Get your child a puppy and get over it. Sheesh.
I get the whole your child, your rules… but it’s hair. There’s such a thing of lint rollers, baths and washing machines… I’m severely allergic to cats yet my children still go around them, I just wipe them down after before they touch me and clothes go in the washer the second we get home… I’d say more but I’d get in trouble
You have a right but it’s a very rude one. Make due by bringing your own playpen, toy, blankets ect…. Animals are dirty but not to the point of a visit will cause any long term effects except the ones you get when you exclude your child from their family. Also just make it quick visits if that suites you. Work around it in your way but don’t cause an enemy from someone that loves your child. Good luck.
This must be your first kid:rofl: by the time you get to 4 you’ll be putting your kids bowl next to the dog bowl:rofl:
Animal hair is great for the child, the family and a home
Even in public places there still gunna be fur I mean why do you hate animals so much let the inlaws see the grandkids that’s just awful to be like that
Your triggers are yours alone, why should your child miss out on animal interactions because of your issues. Don’t pass that bloody bullshit down
I think your taking it a bit too far. It’s just some dog hair. I get it bugs you but you don’t want to keep them away just for that.
What does your partner say? Talk to them about it and figure out a plan together.
This is why I don’t get along with pet owners they are quick to judge and shove their beliefs down your throat
Its OKAY that you’re not like that do what makes you comfortable
I’m suddenly self conscious about the animal hair on mine and my kids’ clothes . Relax. Unless there is a severe allergy to pet hair or dander, it isn’t a big deal. Your children are going to come into contact with soooooo much worse than HAIR. What are you gonna do when your baby digs in their diaper and plays with poop? Or eats sticks? Or finds a cracker from 6 weeks ago and eats it!? I am sure you’re a new mom and being over protective but you have to relax!
Yes it would be wrong.
Wow so when ur kid grows up and wonders why their grandparents weren’t in their lives are you prepared to say how u keep them from their grandparents cause of animal hair. Come on shit could be way worse. Be happy they wanna be in your kids life… literally it’s hair and I’m sure u have water n maybe shampoo u can bathe your little one when you get home. I say get the fuck over it and grow up. Your child is gonna get into way more than animal hair… good luck
I have the same problem but she’s not super involved. I just wash everything.
You aren’t wrong you can’t help what you don’t like. I’m not a fan of pet hair neither
I also would have the same problem.
You could also have them take their shoes off when entering your home
It’s your choice but how are you ever going to kno if your kids would have any allergies!! If they go to school & around other kid who have animals may have your kids still bring animal hair home or even fleas so my opinion your not winning & you don’t want your kids growing up to hate animals because it’s bad if they decide to hit or kick an animal which leads to animal abuse, I’m just saying because things do happen !! Sorry to tell my opinion !! Good Luck !!
I’m the same I hate dog hair
And I have 3 dogs but there none malting
Omg and cats are worse they go on the worktops where ya cook n make drinks and there hair flies everywhere imagine getting 1 in ya coffee
My friend has big dogs she knows how iam so comes to me
It’s a fear just like any other
Nothing wrong with it. Pets aren’t everybody’s cup of tea. You might hurt their feelings tho. Get ready for backlash.
Yes Princess it would be TOTALLY WRONG!!
Maybe contact a cleaning company to help them clean better? I mean how old r they? My mom lives with us n her long haired dogs hair drives me up the wall but she has to bathe him once a week and she does but doesn’t clean anything else so I get it. My 2 r short hair so I don’t see their hair very often just the long hair one shedds alot… But I agree with some comments I read yes it’s ur child but maybe just talk to ur husband n c what u guys can do to help fix this situation without taking time from the child.
If you think you’ll keep animal fur away from your child I assume this is your first. On top of that… Animals love. That’s possibly the best relationship you and your child will have. But pet fur is unavoidable even if you own zero pets yourself. But, exposure to the world, animals included, can strengthen your child’s immune system naturally.
I wish dog hair was the only thing I had to worry about with in laws
Incase we all forgot read this
I think you should humble yourself and stop being snobby.
First baby right? The kid has to get a little grubby or he won’t be healthy. He’ll have allergies and everything else. Kids wash and so do their clothes. It’s more important the baby have a relationship with the grandparents. Animals are not gross. I have an emotional support dog. She’s a very necessary part of my life. Yes I have to keep her clean and keep my floors swept, but she’s worth her weight in gold when I have a panic attack or am stressed, or am so depressed all I can do is cry. She’s there for me when no one else can be. My son is OCD about dog hair. He takes me to the store once a week. Before he comes, I put my clean clothes up where they can’t get dog hair on them, on the kitchen table. I put everything I’ll need while I’m out there. I take my shower and dress at the kitchen table. That’s where I sit until it’s time to go downstairs from my apartment to meet my son to go to the store. I don’t have a chance to pick up any hair. I take my dog out before I shower. I am careful to not get hair in my son’s car. We do fine. When I get home, then I relax and play with my dog and sit on the couch and be myself. If my son wants me to go out again, I put on a clean outfit. So I make an effort to make sure I’m sensitive to his needs and it’s ok. But it doesn’t sound like your in-laws get that. So you’ll have to roll with the punches. And it could be worse. They could have farm animals.
I didn’t even want to comment because I can’t imagine how bigoted you are , what if they were allergic to you? Every organism animal person otherwise on earth exist for a reason , if you have a personal hate for it that’s your problem! You are teaching your children to be small minded and bigoted! Unless it’s for allergy reasons I can’t understand why you would even post this you should be ashamed of yourself!
If someone doesn’t like my dogs that’s like saying I wouldn’t come to your house because I don’t like kids…rude and snooty.
Yes. Absolutely wrong!
Exposure to these things assistant with making sure your child won’t have allergies or reactions to dust pollen mites etc… Get a lint roller. It’s really not a problem.
Animals are a gift to us not only with mental health but so many other life lessons too like kindness
Sooo I’m assuming you plan to keep your baby away from pets
I feel the same way. Animals are so dirty. And not everyone has to like animals or inside pets.
Just because other people do, doesn’t mean your feelings aren’t valid. Everyone can have differing opinions about it and still be respectful to those who feel differently than someone else.
your child, your rules. Whilst im a dog owner 1 dog, i couldnt do all the fur either
All the animal lovers on here who can’t grasp that someone else might not have the same interests or likes as them.
Just because someone doesn’t like animals or especially inside animals, doesn’t mean they should “get over it”, that they just have to accept something they hate, or that they’re a bad person.
New flash. Not everyone loves animals. Not everyone loves inside pets. Not everyone can handle all the allergens and hair and smells of animals, especially inside.
People can have differing opinions and that ok.
Stop the shaming because she feels differently than you.
No it’s not wrong. Pet hair is not something everyone is used to. I also do not like it and would not have wanted my babies crawling in it.
Their clothes will still having hair even is you see them in public places
Imagining raising your son his whole life, loving on him and being alive to witness him start a family and the woman he chose doesn’t want you over their place because you have animals. Honestly, would be my worst nightmare when my son is grown.
The only exception here would be a severe allergy.
Why don’t u just address the issue instead of doing what u doing,who know,that child might grow up to love dogs/animals immensely then what. Dnt get me wrong but u sound kinda like u keep urself better. U going to ruin a good relationship with ur in-laws bcoz of dog hair,I’m sure here are people who’d like to have just dog hair problems with their inlaws.
Ummm how about confronting them about it first? You are restricting your child from having their grandparents around because of animal fur. Seriously
My dogs are my family - I love them more than most of my family members we have a new grand baby who came home to two dogs - I think if you weren’t raised around all Of God creation you wouldn’t understand. - Sophia’s mom
My ocd can’t stand pet hair, especially when a pet owner does not clean up after their pet. If your baby is crawling I definitely would choose to do activities outside the house. Maybe a park?
You sound a Lil germaphoby…nd that’s alrite…to a point
Animals and pet hair are one of the things that grow your child’s immune system
If you want to risk offending them you can. Why cause a family rift? Dog hair won’t hurt your kid. Unless their house is actually dirty I wouldn’t worry about a bit of dog hair. If the baby is crawling, bring your own blanket for the floor. And buy some of those rollers with the tape that removes pet hair (they really work), and keep the peace. Unless the dogs are unsafe, your child will be fine. Ask them to put the dogs outside when you visit just to be on the safe side. What does your hubby say about this? Did he grow up with dogs? Good luck!!
I feel the same way as the Op🤷🏽♀️. It is ok to not like animals and their fur
Honestly, if your only issue with your child going to their house is animal fur, you sound incredibly controlling and unreasonable. You don’t have to love pet hair. Even pet owners don’t. You don’t even have to love pets. But to lay down such a strict boundary over such a petty thing would be a huge overreaction and selfish. You aren’t thinking about your child’s feelings, your child’s father’s feelings, or your in law’s feelings. Only your own. If your child has a pet allergy, that would be an entirely different story. But it sounds like they don’t, so yes, it would be 100% wrong to try and force this.
This is a animal family against a non animal family debate. It will go both ways. You want the non animal lovers to come to your defense and don’t want the animal lovers and veterinarians to not explain to you why animals are important. Truthfully it’s all about you and the fact your not a animal person and if you’re not your not but to keep family away from each other because they are. Just be thankful you’re not my daughter in law cause NOBODY would keep me from my kids or grandkids or them being around my dogs, cats, chickens or whatever else I bring home.
Maybe you should to use a vaccum cleaner before inviting company!
Don’t let anyone make you feel shit because you don’t like it… it’s your baby. I hate animal fur on me or my son too, we have a black Labrador and I make my son change after playing with him because of the fur. Don’t put your bubba on the floor. I’m not a fan of my in-laws and stopped leaving my son there many years ago, just because they’re family it doesn’t mean you have to be uncomfortable to please them…
You would probably cause an issue by saying something. Possibly if they come to your house you could have some lint rollers at the door or something and ask that they use them since you don’t prefer dog hair in your house? In a kind way of course. I dunno, my dogs are my family so my mindset is different but I know people are different!
People that don’t like animals miss out on a love that no human could ever give. I always feel sorry for the non animal lovers. Bless their hearts.
Dog hair doesn’t hurt you or your child. Climb off your high horse and visit.
Wow ur a pain in the !
Girl seriously it’s just dog hair
The lint roller comments are not super helpful either bc it’s more than just fur. Some dogs leave their drool and scent on your clothing long after you remove the hairs, and sometimes the dander is still all over and inside materials and you have to wash articles of clothing to rid it of the scent of wet or dirty dog. I’m not an animal hater I have 3 cats and I’ve had dogs… but I can also appreciate not wanting baby or baby toys/ bibs/ blankets that go in baby’s mouth around a shit ton of dogs and that scent that we all know. It isn’t hygienic by the sound of it.
With that said, I agree that this could cause a rift between hubby and family and the baby should bond with his side. Perhaps you can talk to him about a long term solution that involves your home, some public places such as zoos and parks and restaurants etc and maybe even semi annual family vacations where you guys rent somewhere together and leave the dogs home so that the kids are in a clean space with their grandparents for a week to bond. Family vacations! Hope you figure it out with compassion for his family xoxo
Wow! Girl you gotta lighten up. I mean have you offered to let use a lint roller?! If my Son ever gets with a girl like you lol you’re in for a real surprise I wish someone would tell me I couldn’t see my grand baby! Lmao and tbh those "animals as you say show more love thsn you grow up and be a big girl and ask nicely
I have 3, but I know my son’s would never have a child with someone who doesn’t like animals
not wrong… animal hair everywhere is disgusting & it gives me dirty house vibes.
Just sharing my cute dog lol
It would be disrespectful to not have them over just because animal hair on there clothes as far as there house if they don’t clean up the animal hair and it’s a ridiculous amount to the point of
filth I can understand that decision. But if it’s moderate pet hair your crying about ya got some growing up to do kiddo.
Id rather go see your in laws dogs then you hate people who hate animals
U live a sad life:pleading_face: bless ur kids and ppl u surround. It’s more things to worry abt than ur kids being exposed to dog hair. One day u will need them in-laws to help u and I hope they remind u they have dog hair:roll_eyes:
I do not care for dogs in my house but i still love dogs. If your in-laws are clean about their pets upkeep you should not worry about your child being around them. What are you going to nitpick about when the children love animals? I am sorry, you do not seem real.
Wow you are not normal at all … How can you feel animals are gross ? You must allow your child to get a few germs or you will have a child with no immune system and sickly
“Animals are gross” that’s possibly the worst statement I’ve ever read on here! It’s you who needs understanding not your inlaws. Dog hair is not a virus. Learn to be more empathetic now whilst your child is small otherwise you will recreate this in your child. Dogs and kids can be the greatest combination of joy .
Don’t feel shamed about something you don’t like. Dog lovers will put you down but it’s a preference just like anything else. I like animals and dogs but as I grow older I do not want them in my home bc of the maintenance and mess they bring . I would not feel comfortable bringing my baby In a home with tons of fur and it personal grosses me out . Not to mention there is likely a smell associated if it’s really bad. You are the mom and it’s your choice .
I love my pet’s hair & all! Just put 2 dog’s down 6mos a part. Broke my i love animals more then humans:blush: unconditional love is what are pet’s give us, sorry you are missing out:sweat:
Nope I ain’t mad at you that is discussting
Some of these comments are disgusting this child may possibly have or develope allergies to animal hair or the lady herself I have had dogs in the past and am an animal lover,my house was never covered in dog hair the in-laws never heard of vacuuming.I wouldn’t like my baby crawling around on a dirty floor either perhaps take a large play mat when you visit.
Wow your poor child and husband! These are your husbands parents and you don’t want them over due to dog hair . I’m ecstatic you don’t like animals though thankfully they are safe from the likes of you! You remember you will have grandchildren some day and karma is a b#$@&…
Your poor child and husband. Hopefully the child gets a good child hood. With this attitude they won’t
And what does the child’s father say? As obviously it’s up to him to?
You sound like a snob! Poor Husband and Child! I would hate to have you for a daughter in law.
I bet your whole house and everything you own is beige.
I’m an animal person. I have 2 dogs and a cat. And they stay in my home. But, it’s your decision to not like dogs or cats in your home. I’m not gunna hate you for that or put you down! That’s your own liking/preference. I hate when people get out of hand about certain situations and these comments are ridiculous. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this right now. All you wanted was people’s opinions and all you’re getting is hate comments bc you don’t like animal hair in your home or on your baby. LMAO. This is crazy.
You sound like u would be fun to be around I feel for your child and hubby
Children with animals in their home have better health an immune systems. Maybe because they ARE introduced to more germs. I hope you handle your child with more grace, because I promise you their are more “icky moments” to come.
Your baby your rules.
Y’all!!! But it’s still not how SHE WANTS to raise her child! Doesn’t make her a bad person bc she doesn’t want fucking dog and cat hair on her baby!! Leave the woman alone and stop being mean to her. Damn. People these days make me sick.
Relationships and love for another should mean more than animal fur interrupting your lifestyle
I just think animals are gross… but let’s meet in public where there’s germs from hundreds of randoms whilst your kid crawls on the floor. Makes no sense to me Send your husband & baby over for a visit & maybe stay home
Definitely snob ish and childish I love animals but hate dog / cat fir grow up and take ur asses some spare clothes or place a damn Sheet over where they will be sitting depriving a kid of their grands over dog hair unless it’s life or death is bullshit!!!
Your baby your rules but please know if they come over with fur on their clothes they’ll have fur on their clothes in public.
I do get it tho, I have fur babies but I hate people that allow their cats or dogs in their kitchen, I literally won’t eat with them:rofl:
Yes. All animals should be shaved. Same with human hair. Until everyone and everything looks like a mole rat and you can relax.
So this basically became the let’s bash someone who’s opinion isn’t in line with something we like/agree with group:roll_eyes: What happened to the supportive moms who shout “do what u think is best for ur kid” when it’s something they like/agree with:thinking:
I think she’s gross. What a boujie stuck up broad. Alienate your child’s paternal grandparents simply cause they have dogs.
It’s pretty insulting to be honest… Think of it as building your child’s immune system.
Oh your going to have major problems with your in laws and your marriage if you cant accept it. Really have a hard think about it and make the best decision for you because you will tear your partner away from his family doing this
I love my fur babies! All my family love animals! Let your inlaws in! Alittle dog hair never hurt nothing! Gzzzzz
I totally get this. I have a dog too a who doesn’t shed. I’d have a chat to your husband about it x
If that makes you happy, but understand that they may take offense.
I get being concerned about animal hair for like a choking hazard, but you just sound like a jerk IMO. You don’t even want them coming to your house because they have animals?! You want to alienate your child from their grandparents just because they have dogs?! Seriously?! I mean do whatever you feel is right, but I think you’re going too far with things. You’re literally willing to punish real living human beings including your child because someone has dogs and you don’t like dog hair. Yikes.
If you don’t like animals or are grossed out by the fur then fair enough on your behalf, but you have to put your partners and in-laws feelings into consideration too as they do like animals an don’t mind the fur, asking to meet in public places or telling them not to come round is very insulting I’d be absolutely heartbroken if my son’s partner said that to me!!. What about Christmas day, home Bqqs, Thanksgiving the special days what most people enjoy at home. This meeting in public in my opinion is big no no and you will 100 percent cause you problems in your marriage and with your partner. What does your partner think I feel sorry for him that’s his parents. Surely if you say this to your in-laws, but in a better manner they would make an effort for you and come to some arrangements with the dogs when you go round. If you love you partner and in-laws it’s basically something you have to suck up its bit a fur at the end of the day …
I understand! I hate dog hair on furniture and on clothes. I have Yorkie, and they barely shed. I love dogs, and when my children were little one of them was allergic to dog and cat hair so I had to be careful who she was around and who we visited. It sounds like you are having to deal with a lot of animal hair to the point it’s difficult to figure out what to do. I don’t blame you for not wanting to have your child or yourself to have to deal with it. I’ve been there and my family and friends understood. Good luck!
I’d be embarrassed if I were you. Get over yourself.
Do whatever you want! It’s your kid and your feelings! If you don’t want your child exposed to it, then meet them in public!!! Who cares what anyone else thinks about it if it’s best for your kid!!
Aww I can see where you’re coming from, I used to panic about everyone passing my baby round after she was born. It just felt natural for me to hold her- people touching her face and passing her like pass the parcel. It’s a natural feeling to want to protect your child. If you aren’t used to animals I’d assume this is a natural anxiety. Perhaps as she gets older it will ease if they are good grandparents and love her I’d try to be a bit more lenient with those worries though x
I used to worry about stuff like this. I was a bit more paranoid over my first compared to having my 5th recently. Just be happy your in laws want to be a part of the kiddies lives. The dog hair will wipe away but the child memories last forever
Sounds like you just do not want to be around your children’s grandparents and you are using dog hair as an excuse. Shame on you
You sound like a breath of fresh air my god I feel sorry for them having to put up with your nonsense