Would it be wrong to move my step-kids rooms so my daughter can have her own?

Younger ones together oldest ones own are

You sound like a really good mom.your hubby was lucky to marry you.all the kiddos are lucky tooā¤


The eight year old bunks with the ten and thirteen year old.


You need a bigger house point blank. Females and males cannot not share

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Can u put a temporary wall in one of the girls room.

Either her own room or with the older girls :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Switch the 2 younger girls into the room that the 2 older girls are in and put the 2 older girls with your 8 yr old. That way she has her own space most of the time but has plenty of room to share with the others when they are there.


I donā€™t really have a solution however I do know before my dad remodeled his house I had my own room, but after he remodeled it whenever I visited I got stuck sleeping on the floor or couch (my half sisters all had their own room after he remolded it but I didnā€™t and that sucked. I guess what I am trying to say is even if they are only there say once a year it is still nice to have that place. So I can see where you are coming from.

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Can you finish a basement? Or add on? We were finally able to and give each kiddo their own room. We only needed 6 rooms, but maybe at least add 2? Until then move 8yo into the room the older girls use when they come over.

If she is there ftā€¦give her her own roomā€¦definitely

Move 8 yr in with older girls. Sheā€™ll have her own room 80% of the time. It will be fine. Put the 3 girls in biggest room


Why not the 13 and 10 year old in with your 8 year old while thereā€¦? Thatā€™s kind of a closer age rangeā€¦


Give the 3 oldest girls a room and have the youngest share. As a kid who had every other weekend at my dads, i never had my own room. None of us did just my step sister and step brother and i never had a problem. The step siblings lived there all the time. It was their home. My home was at my moms. When i moved in with my dad he gave me my own room (had to build an addition).

Can you get a caravan for your backyard for your oldest? Iā€™m sure he will love it.

Move the 8 year old in with the two older girls. If they are there full time or not it would be more alone time than she gets now with the littles


No boys in girls rooms.
Put one of the older girls in the little girls room and have your 8 year old share with one of the oldest girls. Whichever sheā€™s more around age wise and maturity probably, but whichever you choose Iā€™m sure youā€™ll know best :slight_smile:

Move the 8 year old in with the older girls. Noone gets left out


Hard situation facing you. Let your daughter keep her own bed. Okay?

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I would put the 8 yr old with the older girls and basically they would share the room when they are there and the rest of the time it is hers. I would not bunk the older boys with the younger girls that is a big age gap to put together.


I would put the 8 year old in with the older girls


Put the 3 older girls in the bigger room and move the younger girls to the smaller room. She would have her own room most of the time so it should work for you and for her.


I would just move her in with the older girls.

Hubbyā€™s right. Common sense. It is still their house. Yet, in reality, they arenā€™t there full time.

Move her in with the other girls. This way she had her own room 75% of the time and only shares when the older girls are there.


I would talk to the girls and see if they would be OK with moving rooms. Maybe having the older girls share the larger room together, your 8 yr old included. She will have her own space while step kids are not there and be with older siblings when they are around not being pestered by the younger girls.

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Move her in with the older girls.

I think you just answered your own question.

How I would see this as your step children have another home with their own rooms. Your bio children donā€™t have another home, this is there only one, so if possible they should get their own room. Iā€™d see it as not fair on your bio children if they donā€™t get their own rooms but their half siblings and 2 rooms that are their own (one at their mums and one at their dads) I have a step daughter, and she shares when sheā€™s with us and she loves it xx


Thatā€™s. A touch situation. I donā€™t think you should be moving the older children in with the youngest little ones. The 8 and 10 year old girls are closer in age. If anything I would move the 8 year old into the room with your step daughters.


Talk with the kids, and ask them to come up with a solution together. (All of the kids). Including them in the decision making will make all of them feel like their opinion matters, and nobody will have a reason to complain. They might see things differently, and surprise you with a great solution. After all, itā€™s their living space.


I would put the 8,10 and 13 girls in the big room and the 2 younger kids into the other room


Put her in with the older girls, she will have her own room majority of the time


Why not make the biggest room belong to the 3 oldest girls? You put the 8, 10, and 13 year old in the big room and move the two little ones to the room currently setup for your older step daughters? Since they are only there sometimes it will be the 8yr olds room most of the time. She can feel more grown hanging with the older two when they are there.


Can the 8 year old move ā€œupā€ to the big sisters room? Then itā€™s not ā€œher ā€œ iam room and no one else has to be disrupted if the room with 3 now is larger than the room with two older, make the rule ā€œ tbe size of the room depends on the number of occupants ā€œ it doesnā€™t show favoritism AND is simply logical, I love that you are thinking of the childrenā€™s feelings! that split time between thier mother and your husband! As moms even when we make the right decision will everyone be happy? Be firm , itā€™s your home, your husband agrees she needs some big girl time, the children should be encouraged to share feelings , but they should also be encouraged to follow the decisions made by the Leaders of the Family! It will be fine, I sm sure!

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Move her in with the older girls but remind her she is younger than them so she canā€™t pester them like the little ones do her lol


The 3 oldest girls should get the biggest room alsoā€¦ they are older and need more space so I would make that arrangementā€¦ if it were meā€¦


My daughter went through the same situation. And yes, your step kids have another home, and a room so your daughter has a right to have her own space in her home. The older kids should totally understand, because if something happened and they have other children in their own home, they would not expect to be moved out of their space. It really shouldnā€™t be a problem. It will be only if you let it be.


Have her share the big room with the older girls and move the younger ones to the other bedroom


Why not out her in with the older girls? Or leave her in the big room and put the older girls in big room and younger girls in older girls old room


And where is the new baby gonna go ?

If the big girls arenā€™t there full time why canā€™t your 8yr old girl go in that room, it would mostly be her own space no? :thinking:


coming from a step childs point if viewā€¦ that made me feel as if I wasnt as important as the other kids and I felt as though their wants and needs were were more importantā€¦ eventually I became a teenager and decided on my own that Iā€™d rather not be around that situation and I limited the time I was with them.

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She does not need her own room. If everyone else has to share what is so special? That is not right to me I had 2 step kids and 2 of my kids. Only reason, THE ONLY REASON my step daughter had her own room was because of being a girl, the rest were boys. They need there space to. They ARE JUST AS IMPORTANT! Now another baby? To take time and space away from them. Your kids should not be treated better. They are equal! U need to look for bigger house or add on. Not fair to all the other kids.


Put the 8 year old with the older girls


Need bigger house! Too many kids to have to share that much! This wasnā€™t planned out too well!


DemandĆ© lā€™avis des grandes filles qui ne sont lĆ  quā€™Ć  temps partiel elles vont te dire c e quā€™elles veulent et tā€™aidera Ć  prendre une decision.

I would move her in with the older girls so she has space from the younger siblings.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would it be wrong to move my step-kids rooms so my daughter can have her own?

Iā€™d give the smaller room to the younger girls and move your 8 year old into the larger room with the old girls so even when the older girls arenā€™t there atleast the 8 year old will have space to herself or invest in trundle beds that way the room feels more like her own except when you pull out the bottom


Why not get all the kids together and talk to them about the situation and explain that she needs her own room and ask everyoneā€™s opinion. It would make them all feel important for getting their own opinion? To me that would make me feel included and not like a step child.

The children living there full time should all have their own rooms. The children coming every other weekend should be put in what room is best for the situation. Thatā€™s not fair to the kids that live in the house for them not to use the other rooms when they sit unoccupied 80 percent of the time. As long as all the step kids have their own beds itā€™s perfectly fine


Your thoughtfulness is beautiful and those step babies are lucky to have a step mom like you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I wouldnā€™t put the lil kids in the room the team agers , sounds like tiuv got it all figured out maybe when you 8 year old gets a little older put her in room with older girls , but Shel be a you get kid in the oldest room bother then like the lil kids do her , but itā€™s all your dession

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Why canā€™t she move in with the older girls? They are there only every other weekend so your daughter would have the room to herself almost all the time. That would be the least disruption of kids.


I think he has a good point. She needs to feel safe and the other kids are only there on weekends.

Can she just move in with the older girls? So she isnā€™t pestered, and has it to herself most of the time

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Move the older 3 in the big room the little 2 in the little room.


8 is closer to 13 and 10 then 3 and 4ā€¦ she should share with the older girls


Why not move her in with the older girls? Then sheā€™ll have her own room most of the time.


Give her her own room!

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I agree with your husband


Can the 8yr old share with the 13 and 10yr old? That way she would have her own room most of the timeā€¦


Maybe stop the younger kids from bothering her? Or let her have peace in your room sometimes? Move her in with the older girls? Kids gotta understand when they have many siblings that they cant live like they are the only child. Just part of being in a big family.

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The oldest should get their own rooms. Itā€™s not about favoritism, itā€™s about age & privacy.


Agree with you, not okay to make step kids feel less welcome. I would move her in with your older girls


House with a flat, or set up a garage as a room :slightly_smiling_face:

Move her in with big girls

Move the 8 year old into the room with the big girlsā€¦ She would basically have her own room until the others are there and theyā€™re still close enough in age that itā€™s not a huge dealā€¦

Move her with older girls. Sounds like the best idea

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Have her share with the older girls since they are older they wonā€™t bother her when they are there and when they arenā€™t there she has her own space


Or just tell your kids to leave her alone or they will be consequences. I mean, there is that. Move her in with older girls. There is plenty of options. But a 3 and 4 year old are capable of being taught to leave people alone and boundaries need to be set at a young age.

Teenagers need more privacy than an 8 year old. But Iā€™m sure the teens can give that up for two weekends a month.

You canā€™t move the step boys in with your 8 year old girl, thatā€™s insane. At the end of the day your step kids have their own rooms in their other home so your children that live wiv u full time need to have the advantage of any privacy and sleeping arrangements in their own home too. The younger girls will keep pestering their older sister if u let them so stronger discipline for them will also help improve family relations if you leave the rooms as they are.
Older and younger step siblings sharing is probably my preference, as youā€™ve already sed its as and when that they stay. The 15 year old might sleep in the den or on the sofa if itā€™s just overnight? Anyway, I donā€™t envy you, itā€™s a lot. Best of luck

3 bedrooms split between 8 kids, honestly id suggest and addition added on or maybe finishing an attic or garage and making another bedroom or two.


Maybe talk to the bonus sonā€™s and find out what they thinkā€¦ since itā€™s not their full-time home, maybe theyā€™ll be okay with the switch. You really only have 3 options,#1 leave the 8 year old where sheā€™s at, #2 switch the bonus sonā€™s room without talking to them about it first, or #3 talking to them and finding out what they think. Maybe if you talk to them before making a decision, itā€™ll be easier for all of you. Best Wishes. :v:t3:


Or put the older girls in the bigger room with your daughter and the younger too go in the smaller room. And then that way the older girls will be more respectful to the your daughter


What if she shared with the older girls when they were there but when there not sheā€™d have her own room.


What if she shared space with the step kids so most of the time sheā€™d have her own room


You are actually a very thoughtful person. Good on you for thinking of the step kids that way as many women donā€™t. Im not sure what the best configuration is but if the step kids ā€œlose outā€ id be explaining it to them exactly why the move is happening.


Originally we had my step kids (every other weekend) share a room (3yo girl, 5yo boy) and my 4yo daughter had her own room. We changed it so that the girls shared one room, as my step daughter has her own room at her mums so they both get there own time in there rooms without each other. My step son currently has his own room to himself but at the end of the year we will be moving our son in there when he turns 1. So everyone gets there own room for 12 days then have to share there room for 2 days and so on. Honestly itā€™s the fairest way we could work out with a 3bdr home with 4 kids


Iā€™d move the 3 young girls into where the 15 and 9 year old is and move the 15 and 9 year old into the big room with the 8 year old

And for bedding bunk beds for the 3 young


The boys canā€™t share with the younger girls.


Sorry but you need to find a bigger house. 3 bedrooms for these amount of kids sounds terrible to me.


If theres 3 in one room and 2 in the other put step kids in with 8yr old in that room and move younger 2 into step kids old room then bio has her own room most of time when steps there they all closer in age?


You cant move the 8yo girl in with her step brothersā€¦ Thatā€™s just a no no no end ofā€¦

1st of all what an amazing mumma you truly areā€¦in our house we donā€™t have steps which Im Pretty sure you have done that just for the posts sakeā€¦best of luck Iā€™m pretty sure with whatever solution you come up is going to be 1 made of nothing but love xoxoxo


Why canā€™t you just move the 8yo in with the older two, and call it the big girls room? Sheā€™d have her own room most of the time, at least, and the little kids wouldnā€™t be pestering any older kids anytime.


Its all easy for people to comment ā€˜you need to move houseā€™ she might not be able to afford to move its not so simple. If the husband says heā€™s cool with it why not aslong as the kids are cool with it too


Just saying you wonā€™t be able to put the boys in with the young girls it will have to be the older girls in with the younger girls

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I agree with your husband. Hes right. The kids who live with you full time NEED, but not only that, they DESERVE MORE SPACE in the family home x

maybe abit more disapline, and leave the rooms as they are.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would it be wrong to move my step-kids rooms so my daughter can have her own?

Why not talk to all the older children together to see what they want


It is not their full time house. You first need to worry about the ones that are there full time and then the ones one the weekends.


I would put the 8 year old with the 10 and 13 year old, then she majority has her own space


Put her in the older girls roomā€¦and then itā€™s her room ā€œmostā€ of the time. If possible switch them to the big room.

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I think itā€™s fine. Theyā€™re all old enough to understand the need for personal space. Have the conversation with them and see how it goes. You have a big family, they get it. They probably all struggle with this from time to time. Youā€™re a good mama and bonus mama to your step children for taking all of them into consideration. :heart:


I would switch the rooms, give the biggest room to the 3 oldest girls and the upstairs room to the 3 younger ones. In other words move your 8 year old with the two older step kids

Do the older girls have their own rooms at their other home? If they do, your children should have their own rooms too. They can share the room on the weekends they come.

Give the Littles their room and put your 8yr old with the other 2 girls she will have the room alone most of the timeā€¦