I had mine taken out and my husband was fully supportive while I had none for months so gums would heal first, love is in the inside not outside of someone
I had to have my top teeth removed and a denture put in. I told my fiance about how embarrassed I was and didnt want him to see me. I had them remove all the teeth and put the denture in that day because I didnt want him to see me. To this day he still says I’m dumb for thinking that way just talk to your husband about how your teeth bother you and how you lack the self confidence because of them.
Maybe maybe not but you have to do what will make you happy and feel good about yourself.
I have had some of mine taken out and wear a partial denture. My partner paid and was totally supportive to the point he forgot I even had any false teeth
Fuck him if he is going to leave you over what your teeth look like. Fuck that piece of shit. Sorry for the language.
You can do pario maintenance cleanings which go underneath the gums, or remove the decaying teeth only and if a bridge is needed fine.
My mom needed dentures and that terrified her so she went with permanent dentures that screw in place. Because of the gum disease she had bone loss in her jaw so 3x the implants did not work!! $40,000 dollars later and 2 years she will now get her top teeth.
She only eats liquids and soft foods. He wouldn’t leave because your teeth are fake but from the stress, financial strain, and diet mess this created. You are warned
If your relationship isn’t strong enough to handle some dental work how will you all survive the real trials of life. If he leaves you over your teeth feel thankful that you didn’t waste any more time on that sorry excuse for a husband!
look after number 1, which is you. dental health related to cardiac health.
Love is unconditional, if he leaves you for that, he’s shallow and isn’t worth it
If he leaves you then you dodged a bullet…love is unconditional.So if he leaves he damn sure doesnt love you.
He should support you.
If he leaves, honey you are better off!
Teeth are fixable/replaceable/easy to fix… a shallow, stupid man is not
I know the feeling but hey I got some of my fix and still kinda iffy about them but soon or later I’ll have to get dentures
He loves you?he should stick by you and direct/encourage you to get the right thing done
i sit here right after getting my teeth pulled my husband left 10 years ago when i havd perfect teeth perfect everything. I need more pulled too they are killing me and its my own fault. If you are that insecure about him cheating on you while your waiting for your teeth to get fixed I have 2 tips - 1 he’s prob already messing around so do it now so that your feeling good about yourself when someone who deserves you comes along! 2 have them take a mold of your teeth now before you get them pulled. Wait till they make your bridge etc to get them pulled, then you can pop the new ones in the day the old ones come out thats what i did with my lower bridge and ive never looked at my face without it in.
Honestly if he’s with you for the right reasons then fixing your smile should not be a problem.
I had every single one of my teeth removed 6 years ago I was 28 and it was and is the best thing I ever did I can’t wear the dentures they are to big and uncomfortable but it’s still the best thing I did I was in constant pain they were terrible I’d chip a tooth eating mash potatoes having kids really messed with my teeth I’d say do what’s best for you don’t pay no attention to what other people think or say and good luck with what you choose
Did your dentist suggest that all your teeth be removed and replaced with dentures …
If he leaves you because you got dental work. Than good riddance!! He ain’t worth the time or effort.
Why would you want to be with someone if they dont truly love who you are as a person
Thats a conversation you should have with your husband.
If he left because of you trying to better yourself then good riddance! Take it from someone who has been through emotional abuse and having to put yourself on the back burner… You have to take care of you and not worry about them… If he loves you, he will be happy for you and your new confidence
If your husband would actually leave you for that he isn’t worth keeping and you should hold the door open and make sure it slams his ass on the way out!
You need to get the work done I waited to long and was in terrible pain all the time mine were rotted almost to gum and they said I was lucky the infection didn’t get in my blood stream and you can die if it gets in blood line get them fixed asap
If your husband loves you and is devoted to you HE WILL NOT LEAVE
If he leaves you’re better off. I had to have all of my teeth removed. Couldn’t get implants. Had dentures and hated them. Im toothless 24/7 and my husband still smiles when I smile and he says, “There’s my smile. I love that smile.” If he can’t deal with you having no teeth, he ain’t worth it hun
Go to the dentist, take them teeth out, and get dentures a good Dr. Will make sure they fix right, your moth and breath will be o much better, I did it years ago best thing I ever did
He is not worth it if he leaves u
If he leaves you over some trivial shit like that he doesn’t truly love you.
My husband is in the same position you are. If your husband really loves and values you then it won’t matter.
Not worth it if he leaves you plus you said your teeth are horrible? So wouldn’t fake, beautiful teeth be better than that. Not to mention, it’s qbout YOUR self esteem. Not his.
If he doesn’t love and accept everything about you then good riddance! You deserve someone who loves you for you! I lost my teeth due to 20+ years of Crohn’s Disease and my hubby was my rock.
I wasn’t so worried about my husband leaving as much as I just felt like I wouldn’t feel like I was pretty enough for him, when it was all said and done he loved me the same and now I am as confident as ever with my beautiful teeth! My husband was excited I had a new trick in the bedroom too
If he loves you and is with you now im sure he will still be there after
Once you have false teeth they will be perfect, have you seen what it looks like under some people’s veneers? I get the fear but you’ll have perfect teeth once it is done, just wear a mask while waiting and use covid as your excuse!
If he loves you he will stick with you
If your husband leaves you, you have the wrong husband.
If he truly loves you no he wont
I’m sorry this is what you’re scared about going through something like this. Have you talked to him about how you’re feeling? I was more ashamed of myself when I went through this and my husband was a huge supporter.
If he leaves you for that he’s not worth keeping x
That should not even be a question your married. For better or worse. I just had mine pulled and got dentures 3 months ago i did same day at aspen dental. But he sees me without them at night wen i clean them . if he leaves then hes very superficial.
Do you want to be with someone that shallow?
I am 27 just got diagnosed with peredontal disease. If he leaves you. Wow. My husband is fixing to be 33. He is so supportive. Making sure I have everything I need and goes with me to the dentist.
Currently going thru the same thing. I sat my husband down and talked to him. We had a good talk and now we just joke about it. I get mine done next week. I’m ready. Hopefully you can talk to him and get your teeth fixed. I know how you feel. Hang in there.
Well if he leaves you you dodged a bullett…its not your fault have you talked to him at all…
Um…is this is a real concern you need to leave him anyway because he doesn’t actually love you
My husband helped pay for my partial dentures and I paid for the other half. I feel really great after having my front teeth removed and replacement bottom middle teeth with 2 new top teeth. I smile heaps more. I knew that my teeth were absolutely horrible front teeth and bottom but all good now. Took a while to get use to wearing them but all good now.
So he’d rather you have horrible teeth rather than nice dentures? I don’t get it. .
Did he say he’d leave you or are you just thinking he will?
He’s with you now and you say your teeth are horrible… why would he leave if you fixed them?
I need mine done too but idk if I’ll have the money for it in the next decade. My husband is my biggest supporter though and yours should be too. If he would honestly leave you for that he’s not worth keeping around. Just talk to him about it and tell him how you feel.
Why would he leave you ?
Bad teeth / gum disease will eventually damage your health .
About 80% of people have some level of gum disease. You can go for treatment with then hygienist and they will look so much better
Lmao if he leaves you for fixing your teeth he can eat bricks
Stupid question…if your married and he leaves you for a medical problem with your teeth what a lame joke of a human being , if he left you for a medical problem just name n shame him .
He prefers you with bad teeth ?
No way. He’ll just want you to learn to do emerging without your denture in lol
I want to do this so badly to get dentures my s/o makes a good point I can take my teeth out give him the best bj in the world lmao
Uh what? Girl if he won’t stay with you through that then you should get rid of him anyway. You should never ever have to feel like “oh if I do this he’s not gonna stay with me” if he loves you he loves you through anything even something as minor as this. It should be unconditional not until you do something he wouldn’t like. Having the anxiety of “I can’t do this he will leave me” is way too much feeling like that in the first place should be a red flag. If he can’t stay with you through you getting new teeth then why would you want someone that could easily throw you away like that?
If you truly need a full mouth extraction & dentures then there are many options to have them all taken out and have a denture delivered the same day. It actually helps with swelling to have the denture immediately placed. You have many options girl! See a periodontist
Well he’s a bit of a tosser if he does. ! If he does go get them nice teeth and find some one that’s not so weak and will love you for you . X
If he leaves you for that, you won’t be losing much
That would be REALLY PETTY and shallow of him if he did! That would be FUCKED up!!
Why do you have gum disease? When will this end? It’s got to be hard fora spouse to not be proud of his wife, and vice versa. Please take better care of your new teeth than you did your old teeth.
If he leaves you because of that then it was not meant to be
For your to worry about what he thinks about your TEETH than you have a bigger problem to worry about. Go get your TEETH done! Teeth are very very imp to your health believe it or not
What makes you think he’s going to leave you over that?
I’m 26 and my s/o of 9 years stayed with me while each one of my teeth rotted out of my mouth. & he also encouraged me and stayed by my side after all that and while I got my teeth pulled and got my new ones.
If your man doesn’t stay with you then it isn’t meant to be and you deserve better. He should want to encourage you to do better for yourself.
Honey if he is so shallow he would leave you because you have issues with your teeth…help him pack his bags. That is just so shallow and unbelievable.
I heard blow jobs are kinda cool without teeth.
If your husband loves you he will find you beautiful no matter what go for it and make yourself feel beautiful trust me once you feel good he will feed off your energy
I think he’ll probably prefer you without gum disease x Mine paid for me to have implants as my bridge was causing gum disease. He was focused on me not being in pain and having the confidence to smile. Why should anyone leave you over that? If he’s that much of an arseington then he would’ve eventually found some fault with you anyway.
I had to get partials when my fiancé and I were dating only six months. He took care of me, stayed by my side , helped me through the recovery process and everything. Real love is blind
I got mine 3 years ago and I thought the same thing. I cried over it a bunch. But he still loves me if not more because I love myself more. It was the best choice I ever made!
He’s that shallow really?
Mine are bad too. My bf and i joke that if i lose them all that makes for better bjs
Love is so much more than just physical. Our bodies age and decay over the years. Some people have good teeth genetics while others do not. If he truly loves you past what your body has to offer he won’t think any differently of you. My husband needs dental work bad, he recently had a filling come out that was right in the middle of his front teeth. He can’t get in with the only dentist that takes his insurance until Spring. I still love him just as much, even when he gets them removed and gets partial I will still feel the same. If it’s true there’s nothing to lose!
If he is so shallow that he would leave you because you have gum disease and are trying to better yourself for your health not only your appearance, girl let him the fuck go. If he truly loves you he will stand beside you toothless from here on out. You get those teeth for yourself! And then grin at his ass from a distance
If he leaves over you wanting to feel better about yourself. He’s not a real husband.
If your teeth are so horrible now - he would have already left you. You and he will be amazed at how great you look with new teeth. You can hardly tell that they are not your own teeth - it is amazing now.
Dont think he’s going to leave you. My hubby was there for me, the entire time. I too had a disease in my gums, have a full upper set and partial bottoms.
If he loves you he will support you threw it
A good mate will support you. There’s are lots of reasons our teeth don’t last our time span babe and you’ll feel like a queen again when ur all fixed up
I’m in a very similar situation to you and my dental experiences have been a total nightmare to top it off:scream: I totally understand your question bc I do this to myself on a very regular basis and my husband has treated me like a goddess from the day we started talking, when we were 15 and 18yo:raised_hands: I couldn’t have a better man by my side fr:revolving_hearts: He knows how I struggle with this whole thing and he just tells me I need to get healthy so I don’t leave them any sooner than I’m meant to:sob:
I’ve had 4 active infections in my jaw now for about 2 years and running and still no one is doing much about it:rage:
This absolutely WILL take years off of your life! My best advice is to get some advocates on your side and talk to as many ppl as you can! My advocate told me last week that if I got them all pulled I’d go 6 weeks with nothing and that’s absolutely not got to be the case so you’ve really got to get out there and find the options rather than just listening to what you’re told:100: My husband has been telling me to just start the process for implants and “we’ll figure out the rest”, he told me to put it on cards and he’ll work as hard as he had to to pay them off and even more recently we bought a property that will eventually be a big turn around and we owe nothing on it and he actually said we could use that as leverage or the profit from it, which ever came first:pleading_face:
I would NEVER and I really cannot even bc all the issues I’ve had with these crap dentists has lead me to gum and bone loss so bad already that I’ll be paying extra thousands just on the bone graphs alone which then aren’t even guaranteed to take and you can have to do them 5+ times before any one does take:woman_facepalming: But it was that statement that let me know for absolute certain if I had any doubt that this man will do WHATEVER to make me happy and him seeing how unfair everything I’ve gone through was he’s truly willing to give up everything we just worked so hard for years for if that would give me back what I’m loosing:sob: My honest advice is if yours isn’t this supportive then him leaving you would be great for you bc everyone should know the love that i do and I assure you I’m not special. I just found my person and I’m so so thankful I did:heartpulse:
I recently found some info on natural things you can do for your oral health and it was quite interesting and I’m not at all surprised that the dentists aren’t recommending not one of them bc they would be very cheap and quite effective🙄 I found this list on pinterest and it had things like oil pulling. The more I look into the things I saw there the more I find that these things definitely help at minimum!
If he leaves you’re much better off and you deserve to be with someone who would never leave you for such petty reason
I had a hereditary condition that caused me to lose my teeth. Despite everything I tried over many years of dental appointments, it ultimately happened to me. It was embarrassing and humiliating for me. With that being said, honey, if I were you, I would be the one to leave. You deserve support from your significant other. Side note: Most people have no idea I have false teeth. Dentures have come a long way. (Thank God). Best wishes to you.
If he leaves you over this tgen he doesn’t deserve you and you deserve better!
If your husband leaves because you need to look after yourself medically then he is already gone
Don’t worry yourself. If he leaves, let him. My husband would love me no matter what. Teeth, no teeth, skinny, chubby, bald, etc. He loves me not my looks and isn’t shallow.
If your husband gets upset and leaves you because you did something to help you and better you then you’re better off without him out with the old in with the new. Now that being said we know you love him but thats pretty Fricken petty to do and he isn’t worth another minute of your time if he can’t honor your vows for better or worse sick or poor especially when this would be helping you out!
Me & my husband both have the same problem. Gonna cost around 10 grand each. Sigh. His cause failing teeth run in his family and me cause my wisdom teeth (all F’ing 4) came in and busted all my teeth except the front 2.
oh honey, if he leaves you because of these, he isn’t worth it. He is too matristic. Find someone who loves you no matter what, the inside & outside. Because as we do get older, things are not what they were when we were in our 20’s, 30’s 40’ or even 50’s
If your husband cannot support you then he doesnt deserve to be your husband.
My man has beautiful teeth also. I currently have no teeth just got mine pulled last week. Getting my dentures in a few months waiting for gums to heal. My man is still by my side. He loves me for me. I may feel like I look like shit but he’s still here and makes me feel beautiful and loved. If ur husband leaves you he didn’t take his vows seriously then when he said for better or for worse.
If he leaves you over that. Then your better off without him…
My husband is so handsome and has a partial denture. Nobody could ever tell. I never cared.
So I have this exact situation. I had my top teeth removed and knew my husband kinda had a problem with it but never expected it to be the problem it is. He looked me directly in my face and asked me how he is supposed to even look at me knowing I have fake teeth. Broke my heart and honestly destroyed any self esteem I had. We are still together but I cant bring myself to ever really kiss him just pecks on the lips,and I doubt I will ever be able to forget it. I pray you don’t have the same experience.
If he leaves you then he doesn’t understand the vows he spoke to you.
I mean look at khloe k and Tristan’ still cheated, my point is if your hubby loves you he will stay no matter what. Hugs to you
If he leaves you over that then let him leave