If he already loves you and your “horrible teeth” he will certainly love you with your Beautiful new smile! They can make dentures nowadays that nobody will be able to tell!
You can get dentures in a day you wake up with them in your mouth other way is 3 months heal time between removal and denture fitting I went through qith it because my teeth were horrible and I regret it there’s a lot of stuff I can’t eat anymore and I gag like crazy because it covers your pallet all the way back to where it’s soft again if I could do it over I wouldn’t have gone through qith it my self esteem is worse now because I throw up with my teeth in all the time so I rarely wear them it’s Like having peanut butter stuck yo the top of your mouth and trying to get it out (mine have to be glued to stay in place and I’m allergic to the glue so I can’t just pull them out if I gag) also feels like there’s so.ething inside your upper lip pushing under your nose all the time I would never do this for someone else’s view of me it just hasn’t been worth it for myself let alone to do for others I still have pain like a toothache often where I have no teeth just be happy with you the way you are don’t ever change you unless it’s for you oh and also you lose bone mass you jaw shrinks and your face will sink in as the bone shrinks (all things I wasn’t told) I dont want to be in photos I don’t smile I feel ugly all the time it’s been 7 years since having mine pulled make sure it’s something you want to commit to because there’s no going back
I had all mine cut out after my daughter was born. BEST decision ever! Don’t let anyones opinion stand between you & your health! Best wishes
Your husband’s a piece of shit. Get new teeth, then work on getting a new husband.
If he leaves because you want to take care of you then he’s not worth it.
Your features shouldn’t reflect who you are and if that’s all he sees then I dont know what to say but everyone gets old and wrinkly at some point because everyone ages even if our souls stay young. If he loves you for you he will ultimately be your no.1 supporter through the whole process
Get your teeth done do it for you, it’s worth it, u will love ur new smile, an if he don’t like it at least u will be happy that u did it for yourself
A tooth/gum infection can cause major heart issues and even death. I know of a co-worker that died during heart surgery when initial cause was teeth related
I had very messed up teeth from being on DEPO shot I’m not a milk drinker n I was going thru health clinic n either I wasn’t listening clear enough or they didn’t tell me I’m not sure but I wasn’t taking any calcium pills n my teeth started decaying it also didn’t help that I was addicted to pain pills so instead of going to the dentist to fix them I would just dump a pain pill on the tooth for pain n go about my day anyways the decay started in the front one day I was eating a twizler n turned to look or say something to my bf n it broke half of my tooth it was so embarrassing going around like that 4 years I learned how to smile w o showing my teeth didn’t like being around new ppl so self conscious till I took care of it…it was a process n learning but I’ve had dentures both top n bottom for 8 years n it’s a blessing
It changed me for the better
This is silly. I lost my hair bc of cancer and my husband stayed with me. If he’s that shallow …. Good riddance
Well let him go. U come first
If he leaves you from something as simple and silly as that then you don’t need him!
You are worth the upgrade. Besides, promise him a gum job and he’ll be good with it.
If he makes you feel this way just thinking about telling him that’s a for toxicity
I had both my tops and bottom teeth pulled back in March of this year and got dentures. Best decision ever. If he truly loves you he will love you the same with your teeth now or false teeth. If he does mind, then maybe you’re better off without him anyways. Do this for yourself, nobody else. You will feel so much better once you do.
Well, he promised in sickness and in health… If he is so shallow to have a problem for something like that. Is he even worth it?
He should love you no matter what you look like. If he doesn’t, he’s not the right one for you
My ex husband has gum disease. He’s missing a lot of his teeth!!! Never really bothered me bc I truly loved him and we all gonna lose our teeth one day.
True love goes beyond the physical
If he leaves cause your getting you teeth where you can be comfortable than that’s his loss!! He’s obviously been with you when they we’re horrible so have faith that he loves you for you and will be happy and maybe even more attracted to you when you get them fixed
No teeth has benefits to husbands… lol… Dentures can be better looking than regular teeth. You do not have to take them out except in private, for cleaning… can sleep with them, too.
Marriage is supposed to about unconditional love ! So if you feel like he will leave you over something as little as this then u need to rethink who your with ! You supposed to support each other the decisions you make.
If your husband would leave you because of bad teeth then open the door for the scum bag and find you a real man that will love you for you! That will never happen until you love yourself most of all and wouldn’t allow such disrespect from someone to begin with. Your teeth will be the least of your worries if you stay with someone so shallow and ignorant.
Do this for you
Not for anyone else
Bugger him
If this is something you are worried about perhaps you should be asking yourself if you want to be with a man that this question would even pop up about.
I’m just saying. You are Valuable I’m sure there are so many more qualities about you that so many people would want around.
I just wanna say most men will never leave a girl with no teeth bc well you know . But on a serious note talk to him about how you are feeling ! He is the only person who can tell you how he feels.
If he truly loves you it want matter
If he leaves you over your teeth then he’s just shallow and not worth your time any way. I have horrible teeth and my partner would never leave me for something that shallow
Let him go! Your health is more important than anything he feels
It’s not about the teeth it’s about your health… to many people think it just about the way you look with them but it’s so much more and if he doesn’t understand how important your health is then he is a waist of time any way… do you girl
First and foremost! Good luck
What is wrong with you. A true love is in the heart, get the work done that you need and if he can’t accept it, then he truly doesn’t love you. A husband loves you during good times, bad times through sickness and in health. He needs to get off his high horse and love you unconditionally
If he’s gonna leave you because of your teeth, then he’s not worth it anyways
Mama, I have a partial denture and you can’t tell (but I can and so can he) that my other teeth are now rotting as well. He still loves me regardless because he married me for my heart and not my looks.
Pregnancy destroyed my teeth and in April I got every single one of them pulled. I still haven’t got my false teeth, but my boyfriend understood how much pain I was in daily due to my teeth and he doesn’t care one bit about me not having them. Because I’m no longer crying daily over how much pain I’m in. Lol
If he leaves you over your teeth especially since he is your husband and I hope he married you for more than your looks, then he isn’t supportive and you don’t need that negativity in your life.
Yeet him to the sun if he gonna leave you because of teeth
If he’s willing to leave his WIFE over her TEETH, then hold the door open and slam it on him - that isn’t love!!
If he leaves you over your teeth then he doesn’t truly love you. My fiancés teeth are bad and is getting them taking out dec 27th and getting partials. I’ve told him that I dont care about how his teeth looks and that that’s not why I love him. I love him for him. Your health is more important
You have to do what is best and HEALTHY for you. It’ll only get worse.
If he can’t deal with seeing you happier, maybe he SHOULD kick rocks.
Sounds crazy but won’t he leave you if your teeth get worse.
Either way this is about you. Don’t tie up your identity in a man…especially if he will act like u think he will
Have you talked to him about the problems and how you feel? You might be surprised that he doesn’t care.
I was very embarrassed and insecure how bad my teeth have gotten in the last couple years and expressed to my husband I would love to just pull them out and get false, his response was do it! It made me feel so much better that he didn’t care and was all for me doing it if it made me feel better.
I have a full set. Have since my mid 20s. Got em about 2yrs after meeting my Mr over a decade ago.
I use to think the same thing…is he gonna love me the same??? How could he when I was “discusting” with no teeth.
Well over a decade later…he’s still here🤷.
When I have them in, you can not tell they’re fake. It always surprised people when I tell em lol
And tmi…but it has its benefits in the bedroom that they reeeeeeeally like:wink:.
So don’t sweat it to much…they don’t usually care about it as much as we think they will…
If it is a big deal for him…that he ain’t the one for you🤷.
True love, loves you regardless of the shell that holds you.
Go to a place like affordable dentures that give you a plate until your gums heal from extractions. And I don’t believe your husband will leave you for making yourself both feel and look better. As embarrassing as it is he’s your husband sit down and have a conversation about how your feeling and what you want to do to make it better. Don’t think to much about it just take the leap … Good luck to you and God Bless!
Knock his teeth out if his so superficial and then go through the process together
He’s still with you now while you have bad gums and bad teeth. If he was going to leave he would’ve already done it. He’s not going anywhere.
I’m sure as soon as he gets a toothless blow job he will be the happiest man on earth.
If he’s going to leave you over something like that then he’s not worth having take care of yourself and do what is best for you and your confidence
If your husband would leave you over your teeth, I would be asking myself why I married him in the first place.