Would it be rude of me to invite myself over?

id be going as well! i don’t usually comment on these, but this particular one gave me major anxiety! either you go or him not


I would go, your child doesn’t swim well and you do not know the mother, her children can obviously swim well. You child is only 6, I would be there to make sure my child was safe!!!
Not rude at all!!!

I would go if I were you and I would love you to come if I were her!
Call her up and offer to bring some snacks, let her know how your little feels, make friends!


Safety first. Above all else

Above politeness, above society rules, ABOVE ALL.
If you have fears for your child’s safety, either he doesn’t go…or you go with. No exceptions.


your kid, your rules. Tell the mom, due to the fact that he cannot swim well, he cannot come without a parent with him, and ask if that’s ok. If it’s not ok, he stays home. Don’t apologize for caring about the safety of your child.


Meet up with her in public AFTER COVID get to know her then decide from there


Instead of inviting your self make your self clear to the other mother that you have concerns and would appreciate being there whe your baby is over there swimming
Your not being to paranoid
You have every right to feel that way

And maybe you can become friends with the other mother

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I’d go too can’t be too careful ha d a pool once my grandson who was 2 just jumped in I jumped in and got him scarry but just took seconds

Just go. Until you feel comfortable with the situation. No explanation needed . You’re his mother. If someting happens it’d be your fault for not being there. Go.

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Im sure she would not mind. Who wouldn’t want help watching kids especially in a pool.

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Go… trust your gut… he’s your baby and swimming pools are dangerous and you’ll be worried the whole time anyways!

I’m definitely going

You will never forgive yourself if you don’t go and something happens. You really csnt be too careful around water.

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I’d go an explain he doesn’t swim well, take a cooler and snacks for all ,it will work out ! An plz put water wings on your child !! Safty first.

I would reply with “WE would love to come spend a few hours! Thank you! Is there anything WE need to bring along?”
That will get the WE point across without a big question attached. And if you being there is an issue, they can cancel our reschedule.

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I would thank the mom for the invitation, but let her know your boundaries for acceptance. If she agrees, go with your son.

who invites a 6 yr old to anything without a parent–of course you should go! Don’t assume you are invited to swim of course but be there for your son

Just tell her. I wouldn’t let him go if u can’t go…there is something wrong if he can go but u can’t

Just ask hey would it be ok if I stayed with him it never hurts to ask

Not rude at all! I put my kids and their safety before all else. If she finds it rude then I personally think she’s the rude one!

rather be safe than sorry


I think the mom would be very understanding!

Seems like she should have invited you both. By all means,go and bring snacks, and don’t feel bad if you can’t stay long.

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It’s not rude at all, and I bet she’d enjoy some mom company! Your child is always #1, above anyone’s feelings.:wink:


I think it might be a bit rude, I would say be mature about it and just communicate with the other mom :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Ask if you could come to watch him if she says no then just don’t send him. I’m sure she wouldn’t care but don’t just be like “I’m staying”

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Go thrre with your son. Get to know your neighbor and watch your own kid and the others

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And get him a vest float

And definitely tell her he can’t swim well

My daughter definitely wouldn’t be going by herself. I would just explain to the mom that I’m not comfortable with her being in the water without me there as she isn’t a strong swimmer. I don’t care who is offended that I don’t trust them with my kid if I don’t know them well enough :woman_shrugging: lol. Either I go… or she doesn’t unfortunately.


Lady that’s your kid. You go where he goes if you feel uncomfortable. And if she has a problem with you going then maybe your son shouldn’t go either. But honestly I don’t think she would mind. Your son is 6 he’s not a teenager and you don’t know his mom


My child wouldn’t be going if I wasn’t there…the whole time. You just said you don’t know the mom that well. So why would you leave your child somewhere where you don’t know the people you’re leaving him with? And there’s water involved? And he can’t swim that well? And there are older kids who you don’t know. And your son said he wanted you there. That in itself would be enough for me. No way in hell I wouldn’t be right there.


Talk to her about him not swimming very well. Most people would understand and be fine with you being there


Why don’t you just be an adult and have an actual conversation with the mom, instead of being immature?


Talk to her about I’m sure she won’t have a problem in my opinion I if I had a pool and my son wanted to invite friends swimming I would prefer the mom to be there too one just never know anything can happen I would rather a mom that says I can join you all rather than only drops him off but I know some have to work so if they can’t I understand

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I don’t send my kid to someone’s place to go swimming unless I’m there watching. No way. Either I go or nobody goes.


Not rude at all. I would trust no one to keep a close eye on my kid who couldn’t swim. Accidents happen all
the time. I’m sure if the tables were turned, the other mom would feel the same way

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I would say “hey, I’m not busy today, I would love to stick around, help you out with the kids and get to know you if that’s alright”. I bet she would appreciate it. I know I probably would!


He’s not going to learn anything if you helicopter him his whole life :woman_facepalming: just make sure you communicate the fact that he can’t swim and needs to stay in the shallow end

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It should be assumed that you’d be accompanying. Quite the opposite, you should clear it with the host if you were planning on NOT accompanying your son.

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The fact you “don’t know the mum at all” has me wondering why you would allow your 6 year old to go alone?


You go with your child. Your child cannot swim well, I’d much rather risk someone possibly being “offended” I don’t trust them than risk the life of my child. All it takes is seconds for a child to drown.


Go with your son or don’t let him go at all. Sounds sketchy to me.


If she has an issue with it, I wouldn’t let your son go.


You can always ask if she minds you coming over to spend time getting to know each other since your children are friends. Who knows? It might be the beginning of a great friendship between you and her also.


Idk. I could go both ways. I wouldn’t leave my son at anyone’s house I don’t know. Pool or not. But also we have invited a friend to come play on a weekend day and his mom came and stayed too. It was a bit much because I had to entertain versus having a friend for my son to play with and entertain themselves. Yeah that’s tough.

I would talk to her and ask her if she minded if you came to hangout

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Most moms would totally understand. Personally if I was her I would also enjoy the company and an extra set of eyes and hands.


I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving my son with a stranger especially not when he can’t swim and he said he wants you to go. I wouldn’t just show up though I’d definitely let the mom know I’ll be coming along because he’s not a strong swimmer and you’re not comfortable just letting him swim without being there. Also he’s 6 though sooo I feel like you being there is beyond normal. Personal experience I almost drowned when I was a kid because of the person in charge walking away for a few minutes just to go to the bathroom, the other kid was able to save me thank god. My point is you just never know what can happen and it’s ALWAYS necessary to be cautious when it comes to pools or just large body’s of water in general.


My son is nearly 6 and I wouldn’t ever let him go to a strangers house without me yet… kids friends or not.

Just say ‘of course he would love to come for a swim, do you fancy some company also? We can have a cuppa and a chat and the boys can have a swim :grin:

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My mom went with me to a situation like this one time and thank goodness she was there, the parent left us alone and I got stuck in a pool toy upside down my mom was there and pulled me out of the water I was 8. You have every right to want to be there especially since your child cannot swim well

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Ask if you can - or even bring like some goodies to chat while they swim and you guys watch

I dont think so. When we put our pool up last year my best friend said when can we come over?? If your not comfortable leaving him then just stay

I’d go in a heartbeat and not think twice. The other mom may be grateful to have another set of eyes and hands at a swim party.


You are not paranoid at all …a parents first priority shpuld be to protect their child.thete is no such thing as being over protective

As a mom of 5 4 boys 1 girl

Trust me moms with pools have rules and if they get broken kids don’t go.

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Do not let him go without you. There is nothing to be embarrassed about.

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I’m so glad to see the overall consensus being that you should go along!! It made me nervous just to read and imagine not being there. I hope that works out and that everyone has a great time :slightly_smiling_face:


I think you are fine to go. My 6 year old wouldn’t be going to a strangers house alone, pool or no pool. If you going isn’t ok with the other parent, then I probably wouldn’t want my child there anyways, especially since you feel like the other children are more wild acting.

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The pool owner should be happy you came to watch. We have had a pool next door for years. Their rule has always been on younger kids parents need to come too.

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Ask if she minds if you join, maybe offer to bring a pizza or two or some other kind of food. If she says no then don’t allow your son over. I can’t imagine she’d say no, though. Moms worry, it’s what we do! She should understand.

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I would go just to make sure he’s safe

I wouldn’t let him go alone to swim, but I also think you should first ask the parent of it’s ok to hang out with them, because it would throw me off personally having a parent stay when I thought they were just briefly dropping their kid off. Just a like a heads up type of thing so they are expecting you as well.

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I would go, 6 is too young to go alone.

If you have these concerns then do not let him go

I don’t think this is rude at all! I think you are a great mom and I would do the same!! :heart:

You are not rude at all. You don’t know the mother your child is still a baby. It’s obvious that your going whether that mother likes it or not.

I would say what time you want us and what snacks would they enjoy lol then say maybe what about some mama snacks too ?! Make it more of getting to know her rather than your concerns over the safety of your child x

If someone invites my 6 year old somewhere I’m just assuming the invite is for me too, bc he’s not going anywhere without me at that age unless it’s with my sister.