It would be easier to go over there and use a lint roller when you leave. Get over it. People have animals. They’re only as dirty as you let them be
I would try to come up with some way for my child to know their grand parent especially if they want to be in Your child’s life your loss of not!
I feel you on the animal hair front, but I reckon it would cause a bit offence. Maybe have designated clothes for you and the baby to wear when you visit that you keep separately from your regular clothes so the hair doesn’t transfer? Not sure why everyone’s so fast to jump down your throat about it though
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I’d be embarrassed if I was you get over your rude self the world doesn’t revolve around you sounds like the hair is a big excuse to not to let them see your baby
Unless your child is allergic to it, it’s just fur. Dogs shed. My son is 2 and gets dog hair at all 3 grandparents house. But he loves them and so do I.
Anywhere you go, someone before you could have been near animals or left animal hair… you will never escape it… I can understand the worry about crawling at their house… but buy a playpen/travel cot for them to play in until they stand. If you dont introduce them to animal fur when they are small to some degree you run the risk of them having an allergy to it as they grow. As for coming in your house, speak to your husband as they may try to use a lint roller to remove fur
If that is your final answer yes.
Your kid, your rules. Do whatever you want with your child! For everyone saying it’s just dog fur, well I’m sure there’s things you don’t like your child/children around right so why does this mother not have the same right? I love dogs and cats but I will never own one because of the hair and smell. These mothers shaming a mother for her not wanting her kid around dog hair is disgusting. Need to do better.
I don’t think it’s wrong at all. BUT I would save that as the last resort. Have you tried telling your husband how you feel and see if he can help them understand? Maybe give them a chance to do something about it, and then if not, just let it be known that because they will not make changes, you’ll only be seeing them in public places. No more trips to their house! I totally understand the thing about dog hair. I do have a dog but she has a coat that doesn’t shed much. I can’t stand dog hair either!! It bugs me to no end.
To each their own, but honestly, choose your battles. Your in laws want to be a part of and active in your child’s life, that’s awesome! I WISH my in laws were like that… instead they favor my brother in laws kids and basically ignore mine unless they want to bribe them with candy and sweets to do something for them. In my honest opinion, this is not a battle worth fighting. Use a play pen while at their house and a lint roller when you leave, get creative if you need to, but be grateful that your in laws want to be and are trying to be a part of your child’s life and are good grandparents.
You sound entitled and snotty. Yikes.
Animals are gross? Look in the mirror!
I don’t like animals in the house at ALL
Sounds like it’s a you problem. Animals are part of families. Are you going to keep your kid from enjoying holidays and traditions because of something so petty?!
I shed more than my dog. Would you only want to meet me in public too?
I kinda feel like your children’s relationship with thier grandparents is more important than your dislike of fur or animals. Maybe take a lint roller and a mat with you so baby still has floor time and you can clean up any hairs that collect on you.
Nope I totally get it I adore animals but I can’t stand the hair everywhere My best friend has 3 bull mastiffs her whole entire house is full to the brim with hair you can’t even touch anything or it gets on your hands in your mouth eyes you ever choked on dog hair🤢 it’s nasty maybe have them meet you in the yard or a park or maybe ask have a designated area you can sit where the dogs don’t have access
Here’s an idea. Lint rollers
That’s not gonna fly!
I mean its your decision at the end of the day, your child your rules, i own a dog so i cant really tell you if your in the wrong or not, all i can say is do what YOU think is best for your baby
Grow up and deal with it
Don’t worry. You sound like you’re rude & snobby. Unless you change your heart, your husband will eventually grow tired of your antics and leave. He’ll then have visitation with his children that will most likely spend time with their grandparents at their grandparents house. Choice is your’s.
Oh I bet they just love you.
If you keep children away from allergens they get allergies. It’s how babys create an immune system is to be around certain things and animals. I believe grandparents are more important but if your going to shelter your child from animal fur I’d start probiotics to help with any future allergies
I clean more hair from humans then dogs!!!
How does your partner feel about this?
So you want your baby in public instead, with a bunch of strangers all over, with their own germs, instead of a family home with some dog hair…? Make it make sense. Stop micromanaging. You sound like a brat IMO.
I LOVE animals, HOWEVER, if not properly taken care of it can become an issue nobody else should HAVE to be subjected to orvput up with. My BIL house is like that. They don’t even brush their husky, let alone take care of him even close to the way he needs. But the HAIR. OMG THE HAIR. You’re eating it, drinking it, smoking it, breathing it in… I haven’t been there in years thank God, because it’s so unbearable…
Dude it’s dog hair. It’s not like there is shit all over the floor that your baby is playing in. What are you gonna do when your kid wants a pet??
Children are sometimes allergic to pet dander. It’s your child and you are responsible for their well being.
I bet you wouldn’t let your child jump in a muddy puddle either! Get a grip… it’s a dog, not a rabid racoon!!
Ewww I don’t like you
My kids played in mud, have had dogs since they were babies, they have the most robust immune systems. No allergies. 15 and 2x14. Always around dogs and animals. Plus there’s nothing better than a kid and a dog.
Your feelings about fur are very childish. Do you do that with your own hair? You want to jeopardize your kids relationship with their grandparents over fur? Wow. Grow up.
It’s their grandchild as much as it is your child. You make the decision at the end of the day, but there may be repercussions from those decisions. Just make sure you can live with it. My kids grandmother smoked and I hated their clothes and hair smelling but now she’s gone and my girl still cries for her Nanny. I hated it then, we only visited once or twice a week but I had no right to tell her what to do in her own home. But now, those memories at Nannies and Papa’s are what comforts her the most. My kids are still under 10 so it’s heartbreaking.
Well like I say, my dogs are family if you don’t like the fur don’t come. You don’t like my fur babies on my furniture don’t come. Because my furbabies are my family! I do understand what you are saying & it sounds more like a person who doesn’t like dogs or probably not animals & your being protective or your child little over active
I’m the mom with lots of dogs. It is a LOT and it can be annoying I agree. But, in my opinion, your relationship with your in laws is more important than clean clothes or no dog hair. It’s not bad for your little to be exposed to pet hair if there are no allergy concerns. Bring a change of clothes for babe, or a lint roller. We vacuum/sweep/mop about 5 times a day, and our littles still sometimes have fur on them. It doesn’t mean we are dirty, just that we have pets who happen to love our kids. Your child may be able to make great relationships with animals if given the chance. It’s okay to be uncomfortable with the fur, but don’t let it control you. It’s just fur, clothes can be washed, and your little will be just fine. I’m sorry so many people are unkind, I understand the frustration, but don’t let it ruin all the good things possible in the situation
Dog fur is like a condiment at out house lol
But at public still thr clothes will be covered with dog hair??or they will buy new clothes before meeting u
Girl I get having your own pet peeve but this is a little much. Keeping your child from blood family bc of dog hair that can be taken right back off with a lint brush. Try bringing extra clothes for the little one and changing them right before you leave their house so it doesnt come back to yours, but do not cause bad feelings bc of your dislike of animals. I am an animal lover myself, and people like me actually consider their dogs their children.
They gonna come for you girl!!! But I agree with you:eyes:
Would it be hard to ask them to vacuum before putting baby on floor? I have dogs and I have always ran the vacuum before a little one went on floor, it’s never 100% fur free but it helps. I think it would be easier to ask them to vacuum vs meet me here for now on
Animals are cute, loving blah blah blah but they are ANIMALS. Nobody wants animal hair all over the place and I damn sure don’t wanna lint roll every trip. Your baby, your choice, if your husband has an issue it’s his to deal with. People with animals bake animal hair into their food and still serve everyone:face_vomiting: gross ass people man I can’t
Just wait till you see how disgusting kids really are. It’s going to eat dirt, shove worms in their pockets, and be covered in god knows what. They are just dogs. It’s your kid, do what you want.
Wow …you must be a delight
I’ve always had dogs and cats my whole life. I’ve probably eaten a pound of hair without knowing it, lmao. Get over it, unless the kid is allergic, you shouldn’t keep them from their family. Family that YOU chose to procreate with…
Here’s my view:
- You definitely should NOT have came anywhere where pet lovers are and posted this because they are gonna be rude and triggered because of their own feelings🥴 2. Talk to your husband about your feelings and concerns. Talk to your in-laws as well about it if you haven’t already.
- Stand firm on how you feel and make the decision that best for you and yours. Nobody knows what you are dealing with so better to not come here where people will make YOU feel bad for being YOU:unamused:
Yes you are being childish. I have 4 dogs in my home and yes we have dog hair but the lint brush will help. To be honest with you most dogs are prob cleaner then most ppl. It’s not right to keep them from family just because they have dogs.
Yes, they are all family. Kids love animals. Would you be as upset with it if it was your parents?
Unless there’s severe allergies, you’re being unfair. Yes, animals are gross but keeping kids from their grandparents cause of dogs is a terrible excuse.
You sound like you’re a basket of fun.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself for acting so high n mighty n thinking of deliberately depriving your own children the love bond n relationship of their grandparents cause YOU don’t like dog hair. You’re a cruel person despite trying to act like ur not. Feel sorry for ur husband n children
I would take an animal over a person any day. … there’s a lot more gross things in this world then an animal. I child’s dirty diaper, puke… you going to get rid of the kids next?
Animals make my son so incredibly happy and I would never keep them from him. And grandparents are very important and worth the trouble. I’m sure you leave your hair all over without knowing it but should someone think that’s gross or that you are gross? And not to mention skin cells that fall off constantly….you can’t control everything
I love how people are sitting here comparing dogs to human beings. Like tf. Why do animal people do that
There is a big difference between a dog, and a human. So, no, I’m not going to get rid of my child because he’s gross sometimes. I would never get a dog tho, because I don’t like them and they are gross.
Honestly tho, if you don’t want to go to their house, I understand that. But, good luck getting your hubs to agree to that. They are his parents, so it’s not gonna be that easy for him.
Maybe ask them if they can put the dogs outside, or away while you’re there && sweep before coming. Just say it’s for the baby.
Otherwise, meet them at a park or something. As long as you’re not cutting off contact with them over the dog hair, you’re good.
To answer you’re question, Yes I think it’s wrong of you. My girlfriend has less animals, 1 cat which sheds like crazy and 2 medium size dogs, whcih shed too. We still go over an visit, and i’m allergic to cats. She cleans, and sometimes I have to wash the jacket after being there. But She has a child the same age as my daughter. Both our children play on the floor, Once and A while visiting won’t kill you. OR you can have them at your house until your little one learns to walk.
Children raised around animals and their hair actually have better functioning immune systems due to being exposed to it.
My kid once ate a wasp and collects woodlice and hides them in containers in her room. A bit of fur is nothing to how gross kids are
My mother’s house was like this. Add pee pads to the mix… When my son was a baby he had to stay in a playpen bc of it… My son got ahold of a poop & I didn’t bring him back over until he was a bit older… A person with boundaries isn’t the problem, the pets aren’t the problem either, the owner should realize this… Trying to adhere to your boundaries while still incorporating people can sometimes be hard… She’s trying at least.
My sister has a husky. When I go to her house overnight I bring my own blanket, pillow & clothes that don’t pick up the hair as much. My clothes to go out stay in my bag until I’m ready to leave lol.
Your being totally unreasonable. Millions of children grow up in homes with pets and they survive
I don’t really like animals. I hate animal fur in my own home. I have 2 with animal allergies. But I would never keep my children away from family due to animals. My grandma has a dog and like 4 cats. She does a pretty good job of cleaning it, but we always leave with hair on us. She comes here and I don’t bat an eye. Think this is kinda ridiculous.
Don’t put your kid on the floor when my mom had 7 dogs some were puppies I just wouldn’t let my son play on the floor I took a pack and play or baby seats for him to play in. I’m not as grossed out from fur though as I have a dog myself. I wouldn’t risk their relationship with their grandchildren over your own personal dislike of fur.
Researchers in Finland found that family pets — dogs in particular — have a protective effect on children’s respiratory tracts. Babies who have early contact with cats or dogs are 30 percent less likely to experience colds, ear infections and coughs than children who are not exposed to animals.Jun 17, 2021
You’re a whole ass red flag honey. So I will help you.
DONT PUT THE FUCKING BABY ON THE FLOOR WITH DOGS. Clean when they leave. Buy a pet hair roller brush to keep with you. They are visits …y’all ain’t moving in together Jeezus …you’re welcome.
Bring a lint roller with you
Keeping children away from loving family is far more “gross” than animals
I just had an awesome idea, invite the in-laws to your house for a visit. Then meet them at the door with a vacuum cleaner, suck up all the hair on them before they come in.
When your baby grows up and wants to go over friends houses or birthday parties and they have pets your going to tell your baby NO
Seems young mothers these days are so dang petty about everything. If you think life is going to be perfect like the shows you watch or videos you see y’all are way off your rockers… family is more important than animal hair.
If you put that rule down, just know that they will ALWAYS remember what you did to them, deprive them of seeing their grandchild in the comfort of a home. You’ll need them to watch your kids one day. Don’t go burning bridges over your lame excuse of dog hair. Don’t limit the love they get from their grandparents. Kids these days need all the love they can get.
Just wait till your baby eats it’s own poop…it will happen
You have real problems!! I feel sorry for your in laws!!!
Is this for real? Lol
Make it make sense y’all. Someone? Anyone? poor kids.
I agree all the pet hair is disgusting!!!
My wife don’t like cats and guess what we have two we have had when since the was a baby we got them when my son turned 8 months old then found out we was pregnant a week after we got them. Only time animal hair would be an issue is if allergic or asthma and sometimes hair splinters but that shouldn’t stop you from letting them be apart of the kids life and if you live where it snows what are you gonna do when winter hits
You’re going to damage a relationship for your child because you’re selfish? Sounds like a great idea
Is this even real? Usually I don’t let these posts get to me but this just sent me into instant your defenitely someone i would cross the street to avoid mode… I would give anything to have been able to know my grandparents amd have my daughter grow up with hers but they are all gone… you don’t get the same intimate relationships only seeing people in public… you are being selfish and completely unreasonable, and I hope your child/children don’t put up boundaries like this for you when they are older.
I have 2 dogs and a cat, yes the animal fur can be annoying but vacuuming everyday, brushing the dogs everyday does help. But to keep the kids away just because of the fur is ridiculous and selfish. My parents and my in laws have animals and my kids love them. Just because you don’t like animals doesn’t mean your children will and keeping them away from the in laws and only allow them to see the children by meeting in public is over dramatic and taking away from a comfortable one on one interaction. I feel bad for your in laws and your children if they ever ask for a pet when they get older.
So did you not think about it ahead of time… like before deciding to have kids. You’re pretty petty. Poor husband and child
Go clean it yourself and Quit being selfish. Get a lint roller!
Yes. It’s wrong. You sound petty af.
How about you just stay home and let your spouse visit his parents with his child? You can not help your phobia anymore than they can change their love for animals. He can explain your illness to them and change the child’s clothes before returning home. Studies have shown that children exposed to pets and different environments are more healthy. You need to make sure that your child has a normal loving relationship with the grandparents and that obviously can not happen with you present. It might help to seek counseling to address your issue as well. Good luck!
It’s actually good to expose your child to pet dander at a young age… just fyi.
There’s something sketchy about people that don’t like animals, poor child
I feel sorry for anyone that grows up devoid of pets. My life was entirely meaningful purely because of my pets,they helped show me who I am as a person. There are ways to keep a clean house and clothing and reduce pet hair.
Sounds like you’re not only going to damage the relationship with your inlaws but with your own kid. I personally love dogs so I have 3 of my own. I also own 2 cats, I’m not a big fan of cats but guess who is? My kids. So what are you gonna do when your kid decides it wants a pet? Make it suffer without one because of how selfish you are??
Maybe the animals think you are gross
You think animals are gross?? Wait until that kid shits up his back & into his hair
you need to grow the fuck up
Not the animals fault. And it wouldn’t be fair to you child because you didn’t give them a chance for your own selfish reasons. Not only will they need see their grandparents over hair… they’ll never know the love of a pet which honestly is one of the realist loves out there.
Wow… those poor babies and grandparents. I never side with the grandparents lmao. and here I am. you sound selfish.
Unless you’re child is allergic to the dogs let him see his grandparents and play with the dogs
Ha! I literally live in dog & cat hair. I love them more than people…you don’t have to like them that is YOUR choice but what are you gonna do when baby wants a pet of their own? That was a factor in my decision to live with my birth mother as a kid/preteen. My dad would only do fish and you can’t cuddle a fish. So keep that in mind
Sounds like you need to grow up!
Get a baby play mat for when there, when you get there put it down and put baby on that, then change when you get home, you could end up causing a rift between your husband and his parents xx
Um, selfish and OCD much? Let it go!
I hope your never put in this position when you become a grandparent. Would you feel the same if it were your own parents? Be thankful they have loving grandparents that want something to do with them. Tomorrows never promised, let the kids enjoy grandma and grandpas house.
Wow…just wow…I hate animals and never had pets but my kids really wanted a dog so we got one. Now I can’t imagine life without my four legged baby anyways not the point. Sounds like you’re selfish and I feel bad for your husband and kid. Great way to not only push your husband away but maybe later on your kid
Never trust a person who doesn’t like Animals, it’s definitely not normal