Would it be wrong of me to address my neighbors being loud while doing the deed?

Record it, and after they are done, play it loud enough for them to hear themselves. They will get the hint. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I’d just play music haha or take a walk … really that’s a normal problem In apartment’s :woman_shrugging: I’m super loud :upside_down_face: :sweat_smile: I can’t help it, or I just don’t make any noise… which is … weird hahah I feel like I pay rent… am in my own place… I shall f my man if I want it behind closed doors :rofl: really though… you could write a note and stick it on the door. Be like … My kids are worried someone is getting killed or something … please take them into consideration and maybe do it in a diffrent room ? Hahha


Sleep with the radio on?

You live in an apartment building. Move if you don’t like the noise.

Move. Call police and say you hear a woman screaming no idea why am sure they will get the picture once police come knocking or me personally I’d come over and be like can I join yall are so loud and inviting :rofl:


If its yall upstairs, first tf of all, I live in the basement. You have the entire upstairs 2 floors for ALL 5 of those kids to run around. You and your alcoholic boyfriend. We put up with your loud music and your kids jumping up and down ALL DAY. And dont complain. And on top of that, we hear y’all up there fighting each other 4 times a week. And don’t complain. It’s like yall put the kids to bed and get to fighting. Not arguing. But furniture moving up in that piece. Police called and all. I dont complain or bother yall when my packages kept coming up missing, or when that girl banged on my window in the middle of the night to beat yall ass…didnt complain… And you got the audacity to complain about MY ORGASM? If its good, its good :person_shrugging:Shouldnt them damn kids be in school? And turn that mf music down! Its 10 in the morning. We live in an apartment building :person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging:U want quiet? Move you and your 5 kids to a house? Tf?


Move lmao. All apartments have thin walls don’t like the noise then move. They probably hear you and your kids all day.


Tell the landlord have them talk to the neighbors :joy:

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I had this issue once, I could hear their bed squeaking among other noises on a more than regular basis, so I bought them a can of WD-40, left it on their doorstep with a little note that said I’m happy they are so active but myself and my family were going crazy…never heard them again!


Joys of apartment life :woman_shrugging:

Talk to your land lord or move that’s the only thing you can do

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You don’t have the right to. They’re in their own private space and it’s daytime. Quit eavesdropping.


Always had neighbor complaints everywhere I live. But I can’t help it. I’m just very vocal and don’t know how to not be that way. I think maybe it’s part of my personality disorder. I actually feel things on a much more intense level than normal people do. Like maybe I was born with more nerves than the average person and therefore I feel way more. Idk lol.


Slip them a sweet note with a hotel gift card.

Start playing music loudly

Are u really just upset bc your husband is listening quietly in the bathroom? :thinking:


When they start knocking boots knock on the wall. Or be vocally loud about something else. They’ll figure out if they can hear you, that you can hear them lol

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Unfortunately it is part of apartment living. However they may not know you can hear so much. When we lived in an apartment we didn’t know our dogs were barking when we weren’t there until someone left a note on our door and then we fixed it .
But don’t be like the dick who left the note on our door and swear at us and threaten our dogs. Just be nice and say you can hear them and if they wouldn’t mind trying to be mindful and considerate of the other people in the building

I’d tape their noise three times a day and deliver it with a nicely written note asking how they do this or that. I’d mention the exact time in the taped encounter so they could thoughtfully reply. :joy: I might even mention you’re happy to see them out in public because it helps you and your neighbors visualize what goes on behind the wall. :wink:


I would put a note on their door stating that you can hear them and that your kids also hear them. Ask them nicely to keep the noise down.

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Anonymous letter in the mailbox : we can heaaaaar you. Lmao


Everybody saying move……Usually there is a commitment like 6mo to a year lease. She’s gonna have to put up with the sex noises until then. Not a realistic solution.

I think the only time you can complain is during after hours but if they are making noises after 10pm you can file a complaint. Obviously try to move when your lease/rental agreement ends. Also on Amazon they have sound proof panels….Look them up, they may be worth purchasing.

Hah! At a previous house, I could hear them from across the street.

Leave an anonymous letter on their door “very happy your love life is thriving but could you keep the vocals to a low roar?”


Move… that’s apartment living for ya. What they do is their business.


There are more important things to worry about than that

I’d say something for your kid sake. Not sure how old your kids are. But I’m slightly traumatized from hearing my mom all the time with random guys… When I was little (I remember from ages 12 to 18 - always bringing men home)

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I had this happen to us, I just wrote a very polite note and told them I could hear them and that my baby kept waking up due to the noise (because she was) I wasn’t rude or anything just explained I could hear (our bedrooms shared wall) and I never heard them again! Actually got an apology when we crossed paths! I knew living in an apartment would have its issues but not that bad! You just have to learn to be nice and patient. The way you communicate (tone) can make all the difference. They probley don’t have children either so they don’t understand you don’t want your children hearing it and having to explain why they hear it! I wish you luck!

Damn it!! Where did the comment go from the neighbor downstairs lol!!??:face_with_peeking_eye: I NEED this tea!:rofl::rofl::coffee:

That’s apartment living, unfortunately. Not much can be done - you can say something, but I bet they will just get louder.

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Go make some noise of your own…

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That is what your mouth is for

It’s sounds like you’re upset it’s not you making that much noise & experiencing that much pleasure…

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I mean that kinda stuff comes with the territory of apartment living unfortunately. I mean you could always leave an anonymous letter on their door or mailbox but i wouldn’t personally confront them


You really don’t have a right to say anything. And if you approached me, I’d make damn sure we’d be much louder.

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This is what my old apartment manager told me when I told her I was scared to live in an apartment because my sons are very loud. She said when people come and complain about these kinds of things I tell them that’s what houses are for.

Knock on the walls every time you hear them


The apartment manager can address this … this is tmi I’m sure but my sons gf told me that their apartment manager sent them an email about this exact same thing :flushed:

You live in an apartment get used to it lmao.

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That would irritate the hell out of me too, I’d move

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I’d just play music or tv and turn it up just loud enough to sort of cover their noises to where the noises sorta blend with radio/tv.


Casey Hood Roth Paula Darden Moses Stephanie Thums Isakson Lisa Givens Huelsman :rofl:


Narrate through the wall while they’re doing it.


Each time it starts, Turn up the music/TV really loud. Get your kids some white noise machines (fans are great) for night time when you want to avoid waking them. And maybe they’ll get the message that you’re trying to drown them out.


Lucky :four_leaf_clover: you said 5 kids
As i it’s not me lol
Secondly yes it’s not appropriate behaviour but it’s in their turf so tough one can u be a little suttle & make a joke about it all
Like you know it’s great but do everything to make them see clear that kids can hear etc and it’s a little much
Peace offering perhaps :thinking:

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Note under the door: “Just a kind request from fellow neighbors, if you could please keep loud moaning at low when you doing the deed as kids and visitors can hear you” simple, kind and straightforward


All y’all telling her to move, you do realize that costs money that she may not have right now? :woman_facepalming:t3:

And yes, they’re in their “home” however in apartment complexes you are to be respectful and considerate towards your neighbors, regardless of the time of day or whatever. Pretty sure that is stated in the leasing agreement that everyone has to sign and agree to before moving in.

I would leave a note if you’re not close to the neighbor or if you all are friends or whatever, just have a conversation with them explaining that the children can hear. Most wouldn’t have a problem “toning it down” a little if children are being affected. Last step would be getting the landlord or management involved.

Or as many have suggested, making a funny comment such as “FINISH HER” or “damn bro that sounded better than the last few times” would pretty comical :joy:

Buy your kids earbuds haha


They pay the same amount of money as you, they’re entitled to do it… They may even feel the same way about you and your five kids😬


Report to apartment manager first. If you haven’t.

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I’d honestly hit the wall so they know you hear them :sweat_smile: maybe they will quite down


Find a way for your kids to be away for a day when you know those people are going to be doing that and go hard-core as loud as you can while they’re doing it and last way longer than them and they will get the hint


You live in an apartment……unfortunately there isn’t much you can do. That’s the kind of thing you sign up for unknowingly when you go into a lease with an apartment. Just like I’m sure there are people who complain about your kids because kids are loud……if you don’t like it I say find a new place to live :woman_shrugging: sex is normal and natural

I had this problem with a neighbor when I lived in an apartment…I minded my business🤷🏻‍♀️ play some music, watch a loud TV show…vacuum…

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Lmfao fr? Apartments have “quiet hours” in my experience. As long as they aren’t violating the quiet hours then get over it, you live in an apartment and you’re gonna hear things.

Also you seem salty, sorry you’re not getting any. I’d be salty too :upside_down_face:


When the get it in next time tell threw the wall round 1 fight!!!


Start moaning super loud when they do


I would suggest a note. I would be upset if this was happening around me. Happened once while on vacation, heard yelling moaning and bed hitting walls. Made me very uncomfortable :woozy_face:

Maybe write a respectful note stressing that you respect their privacy, but that your kids can hear…

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Say they are disturbing your right to a peaceful residence. As well as no one wants to hear them

You can ask … But that’s apartment living…it’s their space. Talk to your kids about sex.

Tell them to at least turn down the volume when they watch porn


Wow 5 kids maybe they are paying you back for all the times it took you to make all those kids and how loud the kids are probably can be heard by them


No you have no right , they pay rent just like you . My downstairs neighbors fight everyday and they are loud and cus up a storm sometimes it sounds like it going on in my apartment . I know I have no right to say anything unless they start slamming doors and pounding on the doors and walls then I complain to the landlord or if I hear him hitting her I call the police but otherwise I blast my music or tv and ignore them

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I used a broom to beat on the ceiling one time cause my old neighbors woke .y daughter up doing it. :joy::joy::joy: They got the hint.

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Start yelling out encouragement. “ Go faster!” Go slower! “ Yes Daddy!” Girl I would have a blast. “ Right there! Yes Yes that’s the spot!” And Moannnnn with them. Trust me they will quiet down. :rofl:


My neighbours used to do this bur we weren’t in apartments…just normal houses. Every time they started, I would VERY loudly, with the speaker pointing at their house play either R Kelly bump & grind or Lionel Richie’s let’s get it on.


sorry, didn’t mean to be so loud. i live alone and have nothing better to do. :joy::joy:

When they start, turn your speakers to the wall in the direction of their apartment and play Chumbawamba I get knocked down on repeat until they finish. Repeat every time they do it. They should get the message within a few days :rofl::rofl::rofl:


White noise in your apartment.


Crank some flight of the bumblebee song lol


Okay this is going to sound childish. But next time your neighbors do the deed and the kids are not home. Why don’t you start doing the deed and see if they hear?


I would be sure the landlords know it isn’t you. I once lived in an apartment and had 2 units conjoining us and both were very noisy, we got a noise complaint (they never would tell us what the “noise” was) but I’m pretty sure the noise actually was our neighbors not us just be sure you don’t get stuck with a complain when it’s not you.

Soundproof your walls

You really can’t say much since it’s an apartment… which how you survive that with 5 kids is amazing lol. I would put a note on their door letting them know the walls are thin and you/the kids can hear it all. If they don’t care, then start mocking them like suggested above :rofl:


My neighbours were the same… It’s not funny when it wakes your kids every single night… My daughter was too scared to sleep in her room…
I’m like a big kid tho one night it woke me up and I couldn’t stop laughing…then one of them fell off the bed :joy::joy: well I laughed that loud they heard me :joy::joy::joy: he was pissed to say the least… I heard him shouting at me :joy::joy: she even used to hang her sexys on the washing line :joy::joy: like jeeeez leave something to the imagination :joy::joy:


I’d knock and ring that door bell so neither of them reach moment lol!!! I’d definitely let them know your kids can hear.

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Baby shark whenever they start.


Tell them you might have to pick up smoking because it sounds like they are constantly having sex so good that the neighbor needs a cigarette. :joy::joy::joy:

Eww beat on the wall!! I’d definitely complain!

Move. With 5 kids it would probably be better to rent a house if possible

Put a kind note through the door about his note going in her door :grimacing::rofl:

When they are done… applaud & cheer… loudly !!!


Put very loud music on if possible and when they complain tell them to turn the volume down on their love making an you will turn the music down


Leave them a note and report it to mgmt.


You mind your business :woman_shrugging:

That’s the risk you take when you rent in an apartment building.


I don’t think there’s much you can do if the noise is not outside your areas noise ordinance. Also be mindful that paper thin walls means your going to hear a lot of your neighbors & to also be mindful b/c they can easily use your 5 children as a complaint to. If the walls are as thin as you say then it could very just be part of apartment living f.

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I used to bamg on the wall lol


Lol what is management going to do? Tell them they can’t have sex?

Tell the landlord. I got reported because they could hear me and my kids walking up the stairs. Lol


Contact the landlord

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Perhaps if you make note that if they keep that performance up, they’ll end up with 5 kids? lol. Leave a random picture of unknown children under the door with a note!! Hahaha


Politely ask them during the daylight hrs to just be mindful of your children. If not, do what I did when my neighbor used to order hookers to his apartment every day and thru the night. Call the cops. Every single time you hear it. Eventually they’ll get the hint. Mine did and moved the eff out, thank god!!!

I had a neighbor and was always moaning and saying oh daddy and yes daddy so one day I went up to the wall and mimicked her really loud and I never heard them again and she definitely never made eye contact with me


Time to move they pay rent cant tell them they can’t. Or to be quiet

When they are done knock on the wall and yell round two!


I’m sure with paper thin walls and your 5 kids, they have to endure alot as well.
It’s a part of apartment living, unfortunately.


I would nonchantly write or type a note about this situation & congratulate them on it the endurance, but they can be a bit loud, Maybe play some music, not too loud but enough to cover some of their noise up

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Nah if it was my kids and there young i dont want them hearing that bull shit so guess what ima say something fuck that. Now with how the world is these days imagine your children going to school and saying something to there teacher about that mess and then cyf gets involved nope you should say something.

You mind your business, that’s what you do