Would it be disrespectful of me as a nanny to tell the parents how to parent?

To me the wet diapers is a problem. They should be changed immediately on waking up. Yeast infection and rashes shouldn’t be happening. Speak up nicely.


Start potty training and getting them of the bottle …a tricky situation… you are a great Nannie and the kids need you and yes those diapers should come of when they wake up nothing stopping the parents from changing them while drinking their bottles … Keep up the good work and start training . as far as confronting them I wouldn’t bother because as a parent they should be smart enough to know and is leaving it up to you … Good luck …I am surprised at this age they didn’t learn to pick those tabs of themselves lol


I am making a few assumptions here. 1. The nannies are there from 8a-8p. I’m can understand as infants, but now toddlers. Is that really necessary? My first suggestion would be to stagger the nannies. 6a-6p and the other from 9a-9p

I also think the children are neglected when they wake up, assuming they are in bed before or when nannies leave. Children who are in bed by 8, are usually up around 6 no later than 7, and then a nap mid day for 1-2 hours. Now, If the child doesn’t nap, then they might sleep 12 hrs at night.

I would talk to the parents about zippy cup and potty training. For a while with my kids, I did have to wake them up once in the middle of the night or they would have accidents. And as soon as they wake up, straight to the potty.

Off the bottle!! By 1 is suggested! Now. It’s just laziness. Start cup training during the day. Even if the parents don’t help, the child will start to insist on a cup. Children this age like to be independent and they will love their new cars cups. Or princess…. Whatever. You as a nanny can start getting rid of the bottles… once they are gone, missing maybe one of the kids threw it in the trash… the parents won’t have much of a choice…

Good Luck!

The sad thing is we begin in diapers and some end in diapers. The same thing can be said about help for the elderly. I’ve had to peel off diapers of the elderly because weekend help left them in them. When there are aids everywhere. God bless you for taking care of them. 2 nannies? They must not parent much do they

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Tell the parents you would be glad to come early to change the babies before they eat.


Wow they’re not doing anything for the kids not even changing their diaper :weary:


When I was a nanny, I watched a baby that would always have rashes, when I spoke with mom, she was so thankfulZ turned out the baby was reacting to allergies. And they had to change their laundry detergent. I think it’s important, to recognize that you’re not telling someone how to parent, you’re asking how you want the parents to best handle this situation because it’s clear that it could be possibly hurting the kids. I always tried to talk in a neutral way like “I noticed this” versus “ you didn’t do or you did this”


Say something, for the kids sake. If you were there earlier you would obviously change them but your not…they are so they need to do that 1 thing to help their kids.

That’s a DFS phone call if I’ve ever heard one :exploding_head:


Do you think you will lose your job if you do so? If so --that would be your choice–job or children’s health.

Tell them how much you care about the kids and then mention the diaper situation. Some babies pee more than others and need more frequent changes.


In my experience while you should that will likely result In you getting fired and then who’s gonna take care of them? I know that’s the wrong answer but it’s truthful and I’ve been a babysitter for most of my life until I had kids. I would be sorely tempted to call protective services personally.


U may end up losing ur job if u tell a parent how to parent their child.

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I would have a real hard time not saying something but in the flip side of that they could get so upset that they fire you. Get them so cups for use during the day and suggest that the bottles get tossed as it’s bad for their teeth. See if they will respond well to little things first then tackle the diaper issue.


I want to commend you this is sweet and brave that you love those babies enough and care enough to put thought into the situation :heart:
I don’t have advice but I think this speaks volumes about you!


I would approach it. I know it’s uncomfortable but if both of you (the nannies) team up the parents will be less likely to target just one of you.

Toilet train them on your time with them…before you know it they won’t be wetting in the night and will be ripping those nappies off themselves and going to the Toilet… presuming they are not compromised in their speech or development…2.5 year Olds are well ready for toilet training…best of luck…


Just suggest that the diapers are changed more often. Be casual about it. Point out the health concerns gently.

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Potentially approach it from a different angle by asking if they had tried a different brand of nappy as you’d noticed that the nappies were not holding the liquid well in the night? Hopefully jump start the thought process around the nappy situation entirely?


100% sit them down. Tell them you are worried about this children’s constant diaper rash and ask them if it would be possible to change their diapers first thing in the morning. Make sure you word it appropriately. If you word it wrong you will get a bad reaction


What I would do is ask can you come in at an earlier time and when they ask why then that is when you can explain that because the are getting older they are peeing more and the diaper is leaking by the time you get their and it’s causing a rash also you can ask when are they going to be introduced to potty training and soppy cups


I would say something :zipper_mouth_face: I can’t stand seeing uncomfortable babies being neglected from their obvious needs.


I am a nanny as well, I would ask them if they would like you to start helping with potty training while you’re there during the day. Less diapers and eventually no diapers would help the rashes and no one gets upset or potentially lose their job. Best of luck, way to love those babies!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Seems your more in control of the children, so as the nanny I’m sure you’ll end up being the one to do most of the transition from different stages so if I was in your position I would take bottles away and start using sipping cups! Then after giving kids chance to adjust to this change I’d start getting them interested in potty training! I would setup a parent meeting with both parents and discuss the changes being made! Communication is very important that way parents can work with you! Otherwise you’ll be working and they’ll still be in the first stage’s and all that’ll do is be confusing to children! As far as you telling the parents I feel you should tell them as I’m sure they depend on you to keep them informed!


Say something but do it with grace and tact. They’re tired, working parents of triplets. Chances are it’s a full overnight diaper. They are feeding them before you get there so they are not out right neglectful. They are probably trying to do what they can to get out the door so they aren’t late for work. Maybe say something along the lines of, " hey just wanted to do a check in with you guys about the kiddos, we noticed they are very uncomfortable during the day due to their diaper rashes. Their diapers are super full in the morning which leaves them red and irritable. Is it possible for them to get a change a little earlier so we as a unit can help heal their rashes and make them more comfortable. "


You’re right to say something but also on a side note… what do these parents do for a living that they have two full time Nanny’s?
My god I’m jealous…. So jealous.


Be prepared for them to fire you


I’d ask if they’ve changed nappy brand as you’ve noticed they’re leaking out quite a bit and are sore and maybe having a reaction to the nappy? I’d be tactful as it sound like they’ve got you looking out for them x


No. That’s when you contact CFS, CPS, DYFS, HFS - whatever agency in your region, deals with neglect and abuse.

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Tell them straight! If you love them kids like you say no messing about tell them that they are bang out of order and maybe cut their work hours down . Probably going work coz it’s easier option

Yes lv,u got to tell them

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Oh those poor kids why are they not knowing this themselves I understand it’s hsrdwork parenting I have twins and that was hard enough but it’s our job that’s just lazy I dont do anything for myself until my kids are sorted. Those babies are lucky to have u . I would definitely bring it up xx good luck hun x


I would just tell them. It’s a factual situation and they need to take care of it. If they get offended, they’ll get over it quickly.
Just add in that you’re so thankful to have the opportunity they give you to care for the babies. And then ask if they’d like you to start switching them to sippy cups


Yes or maybe recommend they get a nanny for the night hours for changes if they aren’t able to do them


I have dealt with these same exact things with my sister-in-law and her “parenting”, or lack thereof, I should say. I’m really curious to read the comments because I’ve been at a loss of what to do or not to do for a long time now. Short of taking her kids and raising them myself, which she would probably agree to in a second. I’m glad you posted this story. I hope things get better in your situation, for the kids’ sake and wellbeing, as well as your own peace of mind.


Maybe you can, kindly, offer a slight change in the current routine. Instead of them making the bottle and leaving the morning diaper for you, they can change the morning diaper to avoid rashes, and you can make up their morning bottles as soon as you arrive.

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Those rashes are PAINFUL for children. Something needs to be addressed here for sure


maybe try going at in in 3rd person ask her like my sister in law or sister aunt friend whatever wants to take her 2 year old off bottels. what do you think she should do or how can she start? and ask about potty training . and then ask if she is planning to take babys off bottles or if she wants to and all ask if she wants to start potty training. I would sy with the whole diaper rash thing, try to keep the babies as dry as possible when you are there taking care of them. i understand the part of not letting them sit in diapers for long, but if they are sleeping and dont change diapers till they wake up yes they will be sitting in hours of pee, just change them when you get there shower them right away ? try A&D it has always helped my kids with diaper rashes, if not try home remedies work with what youve got, best of luck!

Tell them they need to then report to docs if they don’t

Absolutely with yeast infections and diaper rashes like that I’m sorry but to me that’s abuse and as a former nanny and now I’m mother I would definitely have a talk with them ad nannies we always have enough responsibility we are bonus parents but we are not actual parents we are employees so I would definitely talk to them


Give them warm baths with Epsom Salt. It always helped with my kids diaper rashes.


Say to there parents, I’ve noticed there nappy rashes are not going away and they look quite sore so to help i think we All should change there nappys more regularly, stright before bed and soon as they wake up to help heal there skin and be mire comfortable.

That ways your not exactly telling them what they need to do or telling them how to parent but your makeing a suggestion that can help there children.


Tell them in a very tactful way don’t make it sound like they are neglectful parents

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They won’t even change a pee pee diaper and wait for you to get there?

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I had twins, it was the most exhausting time of my life. I can’t even imagine how anyone handles triplets. They are probably in survival mode. I would suggest about the nappy, or give them the bottle while changing their nappy. Otherwise the bubs will lose the plot. Mine always did. Lol. Carers get time off, they go home after work, they have weekends off etc, parents don’t. It’s absolutely exhausting.


You don’t leave babies in wet diapers 12 hours.If that was my grandkids I say something to my daughter


Just respectfully suggest that the kids might be more comfortable if they were diaper changed first thing in the morning - or earlier!

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Wondering what their teeth look like, get them on water and a sippy cup asap. Also ask parents what is plan to help with rashes and infections so we can all be on same page

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Shocking parents is all I can say. More money than sense.


They should have a cut off time for “bottle” or any liquids or sugary snacks at least an hour before bedtime then do a diaper change/potty run right as they put toddlers down for the night. Most times they will wake dry or at least not a soggy mess. I use this routine to keep my toddlers from wetting the bed–no diaper needed…

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I would mention to them that to reduce the chances of diaper rash and yeast infection it would be best to keep them dry as much as possible. I don’t know how they are going that long without changing them. Maybe they need a night nanny as well.

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I’ve never seen 2.5 year Olds in diapers that have the blue line :flushed: something doesn’t add up here…


They actually have a show on TV about Nanny’s that have to put together unhealthy environments for children to be raised.

I mean you can let them know but try this stuff it works better than breastmilk or the prescription cream my kids pediatrician gave us and also baking soda baths work too and airing out just don’t over do the baking soda you only need a little bit and you only want to put that in the bathtub every once in a while

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:joy::joy:. Depends on maturity and how you “advise them”. Telling them how is one thing and advising is another. We can suggest options how and give first hand experience scenarios ,but that’s all we can do. Kids /young adults NEED to live and learn to learn anything. It’s human nature to rebel. God bless.

As a mandated reporter on turn this in but it’s anonymous. What they’re doing is neglect and it’s a form of abuse that needs stopped so hopefully the person running this page reports it…


Maybe mention that the rashes could be from being in the soggy diapers to long. Also why are they getting a milk bottle in the morning instead of breakfast food?


This is called neglect.


The parents will prob want you to start earlier!!and maybe stay later…

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Tell the monkeys to change there kids first.


What do the parents do that they need 2 nanny’s? Do they not take care of the kids at all?so if the kids are in wet diapers for 12 hours the parents sleep that long ? Just not feel the need to change them out of a wet diaper? Do they have contact with the kids? Is this a young couple? I’m just dumb founded at the situation.


Crazy. These people definitely don’t need three kids. If they can’t even change their diapers how are they going to be able to potty train them, take care of them when their sick, do homework with them etc…

I would turn them into DCFS. It’s about the kids not them. Maybe then they will see they need to take care of them properly or the babies need to be removed.


Id definitely just call cps and let it go at that

TELL THEM! Even if you get flack!

Absolutely! It’s called informing them of their neglect, not parenting!
Just don’t use this word when talking to them!

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You’re a mandated reporter. But talk to the parents first before cps. It’s going to get awkward and there may be a possibility where they decide to fire you. Maybe ask them questions before calling them out right away? Sounds like lazy parenting to me.


You should start your job at 8am and leave the parenting to the parents


No. When you’re not there working the children are being cared for by the parents. It’s not your place or business to tell them what they should do.


Just remind them one evening before you leave to make sure that the baby stays dry because you’ve treated the rash all day. That’s how I approach my grandkid’s parents


Time to potty train those little people!!!


Seems like they’re completely dependent on you guys as the nanny’s. They’ve become complacent & rely on you guys to do it. I wouldn’t be surprised if you did bring it up that they may have the cheek to say, well this is what we pay you for. Ridiculous. I’d tell them if it were me. It boils down to how you address them with the neglect so as to not lose your job given how those kids probably love you as much as you love them. Crazy that they can’t even do a basic parenting task. Are they too little to potty train? Perhaps you could teach them. Not taking away from the actually problem of confronting these useless parents but I’m sure they’d appreciate not having to ever sit in a yuck nappy for hours again.

Go ahead and work on potty training the toddlers but before you do talk to the parents and let them know about your good intentions for the toddlers even write it down and let them know how you are going about to help their toddlers and them and the added exspectations of them taking over the potty situation for their toddlers after you leave their house for your own home.

potty training time??

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Also it’s a good idea or step in the right direction to always talk to the toddlers about what you are asking them to do after they eat but first you can time how long it takes their toddler food to go through the digestive system and into the bathroom toilet. Make a chart and note of it and put it in a folder for your reference and be sure to dispose of their chart after they are successful of going to the bathroom on their own.

Recommend a night nanny :woman_shrugging:

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Honestly, I’d be trying to potty train them for their own sake and health. 2.5 yrs is old enough to potty train.

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I as a parent in that situation would completely appreciate the concern! I say go for it and approach with a humble attitude!


Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to change the disposable diapers. They may not know that the children are having a problem because of the wet diapers. Is it possible for you to offer to come in a little earlier to make sure these little ones are getting the care they need.

Maybe suggest booster pads for their nighttime diapers?..

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Pretty soon the kids will start taking their diapers off themselves and the parents won’t have any choice.


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Its time to potty train, they are almost 3 but I would show them their kids bums and let them know that they need to be changed more often until it goes away. They also may be allergic to that particular diaper brand. My son could not wear the pampers brand bc he would break out in a rash but not so when he wore Huggies.


I would definitely say something but with a nice approach


Talk about potty training them? Also write a list of some tips for the parents so they can understand better :slight_smile: as a parent I am disgusted in this parenting but what can I do but suggest some stuff to change it?

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Uh my kid sleeps more then 12 hours at night and sleeps in the same diaper over night. She doesn’t get changed overnight.

She is 22 months.


Diaper Boosters, aka Diaper Doublers, stat.

I would tell them. It isn’t fair to the babies to have to wear these soggy diapers. They reason they don’t change them is because they know you are coming in at eight o’clock. I changed my babies every time I got up to feed them during the night.

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This really pisses me off! Sounds like since the parents have 2 full time nannies, they probably think that it’s your job to do this, not theirs! At 2.5, are they showing signs of wanting to potty train? Maybe instead of “telling them how to parent” you should bring up the topic of potty training. You & the other nanny can work together on this. Ask the parents not to give them anything to drink after a certain time at night & to take them to potty if they wake before either of you get there.

I have been a Nanny to two girls a year apart for 12 years. This article made me sick! I’ve never heard of lazier parents, the triplets deserve much much better!!!

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If u want to keep ur job say Nothing…


I wouldn’t “tell them how to parent” I would approach the situation more along the lines of hey I’m concerned that the children aren’t meeting main milestones they should be at their ages and I understand it must be awfully hard with triplets and I’m in no way trying to over step boundaries I just have grown to care a lot about these children and want the best For them Ask if it’s possible depression or if there’s anything causing them to be less attentive than they should be, bring up the rashes mention it like hey I’ve noticed this is an ongoing thing how often are you changing them is it possible they need a new brand, mention how much easier it would be once they are potty trained motivate them to get chairs for the little ones. Let them know by them remaining on the bottle the risk of their baby teeth being misshaped and or decayed from it. You have to take a nicer friendly approach but really voice the concerns because if you offend them you could lose your job. But no that is pretty poor parenting even when I’m struggling with my mental illnesses at its worst I don’t neglect my children so there really isn’t an excuse for it.


If you are the nanny are they expecting you to do it maybe? I would ask for a raise since you see areas that need extra work for their well being

I would make an “anonymous” call to DCS about the diapers and yeast infections, that is neglect. Just because they can afford Nannies during the day, either get a Nanny for the night to or get up and change their kids diaper. This makes me angry.

I would suggest maybe seeing if they could use a nanny at night or simply say with the children constantly getting rashes & infections that they should be changed periodically throughout the night.