This just happened to me. If you’re into the small things like that, I am too then he should at least listen to why it’s important and maybe find a compromise if he isn’t willing to post it to Facebook? Unfortunately for me, I took being “hidden” if you will, among other things as a little suspicious and found out that there were conversations and such with other women…just follow your gut and be honest
Ladies if your relationship is dependent on a Facebook status you may need to work on yourself.
Follow your gut. This happened to me and I found out he was seeing other women.
I’m not saying this is your case at all, but in my experience, when someone isn’t willing to at least change their status on Facebook, they are trying to appear single for a reason. It would bother me.
If you need a Facebook status to validate your relationship with the person you are suppose to spend the rest of your life with its truly on you. I’ve been married for almost 30 years we are friends on fb, and both states married but doesn’t say to each other. We post pictures of each other our kids, tag each other in everything, its not a big deal, I think your really over thinking this
I’ve been in a relationship for 14 years and engaged for almost 5 and we don’t have " in a relationship" on fb.
When I was in a relationship…I kept that private… he was on there, but only I could see it… it’s my preference.
Facebook doesn’t make it official.
Some of us women like a post or a status on our page just so it’s known. We are in a generation now where it matters to some. And there has been many cases in which the other is cheating which is why no tagging or a relationship status. Nothing is how it use to be. So yall are being very rude to her, giving her shit cuz she wants a label. It’s her fucking choice. Just like it’s ur to NOT have one. Some of us just want the little things… Some of us want the big things… Some stuff matters more or not at all. We are ALL DIFFERENT. Quit being petty butt holes. A fb status isn’t based on a relationship but can be appreciated and let’s other women or men know (there is someone else).
It’s something simple he could do to make you happy with literally zero effort and he still isn’t doing it. That’s a problem
My ex didn’t change his either when we were dating. Turns out he made another Facebook account, was talking to other girls, and got into a relationship with someone else while with me and posted that one tho.
I don’t even have mine on fb. Fb doesn’t need to know everything.
My husband rarely uses his FB and he was the first to send me the request to make us in a relationship while dating. Then after being married for a year, we finally got around to changing it to Married. He doesn’t care if I tag him in photos because this way his family and friends can see pics of the kids or us because he rarely uses the account. Last guy I dated didn’t want me to change my status to in relationship and didn’t want to be posted on my page or tagged…Found out his Facebook was connected to his tinder account. He wanted to be seen as single so he wouldn’t get caught up with the other girls he was talking to. Also before dating my husband, I always did my research on a guy before going out with him. One of the checks would be going through his social media!
My ex did that…everyone knew…he while family,my family…only person who didn’t was his side girl. I would tag him too but he turned off it showing on his timeline…two days after i broke it off he’s tags her and is in a relationship with her. Mind you we lived together and i did everything for him…including took care of his 3 kids. He wanted the new girl who bad his sister is now raising his kids(his wife died a few years ago). My advice leave.
It’s one thing for him to not post you and another thing for him to tell you that you’re not allowed to tag him in photos or appear on his page? Idc what anyone says that’s super weird and suspicious lol
So FB validates your relationship status !!! Oh okay
I never post my relationships on Facebook either. If I am out with my guy and we take pictures… The only thing that I’m posting this may be one of two pics of myself that he took of me…. Nothing else. And he is okay with that!! I want my love life all to myself
If he doesn’t use it often I can understand not accepting the request, but him not wanting to he tagged is a little sus
1st of all does he post other things or comment on othe people posts that he is tagged in?.. If he does then that should be a red Flag but if he doesn’t then I would believe what he is saying is true. My husband is hardly ever on fb. He wont post anything not even a picture of himself. I know of a few men that post their wives and talk about how much they love them but they cheat on them
If he’s such a private person, why is he even Facebook
We’ve been married 5 years and mine still says single:joy:
Ask him if he is willing to delete his fb then, this will tell you alot.
I get that it’s “just social media” and it shouldn’t be important as long as your relationship is great in real life. I understand that way of thinking.
But, let me tell you about everyone I know that’s Facebook status is “single,” when they really aren’t. THEY ARE CHEATING. They want their relationship to be secretive to those new people they meet online OR for the people that are aware of their significant other to question it, so they can confirm they’re having issues and are breaking up.
Although, it may be innocent… be mindful.
My husbands is like that, and it bothers me occasionally, when i think about it. But, i post pics sometimes and tag him. It doesnt bother him. He too, is very private. We’ve had our arguments over it. But at the end of the day, i know we good… house, cars, trucks, and 2 businesses in our names. i dont think facebook matters, until i sit and overthink it.
Honestly, I didn’t have my relationship status on my FB for a long time.
The reason: because I’m a very private person.
But when my boyfriend brought it up, I decided to change it.
So I do understand where he’s coming from but if he knows it hurts you, why not just change it.
It’s really not a big deal either way in my opinion.
Not everyone wants everything to be posted on social media. I don’t post things because I have people who I don’t want to find me. It’s not an issue for me. My husband is the same. Barely on Facebook and doesn’t even post things anymore. His relationship status says single but mine says married. I only changed mine so guys would stop sending me messages asking me if I wanted to go out with them but if it’s really something that bothers you then you should talk to him more about it. Tell him it bothers you and if he cares about you then he should be willing to compromise to at least change his status and make it private so no one can see it.
Maybe he’s a really private person. But if it hurts your feelings he should change it, or deactivate his account.
My boyfriend and I have been together for 8 years. Facebook status has been “Married to (his name)” since the day we got together.
Hes not much of a status poster… Just shares memes. But he does have pictures of us and our kids on his Facebook page. And he does tag me in memes and such.
From experience with this type of thing with my relationship before my current one… He didnt want to make it “facebook official” and he never mentioned me on his page, although I did tag him in things… He would comment and react to them… But he was cheating the whole time lol… Talking to other girls and all this and that.
TRUST YOUR GUT. If you feel like something is up. Then something is up.
Do it while he’s sleeping . He’ll probably never notice . Only reason could be je doesn’t want to hurt other girl feelings
Men aren’t like us women. They don’t need to show their status or update their life like we do. All the women saying he is cheating are not always right. If you need the validation of social media to prove he is into you then you need to work on your mental health status.
Don’t listen to these low self esteem, pick me, door mat women that expect the bare minimum and recieve the bare minimum. They’re walking jokes, it’s pathetic. You already know the answer…he has other women that he doesn’t want to reveal his relationship status to and doesn’t value or respect you.
7 years almost and ours is just left blank
Who cares? It’s just Facebook.
I mean its just social media. It has too much impact on people’s relationships tbh, with little stuff like this that doesn’t really matter.
I don’t change my relationship status till I’m 100% sure about my partner.
Ok the fact that he is your fiancé is mind blowing. if he was your bf that’d made more sense. If your unsure about his Facebook relationship status then maybe you shouldn’t have agreed to marry him….
Idk I mean my bf is the same way but I’m not bothered by it at all. If you need it to be facebook official to feel secure, I think you might be the one who needs to do some inner reflection. That probably sounds harsher than it is, but considering you should know him as your fiancee, and as long as he respects you, treats you well, loves you for who you are outside of social media, why does it matter?
Only reason I could see an issue with him not using Facebook or not making it official on the media is if I questioned his fidelity. If that’s not a concern for you, then just let him be. Not use starting an argument or a foundation of mistrust that isn’t necessary to have there in the first place.
If you DO question his fidelity over it, have a civil conversation with him. For my personal opinion, I think its a bit of an overreaction. To help move forward, just have a conversation with him. Him being private isn’t a bad thing unless there’s something else behind it. Sometimes, it’s just exactly what they say, though. If you don’t trust what he says, there’s no rhyme or reason to be getting married to him.
Its facebook…seriously? Mine has always been single
He won’t accept your relationship request or let you tag him in pictures? There’s someone he’s hiding you from.
Honestly if someone was “private” with thier life why have Facebook?!?!?
Because it’s Facebook who cares
Social media doesn’t make your relationship. He isn’t hiding you and you say he rarely posts so why may FB such a huge deal… 100s of yrs of marriage lasted with a fb status
I legit have married but only I can see it lol and my husband don’t even acknowledge me at times on social media lol thats because we live together and social media shouldn’t have to confirm your relationship together.
Here’s my opinion. My husband has a facebook but is never on it as well. He put me as his wife because I asked him to. He is also a private person and that’s why he doesnt post or do anything on the Facebook he has. But because it was something that bothered me he did it. If you tell your loved one that it bothers you and they dont care I feel like that a huge thing especially in a relationship regardless of what it is. I mean as long as the request is within reason. If it doesnt mean anything to them but it does to you it shouldn’t be a big deal. If it is theres something else going on. Again my opinion.
Because he doesn’t want ppl to know. If he was so private he shouldn’t have fb.
Lmao it’s keeping things private to hardly post pictures or let people know what’s going it. It’s hiding you to never allow you to tag him and to ignore your relationship request on Facebook without a discussion
If he his willing to publicly hurt you feelings now, it won’t stop after the wedding!!
Make a life event on fb and tag him in it. Engaged to (tag fiancee) on this date and post a pic of yall together
He is hiding you from someone. R-U-N!
He can keep u private but change status to married that wud be enough if he cant do that then
He can be private without hiding you. If he wants to be that private, why does he have a Facebook at all?
He’s hiding you. 100 percent. Downplaying your relationship for anyone who knows about you and keeping you a secret from those who don’t know.
Uggggh your just looking for a fight grow up , your life doesnt revolve around social and you probably wont be a fiance for much longer with a thought like that
I’d be a little worried on why he’s trying to keep you so private…BUT, I know sooo many men/boyfriends/fiancé’s that do not use their Facebook and therefore their relationship statuses are not updated and it doesn’t mean anything more then just the fact they don’t like Facebook or whatever else. If it really bothers you I’d talk to him though, I was the same way with my bf and I just told him it meant a little more for me and he changed it
If he goes on at all… it’s strange. If he doesn’t go on, then it would make sense
It doesn’t prove anything one way or the other. The fact that you are so emotional about it says a lot about how much validation you get from social media. If you think he has something else going on, address that, not his Fb announcement posts. FYI Identity thieves look for all of these details.
Me and my partner don’t have anything displayed… If you someone you shouldn’t need the approval of everyone else. Just think back before Facebook even existed noone knew who was with who unless the person said so… Kinda wish it went back to that
Grow up, its FB, for goodness sake, not real life. If you base your relationship on a FB status, you’ve got issues
The first point you made was that he “rarely” posts on FB. Maybe he just doesn’t care that much about social media.
If you don’t think he is hiding other things from you, I would let it slide.
Ps. I understand how you feel, that would hurt my feelings too.
Not everything has to go on fb to feel validated. If your bf rarely gets on fb why do he need to make it known he is in a relationship with you.
You’re feelings are hurt because you won’t respect his boundaries and privacy? Seems like he should be the one hurt. He asked you to marry him, is that not enough? He’s obviously committed.
Because some people live their lives off social media and not for it. Leave him alone and let him do his thing. Seriously if he was on fb all the time and hadn’t changed it that would be one thing but you said he’s barely on fb suggest that he could careless about social media and what everyone thinks. Get over it.
Are you engaged in real life? Because if so it doesn’t have to be validated by fb. My grandparents just walked around engaged in 1940 and no fb post had to be made about it, it was still real.
He’s probably just a private person. Not everything needs to be blasted all over fb. My MIL is exactly like this, she doesn’t care for having the labels out there.
Very much overreacting. Why is it that important to you? Is it because everyone is doing it or you like to show everyone your relationship status? You said he’s a very private person so why does he need to share a private part of his life for the world to see? Is it you feeling the need to show other women he’s taken or you feel insecure?
Seems like a red flag to me, privacy or not, if you’re active on Facebook but refuse to update your relationship status and don’t want to be tagged in the pictures with your wife to be, it’s not hard for her or anyone to imagine that you want to appear single. You can very easily set it to only appear to friends and family and if you’re so concerned about privacy
he could always confirm the relationship request and keep his status private?? idk it seems sketchy to just keep it displayed as single instead of changing it and making it private. especially the fact that his excuse is he’s a private person. idk i literally don’t get it.
I think the fact you are hurt by this is simply why he should just update it. I was in a relationship for 2 years & he didn’t update his status either. We split up cause he lied to my face, next minute he has a new victim but the Facebook relationship status was updated immediately. Be careful, people hide things for a reason.
You’re overreacting imo. Not everyone needs the world to know theor business. Not everyone needs their relationship status to be validated by FB. It doesn’t mean he’s hiding something or cheating you either. It simply means he doesn’t want his business on FB and he has that right to his privacy. You either respect it or you don’t. And honestly, if you need online validation for your relationship status then you aren’t ready for an adult relationship
You might be overreacting, especially since he doesn’t go on social media like everyone else does. However, his answer to not changing his relationship status sounds strange. He’s a private person, okay. But don’t the people he’s friends with on social media know you exist? I kinda see where that would sting a bit. But don’t let this ruin your relationship. It would be different if he was checking FB 24/7.
If he rarely uses Facebook he probably doesn’t care much about Facebook, and that’s okay.
Your entitled to your feelings though, but you should both be comfortable enough to talk through something like this if your engaged to be married…should be able to talk about anything if your relationship is serious.
If you were a girlfriend…maybe it would be ok, but you’re his fiance…that’s not ok at that point. He’s hiding something for sure. Not a healthy relationship sign
Listen he is your fiancee for a reason, don’t worry about social media cause is not real life. My fiancee is the same way he dislikes Facebook and he is such a sweet and loyal man. Pay attention to things that really matter in life
Most guys aren’t too into social media! I can understand why it might hurt your feelings but I would just be upfront with him and see how reacts. He may not realize how much it means to you
Our adult son hates FB so much he doesn’t have an account with them. He allows me to post pictures of him without a name. Apparently, there are many people who disagree with FB policies.
It’s social media…
Is he hiding you from friends an family an pretending you don’t exist in real life or just not putting things online…
My bf has his status changed yes but never posts pics of us but has my pic in his office at work. Like it’s social media it’s not the end of the world or sus at all just because he isn’t posting about you on it
Grow up and get over it. Are you really going to let Facebook ruin a relationship!
I’m hurt my husband of 40 yrs don’t either…I guess it is a guy thing
My husband had Facebook when we met. Now he doesn’t. He’s a very private person. Not everything needs to be online.
my husband straight up deleted Facebook lol - doesn’t change the fact that we are married and love each other
I only thing I find off is why it would be an issue to tag him in photos together… my relationship status is not displayed on my page however I post photos and tag all the time with absolutely no hesitation !!
This didn’t bother me…
16 years in I find
He’s been having an affair for 3 years and she’s 9 months pregnant.
Our daughter was one when he started communication via Facebook
If your uncomfortable there is probably a reason
If he had his phone locked and never lets you hold it or use it for anything ever …he’s hiding something.
My kids watching TV in my phone and I need to call my mom he unlocked it checks something setting I assume to turn on do not disturb dials then hands it to me…
We were in a way to a concert that had been planned for her lol and he let me use it an old friend of our messaged him and I was upset I had no clue they were still in contact but it wasn’t a big deal I was upset but looking back he was relieved …wonder why.
It wasn’t his pregnant mistress that’s why
And I ignored my intuition I even said in the ride isn’t the someone else you want to bring…why would you say that he asked idk …
I never thought he was cheating until the second I discovered she existed I was so so sure he would never…
Does he have single on his Facebook or in a relationship or nothing at all,if he has single,I would then make a fuss about it
I think that if you’re upset about this and he doesn’t seem to care about how upset you are about this than you two probably don’t really know each other enough to be engaged or married. It sounds like you two have a lot of conversations in your near future about what’s really important to the both of you including personal privacy. I read all the comments about people saying you shouldn’t worry because he’s says he is a private person and you’re being ridiculously insecure and that may be true. But if he’s really a private person then why have a FB account at all? Also, it he’s “semi-private” (which seems to be the case here) then he can change his status to engaged to make you happy as well as set his personal FB privacy settings very tightly to just family members. I disagree that FB is just a social media site and you shouldn’t let yourself be so caught up in this artificial superficial world of likes and dislikes. FB is a often a gateway to other apps and services, like gaming/chatting apps and oculus. So if he’s not changing his status and you’re upset I feel your concerns are reasonable. FB is used by a lot of people to connect with old friends and classmates and for many on the dating scene it’s a site that many look at to scope out the personalities and relationships of people they’re interested in. So a single relationship status may be an open invitation to someone who is unaware of how important you are to him. I personally think your concerns are valid and your alarm is not paranoia. If he is really as private as he says he is, to be honest, you too shouldn’t be identifying yourself as engaged to him and switch back to single and stop posting pictures of you two or tagging him. Post pictures of family and friends at parties and conscientiously eliminate his picture from your posts. It honors his privacy and makes you look open to other possibilities too since essentially despite being engaged, you’re as single as he is. Maybe that is petty but it will open up the dialogue you two so badly need.
They say women are hard to figure out but men are creatures of habit Try not to read into this behavior. Look at it this way, does he post anything when your having a fight or disagreement?
He asked you to marry him bc he loves you not for FB likes.
It’s just FB I wouldnt read to much in to it. My husband & I have been married 23 yrs & our married status is still pending
Most guys don’t post a lot of photos so that’s normal. But the fact that he won’t accept your request is odd… most people on his account probably know he’s already in a relationship so why does that need to be kept private?
Na sounds he’s up to no good keeping you hidden
Think about it after you are married, but don’t think for a minute that naming your relationship on Facebook cements your place in a relationship… or means your partner loves you anymore or less….it’s meaningless…. and you are having a power struggle over a status….you are friends on Facebook… he’ll always be able to cut you out. If you have trust concerns valid or not— time to deal with them now and save yourself grief.
Do you go out together & meet each others friends & family ? If he refuses that then there’s maybe a problem.
I also would feel some type of way.In my opinion that seems sneaky. Why not accept the request? If it’s something that makes you happy then why not do it. If something as small as hitting a button that says accept can make the woman he loves happy , then he should do it without hesitation. It doesn’t matter if other people think it’s stupid, if you want to be displayed on his fb page then that’s what you want. If he’s too selfish to give that to you then that’s a problem. It’s not even about the Facebook really, it’s the principle. Like if I am asking you to do this & you’re refusing then WHY?!
I kicked my boyfriend off my fb. He kept making comments about what I was writing. He says I’m hiding something. I told him, not bothered what he thinks
Yes you’re overreacting…what a ridiculous thing to be upset about. He’s already marrying you, what more proof do you need?
Do you feel he gives you security in every other way but social media?
So because I don’t post my entire life on facebook I must be cheating? Hmmmmmm.
Well he’s hardly on Facebook to begin with so it’s not that big of a deal.
What does Facebook have to do with your relationship status? Are you 13 years old??
This question in itself is a red flag about you
If you are a private person why have a fb anyways lol
Nah he’s hiding you, serial cheaters are very good at hiding their partners online.