Would it be wrong to gift my husbands sister son gucci shoes?

At that age, kids’ feet grow very quickly and he will need bigger shoes in about 3-5 months. Please don’t waste money. A 1 year old has zero need or care for Gucci shoes. Buy them a membership to the zoo instead, which is something the 1 year old would love a lot more than a pair of shoes.


My sister does that to me all the time. My kids literally hate me. They always want to be with her instead bc she makes more money and buys them more expensive stuff. And to be honest. It hurts me. We are far from poor. But I can’t buy all 6 of my kids a whole new wardrobe from the outlets either like she can.

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I don’t see anything wrong with it, some of the comments have me astounded. Give the gift, family knows it was from the heart :heart:

I’d get the shoes for him :woman_shrugging:t3:
All my nieces and nephews know Aunt Kayla always gets them the best gifts, it’s what aunt’s do!!!

I’d take them back. It’s a lovely thought but simple fact is, it’s a complete waste. Kids that young grow out of them so fast.


No good for you! That was very thoughtful! I would be happy and thankful!

If it’s a matter of appropriateness, just call and ask mom or dad beforehand so they’re not surprised or offended with it just being handed to their son.

Your husband know his sister, myself ik i would personally be hurt and offended

When I was childless I spoiled my nieces and nephews.

I think this is a conversation with your husbands sister.

I bought my nephews brand name shoes(not gucci). My sister nor my brother-in-law cared. They liked them. If I can afford something that they can’t, they aren’t going to care and I’m not going to care if they buy something that I can’t afford for my daughter

Heres how I feel

If you get offended over someone spending good money on your child then theres a problem.

No matter what I’m going through I’d want my child to have the best. Now shoes are a no because they will grow out of them TOMORROW . But honestly … it’s a gift . .


I would be thankful if a family member got my kids a gift that we couldn’t afford…its not supposed to be a competition of who has more money it’s supposed to be about the kid

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Is your sister-in-law okay with it? That’s who you should be asking. I know personally, I’ve never denied my children a gift of something from someone else, something that I may not be able to afford but a grandparent or an aunt/uncle can. At the same time though, I’ve never seen the point of spending money like that on a toddler because chances are, he will get to wear them a time or two and then out grow them. Little ones grow quickly at that age.

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Waste of money…in 2 months they won’t fit him…

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Coming from someone who doesn’t have extra money to spend on expensive items for their kids… give them to her. I am grateful for anything that anyone gifts my daughters.


At that age, waste of money. He’ll outgrow them before they even have a chance to really get broken in. My 4 year old grows like a weed and I refuse to buy her expensive clothes for that reason.


Why not ask your sister in law if she’s okay with it

Can you be my kids’ honorary Aunt? :rofl:

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I mean if he is one its not like he is going to see that youre able to afford things more than she potentially could. Id ask her how she feels and go from there. I mean gucci is nice, but its just a pair of shoes. Its not like its a brand new car

It’s just shoes, I personally wouldn’t care. To me it’s no different than my parents spoiling my kids rotten and when I don’t really have extra money to always go buy Xbox cards etc. But if your husband thinks she will be upset maybe don’t do it and get him something else or like someone else said spoil her and take him with you for sleep over and go get a new toy or whatever.

Give it to the kid he has nothing to do with what his parents going threw

It’s a gift for the child. No matter how expensive or what it is if they’ll grow out of it or not you can buy a gift whatever you want for the child. I don’t understand if someone would come with Gucci shoes or whatever kind for my kid I would be thankful I don’t take gifts from my kids. That’s a wonderful thing. Give them to the child. Tel the mom I got him a gift cuz I love him I bet she won’t care

I think it depends on your relationship with her? Other suggestions might be a mommy and me date day for them. Local membership so she can enjoy it with him but not worry about money.

I think it a lovely idea.
I would have loved someone to do something like that, especially because I couldn’t afford to do it myself. :blush:

Personally, if I can’t afford something my kids want for their birthday and someone else can and wants to get it for them, I wouldn’t mind at all… That’s just me though. I can totally understand how some people may take offense to it though… Go with your best judgement. Maybe ask her if she’d mind if you bought him something expensive and go by what she says

I have a child and his godparents spoil him… I dont give a f*** what they get him. Im not petty like that to worry about what i can give my child with expensive crap as long as he gets what he needs from me. Ask if she needs anything for the kid and go from there.

It isn’t wrong, but it isn’t practical. Maybe they could use a gift card for the same amount and mom can use it with her discretion and get things that the child really could use.


Ok. So Gucci shoes for a child that young just made not practical.
It’s great that you want to help but try getting him several things that he actually needs instead of one pair of shoes.


I think a gift should be taken as a gift no matter what. Especially if there is no ill will involved. Its a sweet thing to do for your nephew

Get a ride on toy or something that will last a little longer that the baby will have fun with. It shouldn’t be about adults.

I’m sure she would appreciate the gift. But your money is better spent on a savings bond or something that could really be helpful for the child when he’s older.

My sister buys my kids things I can’t afford. :woman_shrugging:t3: I’m grateful that she loves my kids like that and wants to do for them.


Ummm I always loved people giving my kids things. Expensive or not. Hell, I couldn’t afford a $400 swing, and one of my friends gave it to me. I sure didnt pass it up.


I would take them back and get him some cute clothes maybe in the size he wears and some in the next size up she might have a hard time clothing him if she is going through a difficult divorce

Tell her you thought she would like them for him then it’s a gift for her and him.

Shes going through a expensive divorse give her money or a gift card a kid doeznt need Gucci shoes thats crazy

It’s not that it’s wrong it’s just kind of ridiculous. One year olds don’t stay the same size for long. She could probably use something more practical for him especially if she’s going through a divorce and struggling. Instead of dressing the kid up like a doll to make him look cute, maybe ask what he would want or needs.


Ummm if someone wants to give my kids expensive stuff I may not be able to afford GO FOR IT!! It’s not gonna make me feel bad at all!


Gift the child something nice but not so expensive, and take mom on a girls day, or gift her a certificate to get a massage or mani/pedi and offer to watch the baby so she can relax for a bit and take her mind off of things.

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Its not wrong bit stupid though. If i had that sort of money lying around id buy him a wardrobe of clothes next size up to take the stress off her for a while.


I would gladly accept them. The thought of them thinking they are better than me would never cross my mind. Tell your husband to stop overthinking.

Kid dont need no Gucci shoes. Get that baby a pair of Walmart light up shoes so he can run fast and actually like em. Boom.


Why the hell would you waste that kind of money for shoes for a baby ? Buy her diapers

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Babies grow too fast. Getting fancy shoes is just idiotic imo. He’ll grow out of them and they’ll get thrown out. How about get a few things he needs or can use for a long time.

Someone got my daughter a guess onesie when I could 100% not afford it, I wasn’t offended or anything. I have kept it in her baby box cause I thought it was cool


I find it odd you’re referring to him as “your husband’s sister’s son” when he’s technically YOUR nephew too…why not just say that? She would probably be appreciative that you both love her child that much to get him expensive gifts. But a one year doesn’t need gucci shoes. Ever. You could spend that amount on multiple other gifts. Return it and get something more reasonable (and something he would actually enjoy) and use the rest to get mom gift certificates to nail salon, hair salon, spa, etc.


I would ask her if it was alright first

As far as dollar amount goes return the shoes. Too expensive for one item the child is going to grow out of. If you want to spend the same $$ amount break it up into the things she needs, diapers, wipes, books, walmart clothes/shoes, multiple outfits for the child they grow so fast and if hes walking he’ll ruin them playing. My kids go through more shoes than anything, boys love to play outside. Ask her if there is something she is in need of.


Not only is a shoe a shoe but Gucci shoes for a one year old are crazy! I wouldn’t buy Gucci shoes for a one year old. I would wait till they’re old & aren’t going to grow out of them! I would spend the money on things the baby actually needs.

I get happy when I get expensive gifts for the babes! Give it to them they’ll love it!

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What a silly gift for a 1 year old. Get him a toy that helps him practice walking or talking. Ya know, something for the child not you to look at.

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And I kind of see your bfs point. It could upset the parents since they can’t keep up with that.

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Personally speaking here. If someone had the money to spend on my child, if given the choice I would want the most bang for my buck. 1 pair of shoes that the kid might wear 10 times before they outgrow? I would prefer that money be spent on things I need, entire outfits for a week, diapers, food. If someone spent that much money on my kid and I was struggling I would return them myself and spend the money more frugally. (Yes I have returned gifts, gasp!)

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First off I wanna say I thought it was weird you said husbands sister and her son not your sister in law and nephew :joy: but I don’t think it’s wrong… it’s kind of silly because kids at 1 don’t really walk well if at all and outgrow shoes so fast so to spend so much money on a pair of shoes seems silly to me but it’s your money so do what you want with it!

That’s what family is for. They are the ones that buy those “special” things because they can and don’t have kids.

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Speak to the sister see how she feels / reacts.

Thats crazy. I couldn’t buy shoes like that when kids dont keep them on. They get lost ECT. And shes having a financial struggle right now. Yeah id return them and buy the child some clothes that will actually help her…

My kids only have nice shoes because of family :joy: they would probably love them.

I would never spend that kind of money on kids shoes when they grow so fast, but if you want to spread happiness with a gift, why not? You’re doing it out of the kindness of your heart, not to be petty.

A gift is just that. You should not need permission to give something to someone from the heart. If someone doesn’t like a gift given to them or their children is plain rude. :woman_shrugging:


Open them a savings account with that money instead :blush:


Not wrong, go for it!! Yes they grow fast but my 1 yr old stayed in one size for at least 6 months. That’s long enough to wear some cute shoes!! I definitely could not afford something like that for my children but I would not be offended to get a gift from someone that could, I would be appreciative! Every baby needs 1 pair of cute shoes to where with a nice outfit :slightly_smiling_face:

Only she can answer that , if she refuses them there’s your answer…

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I am going through a divorce and welcome a gift like that for my kids. Give it.

His mom wanted them for him. She will be happy to get them. Your hubby has no clue how women are

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Ok, that outlook seems archaic. It’s your nephew, yes? You want to spoil him? If the mother wouldn’t mind (likely she’d appreciate it, I know I didn’t turn down any clothes or shoes for my daughter) then buy him whatever you want. They are only little once, and the little ones get the cutest stuff. Bless that boy if you want to.

It wouldn’t bother me one bit to have my kids aunt spoil my child.


1st world problems :rofl: fucking Gucci are you for real

Personally i wouldnt just because the kid will grow out of them in literally one or two months

Maybe not Gucci bc the baby is 1.(one year old grow fast) You could however go get him some equity cute cheap shoes.

I would ask her first ! My sister in law hates when we buy her kids brand new expensive stuff randomly because she can’t do that as a single mom with no help from dad ! We always do back to school shopping but we give her the money so she can take her kids , bdays we get them what they ask of us , and Christmas we have all the kids write a Christmas list and we purchase as much as we can wrap it up and drop it off and put it’s from mommy or Santa and usually get one gift from us ! We don’t care about taking the credit just making sure ALLL our babies wake up happy !! So if she is going through hard times she might not want Gucci shoes and not want to seem like a bother saying I could use so and so more
So if she says no she doesn’t
Want them maybe return
Them and give her a prepaid
Visa with that amount on it so she can use that money how she sees fit for their current situation!!

Why make it so difficult. He is your nephew! And I agree about the shoes. Don’t spend a lot of money on a pair of shoes for a year old. You could buy several pair over the few months that he will grow out of them, for the same money.

Well you could ask the sister like hey i seen these shoes for “…” that i wanted to buy but i dont want to over step my boundaries… But that could also cause a fight with your husband as he asked you not to… Maybe have your husband ask her??

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If he says it’s not right, about his own family you should respect it. If she’s had struggles recently why don’t you give her son a gift card or spend the equal amount of money in a variety of gifts. He’s 1, he doesn’t care about Gucci shoes, your not celebrities, I think it’s ridiculous too.


Buy him a stock or bond. Invest it in an account. Much smarter and beneficial.


It just means he mean alot to you and your thinking of the baby give that baby his shoes lol. Thats how mom will look at it. Bc that what id think.


Why waste money on overpriced shoes he will grow out of fast? If you want to do a gift for him consider something that he can get a few years out of. Or help his mom with starting a college education fund.


You’re his aunt tho ? What else are you there for ? Lol jp but no really when my sisters have kids ima treat them like my own & get them the best shit !

I don’t feel it’s wrong to give children things their parents can’t afford. Kids deserve to be spoiled. But expensive shoes for a 1yo? He won’t wear them long & I’m sure there’s a lot more he needs or she wants for him than high prices shoes. Ask her if there’s anything you can help her with.


She’s not asking if she should buy the shoes, she already has. Literally everyone saying don’t buy them cos he’s only 1 when that’s not what the question was.

Buy them whatever you want
Probably will make her feel better

Girl buy them whatever you want


Ill be honest I spoilt crap out of my niece. Still do. Mum and dad was happy I did when couldnt afford a lot


Having been in a position, not having much money- I’d appreciate anything, anybody bought for my son.
Having said that, what kind of person is she? Is she really sensitive, does she reject help a lot?

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Maybe instead of the shoes buy him some clothes that will last a while. Or something that she needs that will be used on him alot. You’re a lovely person wanting to help.

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It seems like a frivolous present whilst you are in a financial situation to be able to buy them and they arent…babies grow out of shoes so quickly…maybe you need to think of why you want to gift them…is it for you? I honestly think a small present and a fund scheeme will be much more helpful…l have two sisters who do the same to me it breaks my heart that l cant afford things and they can…they think it helps but l assure you it doesnt…hope this helps you x

How bout talk to the mum? Ask if she’d be okay with receiving brand name shoes … if it’s embarrassing for them money wise say you got them decent priced at an op shop

Yeah, I’d take his lead since it’s his sister. Shoes that expensive will be seen as a waste likely and you should return and get him something useful.

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A wise women told me, when I was a new mom:
Never give children their bread and butter. Always give them their chocolate.
I tried to follow that philosophy with my sons, and now grandchildren. I’m not a person with great material wealth, but in my own way I try to follow the intent of the philosophy.
Also consider “long term” gifts such as education, camp, etc. At one yr of age you have tme.


You should check with the mom first. If she’s ok with it then go ahead. But definitely ask her. It may be more than if she can afford it or not, she may not be comfortable with her kids having extravagant things like that.


Kids that age outgrow shoes constantly. If you’d like to be helpful, give her a gift card so she can choose things she really needs for him. :blush:


I can’t afford half of the stuff my daughter’s Aunt and grandma gift her. I’m happy for my daughter. I’m happy they care and want to help. Gifts aren’t always practical, but many times they are! Because of them, she has extra.


You have a good heart. Give her the shoes…she will love them as well! Their are many things that she won’t be able to afford and she as well as he will appreciate your generosity. God bless you and your family


I’d check with the sister in law first. There is nothing wrong with wanting to soil your nephew, but right now she is having a stressful time and it might upset her now, as where it wouldn’t if she wasn’t going through a divorce. People can over react to things that really aren’t a problem, just because they are so stressed out and they need to vent their anger and frustrations. If she’s ok with it, maybe get her something nice too as a surprise!! Maybe a spa day or something and offer to take your nephew so she can go be pampered and forget about everything for a few hours


I would ask your sister-in-law. Let her know her brother thought it best to check with you first. The only time I ever had a problem as a single parent is when I planned on getting something special and my sister found out and hurried up to buy it. For my grandsons they know I take care of school yearbooks and things like that. I hope this answer helps.


Personally at 1 I was super happy if I got handmedowns for my son. I had so many people give me clothes that they had left from when their kids outgrew my kid had so much clothes it was unreal. Some i dont think he ever wore. Now he is 13 his price for clothes has gone up. I’m a single mom. I wish someone would offer to buy him clothes or shoes he definitely needs them. Right now at 1 the child isnt going to know the price of the shoes or that they are a brand name. Anything he wears now at 1 is just for cute and show. It’s not about his taste or what he likes. And if she is going through a divorce and it may get messy she may take it as a sweet gesture. But honestly as a mom of a child, I’d would love for someone to help me with anything from just visiting, helping with house work. Taking my child for a few hours so I can get sleep, or do chores, or even help with anything. Things get expensive with raising a child on your own. Much less with 2 parents. Like I said it’s a sweet gesture, and it may be appreciated. I dont think she would be to upset. But she may also want to have someone to be there for her, support system for her to vent, help with daily tasks, or small things in life.


I say expensive shoes for someone that young are a waste of money, their feet grow too fast. When my daughters dad and I split and he started dating someone. She bought her some expensive shoes which was nice but didn’t get to wear them long. Plus the kids don’t understand the cost of things at that age. Maybe buy the mom something nice and the son a toy or something he would enjoy. I do see your husbands point though. To his sister she may feel a bit different thinking may be bragging you can get something she can’t. I always ask my brother or sister in law if it’s ok before I buy something. Love that you want to do this though


As a god mommy I’ve gifted my god son and my nieces and nephew with things that their parents were able to because I liked the item… even with no reason other than I saw it and like it for the kiddo… from some i got a s/he doesnt need it but still accepts… if mom has an issue just give the receipt and she can return them


I would be totally fine with my kids getting gifts from family that I may not be able to afford. However, if she’s struggling financially, she may need more practical gifts for the baby like clothes and formula or food or rent. But either way, I think it’s fine!