I’m a live and let live person. Yes, that would get old fast but personally I wouldn’t confront anyone. Life’s full of challenges, and you’re being challenged. I see a few people say turn up some music and that’s probably my best advice. I hope you can get some peace from your loudly in love neighbors
There’s like a 85% chance that if you say something they will intentionally get louder. Lol
If you can hear them, they can hear you. Next time, I’d start making my own noises WHILE they’re at it. Maybe they will catch the hint
I’d go over there during normal hours and try to explain it nicely first. Some people don’t even realize they sound like national geographic. If they don’t chill out after that, start wall pounding every time your kids can hear it.
Teach your kids about normal, healthy, adult behavior and they won’t be uncomfortable and you won’t be embarrassed. Or take them out of the apartment for a walk… What is it these days where people think they are that entitled to have a say over the very intimate parts of others lives ppl acting like they never ever head their own parents getting freaky…ffs.
Turn up your music or TV. Perhaps take the kiddos outside during some of their adventurous romps. Where it may be annoying or concerning to you, they are doing it in the inside of their walls. Not their fault that they are paper thin.
Mind your own business, let them do their thing turn up the tv in your apartment when it’s going on or something if it bothers you that bad.
I’d mind my business. Put on music for the kids and have a jam out session.
Surely they can’t last that long.
Maybe incorporate into a dance party with the kids. Lol
Or explain that the neighbors are zoologist and study different animals
Leave a note on their door maybe in an envelope so jts not so akward:joy:
Next time you hear them going at it, start cheering them on through your connecting wall. “Whooooo! Yeah! Get that! Gold star for endurance!”
I mean, they pay rent, too. If it was your personal HOUSE and they were renting an area from you then its a different story. But…
Bang on the wall every time you hear it.
I’m just one of those bold people I guess I just go knock on the door like right in the middle of it and just bang as loud as I could and if somebody comes to the door just be like look I don’t mean to interrupt you and I’m not trying to be rude but I have children over here and they literally are here in your every orgasm if you don’t care could you maybe just turn it down a little bit cuz there’s a lot of children that live in this complex and I don’t want to go through making a police report and all that nonsense for something that’s really just natural and none of our business but when it gets so loud that it’s starting to creep into my home and my children’s ears it becomes my business because I pay rent too everybody pays rent that’s no excuse to be screaming so loud which he’s probably faking for the sake of keeping him around to help pay that rent but you get the point
I would talk to the rent office and see what they say ….you could also leave a note or their door… or you can have a conversation with them…. It sure what time of the day it is but try turning up the RAC or playing music or sending them in another room away from the sound so the kids can’t hear
Turn your fan on over your stove, the bathroom fans and put a noise machine in your kids rooms. Don’t go messing with someone’s good time. You clearly like your time too, you’ve got 5 kids! Let them procreate or practice in peace!
You absolutely 100% have a right to say something. They may not even be aware. Those finding it funny your kids have to hear that all day are kind of sick, to be honest.
I’d mention that they sure are lucky to be able to enjoy themselves 3 times a day. Let them know you hear them. Nothing else you can do
I wouldn’t be nice at all. I’ve had this scenario and I waited till they walked out one day and then “you’re so good at that, you must be a pro. What street corner did he find you on?” . She popped back and I said “Dont scream like a w$&/e and I won’t address you as such” Act like trash, get shown to the dumpster. A week later they moved
Switch rooms with kids. Dont make them have to hear that. They shouldnt have to hear that noise. They are innocent who dont even need to know what that is. Please change rooms with them. And i would go knocking on their door and have a talk with them not mad but explain to them the issues about it. They are rude AF.
Slip a note under their door anonymously asking them to be mindful of how loud they’re being when they’re having a good time
Call the police and tell them you think someone is being assaulted haha
Start playing baby shark loudly sure to be a mood breaker!!!
Write a sticky on their door , saying anonymous lol but they will get the hint and it won’t be all eyes on you … switch your writing up tho lmao in case they investigate
Welcome to apartment living where you’ll be lucky if your own kids don’t hear you …
Turn. The TV or radio on. They pay rent to live there and what they do in their own apt is just that. U cant tell people they cant have sex in their own home bc u can hear it.
However maybe tell them u can hear it and go from there. They will probably be embarrassed
Everyone saying mind your own business…but when living in apartments you have to be mindful of others too.
Of course you have a right ESPECIALLY if your kids can hear them!
You could talk to them and let them know to tone it down because of your children and if that don’t work…turn up the TV…music.
If you are close with them just say it. But if not I would just go about it by saying causally that the walls are very thin and you can hear everything thru them. If it doesn’t quiet down then turn up the tv or music when u hear it. Cause really it is in their house. So their business
If I were you I would definitely talk to the leasing office, that way they can let them know of the complaint and they won’t know who actually made it. Me on the other hand wouldn’t handle it so kindly. I’ve lived in numerous apartments through my lifetime and after a while the ridiculously loud noise (whatever it is) does most definitely get old after a while
Give them a high 5 the next time you hear then and say man that sounded better than the last few
tell your kids they are playing a real cool video game
Part of living in an apartment, if ya don’t like it maybe find a house
Do nothing. They’re in their own home FFS.
I think you should mind your own business. They are in their home you have no right to say anything.
During normal daytime hours there isn’t much you can say, just turn your TV on or up. If it’s after 10pm you can say something to them. Or leave them a note. If that doesn’t work them contact the rental office.
Write a note in kids hand writing “ We can hear you next door”
Nothing will change their loud sex. You have to move or find ways to drown it out like music/tv. I’m sure it don’t take that long.
Yell out ‘finish him’ in your best mortal combat voice when you hear them start
Write an anonymous note and tell them how you feel. Personally I would just go over there and just let them know. you live in apartment building these walls are paper thin there is children that live here that should not have to be subjected to listening to people have sex.
Leave a note on the door or have the landlord leave one. I got evicted for noise complaint- 2 times in 1 month from my downstairs neighbor. My son was learning to walk and fell alot and I got booted. worth a try!
Make jokes to them about it. Like you don’t have to come off mean or a Karen about it to them. (Not saying that you would or anything). But a simple little hi how y’all doing and then slip in a joke about how you can hear them having a good time. Or something like that. Keeping it simple but a friend little notice
Mind your business maybe play some music during those times
I’d bang as loud as I could on the wall and tell them to shut da hell up. And I’d do it every single time.
I don’t think they have to keep it down even if you let them know. Chances are you hearing them will turn them on. People are weird. Unless it’s at the wee hours of the night there is very little that can be done about it and why I will not live in an apartment.
Turn the tv up. It is not right for you to tell them to quiet down, all that will do is make it worse on you.
I would report it so that you’re not the bad guy
Post a ball gag through the door with - kind regards
When I was a teenager our neighbour was always at it in the living room with some extremely Vocal woman.
One afternoon my mum was at work and my 16yo self and my younger sisters were home alone watching tv. My mum has a deep stern voice and loves to swear, so when they were at it, I banged on the wall really hard and roared (in my mums voice) “Will you SHUTTTT THE F***KKKKK UPPPPPP”
And it worked
Juliette Darren defo thought it was u Soz
Maybe not approach them but put a nice note on their door and be Anonymous so there is no awkwardness when you run into each other. You live in an apartment so if there are more than 2 units in a building, they wouldn’t know who left it.
I’d definitely talk with them. I don’t think children need to hear that in my opinion. But you could also maybe just turn some music on or ask them too.
Yes. Go and talk to them.
I’d play music loud enough I couldn’t hear them until they got the point…or let my kids be as loud as they wanted
Knock on their door and tell them to try to keep it down
Who the hell wants to hear people f***ing that loud several times a day everyday!? If you have your music to loud people call the cops, but sounding like your making pornos is ok…
Write them a note saying your kids are asking you questions and it makes them/you feel uncomfortable.
Also I would find some large thick tapestry and hang it on the walls. It helps with sounds not being so loud bouncing off the walls.
Yeah, NO! Your kids don’t need that exposure in their own space!
That’s excessively inappropriate. I’d put a stop to it by banging on their door during their activity and them meeting mama bear.
Maybe tape a note to their door anonymously.
Put on some music or turn the TV up. You live in an apartment, you’re going to hear your neighbors. I’m sure your 5 kids make noises that the neighbors hear too. They’re in the privacy of their own home, not much you can say/do.
It’s not your place to dictate how other make love that’s a part of the things that you have to deal with when you live in a apartment. You have two options
- Be louder than them when you has sex with your husband
I would bang on the wall and tell them to shut up:joy:
March your butt over there with 2 gag balls n tell um to hush!
Noise complaint to management
That’s what happens when you live in apartment complexes you hear your neighbors, they have a right to do the deed and I’m sure since you said you have 5 kids it’s not always quiet at your house and maybe they have some complaints too
Pick a song that will Def let them know you can hear them and turn it all the way up every time they do it. They will get the point
I mean, you can say something if u want…but they don’t have to keep it down.
In fact, it might make them louder lol
Personally id just put music on
Wellllll, since you have 5 kids let your kids make all the noise that they want. Let them get as loud as they want ALL times of the day. F**k it, let everybody be inconsiderate. See I’m petty AF that’s why I could NEVER live in an apartment. If you show me that you don’t give a damn about being nosy and disruptive then I don’t give a damn either.
Don’t live in an apartment lol really only way to not be bothered by other people’s living sounds.
Can we all just remember that this person has kids, kids shouldn’t have to hear that
Ask your landlord to speak to them first
Sounds like they’re in there prime … they pay rent
I’d play Baby Shark at full volume everytime they get it on…eventually they’ll figure it out
Go tell the landlord to confront them😆
Honestly it happens in all apartment living. I know it sucks but i would just leave a note on their door. We play loud music when we start to hear it.
Move or play “Baby Shark” super loud whenever they are making love
If you got 5 kids, then there’s a good chance a couple of them have heard y’all going at it, at some point lol.
As long as you’re not hearing them saying nasty stuff, leave them to it. Sex is a wonderful beautiful thing and when it’s good sometimes people make noise. Tell the kids they’re cheering a sports team on or something
Hmm, 5 kids in one apt. Likely their apt is not all that quiet either… Especially if they are small kids.
You can always knock and volunteer your services so then you don’t have to complain about someone getting lucky
It is amazing to me how many “not my problem” comments are here. Like are people not taught basic curtesy? I know being fiercely childless is all the latest trend but you actually think it’s ok to intentionally subject small children to your sex? Bloody creepy tbh.
OP I don’t know what country you are in, but where I live we have the legislated right to quiet enjoyment of land. Anything that obstructs this can and should be reported. But first, I would just write a letter. Save the embarrassment and just say “hi, unfortunately our walls are very thin and there are certain activities that are being clearly heard by my small children. Please try to keep this in mind… hope you are well”
Just listen and take some tips lol
The only logical solution in this situation is to use your absolute best Mortal Kombat voice and say “FINISH HER!”
Your kids will be fine and probably don’t even care. Let’s be honest; it bothers you not them.
I agree with your husband. Now if it’s 2am and they’re waking people up yes I’d be upset and maybe say something. But if you’re hearing them and it’s not at a time where there’s noise ordinances or restrictions there’s nothing you can do. Turn up some music or the tv and drown it out. If your kids go to school I can almost guarantee they’ve heard worse lol
FIVE kids in an apartment packed in like sardines… I’m sure you are way louder than they ever thought about being 
Sounds like you are jealous. Jk, I would either turn the TV up loud or bang on the wall when they are doing it. If that doesn’t take care of it slide a note under the door. Next step is face to face and the last resort should be talking to management.
Invest in a good stereo system, turn it all the way up and have a dance party with your kids lol or just bang on the wall really hard repeatedly
I think you should move then
Sorry if I come off as TA here, but if they’re in their own home. Mind the business that happens in YOUR home.
Heck I’m considerate and I play music on my TV when I do the “deed”. If hearing your neighbors bothers you so much call the office and file noise complaint. Otherwise you might just have to deal with it or move somewhere that not an apartment.
I would crank up kids music while they’re doing the deed. Of course if I was on the other side of the wall and you did that I would just get louder. it’s definitely a double edged sword. Say nothing and it continues, say something and it could get worse.
It’s kind of a gamble.
Well most of the day the kids in school right ??? … I don’t think you can do anything about it. I mean I live in an apt and for real I hear my neighbors sometimes and yes I get mad … because it’s not me
Write a very nice note and explain your kids can hear them… tape it to their door.
They might. Not no you can hear knock on door or turn the volume up
Crank up cocomelon every time. Maybe the potty song. Maybe you’ll get lucky and that’ll make them move… but worst case scenario is they get the hint lol
I had this problem when I was a kid my mom told me the lady upstairs had a stomach ache and that’s why she moaned at night so embarrassed when we’re invited up to eat dinner and I asked her if she was feeling better
Just go talk to them and tell them you can hear everything
Lol easy answer MIND YOU BUSINESS let them live their life
Send them something anonymously through the mail and let them know that the entire complex can hear them it might make them louder though
Tell the landlord. Their are noise policy’s with apartments and leases they could face termination for being loud. Say something and be discreet about it to your landlord. Let the landlord know they will inform them about their noise levels and give them a warning
Call the cops next time for a noise complaint
Mind your business and save up your money to move into a house