Why is my boyfriend acting this way?

Crawl if you have to
Get away from that toxic imbecile

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Move back home leave him !

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When over 250 people give the same advice, listen! Contact your family and let them help you get home!


Go ahead and move back. He’s showing you his true colors now that he has you alone and dependent on him…

Leave! You are in an abusive relationship, with most likely a narcissist. (Especially if he wasnt acting this way before you moved). Hes got you where he wants you and now he is free to be his true self.


Go home to your family

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Leave it’s just going to get worse .
Go Back Home If you gave you’re old job a 2 week notice call see if you can go back .
Don’t stay with this guy he wants to control you and he may have a side chick acting the way he is my ex did same thing and I found out he was cheating .

Lol oh honey. You need to leave fast. I did this once moved to another state with a guy. I left him in the state and left as fast as I could. Ended up having my now ex pick me up. The hardest part was getting the money to go back home, if you need help with money we can help with that I’m sure.

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Go home. Absolutely agree you need to get the hell out of there pronto!


Yup, he’s either got a local girl or is working on One
Don’t tell him clean out the Bank accounts take everything of value and leave while he’s at work. If you have a fish market close by. Get some and hide them through out the house


Cut your losses and leave


Get out now! Cut your losses! Believe me, this will only get worse. Go back home to family or friends.


He treated you bad prior to moving across the country to be with him, and you thought it would change?

I would go home if you can. He feels like he isolated you from any support so he can treat you like crap without consequences.


Leave him and move back home.

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You need to get the f*** home.

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It seems like he is verbally and emotionally abusive. You should move back to where your family and friends are. Don’t waste anymore time with this guy….you deserve better


His behavior is Eww and stop paying for his shit and go back home to your family without saying a word to him.

Girl I’d run fast and far from that pos


This guy is an abusive idiot, your better off without this toxic relationship. Go home, be happy.

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Simple leave him big red flags

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Pack up get a ticket home catch a cab go home

Tell him to fuck off & you should move back home bc the way he is treating you is DEF not right!!

Leave his piece of shit ass and go home

:running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman: before you lose more!!! The guy is no good and you deserve so much better :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Cut your losses now and GO HOME.


He’s abusive go home when u can trust me, go home to ur friends and family you’re better off without him


He is showing you who he is! Run don’t walk and go back home!!!

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No man should treat the woman they love like this. If I were you talk to him about it see if he is willing to change, if not it might be time to say bye. You shouldn’t stay wher re someone is constantly putting you down. It’s mental abuse

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run. my ex did all of this, i couldn’t do anything with him putting me down, telling me i was doing it wrong. he would act like he was encouraging around people but when it was me and him, he was horrible and cruel. i didn’t realise it back then, what he was doing. i realised after years and a child together. leave him now before you get in so deep you think you can’t be without him, because that’s what he’s aiming for, he’s enabling you slowly.

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Pack your stuff up and go back home. He sounds mentally and verbally abusive. This may have been his way of isolating you away from everyone so he can have free reign to do and say whatever he wants and he doesn’t think you’ll leave him. But you need to RUN.


Get a flight home babe xx

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Run girl! You see the signs! Pack your belongings while he is at work and go home. Don’t look back!


Stop looking for jobs grab what you can and get on a plane home asap he never wanted you there he just wanted your money he doesn’t care about you


Too bad you moved with your boyfriend. I will drop him and run back to your family

Leave u don’t have a job ask family to get u and pay them back when u get a job! Don’t let anyone put u down

Red flags everywhere! Leave him

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Go home! He isn’t your home!!


Go back home. He’s doing this because he knows you’re far from family and friends. I wouldn’t have left with him if is it was happening prior. Good luck and get out.

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Get rid of this abusive dirtbag…NOW!!!


Leave him. It’s just going to get worse

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It won’t get better, that’s what I can say.


Tell ur family to buy you a ticket home asap …


Best choice is move on!


I can’t even finish. GO BACK HOME. DUMP HIM. Tough love? Sweetie, that’s abuse.


That’s abuse! He meant for you to be pulled out of your comfort zone to be dependent on him. You should’ve never spent your money on him like that. Go back to your home area where you know people will help you! Even if it takes awhile to get yourself established on your own… I was once told “you can do bad by yourself “ meaning you could be in the same situation you are in now- no job, no car… but you won’t have to listen to his mouth and take his abuse! If there’s a way now … you could hide some money from him till you get enough to get away easily. I pray you decide to leave him and do what’s best for you before he escalates into being physical!


Red :triangular_flag_on_post:!!! Leave while you can! There is no acceptable excuse for him treating you in this manner. Get on a bus, plane or train, but go home ASAP!!!


Run for the hills love! That’s not normal or ok in anyway shape or form

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You made a BIG mistake moving in with a man you are not married toGod will never bless that kind of arrangement


4 days seriously yeah no get out honey


LEAVE NOW! Go back home to family,


Run, NOW! He intentionally took you out your comfort area to control you and make you think you have to stay because he’s the only one you got. That is abusive behavior and it’s only gonna get worse if you don’t get out.


You need to make a plan for your future and put him to the curb

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This is not okay! :triangular_flag_on_post: Go back home if possible.

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Go back home he used you girl :triumph: what a jerk


That is not normal behavior. Call your family and your best friend and ask them to get you a plane or bus ticket back home, pack what you can, and don’t look back.


RED ALERT!!! Get out now! Don’t look back. Just go…

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It’s definitely not going to get better I’d leave


Sounds exactly like my most recent ex.

No one deserves to be treated this way, babe. If he isn’t willing to change, you need to make a plan to get out.

Especially before y’all start a family together :two_hearts:

I think you know the answer to this! Put yourself first and get rid of the narcissistic a$$

Go Home. this is a form of abuse , it happens very often and it will not get better. He pulled you away from your comfort and safe space for a reason.


are you serious?

RUNNNNNN :running_woman:t2::running_woman:t2::running_woman:t2: for the hills! He treats you like absolute shit! NO thanks!

Leave and don’t look back

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4 days and he’s already mentally abusing you! There is your sign, get out now and go home

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This is not normal for a man to do. Leave this guy and go back home. Sounds like you’re not safe where you are


GET NOW! Cut your losses and run back home. Just did a similar thing and it ended in domestic violence after 8 months.

Sadly it sounds like he had you right in the position he wants you in. I’d get out of this situationship asap. I’m sorry you’re going through this :disappointed:

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With all due respect… FUCK THIS GUY.
This will not get better. Especially If he is already being mentally abusive four days in… I really hope your family is understanding and helps you get back home. :heart:

He is abusive. Leave before it geg physixal…it will progress to that


Run…get away from him and don’t look back.


Walk away and don’t look back. It sounds like he
has narcissistic behavior. He has you away from family and friends and now the control and manipulation begins. His true colors are showing.


Pack & leave it is not going to get better, he already has what he needs


I’d find a way back home asap


Leave him. He is not even trying to hide it thats all abuse and conditioning

Dump this asshole and return home one way or another NOW!

Seriously you need to leave! This is just the beginning trust me it WILL get worse.

Move back while you can, He is nothing but a taker. The $1000 was a loan. Ask repayment.

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It sounds like he’s very controlling of you, it won’t stop. My ex was exactly like this and I endured 10 years of torture. I know it’s hard. I also moved across the world for him. Get out now if you can.


Get the f out of there asap


You need to go back to where you came from its only going to get worse


Go home run as fast as you can


Pack your shit except your loses……. If he is calling you names 4 days in whoop I would be on the next flight out

You need to go home and leave.

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Emphasis on “BOY” friend… He’s not your husband or responsibility. Get out now. If you gave advice to a friend with this same scenario, what would you tell her???


I would be like I didn’t move across the country to be picked on! I moved across country to support you, the least you can do is support me and my efforts. If you can’t do that then I’m moving back home. Fyi, it’s only been 4 days. Roman wasn’t even built in 4days mofo!

Run…run away now.and don’t look back

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That is a narcissist. Leave. Now.


run sweetheart if this is the start of relationship i can see what comes next ! do not allow anyone too make you feel stupid u deserve better than that x


Leave just leave don’t even tell him. Just go. He used you that’s all he did. Block him on everything.


go home don’t do it to yourself , there will be another job down the line.:triangular_flag_on_post:


Go Home!! He doesn’t deserve you!


He got you isolated and is showing his true colors. Run while you still have a support system back home.


I hope you go back home…


I would’ve out. You don’t need this abuse.


This is horrible. You need to move back home asap. This will NOT get better. He’s acting this way now because he has you isolated. Please leave this situation. It will only get worse.


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: Leave asap & don’t look back. Dont even tell him. Block him on everything

Go back home with your family! Call your mom. Granny, uncle, cousin SOMEONE and tell them what is going on and tell them you need them to come get you. Don’t tell him you’re leaving and set something up so that you leave while he is at work. I know this advice won’t be taken. But that man is an abuser, His entire goal was to get you away from everybody and everything you’ve ever known so that he could start abusing you and you would have nowhere to go.


Oh wow. That’s crazy. Move back… forget him. He’s using you!

Looks like he got you where he wanted you and now is making you “pay” for it. It’s only going to get worse


go back home as fast as you can

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