Would it be weird to have a wedding after 30 years?

Honey you ABSOLUTELY HAVE YOUR WEDDING!!! How beautiful to do it now after a lifetime together?:heart: Don’t have to worry about cold feet and, at this point, you know your bridesmaids and groomsmen are friends for life, right?

Celebrate any way you want! You both deserve it!

I say go for it, it is your wedding

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30 yr anniversary calls for a vow renewal. Do it and do it BIG!!!


That’s actually what my husband and I are doing!
We got married in a courthouse at age 19, and for our 10 year anniversary we are having a vow renewal “wedding” :heart:

Do it! We had our actual wedding after 8 years married. The whole thing. Not just the vow renewal. It was amazing and we will be doing vow renewals too. My husband didn’t get choked up with our 5 minute vows in street clothes. But seeing him tear up and choke while I walked down the aisle and then him saying his vows. It did me in, I told him I paid a lot for the makeup he better stop. Lol Marriage is hard and sometimes we forget our true feelings with busy work and kids. It was nice to see the love spark again. To focus on us for 1 day is what we didn’t know we needed. Good luck!

Life is to short to care what anyone else thinks! Go for it, get ur pictures!

Go FOR IT!!! Make the day ALL YOURS, lady!

It would be awesome. Do it for you… Your kids will probably love it

Go for it…. You only live once​:bangbang::heavy_heart_exclamation::bangbang::heavy_heart_exclamation:

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If it’s what you want…go for it! It sounds so beautiful! I love it! In the end, you only have to please yourselves!

Have a hugh wedding. Celebration!! Whi makes it 30 years anymore??

Heck no! Have your day, have a cake fight or anything you want

Go for it! How sweet :heart::blue_heart:

Nope go ahead and renew your vows this time the way YOU BOTH want to :heavy_heart_exclamation: congratulations for being together this long I wish you guys many many more years together

I got married about 10pm once my parents found out I was pregnant,no pics etc.Everyone cried.Go for it,I think it’s a great idea

Do it!!! I worked at a bridal shop for a year and there were plenty of brides who had similar stories to you. Vow renewals happen all the time!

Yes have a wedding it be great for both of y’all

Why not? Life is short!

My husband and I got married at a courthouse with no family so for our 10 anniversary we had a big church wedding and reception. We paid for it all ourselves and even pretty much made our food. By then we had 3 kids and they were all involved in the wedding. We have now been together 41 years married 36


Renee your vows - lots of people do it

Renewal of vows, totally ok

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I threw my mom and dad a surprise vow renewal on the beach when we took a big family vacation to the beach for their 35th wedding anniversary it was a few days early and no dress more casual

Just go for it . Go mad… have your day your way xx

We renewed our vows for our 30th anniversary. Our middle daughter made wedding gown, flowers, attendees ( our 5 children) the dresaes for girls , vests for men, had our grandson as, ring bearer, 2 grand daughters as flower girls, dresses and vests, flowers decor, wrote vows to renewal, wedding cake, had it all, even a day at my favorite place, Biltmore Estate, for our honeymoon, since we didn’t go on one when we married, we married in dec near Christmas, they had this renewal dec 6, it was ABSOLUTELY beautiful, there is a tunnel between tn and nc,just as we got into NC it was lightly snowing, ( I love snow,), house decorated for Christmas, Snow outside, celebrating our 30th anniversary, together, was a Beautiful time for it all, then 9mo later, our daughter was gone, ( auto accident) , So Yes, go for it, make memories to treasure,

Renew your vows go for it

That would be a wonderful idea

Couples renew their vorstellen a lot. If that is what you want go for it. Best wishes.

If that’s what you want and it makes you and your hubby happy go for it

Absolutely not! You can renew your vows and plan the wedding you never had and your kids now can be apart of it. How beautiful is that!?


That would be wonderful, icing on the cake. Congratulations

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would it be weird to have a wedding after 30 years? - Mamas Uncut

Of course it wouldn’t be weird it would be really nice infact as you can have the day you’ve always wanted and how you both like! So go for it go get your dream dress and have a fab day :kissing_heart:


It is definitely not weird. My mom and dad renew their wedding vows every 10 years and they do it like a proper wedding. Definitely go for it! Have the wedding you always dreamed of! :relaxed:

I think this is a lovely idea! You both never got your “dream wedding/day”

If it’s something you both want then go for it, be nice for your grown up kids to see how much their parents still love one another after all that time

Go for it ! Xx


Do it why not congratulations on staying together hope ypu have the wedding you dreamed of xx

oh I love the sound of that. please do it! it will be amazing :white_heart::bride_with_veil::man_in_tuxedo::wedding::white_heart:

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Do it. People renew their vows all the time. You get to have the wedding you always wanted x


Renew your wedding vows and have a wonderful day :bouquet:⚘⚘ x

No definitely not go for it I think it’s a brilliant way to celebrate 30 years together :heart:

Do it. Have the wedding you want x

Heck no! Do it! I hope it’s beautiful and wonderful!

Not weird go for it :heart:

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Go for it and enjoy every minute x

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Do it! After the year and a half we have all had just go for it x

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would it be weird to have a wedding after 30 years? - Mamas Uncut

It sounds like a GREAT IDEA! Renew your vowels on your anniversary and have the wedding of your dreams!! Your children can stand with you! :heart:

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Have anything you want. If anybody doesn’t like it, that’s their problem. You could have a big anniversary party for your 30th or have a big wedding; write your own vows, or renew your vows and celebrate anyway you want.


Honey , do your dream wedding .you deserve the dress ,cake , pictures all that . And it will be even better to have your kids there with y’all to celebrate. Go for it ,go all out if that’s what you want . After 30 years of being with the same man hell yeah


You could make it the wedding you always wanted and also renew your vows :slightly_smiling_face: a lot of people who renew their vows make it like a wedding anyways so it would be the perfect opportunity to do it! I say go for it! I didn’t get to do my wedding last year because of covid, literally it was just my husband and I in the office, said our short vows, signed papers and that was it. So we are definitely going to plan something when we have the chance.

Do it! That’s amazing and it’s never too late to tell the world and have your day. How much more special after such a long successful marriage too


I would totally do it. My “hubby” and I have been together since we were 17. We have 3 kids. But have never got married. We’ve been together for 15 years now and have never gotten married. Always something else to do…. We will at some point though :wink:

I also know people who never married and invited people for a big birthday party celebration. It was actually a surprise wedding that they didn’t tell anyone about. They were together 40 years before that.


My parents have a similar story for quick marriage when young They did a “wedding” for their 25th anniversary when my brother and I were 16 and 20 and we stood with them. It was beautiful

Just had to comment again! This is relationship goals! So do it and then in twenty years and you have been married for 50 years do it again, maybe smaller if you want a smaller get together! This is amazing! Congrats!!!


My hubby and I renewed our vows on our 25 th anniversary. We just celebrated our 50th a couple months ago.
Have a wonderful second wedding and enjoy it every day.

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I don’t think it’d be weird or crazy to get married on your 30th anniversary. I think it’s rather romantic and charming. I say go for it!

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Go for it! We were married at the county recorder’s office, no real wedding. This week we’re throwing ourselves a 25th anniversary celebration, complete with vow renewal ceremony, photographer, live music, caterer. Life is far too short … celebrate!

Go For it
Wish I could come
:thinking:We married at the justice of the peace. I was 15 and he was 20. I always wondered what it would be like to put on a wedding dress. and renew our vows. I was not pregnant so our wedding was planned. But so cheap , going to bthe Justice of the peace. It’s to late for us I’m 81 n hubby is 86. We’ve been married67 yrs this year so I guess there’ll never be THE DREESS!! So Do it while you’re young enough and post pictures. :sparkling_heart:🫂:crossed_fingers:

Heck no. That is basically renewing vows. You didn’t have one before so why not. A wedding is the celebration of a relationship no matter how long you have been together. I actually just married my man after ten years and 2 kids. Its a littke different but same concept. And the date we chose was actually the 15th anniversary of the day we met. You have that wedding!!!

Do it!!! Me and my husband did a Vegas wedding and as much as I loved it I’m starting to regret not having pictures or the gown…we’re thinking of having a bigger wedding/vow renewal for our 25th anniversary :blush:

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Do it! You guys could do a vow renewal and still have the wedding you always wanted. I love this idea! My hubs and I got married in a courthouse just cause he was military and we didn’t want to wait in case he got deployed. Now we’ve been married 8 years, 2 kids later and we are thinking about doing the same thing for our 10 or 15 year anniversary.


People renew their vows and have a ceremony, so what is the difference… get remarried, enjoy each other , 30 yrs is definitely a good reason to celebrate :champagne: …congratulations to you both​:wink:


NO, NOT WEIRD AT ALLLLL!!! My husband and I had a small wedding because I was on bedrest and 26 weeks pergnant… we wanted to be married before baby was born and on the date we chose… so it wasn’t no other way… and we promised our selves we would have a real wedding later… so we had a real wedding for our 7 year anniversary… our two children and adopted daugther all got to walk down the isle with us… as ring boy & flower girl and as a bridesmaid… it was very special and amazing (now the crazy man thinks we should do it every 7 years :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:)


If this is what YOU want to do, life is LITERALLY too short to not do it. DOOOOO ITTTT. Don’t let it be complicated though, do as much or as little as you want, whatever makes it a success in YOUR & his eyes!

You can have a beautiful vows renewal ceremony and make it the way you have always dreamed to get married. It’s never too late.


Imo it’s your life and screw whatever people think. My husband and I were together 10 years before getting married. I absolutely loved our wedding because it was just a giant party that celebrated an already established relationship. Our lives and friends were already mixed and mingled and it was just the best day ever!


Vow Renewal!! Go for it!
Our wedding was cancelled due to COVID so we did the courthouse thing instead. We were both bummed out but have promised we’ll do a Vow Renewal in a few yrs and have the wedding we always dreamt of :revolving_hearts:


Honey, 30 yrs together is definitely something to celebrate!! If you both want to have a wedding, go for it! Y’all deserve it. Don’t worry about what anybody else thinks. Do what makes you happy. And congratulations to you both. :heart::heart:


Not at all! My parents got married at 16 & 17 and they did the whole church ceremony and reception wedding for their 30th anniversary with all adult kids and grandchildren.


You absolutely should do it. Everyone deserves that special day, even if it’s 30 years later. You get to have the wedding of your dreams without all of the nervousness that goes along with it (you already said “I do” so no chance of cold feet :joy::joy:)

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My mom and dad did this on their 40th anniversary!! The whole big church service then reception!! It was beautiful

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I dont know why people are saying dont waste the money, as if they are throwing some lavish wedding that they’ll lose their home over. Of course yes…throw a party, a wedding, whichever style you choose. And you don’t have to go broke(unless you can afford it) 30 years is something to be celebrated these days! Congratulations

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It’s like renewing your vows! And the stone for the 30th wedding anniversary is pearls!!

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I think having a ceremony would be lovely! Especially since you didn’t get the wedding you wanted to begin with. You could make it a wedding or a renewal of your vows. I’m no good at planning such things, but I’d totally attend an event like this for a friend of mine :grin::heart:

Go for it! It’s a vow renewal. Buy the dress, decorate, go all out and celebrate your 32 years! That’s a hard enough feat in this day and age. Congratulations! :heart:

Whatever makes you happy. My husband and I have been married 23yrs & we have discussed renewing our vowels- honestly, I love him so much more now & I understand so much more about “us” If it’s what you want to do I say Go For It-

I would love to do this. My wedding was not what I had ever pictured. We stood in front of family but my dad didn’t walk me down the isle, my dress was not a wedding dress, and the minister called me by the wrong name twice. It was a last minute thrown together thing. I would love the chance to have an actual wedding do over 13 years later.

YOLO live your best life and have your dream wedding :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3: that many years of being married already calls for a even bigger party/bash!!

You can literally do whatever you want girl…I say go for it, have the wedding, get the dress, renew those vows…have your dream wedding…and live your best lives!!:heart:

I would do it! You deserve the wedding of your dreams after 30 years!

Vow Renewal. People do it all the time and some do it UP BIG !
Have your "dream wedding " with all of the celebration “stuff” ! Do what you want and ENJOY all of it. Enjoy and cherish your public commitment to each other ! Have fun with it !!! You can also I clue in your invite that the only gifts that you desire is the “GIFT” of their presence at your celebration.

Of course- go for it!
Not the same thing but my stepson and his wife had a quick courthouse wedding because my stepson’s mom lived in Canada and had come for my stepdaughter’s graduation and wasn’t sure when she would be back so they pushed it up to a June wedding instead of the October one they planned. 5 years later they had a vow renewal that was like the wedding they wanted.

Me & my hubby have been together for 44 years (couple years here & there off). We’ve been married a little over ten years. It does make a difference in how we both feel, more secure & like we did choose to commit to each other for real. I personally do recommend it. Best of luck.

Its so beautiful to hear someone after all that time is still in love and happily together. It’s for sure something wonderful to so to renew your vows and remarry the man u love.

Not weird at all. You two didn’t have your dream wedding. Renewing your vows I’d doable. It will show the world you still your man. Do it the way you dream of. Good luck and party away

This is an easy one. Absolutely do it. Your years together deserve validation for your love for one another.

Go for it! So many people want to be married for the party and not the marriage tjat will follow. It sounds like you have a great marriage, why not Celebrate that!?

My sis in law and brother did a quick wedding too for there 10 year they renew vows with there children it was so beatiful

First off congratulations on 28 years of marriage. Marriage is a hard!! Secondly, no it would not be weird. If you want it and dream it, just do it. Every ‘girl’ should get her fairy tale wedding. It will be like a vow renewal and it might shake up some butterflies inside you and your husband and renew your love for each other. Just do it!!

Do the wedding! 30 years is worth celebrating :champagne:


That’s not weird at all. You’re renewing your vows. Go for it and make it everything you always wished it was the first time!

On their 25th anniversary, a couple I knew renewed their vows and had an open house. Why not do something similar when you reach 30 plus years?

I think it’s a great idea! Having been married for nearly 30 years you especially deserve to finally have your dream wedding. :two_hearts:

My parents have been together since they were around 15… they just got married 4 years ago this august in their mid
40s after having 4 kids… if that’s something you guys want to do then go for it :slightly_smiling_face:. I thought it was so special that my brother sisters and I were able to be a part of their special day. My brother was the best man, I was the maid of honour and my younger sisters were the bridesmaids. It wasn’t a huge extravagant wedding but it was special and beautiful

My daughter had a BIG wedding, then 10 years later they renewed their vows, Do what makes you Happy

My ex got his gf pregnant their parents forced a marriage and for 46 yrs they have fought over who “gets stuck” with the kid. That child desperately wanted to be loved but because he wasn’t perfect his family didn’t want him. I actually had to shame them into giving him a Christmas gift so they threw him a check. He is 46 and his parents call say they are visiting and don’t show up.
Never ever get married because your expecting.

Would be romantic you should definitely have the wedding of y’all’s dreams

That would be so sweet…go all out. Do it this time the way u wanted to the first time. Vow renewal…

Yes of course u should it sounds like a amazing thing to do to have ur dream wedding after 30 years together… go for it​:sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

That sounds like a lovely thing to do! What a great way to celebrate 30 years of marriage!