Why is my fiance talking to his ex?

hell no he was waiting for an opportunity to cheat on you

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Nope. If she contacted him he should have told you right then. Not hide it. Once your hiding shit your cheating. I also was cheated on while I was pregnant. Even when he stopped it all with her he was still talking to her. Told me he felt bad for hurting her. Did not feel bad about hurting me apparently. I stayed and it did nothing but kill me and then he cheated 5 more times after we were married. I didn’t know about the others until he felt bad enough to tell me about them all. Don’t let your soul die. People don’t change.

Should the page just be renamed “Relationships Uncut”? Cause I hardly see anything concerning actual parenting.
Relationships need communication, blah blah blah. If you can’t trust him then why are you with him? You clearly already know something is going on. The ball is in your court. 3 options;
Work on trust
Stay and keep getting played.


Girl im in the sane damn boat smh. Im also pregnant n just found out the man i spent the last 11 years with, recently the past 3 years of that i did the prison wife thing the whole nine. Every so often when we would argue it was i was seeing someone but lately for some reason IM the one thats been feeling that so trusting my intuition ive been the one asking n telling him like " just be honest" to the point that he left n just recently we both just decided to part our ways just then for him to finally CRUSH my heart knowing i was righy the whole. I just dont understand why men gotta lie n especially when were carrying their child. Im sorry girly this happened to you

This makes me so sad to see because I was with someone like this and many of us have been and sadly many still are. :disappointed:
Simply by him doing it again a couple months later the moment you’re out of town, and especially with the same person that just shows you she’s not just a bootycall or whatever he told you to believe there isn’t an issue. He has completely invalidated your emotions because he knows it would hurt you, yet continues to do so. If you haven’t already dug up some information on her, it may be time to do just that if you are seeking closure but I don’t recommend reaching out to her, at least not immediately because chances are you won’t get the response you’re hoping for.
He clearly was trying to place the blame on her to distract from the fact that He is the sneaky one.
Chances are she doesn’t know you’re together or he has fed her some story about how you’re horrible to him ect or that he’s only around to take care of the baby, and he wants to make sure the two of you don’t happen to cross paths in a positive way to realize he is the problem.
I would just recommend getting your ducks in a row for you and your unborn child, especially because you are pregnant if you know you don’t want this to be how your relationship always is. Coming from experience it will only get worse with children on the way as well. He will likely feed you everything about how he will never do it again just to make sure you don’t leave, but I promise you he will because he clearly already has. He will only find ways to get better at it. I learned many years ago that people can cheat without leaving much of a trace behind.
However if this is something you desire to work out the only thing that may help at all is relationship counseling, and even then the chances are very slim because as of now he clearly doesn’t see an issue with his ways.

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unless you like a life of misery co parent separately

Continue going through this lying deceitful behavior with him, or move on. A baby ISN’T going to change it. Good luck

Be done. Not worth your time.

Some men are only as faithful as their options.

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Do nothing. Take care of yourself and your unborn child. Make plans for yourself, including the possibility that you may be raising this child alone or with a more mature man. So nothing to this man. Think and act for yourself. Dont spy on him because you already know what you will find. Either this guy your with will come around snd treat you well or you will make the decision as to what is right for you and your baby.

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Seems to me if you are checking his phone the trust is already gone. You can’t have a relationship without trust.

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That’s god showing you he not the one. Do not I repeat DO NOOOOOOT marry that guy. He ain’t ready.


Don’t buy that. He’s straight lying to you. He knows exactly why he called her and he’s playing, cheating. You’re cheating yourself out of happiness if you stay , you know what he’s doing. You don’t need him for your babies.

Don’t settle, Queen! Let that go. Let the trash take it self out and be with the other trash!


You can read the comments girl. You know this is wrong and you know that you need to break up with him. I am just sorry that you added a baby to the mix.

If you have to check his phone then you know the answer already…

This is my answer :wave: bye bitch. I wouldn’t ever be able to trust him again. He only told you because you caught him. Fk that kick him to the curb. I understand being pregnant but he’ll do it again and again

Leave. He’s cheating. If he can’t stop messong with the ex looking her up on fb etc then he doesn’t love nor respect you… Put him on child support and move out of state before you have baby. He is scum

You must be desperate for dick
If you’re still with that prick.

Wake up call. Sadly hes full of bs imo and insulting your intelligence. Good luck :v::pray: