Would I be wrong to give my best friend power of attorney over my life if something happens to me?

You know in your heart what the answer is already. It’s your body and it must be your wishes that are carried out.

It’s your decision only who is doing this loving
last wish for you.

Much easier to have on file with your dr a do not resuscitate order. Plus, a living will.

Best thing to get is a living will. You make your own choice and there is nothing they can do. Its legal.

You can name whoever you want as POA and your parents will have no say in the matter.

A power of attorney and healthcare proxy or healthcare power of attorney are two different documents.

sign papers naming your friend power of attorney. your parents wont like it, but it’s not for them to decide anyways.

You make the decisions you want…I would do it now…don’t wait…pay to get it done …we’ll worth peace of mind!!

Tell your parents that if they can’t respect your wishes now, you can’t trust them to do so later.

Need to have someone who will honor your wishes even if they are hard to do. Perhaps better to have a close friend that you trust. Takes an extremely difficult decision making problem off your parents. Ask lawyer, but if you have a living will I don’t think your parents can go against it.

Living will with DNR. Make sure sister, friend and your primary care physician all have copies

Choose someone who will honor your wishes if you can’t trust your parents to.

1st choice 2nd choice on will save ur parents to spend money and cuz trouble if your best friend ain’t as nice

Give it to your friend who will honor your requests. Get a lawyer first

The honor of breath on this planet is yours. Entrust those who will honor your wishes. It’s your life

I would choose parents over a friend for sure

I have a non family member ad my health proxy for just this reason

write a living will and give a copy to your solicitor/friend and just let everyone in your life know what you want

Not wrong at all, your life, your choice

Get living Will. They cannot do anything about that

You make the best decision for you and what you want to happen in the event you cannot make a decision on your own. The Dr’s will abide by what you say. You should also think about giving her authority over your finances

Thry are acting as if you are definitely going to be in a coma. The likelihood of this happening are miniscule. Put your friend as POA.

You are an adult. Take care of your SELF🙄
Make sure yiu get an Advance Directive AND the 5 wishes completed. My Mom did this & also wears a DNR bracelet. If you KNOW your parents won’t honor YOUR WISHES then take care of YOU, ASAP! Yes, definitely sure your friend has your medical power of attorney!!! You KNOW what you need to do, now do it❤

Where was sister’s husband - he should have been making the decisions, not the parents.

Consult an attorney about a living will and make your wishes crystal clear. If a good attorney recommends giving power of attorney to your friend, then do it. Your wishes are what matters.

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Your life. Your choice. While I understand why your parents are upset, they already stated they will not honour your wants. You need somebody that will. If you feel your best friend will then that’s your choice. Maybe you could make them both power of attorney and give them separate responsibilities. If your parents can’t compromise with that then by all means, stick with your friend if you want to be sure things turn out how you want. That’s just my opinion. I know it’s a very hard thing to think about.

Power of Attorney is a legal document. I had one signed for my father and even though everyone wanted to keep him alive after a major stroke. The drs stop talking to anyone but the person holding the paperwork. His wishes were done as he wanted. As long as you fully in control of your mind it can be signed. Once you sign it hold on to that paperwork because the person holding it will be asked for it.

Yopur health care is entirely your business and if you cannot choose for yourslef, it’s for you to appoint someone who will abide by your wishes.

As long as your over 18…you can legally choose anyone you want. …its your call.

I have two friends that have power to make my medical decisions.

You can, and should, give a medical power of attorney to someone you trust to follow through with your wishes.

wait til the last
minute before signing over power of attorney

Your body, your wishes, your decision!

Make whoever you want POA and don’t tell anyone because it’s no one’s business

Follow ur heart grasshopper!!!

Do what you think is right , it’s your life !!!

Your life, your choice :sparkling_heart:

It’s your life. It’s your decision.

Never have a poa agent who won’t honor your wishes. Be sure to sign a living will too

Get a living will and your parents would have to honor your wishes :woman_shrugging:t3:

It’s your life. You decide

Friends came come and go …

In sc you can also name a secondary POA…

Yes…get a power of attorney for if/when you’re incapacitated (to whom will handle your money/day to day activities) and a living will/advance directive and Healthcare proxy and designate your friend. I work for an atty.