If he rarely posts anything to begin with then it probably isn’t a big deal to him. Some people are just like that… they don’t care to show everything
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Why won't my fiance change his relationship status on FB?
He should compromise and be considerate of how you feel. If he is that private he shouldn’t have a Facebook. But marriage is about unity and becoming one, why not practice now.
My fiance and I have been together 9 years and never changed our fb status.
I’m the same way, I could care less about having it FB official … Like does it really matter? Seems petty and uneeded drama
What does his relationship status say? Honestly I wouldn’t be ok with it. He can be a private person and just limit what people see , to be your fiancé and know it’s bothering you should definitly be a red flag.
Facebook doesn’t define ur relationship. As long as you are both happy then that’s all that matters. I don’t broadcast my relationship online. Both my partner and I are very private and it’s worked out so much better for our relationship
I literally dumped a guy I tried to date because all he cared about was social media instead of REAL LIFE! It was so annoying, I dont want anyone knowing my personal life.
Does it really matter?
If he treats you right and everything else is fine in your relationship then I wouldn’t really think too much on it.
I would fursure feel a way
Way over reacting. It’s frickin facebook/social media. My boyfriend of 4yrs doesn’t even have a fb. He doesn’t like me posting photos of him on my fb either. He doesn’t like that I post our toddler. But he doesn’t really care. People know we are together. Don’t let social media come between your relationship. Mine just says in a relationship. It has always said that since I got a divorce 6yrs ago. It went from married to in a relationship (even when I wasn’t in one.)
It’s Facebook. Who cares? Too many people are obsessed with what others think on the Facebook.
I feel you my bf is the same way well we ain’t friends on Facebook tho but no one really even knows we are together none of his family nothing.
I personally don’t feel like you’re overreacting it would bother me too
And if you didn’t have Facebook? Good Lord. You women will find anything you can to bicker over. Yes, you’re overreacting. You even said he’s barely on it. Your relationship must be absolutely perfect if your only concern is he won’t change his relationship status.
If he rarely posts on there as you have stated then I don’t really see the issue, Facebook relationship status is just words, if your relationship strong enough you don’t need the label out there for everyone to know. You both know your in a relationship as do your friends and family, a bit of wording on social media won’t change anything.
My status says nothing my bf says in a relationship but I post pictures of him and our girls we have pictures of just us we both have status of 1 another celebrating birthdays and crap its fb the world doesnt need to know everything single thing that happens in your life I’m a very private person and dont share everything my bf HOWEVER shares every single thing then wonders why people know his business some things are best just for yall …and I still get hit on and I straight up tell them umm I have a bf good bye BAM BOOM BLOCKED
I’ve been with my man for 2 years. My fb says in relationship with him he confirmed it but on his fb it doesn’t show in relationship. I’m ok with that. At first I was upset but it’s just fb he’s not doing anything behind my back and I trust him. Maybe he’s just a private person and don’t want drama from other people
Not everything is about Facebook
It’s not official unless it’s FB official .So childish.
Jesus Christ grow up.
He’s got something too hide. People saying it’s only fb why shouod matter if it’s only fb why is it a problem to him to put in a relationship… He’s making out to others he’s single!
I’ve been married for 7 1/2 years and my husbands Facebook still says engaged. It used to bother me but not any more x
My husband doesn’t even have Facebook and mine doesn’t even show my relationship status. What does it matter if everything is good in the relationship?
Relationships are about compromising and I feel like if that’s important to you then he should at the least change his relationship status. I understand being private and maybe not sharing pictures and/or statuses in general about you guys, but at the least he should change his relationship status. Plus I feel like if he actually gets on fb, then that could be a red flag. People are shady as hell. Unfortunately he could be hiding it for other reasons. It’s different to not have social media at all, but if he has it then why isn’t he willing to at the least change his relationship status?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Why won't my fiance change his relationship status on FB?
I understand he’s your fiance though, so it might be a complete different situation. But if you think something is up, trust your gut instinct. I would ask him about it and tell him your concerns.
I personally don’t think you’re overreacting, but that could be because I was in a very similar situation.
Your gut is always right. It’s up to you whether you trust it. You can trust yourself.
Not saying this is what is going on in your situation, but I was with my boyfriend for a year and I was his friend on Facebook, always posted pictures of us, never tagged him. Well he deactivated his Facebook so I forgot about it and stopped worrying about it. Well he had re-activated his account and I didn’t find out until a year later because I had some suspicions and found out that he was basically living a kind of double life. He had a girlfriend, she was tagging him in stuff and everything. His family knew about her but didn’t know about me…
I think that your feelings are valid. I understand that he maybe a private person and maybe posting that stuff on fb isn’t something he is interested in doing. Follow your gut, personally some people wont post that stuff on fb. If you think there is more to it and he isn’t being truly truthful then follow your instinct. It’s hard for me to say because I neve been in where they won’t accept my relationship request. The only thing my boyfriend does it doesn’t post pictures of us on fb or when I tag him he doesn’t allow it to show up on his wall. For me, that doesn’t bother me but that’s slightly a different situation then yours
I absolutely respect that he remains private.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Why won't my fiance change his relationship status on FB?
If he isn’t active on fb then he’s probably telling the truth about wanting privacy. If he was active then I would think it’s weird.
Nah man that’s dodgy right there… why wouldn’t you have your relationship on Facey, let alone be able to tag your fiance in photos. Clearly doesn’t want to be seen by someone…
What happens when you tag him in a photo?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Why won't my fiance change his relationship status on FB?
Excuse me for being crass but honestly, why the fuckin hell is someone like this even your fiance’ if him being so private bothers you? Why even get that far in the relationship…this kinda seems like the type of conversation you guys should have had before accepting his proposal. Will he be ‘private’ about telling people he has a wife too? Red flag
Why do you need a Facebook status to make your relationship valid? Social media isn’t the end all and be all. Definitely not a red flag. He just doesn’t care about social media as much as you.
Nope, red flag…trust your gut
Tell him to delete his account if he doesn’t use it you’ll have your answer.
I would start tagging him in the pictures posted and see how he reacts, if he doesn’t care then I would leave it but if he overreacts and untagged himself I would run for the hills as he is hiding you away when you should be shown off.
Obviously let him know how that makes you feel but don’t make him do anything he’s not comfortable with. He might just actually be a private person, no need to overreact.
It doesn’t have to mean that anything is going on he may just be as he said a private person. However if it bothers you that much it seems off that he won’t simply confirm the relationship status. If the only reason were him being private it shouldn’t be that big of a deal to make a small concession to make the woman he loves comfortable
Simples, Because some people dont want the whole world knowing their business.
You are over reacting. Something so simple as social media should not determine a red flag. Back in the day before internet, people would cherish being together and that was enough… now and these days people think a post or a tag on social media is everything but in reality it isn’t… love is reality… if you don’t feel love then yes by all means that’s a red flag but a post shouldn’t determine your relationship… social is to show off and wanna get likes and what not… some people just don’t like social media or to put personal business out there. No matter how private you think your page is… your page is not private people have ways of finding your business out by your post amongst other things… my now husband never posted me or said we were in a relationship on Facebook until recently… he is not into social media much… I don’t see that as a red flag… we are newly married and together for almost 4 years… what is important is he shows me love physically not socially… please connect with your partner in person not on socials…
This would bother me too….if I was a teenager
Yeah you’re overreacting very much so. You need online validation that bad that the man can’t even have his own life and not have to share every little detail about himself online. 95% of The people you want to see that you’re engaged, so you can get an omg congratulations from could care less about you. Advice stop caring to post every major moment of your life online you’ll sleep better at night.
My ex and I weren’t friends on Facebook for the whole 15 years we were together. I gave up. Have your secret life
My husband of 6 years still doesn’t have his status or anything about being married and still hasn’t posted a pic of us
It use to annoy me but now I don’t care. They aren’t the same us as and guys are normally more private people
I think you may be over reacting… I’m not sure your age… My husband doesn’t have a Facebook. . I do. We both have Instagram, yet I am not about Instagram… He makes post on Instagram and I make post on FB… He doesn’t tag me on his Instagram post… And I am not able to tag him on my FB post… There is nothing wrong with that…
If he isn’t okay with you changing his fb relationship or tagging him in pics together, it’s because you’re not the only one he’s messing around with. Cut your losses and let him go
#redflag RUN! DON’T LOOK BACK.
So my boyfriend is very private too. We met working in law enforcement, so it made sense. He also took me to meet his family but wouldn’t post me on social media. I was upfront and completely honest and told him it made me feel like he wasn’t proud of me. I said “I’m so proud you are mine I want to shout it from the tops of mountains and it hurts me that you don’t want to do the same”
He is still private but that seemed to hit home with him. He wasn’t used to someone being proud to be with him.
I also knew he wasn’t cheating (we worked with eachother and we never hid our phones from each other).
You are over reacting. If he was on FB you would complain, he isnt so you complain. People make such stupid remarks when “you’re in a relationship” dont blame him for not advertising. You post pix of you two, that should say it all
I’ve been there got the t-shirt so to speak in my case my ex was so secretive because he was playing the field pretty much the whole 5 years when challenged he would get defensive then violent to deflect his lies, you can choose to display on fb as in a relationship but not list the person maybe thats something he would be willing to do
I want people to free themselves from the shackles of social media! Lol it’s fb! Do his actions prove that he is with you? I’m married, I don’t have married on my fb, my hubby doesn’t have a fb…
Social media shouldn’t define your relationship status. People used to be in relationships/engaged/married happily in the thousands of years before Facebook came along and it became unofficial unless visible on a profile. It doesn’t bother me it being public or not my partner and I are engaged, and we have it on our profiles but it wouldn’t be important if my partner didn’t want to have it public. The real truth is behind closed doors where people don’t see. Everyone is different
You are overreacting. Facebook is like marriage. Just because someone accepts your fb request or signs a marriage certificate. If they gon’ cheat, they gon’ cheat! People are so hung up on fb
If it’s not changed behaviour and he’s always been like that then I don’t see the problem. If it is changed behaviour then I’d be a bit cautious.
My partner will tag me in stuff (normally funny stuff!) and he has me as engaged to him on fb but he never posts about me or how he feels about me. Just the way he is x
Meh… thats just not cool. In his thinking, if he’s a private person he just sets his fb up that way. If fb use didn’t matter then it wouldn’t matter much either way. Seems suspish to me tbh
If he was sooo private he wouldn’t even have social media. He’s not private enough to share his name? He should be proud to have you on there. And he should want to make you happy, and many women like to have that. Not just to make anyone jealous but also just to have someone say that you are theirs and they are happy and proud of it. So. No I don’t think it’s cool
My fella and are not even friends on fb. We don’t want to see each others past x
Mine wouldn’t accept photos tagged in or post pictures of us, but he was an active user and posted often…now I know he had multiple “girlfriends” and it all made sense
I refuse to have my relationship other than single until I have a ring on my finger. Personally I would use a firm slipper in order to change his status.
Tell him how it makes u feel. He should changed his status
Some guys are just not technically minded , and wouldn’t know how to do their privacy settings, or are not really into social media. If it bothers you though sit down and talk to him how you feel. If he sees it upsets you then he should be prepared to and want to update it or delete the account.
I have a picture of my wife and me as my profile picture, cos I chose to. My wife has a picture of herself , tbh I don’t really care she does because I am not insecure in our relationship. We don’t need social media to verify our relationship.
Get over it my partner hid her relationship status
My husband had his hidden but was talking to girls I discovered
Is he home with you every night? If so then let it go. He obviously doesn’t want his business on social media.
If you’d like him to do it, he should do it. Even if he thinks it’s stupid.
My partner no confirmed my request for over 2 year…and?We living in real life not on facebook…and actually non of us posting on facebook…try to live in life not on social media,because social media will f*ck your relationship
You’re not overreacting. Start tagging him in the pictures
Why? Are you happy? Why should be Facebook official? He doesn’t have to if he doesn’t want to
Red flag, I would feel like he’s hiding something. What else is the reason? To make you feel bad?
you are overreacting. your physical relationship is far more important than your online one. FB doesn’t need to know everything. and some people are very private.
GIRL RUN! Run fast. Do not marry a man who wants to hide you rather than show you off. RUN!!!
Mmmmm….think you’re way over reacting by what you’ve shared. Most of the friends people have on social media are family, 3D world friends, co-workers or people from around the world that they’ve never met. So that begs the questions: have you met his family? Do the 2 of you go out with friends? How does he treat you in public? How does he act at home? Does he have ANY relationship status on his page? Those things tell you wayyyyy more than a relationship status change.
My husband and I have individual fb pages. Neither of us even have the relationship status show up on our pages. He has an ex that is a full blown stalker and her finding out he’s now married would open the door of the clock and let the coo-coo out! I have an ex that cyberstalks my page and sends creepy messages using info he gathers from my page. We now have all our privacy settings pretty high but people are unpredictable so being cautious and not letting everyone know all your business is actually SAFER. There is a reason for sure but if your first reaction to him not changing his relationship status on a computer app shakes your trust in him, y’all have no business getting married because that kind of mistrust only gets worse.
And to the chick telling everyone that they shouldn’t have social media if they aren’t willing to post their relationship status …… just don’t. It is not a Facebook, life or relationship requirement to share every damn thing about your life with everyone. People that do that are the annoying ones that post pics of what they’re eating and other inane crap.
Questions like this remind me why it’s good to stay single
I would say it may be a red flag. Does his page say single or is it just not viewable. There’s a big difference there.
Omg. Maybe get off FB?
My fiance is secure enough in herself not to need constant praise and compliments Carly Anne Kaczorowski
Do you really need Facebook to feel validated? Some people just don’t life social media.
My boyfriend (5 years so far) stop using social media apps/sites long ago but still has his old Facebook account. He said he doesn’t like social media because people are nosey and he doesn’t like it when they are in his business. When we became a couple, I added him on my relationship status on FB and I told him. He literally went on there to see and accept it and log out. Lol He knows I enjoy social media networks but I ask him first if I can post anything about him. Even though he doesn’t like social media, he loves me enough to compromise. I have post pictures and I tag him. He knows that people will see but he doesn’t care as long it isn’t embarrassing or something too personal. People will be nosey and try to get into couples business regardless if it’s online or in person.
But your fiance…before I go further, has he told people that he associates with and his family that your his fiancée? Does he seems like he hides your relationship in general? If he does, then that’s a red flag.
When two people truly love each other, they will be willing to compromise. It would bother me too. My boyfriend knows that. People on here saying your overreacting don’t understand that everyone values and express love relationship differently. Everyone’s love language is different. Talk to each other about y’all values and about LOVE in general. If it doesn’t align and he isn’t willing to compromise on things then I don’t think he’s the one for you.
I don’t see why it’s a big deal honestly. Why do you need it to be official on Facebook when it’s already official off screen? If he barely uses it, why should it matter whether he posts it or not?
Kaizer Hero look at this shiiii
You’re overreacting. If he doesn’t post on it much than it shouldn’t matter if he changes it
I had that happen to me once… he was actually with someone else and trying to keep me a secret. Never will do it again!
There are settings that he can make his profile private to the public and no info to show to anyone except his friends and family on his Facebook… why would he need to be private about his relationship with you to his friends and family? Does he use his fb account often ? It would bother me if he’s socially active on fb.
Eh. Not everyone takes their social media seriously. If you two are happy, and he’s not being shady then just ignore it.
I get that he could be hiding something but also fb causes so many problems. Me and my partner now both have our own fbs we are not on each other’s and they say single cos it’s nobody else’s business. It drove to much of a wedge between us otherwise.
You both have different viewpoints, you may see it as “if you really care about this relationship then you’d show it off to the least” and he may see it as “if you really felt secure in the relationship (maybe) you wouldn’t see it as something that’s a priority, or that it’s just simply not a big deal”
Maybe try explaining why you want it as that and why it’s important to you in a way he would understand your side
I read this out loud to my bf and he said “If he’s a private person then why does he have a fb?”
What did we ever do before FB? How did we ever survive?
If Facebook is defining your relationship, then get off of it . If he’s a good man, why does the status matter ??
If you’re hurt cause he won’t change his relationship status on fbook then maybe this relationship isn’t for u in the end.
Does his status say single or in a relationship now?
There’s someone else. 100% protecting someone’s feelings
Why is it anyone’s business ? I don’t see a big deal. Social media has made people so insecure . If he doesn’t use it I wouldn’t be concerned