How do I address my neighbors who are…very vocal about their love making? I have 5 kids and i swear these people go at it like 3 times a day…and they do not hold back. We live in an apartment and our walls are paper thin and i dont even know how to handle this…my husband doesnt think i have a right to say anything but i am tired of my kids hearing this… what do i do
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would it be wrong of me to address my neighbors being loud while doing the deed?
Bang on the ceiling next time they will get the picture
I’d leave them alone
Honestly just give the wall a good ol bang bang with your fist or a broomstick. They will figure out they are being too loud
Yes u have a right when ur kids are hearing them having sex
Call in a noise complaint if you don’t think you can say something to them.
Start moaning back louder lol
I would leave an anonymous note on their door. Chances are though that they won’t care or it would make them louder. I spent years living in an apartment and that’s just part of it…you hear things you’d rather not hear sometimes.
Blast music to mute it and maybe they will get the message
Unfortunately, that happens with apartments.
Leave a note that tells them it’s not the Hefner mansion.
Play some ‘un-sexy’ music
Nothing. Turn the music up and leave them alone.
Its apartment living, if you dont wanna heat it, move out
You have no right. U chose an apartment.
If it was me. And u said something to me. Pay my rent or hear it even louder
If you wanna say something do it. Your child doesn’t have to hear that. But also banging on the ceiling next time will make them get the hint
Turn up the tv or when they are doing it just bang on the wall then they will maybe be quieter
Put a note on the door “everyone can hear you. Please try to keep it down. -your neighbors”
I out right told my neighbour i hear it all
I know it’s embarrassing… Maybe a wee nice note first of all suggesting being bit quieter with young kids below hearing them…
Maybe they will hopefully be quieter after the note? Is it owned or rented property?
It’s a delicate situation I know
Mind ur own business
I do think it’s lack of respect not only for people in the apartment but themselves in my opinion what woman wants others to keep hearing that and no one is that good u can’t tone it down !!!ide ask for it to be toned down
I mean they’re in the privacy of their own home so u kinda don’t have the right to say anything!!! Put some music on so the kids don’t hear them
Put music on really loud when they start. Lol idk… Is it your place? No… It’s apartment life unfortunately.
Sounds to me like they don’t care who hears them
Eh I’d probably play loud music if it were me. Particularly not sexy music. So weird to me because it sounds like they’re being obnoxious.
I would say something. Like a “I totally get it, but we can hear you through our walls and I have 5 kids, so could you just please be quieter about it?”
Honestly, it might be embarrassing to them if they know you can hear them. So tell them, but like, don’t shame them.
Chances are that they don’t realize how much you can hear. Just have a quick adult conversation with them. If that doesn’t work, ask the landlord to assist.
Anonymous letter on the door that everyone can hear them lol
Kids don’t no any different - let them enjoy them self and have fun.
Either turn on music or turn the TV up. If they are upstairs hit the ceiling a few times. If they are next door hit the wall. Or make it awkward and yell finish her like mortal combat. Maybe tell your kids they are playing video games too bc I play quite a few video games that sound like sex and the bitch is just climbing a mountain.
Write an anonymous letter quoting some of the things they say during the deed. It might make it worse but it could make them thing twice next time too
They pay to live there that’s what u get for living in apartment
Turn your TV up louder or music louder. That is the life of living in an apartment complex
First I’d leave a nice note on the door… if they ignored it I would let landlord know. That’s unacceptable with children around. Regardless if they pay for their own place. No consideration … if it kept continuing I’d call the police. I wouldn’t allow my kids to hear that
Speak to your leasing office. I had the same problem.
Start small:
Slam the walls 2-3 times everytime they’re starting to be heard on your side. If they don’t catch on after 3-4 consecutive times of this Subtle Warning, knock on their door and tell them that they’re louder than your 5 children’s cartoons and games and if they can Please tone it down as the walls are paper thin, maybe they don’t notice. If that doesn’t work, escalate to the office.
get ya kids some headphones. they don’t have to be quiet. and some people don’t care how loud they are. if they have no kids then it doesn’t matter to them, rightly so. move if it’s bothering you so much.
Gift them a gag ball.
Maybe they are loud because your kids are loud. Lol. If you can hear all that im sure they hear all 5 of your kids.
What you gonna go there and let the man know like ey dude smack that ass in silence, and choke her in the bathroom , doggy style is prohibited because you’re making her scream way to loud , and my sensitive ears can’t handle
I saw a thing on the Internet where actually one person started yelling back mortal combat moves at them…
How would you feel if a neighbor came to you or left a note about your kids being loud and crying all the time … I mean kids are kids and it happens (not saying your kids are that way )… but just as your kids have the right to play and cry … they can have sex if they want to
Slip a note under door anonymous
Say something the whole world doesn’t need to hear it. Just say it kindly.
Tell your kids to start making gorilla noises randomly throughout the day. Loudly.
Turn up the music and ignore it. It’s their home. This is why apartments suck.
maybe leave a polite note on their door LOL that you can’t keep saying you’re wrestling when your kids are asking what’s going on LOL
Dude mind your own business hater!!!
Send an anonymous letter. ??? Just a thought
Turn the telly/music up and have a dance party with the kids
Complain to the manager
Reverse psychology, leave a typed note asking them to be louder bc you’re thoroughly enjoying it. Throw in some weirdo suggestions like asking if she can yell your name next time. Of course make up a dudes name
I would definitely say something. And it probably wouldn’t be nice. People are supposed to be courteous of their neighbors. It’s totally inappropriate to do that knowing there is a family with children who can hear. People should have some decency. Just my opinion though.
Let them aware your children are hearing it.
Just bang on the wall, and tell him to finish her already lmao they will get the hint
I’d ask them to keep it down or play music. There isn’t much you can do though. It isn’t illegal. They pay to rent their space. You can turn up the TV or the radio or let the kids be extra loud during their love fests. I can guarantee if I heard a bunch of kids playing during sexy time it would kill the mood lol
Your husband wants those same noises IN your apartment. Lol
Do you have a relationship with them? Maybe a call or text to let them know you’re jealous of the fun they have but the kids hear and hoping they could take the volume done a notch or two.
Wait til the kids are gone… And do the same damn thing! Lol
Pound on wall if that does n it worked send a nice letter be nice tell them kids are hearing this if this fails call landlord if not her call cop 2 or 3rd time it will get across
Leave a note but dont write your names on it
It’s truly none of your business. If you had a small baby that cried all hours of the day and night, would that be THEIR business? No. I’m sorry but you’re just going to have to suck it up.
Uhhh well they are doing it inside their home and it’s not their fault you can hear them , apartments or not they should be able to do what they want and be loud when doing whatever they doing … sorry but maybe find somewhere else to live?? or move to other apartment number within the same community? You can also play loud music while they are at it so your kids won’t hear.
You could file a noise complaint with your manager. There are typically noise ordinances built into the lease.
Sex. Just say sex. Maybe leave a polite note letting them know you can hear them having sex and ask them to be more discreet. If it’s after your area’s quiet hours, you can complain to the property manager if they continue to be noisy. May just have to cope with it. Use a white noise sound machine at night or put on some music during the day.
Buy a noise maker/sound blocker machine for your house. I mean they pay rent, if they wanna go at it, they can. I understand it’s hard with kids and maybe you could try to speak to them but I don’t think you’re going to get a very good response mostly based off embarrassment or feeling violated.
Send a note asking why he doesn’t last that long… Will soon ruin his ego
That is a natural sound.,
Send them an anonymous letter asking them to stop.
That would make me so mad if my kids had to hear that
Sound machines in kids rooms. Increase TV volume.
Save up to move!
Can’t do anything about it dear!
Write a note saying from a friendly Naibour down the hall
I had roommates like this. I reported them to the apartment manager
You catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar. Talk to them and explain that you have kids and nicely ask them to quiet down
I’m sure they’ll chill out after a while. Lol
Black sabbath on full blast everytime
Bring it up with your landlord, or property manager. Or go to your neighbors and talk to them about it. Make sure your husband is with you. Otherwise, there’s not much you can do.
It’s not illegal to make loud noises while bumpin privates. But I understand why your irritated
Play music
turn it up
to drain out the noise.
Or let you’re land lord know
Maybe see if there is a empty apartment in there and see if you can move IVE done that be fore with my kids. Because of neighbors
Or move out if you can afford it .
Ask them to please keep the noise down you’re kids can hear it
Girrllll, I was privy to my very loud neighbors for months…I had all kinds of visions about all this hotness going on, until the day came when I actually saw them . Just let them be, I’m kind of jealous somebody is going at it as much as they are!
Anonymous note slipped under the door. Maybe they aren’t aware they are so loud.
Buy a house and move. I lived in an apartment where I would hear the upstairs neighbor’s bed squeaking when they did the deed. I complained to my friend/downstairs neighbor. He told me, “If you don’t like the noise move and buy a house so you you don’t have to hear it.”
You have 5 kids you have had plenty of sex and I doubt you cared about who heard you
You leave them alone . They can do what they want and their own home. Get Ear plugs
seems your more jealous about how much they are getting it in
They’re in their own home
I’d leave a note saying “if you did it right the first time my family and I wouldn’t have to listen three plus times a day! If she’s hollering that loud, she’s faking it my guy”
Buy a house, 5 kids plus 2 adults in an apartment there’s no room to escape anything…
Apartment living! You cannot ask then to have sex the way that’s convenient for you. Sex is natural. Turn up the TV for 20 minutes. What of they told you your kids are playing to loud?
Unless its over the legal noise limit there’s nothing you can do . Pretty sure they hear noise from your side as well. Switch on the music if you don’t want your kids to hear
You got 5 kids. Don’t be acting like your all innocent.
Get some sound proof headphones for sensory issues.
Another thought. Maybe they’re pretending to be loud to annoy you I don’t know why someone would do that, but you never know lol
You really don’t have a place to say anything tbf x
When one of my SO’s family was staying with us a few years ago, he stayed in the garage, which was separate from the house but really close too. He had a girlfriend and when they would do the deed, she would be SO SOO loud almost hollering… I’m not exaggerating either. We lived in a house, but could hear EVERYTHING. I finally got tired of it because I had a 2 year old and I was pregnant trying to sleep at night, which was hard enough as it is when you are pretty far along. I went to the window threw it open and yelled “knock it off! People can hear you!” Then slammed it shut, I was DONE. It went on for while before I did that. And they got quiet immediately lol. It took him like 2 weeks of wondering if the neighbors yelled at them or us Needless to say, they weren’t loud again.
I doubt you can do anything about it and this is funny to me:rofl:
Even being in their own house, it’s very disrespectful to their neighbors. Wen u move into and sign a lease you gotta understand that u won’t be able to live exactly like u would of u had a full house. Just like I’m sure they expect u to be respectful to them than they should be by respectful to u. That means keeping private moments down. No reason u should have to possibly explain to ur kids what that noise is from. Super immature on their part. Id either bang on ur walls every time n keep banging til they quiet down or wire a note and slip it under their door. U gotta be able to handle some noise wen moving into a apt but not to this point
Buy then a noise machine
Write a POLITE note saying something like Hey I’m your neighbor. I don’t wish to intrude in your personal business but unfortunately we can hear your daily activities. We are kindly and completely in an unkaren sense asking just maybe turning it down a little due to my children being aware of the loud noises. Sorry I just wasn’t sure how to speak to you directly about it and not sounding like a Karen. Thank you for any adjustments and again sorry for my unfortunately thin walls
You have absolutely no right to say anything about what they do in their home. If you don’t like it then turn your tv or music up.