I used to feel the same way but then I grew up a little. A social media status doesn’t validate the realness of a relationship. The only things that validate it are love respect and fidelity.
If FB statuses determine the strength of your relationship, you’re not old enough, or mature enough, to be in a long-term, adult relationship.
My ex-husband was very private on his fb account. He even refused to accept my friend requests. I thought ‘oh well, it is just fb, no big deal.’ Later on I found out what he was hiding. He wanted to appear available in case someone came along He may want to ‘talk to.’ Also, he was really private with his phone. He would never let me use his phone if mine was lost or whatever.
He left it at home one day by accident when he went to work. I of course was very curious of what he may be hiding. I found text messages where he was flirting back and forth with some women he had known in school. Of course I was deeply hurt and eventually we divorced.
Time to leave….in all fairness i didn’t read much after “why won’t my fiancé change his relationship statue”
OMG - it’s Facebook, for God’s sake.
Cause he don’t want to.
He’s hiding something. Dump him.
Yes. Leave him alone.
Okay so I was like this when my husband and I first got together. I’d bring it up constantly, not because I needed social media validation in my relationship, but because I’d been hurt so many times and basically been seen as the “dare date” or whatever. It bothered me for a while, not gonna lie. But after a while, I finally got out of my own head for a few minutes and listened to what my partner was saying. He was a private person. He literally never posts on Facebook himself. He has it for video game pages and videos, that’s it. It’s not a bad thing I promise. As long as he still shows you love in real life, that’s all that matters.
You’re probably overreacting. Not everyone has accepted social media into their lives the way the rest of us have. There’s a good chance that he simply does not understand why this matters so much to you.
Sorry, but I’d accept the request on his Facebook whilst he’s asleep and await the message from the other woman!
Well it sounds like he’s not a social media kind of person, you’re thinking to much into it.
He can still share things on Facebook and exclude people from seeing it…i don’t trust this shit. If he doesn’t care about social media, why would he care about changing his status to engaged…
We post very rarely. We avoid putting our business on fb always have. He’s much more private than I as far as photos. I will post one every once in a while. He very rarely does. We just don’t want our photos clogging friends timelines
Everything doesn’t need to be on Facebook
Some people just don’t give a damn about Facebook maybe you should do the same
You are getting played. If he is keeping you hidden there’s a reason.
He’s being a dick its a small gesture if it makes you happy he should just do it who cares…
I understand everyone’s comment of respecting that he’s a “private person” but its the fact he’s refusing to display something he should be proud of . If he wants to be so private to hide the fact he’s getting married there’s another , much more concerning reason other than simply he is just a private person. If he chooses to have Facebook , he should be proud to display that, but more importantly - happy to accept the request because it makes you happy.
Our younger generation is also different in this sense . Yes it is “just social media “ - BUT unfortunately it has blown up to this degree where people do care that it’s there for everyone else to see . I don’t see this as being childish , you’re proud of him and just want that in return.
Who the heck accepts a marriage proposal from a man that hides you?
Your overreacting lmao
In my opinion if he’s not willing to do it just to make you happy then he’s just being a dick and doesn’t want other people to know he’s taken…
Are you serious now? Lol grow up.
Your feelings are valid whether others think you are overreacting or not. If that’s how you feel, don’t let none of these people think you’re crazy.
It’s perfectly fine for you to want to be loved or shown off in your own certain way and your partner should consider it because people that truly love us will care that we’re content. I personally don’t mind if my partner does not post about me. But that’s just me! Does not give me the right to invalidate how you feel just because it’s not something I can relate. When you put yourself in a position to allow people to dismiss your feelings just because those feelings are considered too much to them, you give them power to shut down your true voice and even manipulate you. Don’t allow that. If it does not feel right to you, stand your ground. Be assertive but be kind. Don’t let no one gaslight you. Never be willing to accept less than what you want, deserve or need.
Also if it’s not a big deal then I’m sure he wouldn’t mind sharing what should be a happy moment in your lives? Privacy and secrecy are two different things.
Let him be private on there. Facebook really doesn’t need to know your relationship status. It’s your (you and your fiance) business, not really anyone else’s. Your fiance doesn’t have to change anything if he doesn’t want to. It doesn’t mean he’s hiding anything from you. My partner and I wanted to put the fact we are in a relationship on FB but it is up to the couple
It sounds like you’re living your life “online” and he isn’t. A little like … announcing your engagement \ relationship update on the front page of a newspaper. It’s not for me \ I couldn’t take you seriously … “I can’t believe my boyfriend won’t air our laundry on the front page of The Sun” And why is it so important to you? As in, (sorry) who’s bothered about your FB relationship status VS being bothered about you as a person (in which case they would know your relationship status etc)? I wouldn’t read too much in to it
Delete your FB and call it a day
If he “rarely” posts on Facebook, there’s your answer partially. However, not accepting your relationship request is fishy to me. My husband doesn’t use his Facebook a lot, but our marriage status is on there.
I’m sure everyone that matters to you both knows you are engaged. But Avoiding showing it on his social media, even though he’s rarely on, doesn’t seem right to me. Makes me wonder if he’s talking to someone on there. Being a private person is one thing, and that’s understandable cause my husband can be private. But an engagement or marriage shouldn’t be private….
If it were me, I would be looking into exactly why he refuses to acknowledge your relationship on social media. If he’s that “private” that you don’t want your relationship status on display, why have a Facebook at all? Why not just delete it if you don’t even want people knowing you are engaged?
I don’t blame you for questioning this. It’s weird. Don’t listen to the people calling you immature or overreacting. If my husband denied that we were married on social media, even though he’s not on much, it wouldn’t go over well at all with me. You aren’t his girlfriend, you’re his wife to be. Make sure he’s not talking to women on Facebook before you marry this guy…
What are you, 12yr old?
My ex hubby never posted pics of us on FB either. He didn’t want to upset his gf!
True story!
That’s what’s bothering you?
Ur still in fiancee relationship so both of you are free
My boyfriend and I haven’t updated our statuses on fb. The people in my life who matter know. Quite frankly if we hadn’t already been on each other’s fb I wouldn’t have even added him as a friend. I feel like things get misinterpreted on fb and I’ll be dammed if I want fb ruining my relationship
Communicate with him what you’re feeling and why, and try to get a very clear answer from him about his feelings and why. It could be as simple as it just not being important to him, and understanding that it is important to you will make him change it. Or it could be something that is important to him for a specific reason, and then you can understand that and be okay with it. I think he just needs to be aware of your feelings, and you need to be aware of his. Neither of you are mind readers, so just talk it out and see where it goes.