Would I be in the wrong to cut my mom off?

Wash her out of your life because she doesn’t sound like a mother to me

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Was she the same way with you as you were growing up

Sweetie you know what’s best. I just cut off mine. You are not a bad person for wanting a healthy A healthy relationship for you and your kids if she’s not then it’s best that you know now


Cut her off. Toxic is toxic.


I didn’t let my kid’s around my mom.
She was like your mom hateful to only my kid’s. Didn’t want anything to do with them. She was so sweet to all the other grandchildren my sister and brother kid’s. Never went over there again. She was hateful to me as a child. I told her she will not do that to my children. Never!! My kid’s are grown ups now. And understand why I did this. They don’t want anything to do with her. My mother in law made up for it . She loves my kid’s like her own. We would go every weekend to see them. She has passed away years ago. :cry: I thank God for her and their grandpa. Don’t let her do this it’s not right or fair to your children or you. God bless your family. :pray:


I would if possible go and live near your MIL, and you wont be in a distance where you would be able to take your mum to anything. Otherwise tell her no next time she wants you to take her anywhere and be honest and tell her why and how much she has hurt you and her grandchildren. Your MIL Sounds like a wonderful grandmother so concentrate on her and give your mum a wide berth which may make her realize hopefully how she has treated you all, And maybe just maybe she can change her ways.

Girl she’s toxic and I’d be done with her!


Depends just based on her not wanting to babysit for you, no.
As our parents get older they may not have the patience or the want to anymore for littles.
Maybe the 6yr old is more work, harder to keep up with.
Just because she’s grandma doesn’t mean she has to take your kids on.


Do what you think is best for your Children…

You don’t need that negativity in your life. Your children don’t need it either.

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Tell her how you feel and say until you ready to accept kids time to move on and yes you can see her or not depending on how you feel. Doesn’t sound healthy environment for kids.

Walk away before she makes your children feel bad about themselves

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For the sake of your kids
Take a step back and let her do the things you do for her
Your kids don’t need a toxic nan
Nor do you need that toxicity around you

I’m so very sorry you lost your baby

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It’s going to hurt but cut your mother if she’s more toxic than good and not a grandparent

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If she is like that when you are there imagine what she is like when you are not. That is very unhealthy for children to experience.


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If she said nasty things to your kid, that is enough reason to cut ties.


MY sons have cut off their father and his wife. Their dad is very religious and apparently said something about hw how hey were raising their kids. So the last straw was when he had our marriage annulled- even though we were not Catholic nor had we been married in the catholic church. We had ben divorced and he had been remarried for many years at this point. But his wife wanted it and he is completely spineless so he has not seen his grandchildren for about 10 years. That includes 5 children he has never seen. My sons seem much happier for their decision.

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Toxic btch let her go

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Your children are your main responsibility - protect them from your mother. I would cut her off, no more doing shopping for her, taking to appointments, etc. Let her figure out how to get to places on her own. If she asks why- tell her the truth and let her know you will be unavailable for anything she wants from now on and will no longer be seeing your children.


Do what’s best for ur children

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Kick her to the curb shes not ur kid ur kids arw

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She is not going to change. You are fortunate to have wonderful MIL. Break contact for your kids.\

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I wouldn’t cut her out… Just accept you can’t rely on her. Which is very unfortunate. I’m glad you have in-laws to help you out.


The pain and instability she will continue to put your children through isn’t worth it. She may be blood but that actually makes her behavior 10100000x worse. You need to teach your children that related or not it does not give her the right to treat anyone this way!


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Unacceptable esp saying nasty things to your 6 yr olds face. Give her the boot. That sort of behaviour isn’t going to instill self confide4nce in your children. Guess she will have to find someone else to be her slave and be rude too.

Poor you and the kids … some people are not many thank the lord , are just not grandmas and probably wasnt very motherly either. That was my MIL . She never changed a diaper or fed a bottle or held them . Never had them to her home without us .

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You know her. She raised you. What was she like then? If this a big change, go see the doctor with her. If no change. Why would you want your children with her. See her when children is in school. Have a talk with her to see what is wrong. Take action after this.

Cutting my mom out was the best thing I ever did

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I would quit dealing with her for awhile let her be alone do it on her on by herself she needs a wake up call


Ask her why so hostile—when the kids aren’t around. Is this recent behavior? Could it be dementia or mental illness? Was she always this way? Does she hate kids? Did something happen to make her hate kids? I wouldn’t do for her if she won’t do for me. Keep a line of communication open, but don’t expect any interaction with or help with the kids, & don’t put yourself out for her.

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First of all she already raised her kids - this is her time - she’s living her life- she has ever right not to like or even be around YOUR kids - she might deal with them for 30 minutes or so - Don’t burden your mom to watch or even be around them - THERE are so many 'grandparents ’ that don’t want responsibility of other people kids - she did her time with and your siblings- let her be - She’s not the mom You are

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Why would you allow that kind of toxic behavior around your kids mother or not? Let he deal with herself for a good long while and just maybe then she will see how her behavior has affected you. Do not put up with disrespect from anyone no matter who it is. Nobody deserves to be treated in such a way.

Absolutely cut her off. If she can’t treat your kids with the same kindness she can’t see either one. Not allow them to be kids? A grandparents house is supposed to be fun not stuffy and you can’t do anything. That’s just so sad.

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It’s not about HATE OR MENTAL - She did her job - now its your turn - I be the same way with my grandkids- I’m going live my life - I won’t sit or watch anymore kids in later in life

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Your in laws sound amazing. Why keep your mother happy if she’s not there to support your kids. Cut the cord now!!

She is your mom always will be, but that doesn’t mean you have to let her walk on you. I wouldn’t force my kids on her, and I sure wouldn’t take them to a home they are made to stand in the kitchen. Kids are kids and if she enter acted with them she could see how great having them could be. Start letting her make her own way to things get a cab call a friend what ever that’s time you can spend with your kids!! Shame on her for not letting them be kids are wanting them around. Good luck God Bless.

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Don’t let her have those kids ! She isn’t even nice to them! She isn’t a grandma she is a mean witch!

I cut both my parents out of my life ages ago due to personal reasons. But anyways it was the best thing I’ve done. I’m married and we have a son together who will be 3 on September 1st. My parents haven’t met our son and never will because I refuse to put him through the pain my parents put me through. My in laws are awesome to me I love them like my own parents and they’ve treated me more like a daughter than my own parents. Unfortunately my parents aren’t very nice people and they didn’t do very nice things which has traumatized me. I refuse to let them ever know my son or be in his life and it’s my job to protect my child. My in laws are the only grandparents my son will ever know and they absolutely love and adore him. I mean it’s all a sad situation either way you look at it but as a parent you got to make decisions that’ll protect your child even if it means cutting off family or friends. The way I look at it is I don’t care who you are if you can’t respect or you don’t like or accept the parents of a child then you’re not going to be in the child’s life either. You respect, like, and accept all or you get none of us. :woman_shrugging:

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ok 1: the bible says honor thy father and mother 2: maybe the youngest will be to much as ik i have mine all the time 3: talk to her an ask WHY 4: SHE LOVES YOU and will tell u why but u have to respect her boundiares

and also while ur mother has one kid ask the other grandmother to take the other r better yet hire a babysitter

That is so sad, i could never imagine not soending time with my grandchildren, keeping them over night. One at a time or all 8 of them at once. They melt my heart, keep me young, fill the house with laughter.


Verbal abuse of any of my children coupled with that terrible toxic behavior would absolutely be grounds to immediately cut off contact. No one gets to mistreat my children and get away with it.


Do it. Your kids come first


Is your mother ill she may have the beginning of dementia or alzheimers should get her checked for it

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Has she always been this nasty or is this a new thing. If it’s new, I’d strongly encourage a visit with a trusted doctor to find out if there is some medical/mental issues going on. She could be Ill. If this is just her personality, I’d put some distance between you and her for your own happiness and explain it’s best so your kids won’t keep getting hurt.

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Sadly I’d say see ya. If she’s crushing your children to their faces then it’s up to YOU to protect them no matter who the other person is​:pensive:Best of luck sweetie :revolving_hearts:


Better to not send kids with her


Kids dont want to stand in one spot a whole visit. Thank goodness for the other grandparents. I would stop doing anything for her at all. If you dont like my kids then your not going to be around me either. I would not let them go there seeing how she does not want them around at all.

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Be done with her period tbh

Before judging people should think that just maybe the lady is very sick! Only a Dr. will be able to determine if she is…
If this is the case then get her help! She just might not realize what she’s doing… Seriously, I’ve seen this happen!!!
Then, if nothing is wrong I wouldn’t allow her around my children… Remember…there’s two sides to every story!!!


Having a mum around that is toxic and unhealthy for your mental health and the wellbeing of your children is most important. Sounds like she is taking advantage of you to drive her around and help out but has no intention of helping you back. Consider this, would you allow a friend to treat you and your children this way? If not, there is your answer. We carry on being the doting child even after becoming adults because the parent hasn’t shown respect to us, let go of the expectations that your mother will do right and put you and your own family first. It’s unlikely your mother will see her behaviour as poor but its not for you to teach her either. Focus on the love and care you show your girls and make sure to break the cycle of returning love so you dont do the same when your children are adults and need help. Letting go of what we wish our parents to be and saying no more disrepect and you will also be showing your children to stand up, setting healthy boundaries and ask for respect even from your elders!

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Sounds toxic, cut her off!


Mom or not the witch would of been slapped for talking ish to my kids face. That is a no no. And you know what, if you feel better cutting her off, then by all means you do what is best for you and your children…let her miss out on the best parts of you, oh well, her loss :woman_shrugging:

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My grandchildren and great grandchildren are my Joy in Life :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: God’s precious gifts he gives us. I’m very sorry she is this person,but yes don’t have anything to do with her :woozy_face: Very Toxic she sounds

I haven’t seen a grandmother as good as my mom was to all her grandkids. She would basically take any kid anytime. My mom got sick and would say things to me that she normally wouldn’t. I cut her off and she died 3 months later. Like others are suggesting seek help for her and then decide because if I could rewind time even in the toxic moments towards me she was pretty good to.my kids loved them all. Miss you mom.

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Not your responsibility to force a relationship

And not all grandmother’s are young kid pros, they’re older and not as fast as they were when you were growing up

Be gone. The toxicity will poison you all.


I’d stop bringing the children. If you’re her next of kin and feel up to doing her extra stuff then do that. Don’t allow favoritism as that damages the kids relationship with one another and the kiddo who isn’t cared about.

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My mom wouldn’t let my boys do anything at her house. She had a rug with lines around the outside. She made them sit there. And would turn an egg timer on while they ate. They got 15 minutes. Whatever was left when it went off got thrown away. My boys were only 4 and 3. We stopped calling and visiting her to see if she’d miss them but nope. She did offer to keep my little girl (age 2) once but when she dropped my baby off my baby couldn’t even walk. She kept falling over because my mom got her drunk. Needless to say I never could trust her again.


Don’t need that in your life. You’ll be better cutting her off but she’s probably going Blame and shame you since she expects you to take her places.

I’d say cya later and find someone eles to run around after you

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Throw her away toxic stay away

Oh my! Toxic! Your kids don’t need that negativity.

It sounds like maybe may have mental issues.
Talk to a therapist and try to get your mom to go with you for family counseling.

Yeah cut her off what a terrible grandmother.

Time to say goodbye to your mother.

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Bye bye cut her off not good for you and the kids she’s really toxic.

Have you asked her what’s going on in her life? You know she loves you and you know she loves the grandkids.

I wouldn’t do another effing thing for her… wash your hands and go on about your life


Nope nope nope you can clearly tell that you nor your kids are welcome around her don’t stress you or your kids out over her

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There is no mental issues and toxic stuff,here your mum just doesn’t like kids I have a friend who has refused to care for her own kids she let her sister adopt them and just sends upkeep for them then another friend just damn right won’t have any she has refused to give birth to any and just says to our faces that she doesn’t like kids and don’t want any…the rest of us all have kids we just keep them away from her

She has made you feel like your not good enough your entire life that’s the reason you do everything for her and I bet you don’t even get a Thankyou, she’s the type of person that will want you to do anything and everything because “ she is your mother” …… I’d wash my hands of her and wait to see if you ever get a message saying “ how are you “

Yes cut her off seems like she’s using to take her here there and everywhere but not have her own grandchildren its not right i dont know what id do if i didn’t see mine time to cut her off see how she manages without your help

Something wrong talk 2 her no matter what the deal she ur mum

what kind of mother was she to you? has she always been this way? maybe there is something wrong, like needs meds. how old is she? lots of questions as to maybe the kids are too much for her. but you can talk to her and see what’s going on. how is her health?


Don’t go over there anymore.


Geez….sorry, mom doesn’t have room for your children…you get that - some people just aren’t into it…
Leave mom be.
You can’t force it.
In the meantime, you have your in-law Grandparents.
Embrace this relationship.
Anyway, I’m sure you don’t want your children being in a negative energy from anyone.
All they need is love.

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Sorry to say you are wasting your your time with your mum if she can be called that , I would not go and see her again or take my kids your mother is a waste of time , be brave and move away . Best of luck

Refuse to help her for awhile p

I left my mother almost two years ago now and it was the best thing that I ever did for myself… It killed me to do it but she was killing me and had been for 50 years.


Give your,kids all,the extra care and attention. It’s wasted on your mother. Bye bye,mommy

Toxic people will always be toxic


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Don’t let anyone be mean to your kids ……

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I wouldn’t cut her off but I would limit my exposure to her
Also it’s a lesson for the kids in how NOT to treat people


I’m so sorry she is likes this,it may be time for you to make a decision concerning you and your children. It’s not easy to do,but I believe you know what needs to be done. I personally wouldn’t allow anyone to say mean things to a 6yr. Old…

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Nope when you treat one differently then the other it stop’s happening. I went through the same issue

Your not wrong at all :astonished:

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You can’t force others to love your children. Sounds like your kiddos would be better off not having a relationship with her. Let them focus on your husband’s parents as they seem like awesome, loving grandparents.

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Some mothers can be jealous and they think their children should be taking care of them. Love her from a distance you don’t have to explain anything. Take a break. No grandmother has no business having that type of spirit around a child. And watch her patterns at being manipulative when you put your foot down. If your husband side is full of positive energy keep nurturing a healthy lifestyle into your children. God knows your heart but parents have to remember we should not provoke our children. Continue to pray for your mother to stay in good health and love her from a distance. Now it’s nothing wrong explaining to your children what is healthy love and setting boundaries when feelings get hurt. Hoping for the best for you and your family.


Cut her off. Obviously she prefers being alone. I’m so sorry.

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Nope. Cut that off! Don’t waste your energy on unproductive relationships, that doesn’t mean to be mean about it. Just don’t give anymore to it if it’s not helping you (or your children) grow as humans

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No, you are not wrong! She must be a horrid person! What grandmother doesn’t love.to have the grandkids over.


As I get older I’m realizing my tolerance for kids is a lot less than it was. Could that be what’s happening here?