate sitters & daycare is so exhausting and expensive. As you can tell I’m very burnt out rn send halp. Lol
Hardest job ever. Especially being an attachment parent.
Id love to go to work. But my most important job is being at home for a few more years.
I don’t think it’s hard, I just think it gets lonely sometimes. The longer you do it, the farther away from society you start to feel. I did it for 10 years. I felt like I had completely lost touch with reality, I barely know how to talk to anyone over 11 years old. I’ve been working for almost a year now and I can say that it too has gotten boring and I’d much rather be home with my kids able to relax now and then, than going to work every single day to do the same boring routine day in and day out. There is nothing boring about raising kids, please try to enjoy it.
Because the day you find out you’re pregnant is the last day you ever put yourself first.
I’m not comparing, but to be honest, I’ve done both. For me it is much harder to work outside of the home than be a stay at home mom. Especially since my husband is out of town for work a lot.
I have been a stay at home mom and a working mom and a working mom isnt any easier… I don’t get to “clock out” as a working mom. Actually any parent who is actually a parent doesnt get to clock out. My child is still my top priority whether I’m at home or not. I still worry constantly, if not more, about my kids. And on top of that all the stuff stay at home moms have to do I still have to do…laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning. Working outside of the home with children is no paradise.
I love being a sahm. However I am lonely, depressed, over stimulated, just don’t want to be touched 24/7, still have 2 kids who wake up a few times a night, 2 of my older kids do online school, I cook, clean, do laundry. It’s all I do. I don’t go anywhere, I don’t see anyone, my anxiety and panic is awful.
Summed up, I feel overworked and underappreciated.
Sure, I could get a job. But then just pay for my kids to be in daycare. Because of covid we have the older ones home anyway. There’s just no point.
I am looking forward to being able to go back to school to make working worth it after my youngest is in school full time.
Because you never get a break. Ever.
As a SAHM I couldn’t handle haveing no life outside of the home. As a mom with a full time job outside of the house I couldn’t handle feeling like I was missing the kids growing up. Now I have a part time job and so much freedom to take care of them AND me. Being a mom is the hardest most stressful most rewarding job you will ever have. Doesn’t matter if you job is in the home or outside of it. I suggest if you want to stay home and can try it. You can always find something if it doesn’t work for you. We aren’t all made for a life of staying home to take care of family and house. What’s best for you is best for the family. Your mental health matters too. Find ways to get a break if you can a girls day or a night out if that’s your thing.
It has its challenges. I’d suggest getting an occasional sitter so you can have me time without the kids because the hardest part for me is lack of social interaction that you would get from having a job.
It is not respected or valued to other people who don’t do it.
Lack of sleep, no real socail life because you spend the most time taking care of your home and kids. Unless you find an outlet like a hobby, mom friends, and also be open and honest with your partner about your experience and your feelings, it’ll only get worse. I did it all together for 4 years. It ain’t for the weak
I have a 2½ yr old and a 3 month old and we live on a farm and I still manage. Yes I agree it is hard but you will never get the moments back that you make with them. My husband hates that I work seasonally because I miss out on so much for 2-3 weeks
It would be a shorter list to name what’s easy about it.
It’s a 24/7 365 thankless job. When I worked I thrived on the praise I got, promotions, and raises. I was even offered to run my own restaurant under the owner at 20 years old. Then I quit working and now I’m a 24 year old SAHM to a 2 year old and 3 month old twins. My house is spotless constantly, supper cooked, laundry done, errands ran, Bill’s paid and its like it doesn’t make a difference to anyone that I do anything. I spend all night up with babies (I average about 3.5 hours of sleep a night according to my fitbit) and all day dealing with e everyone. I’m puked on, pooped on, peed on, I change 20 to 30 diapers a day, I make too many bottles a day to count. But not only just the physical load i also carry the mental load. I feel burnt out and lonely bc I have a baby who hates the car seat and I cant leave. I LOVE being home with my kids and have mo interest in going to work and leaving them. But that doesn’t mean I cant admit it’s so hard. My husband has said hed rather go to work than stay home with a toddler and twins lol pretty much everyone has admitted they wouldn’t want to.
Everyone expects your A game because you’re home all day while not realizing how unproductive they’d be if they lived at work too. You’re in it so often your personality starts to meld with the house to the point where you oftentimes lose sight of your own identity. Not to mention every task is one that will be undone in an hour or less and you’ll have to do it again at least three times a day. The kids are cool though.
It gets a little lonely at times but I don’t think it’s hard. It’s all in your perspective. Sometimes there’s guilt if you don’t get ALL the cleaning done you needed to or didn’t get to run an errand but you can’t get to wrapped up in that because ultimately the reason for being a stay at home parent is to be there with your child. I view it as a huge blessing that I’m able to do this and that for now my son needs me and loves me being around because it’s wonderful for both me and him and I’d much rather be with him watching him grow than be clocking in and out somewhere living most of my day by someone else’s rules. There’s a nice freedom that comes with being a SAHM and it’s rewarding watching milestones be met and it’ll all fly by in the blink of an eye.
I know I’m definitely not cut out to work and raise a child so huge shout out to all the working mamas out there I know it’s not easy!!
I have 6 yrs old and homeschool him full time, 3 yrs old and an infant. Been a stay at home mom for 6 yrs now. It’s very exhausting. You have to prepare meal, while doing the laundry, keep the house clean, play with them, etc. my husband helps me on his days off.
It’s more lonely sometimes than hard.
Repetitive and draining. I have 4 kids, 5yrs old and under
For me, it is like never leaving your job. Literally living at your work. Always something there to do and never anyone around to praise you for your hard work
Thankless and endless. No checkout time and hardly any breaks (or no breaks.) imagine being at work non stop. Like another lady mentioned… it’s not appreciated and people who don’t do it do not respect it or see it as actual work even though it’s way more demanding than any 9-5 job out there. Feels like you accomplish nothing, everyone expects everything to be perfect. Same repetitive things day after day mixed with cleaning up endless messes that you didn’t make over and over again for everyone. Tantrums,
meltdowns and attitudes you are forced to deal with. Loads of stress and loss of self identity mixed with self doubts and feelings like you’re not “doing it good enough”. Everyone thinking you stay at home and do nothing all day and get to live work free. Honestly the list could go on and on but on the flip side I am happy I do get this time with my boy and I definitely won’t regret all this time we get to have together one day.
That u can’t earn your own money. That the money your husband gives should be used for the household and it feels bad to use it for yourself alone like going to salon or getting a massage or getting your nails done.
Because we aren’t meant to do it alone. In the past, every woman in the family helped out. Now a SAHM is left to fend for themselves most of the time and there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything. It takes a village
Being a mom is a thankless job. It is rewarding in many ways, but it’s not easy.
I’m a solo mum to an almost 2 year old. We live in a self contained caravan on my parents front lawn. I go to a playgroup 4 days a week and dinner at my parents on sundays. The other 2 days I try to go to the pools and the last day is at home. I figure if we’re not home, we can’t mess the place up but no, it’s not really like that. My husband and I seperated a week before he was born. It’s not easy, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. Money is extremely tight but we make it work. My solo parent benefit has obligations for me to get part time work once he turns 3, but we also have subsidised daycare for up to 20 hours.
No such thing as a break or a social life.
The constant. It’s just so constant.
It’s the constantness of it all I think!!! My sons 13 now and still the same but in different ways!!
It is very very very hard! I’ve worked aswell as stayed at home and working is much much easier…
I have a nearly 5 year old who’s in school and a 6 month old and my 6 month old is very very clingy! I literally struggle to get so much stuff done and then I get moaned at then saying why have I not done anything…
2 times a night.
Thats cute lol
My formula fed baby wakes at 9, 12, 3 and 5ish
My 2 year old wakes once a night
But yes sahm is hard because you dont get 1 second to yourself to breathe! At work you at least get slow periods and breaks
My 2.5 till wakes up a minimum of 2 times a night far out
It’s emotionally draining which can wear on you physically. Especially with a young baby and not sleeping through the night. Give it time, let the baby get a little older and you’ll start to feel a little better about it. I know that right after having my kids life was harder for a good year before things calmed down again. Even with the older kids and knowing what to expect, babies just need a lot and it is exhausting. Be patient with yourself and rest as much as possible, even if it’s 10 minutes here and 5 minutes there. It does get better, I promise.
And wow, some of the people commenting are being real jerks. You can’t compare being a stay at home mom and a working mom like that. There are different challenges to both and you guys are being petty to a woman who is having a rough time. Stop being mean and if you don’t have anything helpful or uplifting to share to help her through it then keep your words to yourself. Geez.
Have three at home. Just got off my graveyard nursing Job
By day I yell no stop and sit down and by nite I ask how can I help you and are you wet
Stay at home mummy work is 2 and a half full time jobs day in day out and the stigma is that we sit on our bums and not do a damn thing cause we dont get paid in money.
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Best thing I ever did. Life has taken some hard turns snd I’m so grateful for that precious time with my two children
in my opinion, I didn’t find it hard. I found it a privilege. Something a lot of women don’t have.
Being a MOM is a 24/7 job all on its own.
It isn’t that hard. Especially when you can turn on the TV or a movie and let your kid watch it or put him/her down for a nap. Laundry is easy with machines. Dishes are easy with a dish washer. Vacuuming is easy with a vacuuming cleaner. Cooking is easy with a stove and microwaves.
Maybe limit how many kids. You don’t need 3-10 kids to show you love each other. And pulling out is easy to avoid pregnancy.
Its not hard . Its menatally draining
4 kids. 10 5 4 2. Im a stay at home mom. The past few mornings i went to work with my husband (he has a painting business) n i had to get allll the kids ready n fed anddd myself n i told him idk how single moms do this shit everyday
What about stay at home dads. Jin Sakai
It’s not hard, you just have to know how to do it.
I think the lack of adult interaction on a daily basis. I was so used to traveling and going anywhere at the drop of a hat being with friends and it was a shock to me when I couldn’t just up and go… sleep deprived too!! I look back though and I would do it again but with a different mind set taking advantage of my husband working and paying the bills.
Because it is a 24/7 job that people don’t value, they think we do nothing all day, they think we don’t have the right to get tired, they think we should be thankful that we get to sit home all day and it is depressing because you don’t get to see people other than your kids
Hello message me to spy on your spouse’s phone without them knowing.
Tierd and lonely is my main ones that makes it hard and makes me sad at times
Like someone said just because it’s easy for you this is a stupid fucking post
It is hard, there are no breaks it’s 24/7. You can’t leave your “work” at 5pm and not worry about it until the morning. You have no adult interactions all day and it can get lonely and overwhelming. I’ve done both, stay at home Mom full time and working full time, both had their pros and cons. It isn’t a competition as to which is harder, it’s hard and exhausting either way.
Holy and I felt like I was the only one
Being a mom is hard. It doesn’t matter if you work or not. There are pros and cons of both.
Both is hard af. When U work u feel guilty of everything u have to miss. When u sahm your alone all the time no adult time no breaks no shitting in peace. Being a mom in general is freaking hard
A baby is one thing, a toddler is a lot more work. Just wait!! If a second child is added it can be total chaos.
U only make it hard on ur self if u have that mind mentality. I’m a stay at home mom but There’s days my kids drive me crazy but at the end of the day I love them!!! Nobody said parenthood was going to b easy!!!
Well, let’s start with being woken up twice in the night for starters…
All I’ve got to say is… try it out 100%
Ugh draining, lonely, constant, no pay, no appreciation, nothing ever stays clean, must i keep going? You’ll be lucky if your significant other gives you a break again if your lucky.
It’s hard because it’s never ending, even when your child goes to sleep. You sit up and wonder if you did enough for that day, if you played enough with them, if they ate enough, if you gave them enough attention. You don’t really get a minute to yourself, you can rarely pee by yourself. It gets lonely. You miss work and your coworkers. You miss real, adult interactions. You miss conversations. You get touched out and you have to deal with it because this tiny little human needs you.
It’s hard, it’s emotionally and physically draining, and it gets frustrating, but I wouldn’t change being a SAHM for anything.
It’s not all bad, though, either. Seeing your baby grow and learn new things and being able to witness it first hand is one of the most beautiful things. The cuddles, the hugs, hearing them call for you when you’re not in their line of vision, the smiles they give you when you give them their favorite snack or their bottle. You hear a lot of moms’ talk about how hard it is to be a SAHM, but it can be one of the most rewarding things.
I have a 5 year old with autism a 2 year old with complex epilepsy and a 8 month old. Being a stay at home mum is hard because of the loneliness my partner works from 12 in the afternoon till half 11 at night so besides when he’s off. And when my sister in law or mother/father in law pop up I really don’t have anyone to talk to. And people don’t really understand when I say I’m tired because they think I just get to sit down all day and that’s not the case xxx
I’ve been all across the board…
I worked while my ex stayed home.
I was a single parent…working 2-3 jobs to support my child and myself
My now husband and I both worked.
Had a brief few months where we both stayed home
I stayed home and still do.
It’s not as hard has being the working parent then coming home and taking care of the baby and the house.
Its no where near as hard as being a single parent.
There’s advantages over working…Like wearing jammies all day if I want. Cleaning in the order of my choosing.
But it can have its challenges and it can be hard.
My oldest kiddo…8…has severe adhd, high functioning asd, mild odd, vision issues, a paralyzed arm, and probable gastrointestinal issues.
My youngest kiddo…3…has adhd [unofficially] and sensory processing disorder severely exacerbated by prolonged ear infections.
For me…
It’s hard because…
I feel like I often loose myself in taking care of the kids and house.
I feel like there’s never enough time for everything.
And I feel like all I do is juggle appointments, clean, and deal with behaviors. Most of the time I dont even feel like I’m getting quality time with the kids because of it all.
It was hard when the youngest was a baby…but it was hard because my husband worked 12 hour overnight shifts. My oldest hadn’t been diagnosed so his behaviors were way over the top.
My husband and I both…barely slept. I was up most of the night with the baby and all day with the oldest. We were so noisy he couldn’t sleep. So we were always cranky and were always bickering. Rarely got to spend time together.
It got better when he went back to days.
The best advice I can give is to try to focus on the positives. Look for them and focus on them.
Sometimes it’s easy to get swamped in the this is hard negativity we loose sight of any positive aspect.