Will a judge allow me to move with my kids?

I live in one state. And my kid’s father lives in the state next to mine. Sees the kids every other weekend. Forty-eight hours twice a month. We have joint custody, but I have residential. I received a call where my mother is going blind. She lives in FL. Would a judge allow me to move to take care of my mother until she gets a nurse? But more or less, I want to stay there because why would I leave my mother legally blind and live in another state. He’s already giving me a problem with going, saying he wants me to give him my kids. But he is a piece of poop. Who can’t afford even to feed himself. And isn’t stable but will move to his mother’s house, which is a business. (Dog kennel/ doggy daycare). They get strays all the time. Violent dogs and all. They train them but currently four large dogs. And four cats… And he wants to add three kids, 2 of which are toddlers. End of it is, Would a judge allow me to take my kids to reside with my mother to care for her as this is a medical emergency type of case?


Possible, but only way to know is court


It should be in your court paperwork

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It depends on the state and your custody agreement. Talk to your lawyer.

Probably not as the father has rights. And since he’s in the children’s life then judge could say no and really is it fair on him to miss out on his kids. Give him the kids so then you can look after your mum or move mum to your place


Not likely if you have joint legal custody and he sees them on his visitation times. If he was an absent father you would have better luck, but he is showing up for his kids. Why not just bring your mother to your home or an assisted living center near you?


Doesn’t hurt to ask, maybe ask your lawyer… could you move your mom to your place?


More than likely they will grant you the move but he will get them so many times a year a lot of times so much in the summer and split holidays. you will also have to agree on how they are getting back and forth and who’s paying for it. I just had a friend deal with this. They had to go back to court because he fought it and it was a process before the judge made the decision. Everyone had to take the stand and the kids were spoken to in private about both mom and dad.

It depends on how much the move will interfere with his visitation.

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You need a Good lawyer

I dont think so. You might have to an ok for your ex. But get it on paper please.

If the place he resides at is a danger to your kids, why haven’t you reported it?


He wouldnt be able to provide what they need. Stable home, the dogs…I’m a geoomer with a kennel…I’d do it anyway. Its what’s best and a judge would see that. I’d say hes not going to get a lawyer to fight it, if he wants to see them then he should drive


You should look at your papers about it. Mine says I can move anywhere. My husbands ex cannot leave the county,

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Very iffy…depends on the state…some have laws you can only live so far without permission


You can ask for a revision of visitation but you’ll be financially responsible for the kids flying to see him or however it works

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It is completely a possibility but unless you petition the court for an amendment to move there is no way to know!

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Why not bring your mom to you. You can’t take kids from there Dad. They need both parents


If it’s such an emergency, move your mother to you.
You may not like the guy, but your kids are entitled to know and be close to their dad. It’s not about what’s best for you or your mum.


Most places only allow a move if it’s a significant change in lifestyle.

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You would be responsible for all the costs of visitation. If they had to fly, youd pay it. I’m not allowed to move a certain distance without notifying the court first.


You have to file for permission to move. If he can’t feed himself it will probably work out. My guess is that a judge will give him extended breaks (if they are school age). For instance, my son has to go to his dad’s every other winter break, every spring break and all of summer break. Good luck

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Why not have your mom come stay with you


It all depends on the judge. But even with Residential control you need to submit the paperwork to the courts and they will determine it.

I live in Illinois and just went through this with my daughter she can not leave the state with my grand daughter every state is different I would talk to ur lawyer about it

Why cant your mom move to you? I wouldnt take time away from my kids father. He helped make them he deserves a relationship with them regardless of how you feel about him. For the living situation, you can request he only sees them at a different residence or center. But I doubt a judge would let you move without him agreeing to it


You have to go to court to move that far


Your mum may be going blind but is capable of moving states.
The kids deserve to see their dad and if he won’t give permission and even offered to take them it would be unfair to take them away.
Whether you like him or the animals it is about the kids.


You have residential custody. He can’t keep the kids. They live with you not him legally

A piece of poop who can’t even afford to feed himself. A bit harsh. Piece of poop how? Seems like he wants to be close to his kids. Why not move your mom to you. Your opinion of him doesn’t matter. He is their father.


Possible, not probable. He sees his kids regularly according to the order? Is he involved in anything else? School, sports, church, medical appts etc? Is he up to date on child support? That all comes into play. If he’s doing the bare minimum as a parent, only as the court orders then you have a chance. If he’s providing extra financial support such as buying clothes, helping with transportation, being involved in their schooling, medical appts etc you don’t have a chance. Joint physical means he has the right to participate in those decisions. If he’s not using that right you can petition the court to give you full custody & allow you to move where you have more emotional support, help & will be better off financially. You will need a lawyer. Don’t do this without 1. You won’t win without a lawyer.

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My custody agreement, I just need to give thirty days notice of my intent to move.

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Is moving your mother in with you not an option?
I’d think that first before taking away visitation.


You wanna take a kid from an involved father? You’re the reason men dont even wanna fucking try half the time. I hope the judge says no tbh

I’m in the same position. Other then mines to move for school. And my sons dad won’t allow me to move cause it’s 100 mile limit. But because you have them most the time, you may have to pay for plane ticket or something for them to travel back an fourth

When you said “he wants me to give him MY kids”, they’re both of your kids. :heart: He does seem to want to be in your kids lives. I agree, I’d have my mom come live with me if these arrangements were ours, I wouldn’t want to take my kiddos that far away from their dad and family. I don’t think it’s right. The only way you’d know for sure is if you talked to someone about it legally and tried to push it. You could get advice all day long, but it would all need to go through the courts to make this legal. Also, this may be a medical emergency, but you did state you don’t really have any intentions on coming back (you don’t want to move back if not forced to)


This is a question for a legal professional as all states are different.

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It doesnt matter what your thoughts are about your ex, every child deserves to know their parents. As long as he makes the effort to get them when he’s suppose to, doesnt abuse them, shows them love and affection; who are you to deny him or them the relationship. If its that important, move your mother in with you.


Talk him about going down there for a little while to get your mom packed to move back with you. Unless there is a medical reason she csnt travel it would be best to move her where you live. The kids deserve to see their dad. You choose him.


Is his visitation agreement in the out custody agreement? That alone would make it a no as he would have a legal court document right to see his kids at least twice a month and if he isn’t willing/able to go to FL to see them or fly them to him every month, he can say no and prevent you from taking them. I see a lot of people asking why you don’t bring mom to you, thag can be a challenge of course if she is set there with care and such. It seems to all come down to court order. I have full custody of my kids and am free to move as I please because there is no court ordered visitation for their father. Of course that may be different state to state.

You will need to go to court and file a relocation petition. No one can accurately speculate exactly.


Depends on state you in, if granted judge could make you cover all travel expenses for visitation since your the one moving

Honest they are not just your kids. They are his too. Why not move your mom in with you or close to you?


Most likely yes they would . But you have to court with proof of your claims against him. Your plan for moving to Florida and still providing for kids. And a plan to try and accommodate his time with the kids

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Wouldn’t it be easier to move your mom in with you? Also to move to another state you have to change your parenting plan, that means filling for a new one and getting it approved before you move.


You would need to petition the court. They may say no, as your mother could move to your state instead and it means he gets less time with his kids.

No. This won’t be immediate whatsoever so if your mom needs you asap I’d be really careful because if you go down there before court, the judge could take them from you & give him sole custody. And you talk down to himnonky getting 48 hrs a months with them. Sorry but that’s jacked up. If he wants them more but you don’t let him that’s even worse. 48 hrs… I’ve been thru this with the bf being in MO & the residential mom in KS. She took them to CA & judge gave her a time to get them back or lose them.


I have a friend. The mom has custody, they live in Florida, the kids come stay long holidays (and all summer) with their dad states away. Dad pays for transportation. Along with his monthly CS. So it’s been done. Hope everything works out for you dear

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It would be best to ask a lawyer but I would think a judge would allow you to move but he will still have to get his visitation. So you would have to work out taking them back where he lives during his time.

My custody agreement stated I couldn’t move with our son more than 75 miles. If I did move further I would have to go back to court.


Wow harsh statements most of these women must have great ex husbands and most likely a judge will let you

Probably not. You had children with him, not your mom. Why also rip the kids from him if he sees them consistently?


That’s where you are mistaken. They aren’t your kids. I wouldn’t want you to move either and if you tried I would definitely put up a big fuss as well.


Usually, and you would have to refer to your custody agreement to see, if you intend to move more than a certain mileage from your current address or out of state you have to let both your ex and the court aware of your intentions. Your ex would have 6 weeks to contest, and if he does, a judge or court commissioner would have to decide what would be in the best interest of the children. A guardian ad Litem would likely be appointed as an impartial party to help make that determination.


I feel like I need more back story on this situation. He’s a present father and sees his kids when he’s supposed to see his kids. He is just as important as you are as a parent. Is there no way at all for your mother to come stay with you? I just don’t think a move is fair. He’d be missing out on his kids and the kids would be missing out on their father.

If where he lives was such a problem, you should’ve said something sooner. Only bringing it up now, when it would benefit you, is petty.


Even if he’s a total crappy human he’s still their dad. Would you be okay with losing access to your kids because of a family emergency on his side? The right thing would be to move your mom in with you so the kids still get to see their dad.


I get wanting to take care of your mother, but that doesnt mean take you’re kids away from an involved father in the process. Is there no one else who can care for her in the meantime? Why can she not come stay with you rather than you going to her and uprooting you’re children’s lives? That to me would seem an easier option. The best advice I can give is to take it to court but I personally wouldnt leave state with my children knowing their father is involved and wants to be for any reason. My mother would have to come stay with me because my children come first and they need both their mother and father in their lives and I dont feel it’s right to put a strain on their relationship with their father by moving away reguardless of the reasons behind it.


They are his kids too, be lucky he wants them apart of his life. And nobody can give you a for sure answer, that’s up to a judge to decide. Every case is different


Depends, if granted you will have to pay all travel.costs to get your kids to the father. Why dont you move your mom with you so it doesn’t affect anything… most judges dont allow it if it drastically affects the agreement tho


If he’s giving you grief about it, I would say no. I think your mother should move in with you instead. But you can petition the court. But I truly doubt it just because you said it sounds like he will fight you. I mean if you just do it more than likely you will have to foot the bill when it comes to transportation and everything.

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Get a lawyer …it might take some time but you will win in court

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If the agreement is by time and not set days then it might be easier, I would talk to a lawyer though. The information would be more accurate because each state and situation is different.

Get a lawyer or tell him to take you to court about it. If he’s as broke as you said, he either will do right or can’t. Some men like to control women through the children. If you already live in different states I don’t see what the big deal would be.

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Send him a certified letter 45 days before you leave with the address you’re moving too. Get a lawyer in that time

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You need to look over your custody paperwork. If it says that you can’t move without court permission petition the court. Because of the situation I imagine they’ll let you move. He would just get them for major holiday breaks and summer.


Yes it will be fine take it to the judge


Most likely not. He is their father And the judge obviously sees no problem with overnight visits.

“Piece of poop” or not- YOU picked him to father those kids and they deserve to have a relationship with him just as he deserves to be with them I would recommend you arrange for Mom to move to you or arrange for a PT/FT caregiver as needed to help Mom.


Could u mom move in with u? Tell she can get a nurse and a place of her own?

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Yeah it would make more sense to have mom move to you…

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You’re going to have a hard time moving with the kids in this situation. The judge is far more likely to side with him because you have nothing else putting you in that area and it’s not a permanent situation.

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I definitely wouldn’t just move with either his written consent or the judges. And rather or not the judge would allow it really depends. I agree that you should try to move your mother up there so it doesn’t affect any of this. And just remember that you wanting to be close to your mother doesn’t mean that the kids should give up seeing their dad every other weekend.


Try to remember, it’s the best interest of the children that the court will look at, not the best interest of grandma.


Fathers have rights too. I don’t get how women think they automatically own the children and treat the fathers like sperm donors.


Do what’s best for your children, not your mother.


No! Why would you move your kids away from their father? They are 1/2 his. Move your mom in with you, it’s easier that way. The kids and their dad don’t have separate, and you still can take care of your mom.


Honestly mothers who talk shit like this about the baby’s father are just as much a pile of shit as them. You spread your legs hunny.

If he has joint custody then no… you would have to take it back to court. He sounds like he is very active in his kids lives no matter what your feeling are towards him… if you want to go live with your mom then you can go… why would you do that to your children and take there father out of there lives… Maybe your mom can relocated to you just like you he deserves a relationship with his kids also and the kids him.


it depends, bottom line, on how it will affect visitation on the non physical custody parent. If you’re willing to bring your kids 3 states away every other weekend for 48 hour visits, they may indeed allow it.

you need to talk to the judge, not us !! Wish you luck with that. And just maybe due to the health of your mother, he/she just might allow it

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I dont think a judge will allow you to move regardless

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You would have to prove the move is better for them and you mostly like a better job, your current company transferring you etc. Otherwise judge may not approve. But have your mother live with you for a bit. I get shes your mom and leaving her in her time of need would be shitty. Talk to a lawyer and your ex and try to come to an agreement. Allow more time for him and kids.

Ok your mom is not well so you want to move now l would say it is about you not the children see you layed down and made theses babies with the man you choose to do so and now you split and you want to take the children away that you made together sit back and think about this because what you do is a reflection of what your children see so you both need to sit down as adults and talk this through and be parents and l say parents as you did not make them by yourself ask your self this question how would l feel if this was being done to me and go from there


Don’t move the kids away from their father even if it is a very small relationship.have your mom move in with you


You should really be having this conversation with a lawyer, not Facebook.


Omg some of the comments are horrible.
The OP just wanted advise on going to STAY not permanently live with her mother just until her mother gets a nurse sorted.
Ppl saying move your mother. Maybe that’s not an option due to her health! Or maybe the OP place isn’t suitable for her mother.


Get advice from a Lawyer!!!

Can you try to arrange it where they’ll get a full week with dad and then 3 weeks with you ? Something to even out the time but also make it easier for you to care for mom ?

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More than likely yes, talk to your attorney


Wow the judgemental broads on here lol imagine ur mom is going blind and ur kids father isnt allowing you to take ur kids to go spend time with ur mother until her vision goes!!.. Lets pray THAT DOESNT HAPPEN TO ANY OF YOUR MOTHERS… LET ALONE ANY SICKNESS OR DISEASE. Good luck to you judging women… Smh every case is different… Anyways lol and her mom moving with her… Y’all dk what her own living space looks likke. The guy takes em 4 nivhts a month and you all think hes superdad?? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Move your mother in with you. And give the father 50/50 custody, you both made the children, you both have equal rights to them.


He’s a piece of poop because he lives with his mother? That doesn’t mean he’s a piece of poop, he loves his children. You’re a piece is poop for trying to take his children away because of how living situation.


yes they will if you provide adequate access arrangement for dad and medical certificates for mum prob won’t even make it to court as they will order a mediation conference first if he is not willing to budge on it then the magistrate will decide, good luck and do not surrender your kids to a life that is detrimental to them


I’m confused by the he’s giving me problems statment. I think alot of women forget kids are just as much the dads kids as they are theirs


Maybe think about moving your mum to where you are if possible?


It really depends on what your custody agreement states. I know in mine, we aren’t supposed to move more that 50 miles away from each other. However, if you’re looking at this for a temporary situation. Until you can get her situated with a nurse or move her back with you. I wouldn’t see an issue. However, your best to consult an attorney. I would discuss his living situation with the toddler’s and temperamental dog’s.


You have to submit it to the judge. I’d find a good attorney. Make him split costs and meet for pick up visitation etc.


You will need to talk to a lawyer and revisit the court to determine this. Every state is different. If you have residential custody Do NOT give the kids to their dad even if he says you can have them back when you return. He won’t give them back. Stick the what the judge has ordered. If you don’t that can become content of court. You need the father’s permission in writing not verbal (for your sake in case he tries to fight you on this) that you agreed on moving. But to permanently move the kids to Florida May do more harm for the kids at least. The dad has partial custody. If you move y’all will have to make arrangements for the kids to see their dad during his time. That means flying. That means paying for plane tickets and a chaperone for those flights. It would be best to just have your mom move there where you are. Don’t take those kids away from their father. Just because he lives with his mom and they save animals isn’t enough grounds to deny his custody rights. And in the end the kids may become resentful towards you. But again, speak to a lawyer. Judgement is already in place you would need good reason to reset the order.

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If hes not on bc u can do w.e u want…but i dont see why not…

Take him with you or move her to you

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