nice helicopter parenting
You think animals are gross boy are you in for a surprise in parenthood…
What’s so gross about animal hair? As long as they’re bathed in the last 2 months or so and don’t reek of pee or have crap caked on them, I see no issue with fur that you can easily clean off since you don’t have the dogs in your own home. They can’t just get rid of the fact their animals shed but you can take extra precautions if you have a problem. I’d honestly be embarrassed a little to make this post or have these issues, unless someone was like dire allergic or something but yes, that’s dramatic and weird and I’m dumbfounded lol
Wow who doesn’t like animals? Are you serious?
Talk to your husband he is the only person who matters in this situation. But kids can be washed and its good for them to be around dogs and cats it will help their immune system dress j. Clothes you don’t care about and visit them so they dint bring it to your house. When yiu get home take a shower.
Oh jeez. My son was eating dirt today. I couldn’t imagine not wanting anyone over due to animal fur. That’s what a vacuum is for.
Wow, this whole post is pretty gross
Having your baby covered in dog hair should be the least of your worries
I mean you’re not wrong for feeling like that! Also how idk are the kids? It can literally cuz then to have bad allergies being exposed to the animal fur.
This is hilarious, why wouldn’t you want your child around animals. It’s good for them. It helps teach them wrong, right, and loving animals. That might be why you don’t like animals as you never were around them. And that’s the grandparents, I can’t for the life of me could even think about asking them to meet in public. That’s just absolutely absurd and selfish. You are crazy lady.
You’re an U. G. L. Y PERSON
Ewww, you seem like the animal here…
This makes me sad , but also on one side how bad is the hair ? I don’t condone anyone saying they hate any living creature but you need to be realistic about the situation
I think you should speak to them about it now that you vented to us
Oh geez I heard it all… animal fur. Take a blanket, or yoga mat lay on floor idk wow, I don’t like dogs to much either. Mil had dogs I lived with it, but to avoid taking kids there because of it.
I think you are valid in your feelings. If you feel that way around animal hair, there is nothing wrong with that. But I do believe you have to compromise somewhere. It is not harming you or your child and it will definitely cause a strain in your relationship. I’d be offended if my spouse was grossed out so much from my family that you won’t even go over there. That is your son’s family and he has a right to spend time there and make memories. You can try your best to be cautious but at some point you will have to allow your son to bond with your husbands family.
“I think animals are gross”
I think its nasty af when I see people covered in animal fur.
You are way to controlling
My in laws have animals too. So we put down blankets where the baby plays and keep her toys up and it’s a non issue. Stop being weird
There’s a thing called a lint roller. I wouldn’t ruin a relationship over dog hair.
This post is just gross
I was once with someone who never cleaned and allowed the dog to just use training pads and it NEVER left the house. I refused to allow my kid on the floor over there, ESPECIALLY when he started crawling because the training pads usually had poo on them and everyone wore shoes in the house and would step on the pads and track it around on the floor
The hair is gross, but they at least clean. Take lint rollers for your family when you visit them or let them use them when they visit you.
Wait till your spawn eats french fries off the restaurant floor. Animal hair on clothes will be the least of your problems
I can’t handel dog hair all over the place either.
I wouldn’t want animal hair on myself or my child either!
Dog or cat hair has never killed anyone yet !!
This seems extreme to me! Your child should be exposed to some hair, dander, dirt, germs, etc. to help build a strong immune system. And making your in-laws only get to see their grandchild in public because of hair is messed up in my opinion.
I agree 100% how gross dog hair can be. I own a shedding monster and it’s a constant battle. Idk but refusing to let them come over is a little much.
Okay this is personal preference and I feel people are bullying you. Never once did you say you don’t like dogs. Some people either are allergic and can’t have pets or make the choice not too. What wrongs with you all?
Ewww you have issues
This sounds dramatic af to me.
Get over yourself
you probably eat fast food and eat animal hair.
Forever? Like the rest of your child’s life? I’m glad you’re not my daughter in law.
Wow. You know what they say about people that don’t like animals.
Perhaps take a blanket from your home that your child can sit on the couch or on a pallet on the floor, Or take a pak and play?
Or get covers for your furniture for the times they come over. Don’t let your child miss out on loved ones who WANT to see them, without trying to find a compromise.
Honestly Just wait till u see how gross that kid gets! babys are gross, todlers are awful, and teens are the worst…yet all those stages in life are necsasary to becoming a well adjusted adult. Sheltering your child from dirt pet hair or animals in general will leave then compleatly unaware of how to handle real life situations where they will encounter those things. Thats just my opinion tho.
I mean… don’t go to their house then. Use a lint roller, my sister is allergic and still comes over, my best friend hates it but still comes, brings a lint roller to clean herself. It sounds more like a control. You shed too…
Technically speaking… you’re an animal.
And you are not exempt from shedding.
So then by technical standpoint… does that mean that you think that you are also gross?
Teaching our kids to respect animals is just as important as teaching them to respect other living beings and perhaps even helps teaching them to respect the planet we all share.
Perhaps you need to do some research and learn that humans are the only ones who destroy their own natural habitat and resources, yet you think that it’s the animals who are gross.
That’s what’s really gross. Do better and teach your children to be the change this world needs to see.
You think human hair and dead skin cells are better than animal hair? What’s your feeling on dust mites?
I can totally relate to what your feeling because I am the same way. I also have OCD and sensory issues that I think contribute. Everyone is different and you do what your comfortable with
How is your husband going to feel when you try to tell him no he can’t take HIS child to see HIS parents? Gréât suggestions above for you to use instead of alienating your child from his grandparents.
I’d maybe talk about it as sensitive as you can. Telling them you don’t want them at your home and vise versa could possibly really hurt their feelings. What state are you in? Can you possibly hang outside most of the time there? I’d be extremely affended to be honest
Sounds kindof over dramatic to me.
My ex MIL has Chihuahuas and they free roam her house, meaning poop and pee ALL OVER the house on wood floors which soaks it up. Her whole house smells like dog pee and mold. It’s horrible! I hated going over there!
I only have 1 dog but my house is full of hair if I don’t stay on top of it… get over yourself and let that baby see their grandparents!!!
Go to their home, just bathe after leaving, and change and wash your clothes immediately upon getting home
Love furry babies… get over it
Have u or your husband talked to them about how u feel… I mean how much dog hair is a lot. That’s very selfish of u to do that to them. U probably knew what u were getting into before u married him … like I’m sure u went over their house before. And u say they are covered in dog hair when they visit u maybe get a lent roller and have them use it before they hug your baby.
Um… I feel like you’re going to make a problem bigger than it should be in this. While you feel the way you do, it could result in a cascade of negativity down the line.
I would say pick your battles, because it could cause a rift between you and your husband, and his family.
She NEVER said they couldn’t see their grandkid but I completely understand. Meeting them at the park or a kid play place would be a great idea.
I’m laughing at all the comments trying to make you feel bad. Tons of animal fur is DISGUSTING and I wouldn’t want my baby in it or all over her either. And about “you know what they say about people who don’t like animals” I guess y’all just like having mounds of fur all over? Suit yourself but that’s nasty
I have 2 words for you…lint roller !
Get a link roller use it when you get in auto to leave I have a pom dog but I keep it brushed .If any one don’t like my dog then they can stay home
Wow, grand children need there grand parents. Hope your children do the same to you. Grand children are grand parents life most of the time. Think about how inlaws feel. You are the problem.
would it be wrong to go help them sweep up the hair? That should be the question LOL
although Your child your rules.
Also… lol if my significant other ever tells me that my kids can’t go near my mom or she can’t come near my kids over a dog and it’s hair (and she has a husky so lots of hair) I’d be single real quick! Nobody will ever come between my parents and kids not even animal hair…
what does your husband say about how you feel??
Y’all are so negative. lady if you don’t like animals are hair there is nothing wrong with that, just express how you feel. You have a right to your own feelings and your own opinion. Folks should respect how you feel when it comes to your baby. I think not allowing them over is a little bit of a dramatic decision but set an old blanket or sheet down or something when they do, if they have that much dog hair in them.
I don’t blame you one bit. I don’t like animals either and especially their fur all over so definitely not my baby. We’re all different. Everyone says it but then when we’re different from the majority we get a talking to. Nope.
Why would you deny your child of so much love? If they love their fur babies that much you know they have to love your babies. Fur is no big deal. Grandparents are so important.
Wow… how bout try getting a long roller and offer it to them when they come over so they don’t get fur all over ur house they deserve to be able to see their grandchild as I understand it the fur I have two dogs a pitbull and a chihuahua and they shed big time but try to compromise with them before trying the whole park thing
Get over yourself and let that baby see her grandparents… it will wipe off… wash off? Tf lol
I mean I would rather have dog hair than meet in a public place with all kinds of germs but that’s my opinion but I also have a dog that my son adores so I mean your just not an animal person and that’s fine but also you do need to talk with your husband first too
Did you know a warning sign in people is if they don’t like music or animals? It is in human nature to like them
I wish the biggest issue I had with my children having their grandparents in their lives was animal hair… You’re incredibly silly. I feel sorry for your kids. Having grandparents who are alive and willing to be in their lives and their mother being so selfish and petty she is avoiding that contact because of hair.
i sure hope you don’t ‘push’ your feelings about furry animals onto your child. frry animals are awesome companions.
Also, if animals are so gross you’re also saying your in laws are gross too because they have dogs… yeah I would have left you the second you said that about my family!
It’s okay that you think the hair is gross. If you are able to get past that, I think it’s worth just going over there to visit because having people in your life who love you and your baby are worth those small sacrifices. Your baby will be okay crawling on the floor you could probably ask that they sweep up the floor and keep the animals in a separate area if you are more comfortable that way.
I mean I love pets. But I don’t want any. Mainly because of the hair. But I’ll still visit my mom (5 dogs) and boyfriends mom (dog and 2 cats) and my daughters grandparents(dog and 3 cats) pretty regularly
Obviously if you don’t like it then avoid it. But don’t make it some big ass deal and hold the kid over the grandparents head as a “you can’t see them if you have ____ pet”
Kids are also gross
First time new moms are so cute, by the third kid you won’t even notice the dog hair.
I think I will go make some cookies
Reading these comments of people just attacking you because you don’t want your child covered in animal hair is wrong. I also don’t like my kids being covered in it so I don’t think you’re in the wrong. Going out in public also gives you all a chance to socialize outside of them home
my parents have too many cats for my comfort, I’m also allergic so anytime we do visit I just change everyone’s clothes the minute were home.
I don’t think you’re unreasonable for not wanting your kids covered in hair.
Im the exact same way! I dont care for animals at all… But my parents dont own any luckily. If they did, they would be coming to my house
Public places still carry germs and “grossness”. So dog hair from dogs in the family or who knows whose snot and God knows what else.
If the kids aren’t allergic I think you’re being weird. If the kids go outside and play in the dirt it’s “gross” right? Even pet owners hate the hair everywhere but it’s literally just cleaning up and washing the clothes after right? When u said animals are just gross it kinda told the reason behind this because kids gets dirt, hair, food, slobber, spit, pee, puke, etc on them randomly. You just don’t like animals so talk to the family and be honest about it.
Is this ur 1st kid? Usually people are so over the top with the first but after the 2nd kid comes around its like u learn to over look things that isnt gonna hurt them but will make a mess lol
I hate hair too, but I also have a logical reason…I own four adult Shepard’s and four puppy Shepards and ya know what I find them to be gross just like I do my children whom I have 5 of so I mean yea it’s gross it’s tough it’s hairy and some days I want to pull my hair out and run away but I’ll be damned if you ever see me airing my things online about my poor In-laws living style with pets. Like come on I could see if there was feces and urine all over the place like yea logical reason…but hair?! Girl get out of here and look in the mirror if you aren’t offering to be over there every weekend to clean that house for them then get out of here. PHOTO…just to annoy her
You’re entitled to how you feel. Your child your rules.
You are gr… never mind. Don’t want to get banned
You’re an ugly person debating ruining your baby’s relationship with their grandparents over animal hair. Also tension with your spouse and his family, and then with the two of you. Over dog hair. Chill out!
The fact you said animals are gross makes me think the hair can’t be as bad as you’re making it sound. Their house and their clothes will never be spotless just like much anyone else’s.
Kids need to build resistance and need some exposure to a little bit of germs to have a healthy immune system. Being kept always from every thing wil make them get sick very quickly.
You can say what you would like to do, there is nothing wrong with that BUT it’s also their kid’s house and their kid’s child so someone else has an opinion in the matter. The same rule should apply to your parents. If one set of grandparents can’t visit and the kids can’t go then the other shouldn’t either.
Loosen up that butthole girl. Dog hair isn’t the worst thing your baby will be exposed to.
Not to be a jerk but you need therapy.
Ur not wrong! It’s ur choice
My in-laws had way to many dogs & they smelled so bad I hated it when my girls went there also they always was smelled bad & was always sniffing our crotch yuck
You’re really going to let something as simple as pet hair keep your children from having a relationship with their grandparents? You’re being petty. GROW UP!
People take their service dogs to Resturant’s, and even non service dogs to places all over in public I’d say yes it’s wrong, maybe take a blanket of your own and another set or 2 of clothes for the child. Or don’t go over there that often.
Sounds like you need help lol
I would just put the kid in an outfit and change them when your gonna leave and put the play clothes in a bag to be washed. Find a compromise that doesn’t eliminate taking your kid over there or them coming over and jeopardizing what is hopefully a good relationship. I walk into my friend’s house whose older husky just loses chunks of fur everywhere, no matter how hard she cleans. But I walk out with half that dogs fur when I leave, I swear it! It doesn’t gross me out but I just brush it off outside and change my clothes when I get home. Get your self a dust buster for when they leave and just do a 5 minute clean-up. Compromise.
Would it be wrong of me to only meet my in-laws in public?
Anyone else grossed out by kids? I do not want them around my pets at all. my in laws have so many kids…and while they clean as much as they can…they still have so much snot and toys in their house and I dont want my pet on their floor…and I am almost to the point where i do not want them coming to my house anymore because their clothes are always covered in spit up and stickiness. I just think kids are gross…would it be wrong if we only met in public palces from now on?
doesnt like animals
Don’t be bogus! I feel where ur coming from but you’re going over-board. Throw some play clothes on when u go there. Also, u should invite them regardless. It’s just animal hair. Vacuum it up
This is some petty ass sh*t. You ain’t right.
I think animal hair is disgusting. And kids get nasty sticky fingers, then dog hair stuck all over You’re the mom so do what you need to do and ignore all the hate comments! But maybe a simple conversation to your in laws can help a ton too! Or make your husband talk to them!
That’s 110% a you thing, and your denying a lot of people bonding time because of it.
everyones attacking you but i really want to know HOW bad is it? like i have 3 cats, a dog and a bird (bird is the one that makes the most mess) im allergic to most dogs and cats so if theres a ton of hair in house i cant breathe and need my inhaler and end up at the hospital . my own house with that many animals with allergies…still not gross… however the moment i found a flea on my baby there was huge issues so pick your battles, they love your child right? isnt that what matters? bring a play pin, and a large blanket for your kiddo , request they vaccum (or you vaccum for that matter) before you put your child down on the ground… people who hate other living things are the problem , not the animals…however if the hair is so bad that theres CHUNKS of it in your babys mouth or something then i guess i would understand
Imagine growing up without your grandparents in your life and finding out it’s because your mom is a monster that doesn’t like dogs
Is it really that hard to vacuum after they visit?
I am a huge animal lover but having a dog and cat hair on me kinda grosses me out as well. So I totally understand where you’re coming from. I actually get allergies from cat and dog hair. Never used to have that problem when I was a kid but I do now as an adult
I’m a Non Animal Person as well… My In-laws only have 1 hypoallergenic pup but yes I hate finding stray hairs on clothing and make sure she washes hands prior to eating (that’s a given anyways) I totally see where you’re coming from… Once an outfit is covered in hair it NEVER goes away… It just transfers to new places… Anyways, what about if you designated a “clean” regalo playyard or a playpen while your child is there as many others said special clothing or put covers on the furniture while they are visiting etc. use a laundry sanitizer and silicone hair catching dryer trap