Would it be weird to give my 3-year-old breastmilk?

Hi! Ok, I have a super weird HYPOTHETICAL question lmao. My husband thinks I’m absolutely bonkers for even wondering about this, so I want to see if I’m the only one and if it’s really that weird. Lol ok, so I have a three-year-old who just started preschool (aka germ city) shocker to no one, we all have colds two weeks into preschool lol so it got me just thinking. I’m 35 weeks pregnant, and I plan on mainly pumping as I did for my son for 13 months. I’d love it if this baby breastfed from my breast, but I’m just not banking on it since it didn’t work out with my son. Pumping worked great, and I had a super good supply. So my question is, would it be crazy/weird/gross if I gave my three-year-old some of my pumped breast milk? Like in a sippy cup? Like if I’m lucky enough to have a surplus supply, would it really be that insane to share it with my year-old?? Even tho he hasn’t had it since he was 13 months? I just think about the antibodies and how it’s so good for them and like the best medicine ever when sick and how it’s really been such a great defense for him in preschool. But apparently, this is taboo and crazy, according to my husband lol. Am I the only mom who has wondered about this? Is it really that crazy? Lol


It’s fine. Lots of people breastfeed 3 year olds :woman_shrugging: it’s a personal choice.


I say GO FOR IT!!! Anything to help keep school/daycare germs away


I actually think that’s a genius idea. It’s a bit sweeter than cows milk, but if he’s okay with feeding your son milk from a different animals nipple, then why would it be weird for your son to drink milk that comes from yours?


To each their own but always consult the pediatrician!


Breast milk definately wont hurt him lol :smirk: you’re pumping and not directly feeding him from the breast. I see no problems here.

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Not weird at all! I’m going to give it to my son when the time comes

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Not weird. Kids in other countries great feed their kids until 6years old.


I don’t think it’s crazy or weird. My 8 year old daughter is super interested in breast feeding, breast milk, and how much healthier it is. She’s been asking all kinds of questions since I’ve been so open and talking about BF her brother when he arrives. She’s asked to try some, not by breast feeding, but some that is pumped. Why would it be any weirder than giving your kid milk from a completely different species?


it’s not weird at all you can breastfeed your child until they’re 4 y/o some people go longer (to each it’s own.) so if that’s what you wanna do than do it,


Some women breastfeed as long as 5 years. There won’t be anything wrong with it at all!. I would rather my 3 year old have milk made by my body for my young than cow or any other animal.


Not weird at all. And definitely a great idea if your supply is enough for both babes


Nope good question. I couldn’t even pump so go for it if he likes it

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Thats a great idea. I have a toddler & a newborn. My husband and i just got over horrible colds & i breastfed the baby as much as i could & pumped some for my toddler too. She wont drink it straight up so i mix it with cows milk & neither one has been sick yet. :raised_hands::raised_hands:

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I’m breastfeeding my 2.5 year old and I’m 37 weeks so not weird at all


You give them cow’s milk without thought and it’s got feces in it. So sure why not


Nope not weird. I nurse my infant daughter and give BM to my 3 y/o in a cup to drink. It definitely helps cut down on colds she usually picks up from daycare!

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I’ve give my 8yo some when he is feeling yucky :person_shrugging:


He may or my not like it. Try it and see, check with your pediatrician.

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Breast milk i really dont think it does anything more for them past a yr if i was u ask ur dr


No! I have a 5 month old and when she was born I was giving my 5 year old some!

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Why would it be gross. He came out of you just like your new baby did lol. If he doesn’t take to it try adding a lil chocolate or strawberry powder to it. I think it would benefit him. Women breastfeed their kids until much older

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Yes! You can do that. It’s good for him.

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Not weird and a it’s a great idea. My son is 2 1/2 and he self weaned while I was pregnant with my now 3 month old. I now pump and give him breast milk for the same reasons you’re thinking. He had a little bit of a cold last week and I gave him breast milk for 2 days. He’s pretty much golden now. My baby hasn’t been sick either. My husband has been sick for 2 weeks and I’ve been sick since Tuesday. Maybe we need some miracle juice too :rofl::rofl::nauseated_face:


I personally think it’s weird lol. But that’s just me. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Not weird at all when my 3 year old was sick I was breastfeeding my 10 month I pumped and gave him a cup and he felt sooo much better and got over his flu so much faster!


Not weird I use it for my kids lol just have to sneak it in

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I misunderstood at first and thought you were asking if about breastfeeding another woman’s 3 year old (in which yes I’d say THATS weird) your own though? Idc they’ve had it before and does help with immunity so you do you. Dad is weird though

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I’d rather give a child breast milk than cow milk. It’s not weird. It will be good for him and you know that it will be good for him so do it. Even if people do think it’s weird so what, it’s none of their business and tell your husband not to question your mother instincts. I’ve given my toddlers breast milk in cups when they’ve been sick too.


I’d be worried about starting and then that’s all they want but the health reason I can understand

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I feel like it’s a great idea and of course some people won’t read the whole thing right and are now picturing you literally breastfeeding your three year old I think it’s brilliant your idea

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No not crazy at all. Your body ingests the germs from kissing him and your milk makes antibodies. If he accepts the milk it would be beneficial to him.


My sister was an over producer and had like a deep freeze full of milk. She continued to give it to her daughters after they weaned until it was gone. It’s not weird at all for people telling you it is. Plenty of women still nurse to this age

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Ask your doc! But I don’t think it’s taboo…

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My friend breast feeds her kids, her husband got pink eye once and she squirted breast milk in his eye to heal the pink eye. It worked. Breast milk is like medicine. I don’t think it’s weird to use it in the sense at all.


Nah, not weird. I’d do it

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I would do it! If I could. I run a daycare and have a girl that will be 4 in 1 month and her mom STILL breastfeeds her. Unfortunately is has rotted her two front teeth and they are completely black so she really needs to either switch to a cup or stop completely but I think giving to him as long as you can is amazing!

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There is nothing weird about this it is personal preference really. I’ve done it with my 3 year old there are so many great antibodies in breastmilk!

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On a lighter note, back in my birthing days , i had pumped and had a supply in a pitcher in the refrigerator… for when i was away from my baby, while out grocery shopping with my infant, i came home to find my husband and his friend drinking coffee brandy, i asked, what did you mix it with? We had no milk? Well yes you did, instant milk in the pitcher . When i alerted them to the fact it was my milk! Well you can imagine the looks on their faces! Priceless!


That’s a great idea if u.have a good supply

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I dont think it is at all. Just mix it in with their milk in the morning or something.

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Not weird at all. Breast milk has so many benefits to it.


Your milk, your baby, your choice! Bugger anyone’s judgements! It’s good for your child and it’s liquid gold full of all the good stuff! I did this when I was breastfeeding my 2nd and my eldest at 2 was sick and he got better quicker! I even used it for blocked noses to break down mucus, much the same as you would on my then new born! Perfectly normal logical idea and your hubby is just jealous… haha :rofl:


If hell drink it i would. I bf my son til he was almost three


Nah not weird at all. Couldn’t hurt.

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I tried to get my three year old to drink it cuz he was on a feeding tube and wasn’t eating or drinking much but he wouldn’t drink it

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WHAT??? Give your human baby human milk! I’m giving my 14 month old frozen milk because he is sick all the time


It’s not weird, I have an 8 month old that’s breastfed. But when my 5 and 3 year old start getting sick, you best believe I get some milk out of the freezer thaw it, and give them a small glass. They dont even realize what they are having.
Listen to your gut mama, you know what your doing!


Actually, it sounds like a great idea, best of luck :blush:

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I did! Lol they loved it


I think it’s a great idea!!!


It’s not weird at all. I know someone who is going to do the same thing. She’s pregnant and is due in January and has a two almost 3 year old and she plans on breastfeeding the baby and pumping for her older girl. Breast is best!! Amd if you’re lucky enough to have enough for both don’t be afraid to split it between them.


I would give him some , not weird at all.


Antibodies are antibodies, period. Go for it girl


I don’t think it’s weird. I think it’s actually a great idea


My daughter is turning 4 and has taken afew of my extra bottles I had for my son. Lol. Nothing wrong with it.


Other countries outside of the US breastfeed much longer than the year mark so not weird at all! If your child was 10…then id be questioning your household :laughing:. Like, “let it go lady!” Bahaha but no, not weird in my eyes. You’ll be helping combat sickness in your lo in turn protects your newborn :blush:


I’ve squirted breast milk into my hubby’s eyes to clear pink eye. Tell your hubby to grow up and share that breastmilk!!!

I breastfed my daughter who is now 5 until she weaned herself at 3 1/2. Straight from the tap! Do what’s best for your babies. Good luck.


Love it! Natural medicine.


Nope. Your kid your milk. It’s not weird


Not weird at all!! I hope he still likes it!


Definitely not weird.


I think you absolutely should do that. They’ve proven that even 3 yr olds and older can still benefit from breastmilk


All mine drank my milk from sippy my 4yr old still does

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I did this with my son, he loved it, and it helped keep him healthy. My husband was all for it, he even drank some lmao they called it superman milk

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Natural weaning age is actually between 3-7, yes 7! so not weird at all. That’s what it’s literally made for


I think people who find that weird are the weird ones. Milk from the mother or milk from a cow…I don’t get why it’s more acceptable from a cow to some.


Do it Mama!
It’s so good for them still

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I pumped for my toddler after having my youngest and she loved getting moms milk too, it helped with jealousy in our family anyways and the nutrition benefits that come with it. You do you mama, other people need to mind their own business


Not weird at all!! My friend still breastfeeds her 5yr old!

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Not weird at all! Best milk he can have!

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Breast milk is excellent for ALL ages :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: Add some chocolate syrup if he doesn’t like the taste :smirk::wink:

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Not crazy or weird. I breastfed my kids till they self weaned. Some were 3.5 when they weaned.

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I friend cooked with her breastmilk and fed it to her 6 year old at the time

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Not weird at all. A lot of moms still BF their kids up til when they weane themselves…that can mean up to 4 or 5yo. There are also many benefits to BM (as the other mamas have said also). It can be help strengthen a child’s immune system as well as be used as a topical treatment to help some infections n rashes. Besides, he is your kid and it’s your milk. Definitely not weird

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Couldn’t hurt do what you feel is best our opinions really done matter

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I’ve heard of women who’ve put it in their husbands coffee when they forgot to buy milk lol
Breast milk at any age is healthier than cow milk


It’s perfectly fine and totally up to you

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I do this when my 2 year old is sick he gets mommy milk shots is what we call them lol.

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Humans are the only animal that gives their young milk from another animal, now that is weird and the cows is probably all like what are you doing human don’t you have your own milk supply???

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I think it’s a fabulous idea.

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Why does he think it’s weird it’s the most natural thing.

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Heather Janel Forrest what are your thoughts?

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Nope definitely not weird, we drink milk from a completely different species and even NUTS lmao. Nothing wrong, shameful or disgusting about feeding your baby your breast milk. :heart:

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I think it’s weirder that it’s normal for humans to drink cow milk vs human milk. You don’t see a cow or goat drinking human milk. Other countries, the usual weaning age is around 5.


That’s what it’s there for, mama!

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Absolutely not weird. He needs your immunities. Give them to him.

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Weight lifters drink it my husband drank mine to help him bulk up and he never caught a cold whilst supplementing with it

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I mean it’s not like your popping a 3 year old that hasn’t breast fed since 13 months old back on the boobie so I’m pretty sure it’s fine. Breastmilk is grdat for them so go for it.

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My kids are 20 months apart, I didn’t breast feed her after 14 months but I would pump and put some into my eldest daughter’s sippy cup. Especially if she was sick.

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Ive never understood why it’s perceived as weird/unnatural/gross to do something as naturally intended as breastfeeding

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there is nothing wrong with that. Just don’t start pumping now. Your new baby needs the colostrum & if you pump now, your new baby will only get the milk. You can gave your kids breast milk whether via the breast or bottle, still the same. And remember each baby is different. One might not breastfeed & the other will. And again there is nothing wrong with you given any of your child breastmilk at any age, as long as they drink it… . But children need to come in contract with germs, that is how they build their immunity

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Unless you feel like giving birth to an early baby, why not?

My kids were only 10 months apart but I stopped breastfeeding my first at 7 months and then when I had my second I would give my older son breast milk as well. My husband never thought it was weird but they were so close in age. I don’t think it’s weird at all though and it will definitely strengthen his immunities !!


Its a great idea. It could never hurt

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Oh wow! A hypothetical question, a thought, that you haven’t done yet… last time I posted one of these I had 2 psycho ladies bashing me, name calling, all kinds of weird mess. TOLD YOU I am not the only one who has “weird” thoughts!! All this does is prove my point… haha, I hope those stupid c*nts are still on here :rofl::rofl:

I don’t see anything wrong with it. Its helping

I mean, my 1st didn’t wean till 3.5. Now that I can pump with my 2nd, I give my eldest a glass a day. What’s weird about it?

Why not? You give them cow’s milk which is from a cows boob. :joy:


I give it to my kids when I’m nursing. They love it and it’s good for them. I give it to my 7 and 6 year old when I was nursing my littlest and I’m due anyday and plan on giving pumped milk to all of them again.

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