Would you allow your kids around in laws who don't respect you?

If your in-laws constantly disrespect you, talk bad about you, and have tried breaking apart your relationship, would you allow your children around them?


Oh hell no. You need to act like an adult and put your childish behavior away while my kids are around. Or we ain’t coming around

What does your husband say


My in laws did this before I got pregnant and nothing changed so no they weren’t coming around me or my kids. Sucks to suck. :woman_shrugging:

You dont want your children to be drug into that mess either. Their negativity and disrespect doesn’t just affect you.


Not at all! If you can’t respect me then why would I think you’d respect my child and not treat them bad or different from say other children in the family, etc.

Nope!!! They just got cut off because of this reason and I’m pregnant

Know a days kids have no respect for their elders

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My kids are not allowed around anyone who can’t respect me. Teaching kids to be independent and not glued to toxic people is a good thing. Teaching kids boundaries and how to place them is a good thing. Not wasting time on people who would be a poor example to your kids is a good thing. People who disrespect you don’t care if your there or not and thats not healthy for a child.


Nope I wouldn’t even trust them with my children if they don’t have any respect for their parents relationship.


Nope. My partner was the first one to say “F*** no. If you don’t respect them, you don’t respect me, how can I trust you to respect our children?” We haven’t spoken to their side in almost 2yrs and adamantly refuse to speak to MIL. No contact is our boundary and MIL still refuses to abide by it.


Nope! Not a chance. If they can’t respect me atleast somewhat, how do I know they’re going to treat my kids good? How do I know they’re going to make sure my kids are safe? Just a whole lot of nope for me.

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Nope and I don’t . :woman_shrugging:t2:


I made the mistake once with my sister in law and she took her problems that she had with me and took it out on my child haven’t spoken to her and my brother in 4 months don’t plan to either so he’ll no i wouldnt

Nope cuz they would speak that ignorance to your children!


Nope! Has already happened & I cut them all off until they learnt how to have some respect. I ain’t going out of my way so they can be around my kids. Grow up & make contact if you wanna see the kids I say :raised_hands:


Nope. Then you are showing your children that you can be walked all over and they could take the same crap from people when they are older

Chris at and tell him why just be blunt about it Jimbo

Unfortunately yes but I wouldn’t allow them alone with my children as I would not trust them to respect our parenting wishes…

Currently in that situation, and no.

No. Your children shouldn’t see their parents disrespected.


if they had a habit of saying these things in front of my child, then no, they are not allowed to have a relationship with my child

but I went no contact with my ex mother-in-law. She didn’t say anything in front of my child, so they were still able to have their relationship. But if she was in the habit of saying the same things in front of my kid? nah. idgaf who you are. DNA doesn’t mean crap to me. the only people in mine or my child’s life are the people who enhance it.


Yes :woman_shrugging:t2: it’s not about me. It’s about my kids. If they treat my babies right, that’s what matters most. And at the end of the day, I can’t tel my man his parents can’t see his kids. Just like if he said my parents couldn’t see his kids, my parents would indeed still see our children.


Luckily for me my hubby doesn’t let anyone disrespect me. He believes if you disrespect me, you disrespect him and our kids


No, no and no. If they talk badly about you, just imagine them having the tendency to brainwash your kids and talk something against you. That environment is too toxic for your kids. Your kids your rule. You have every right to say no to them.


Yes so kind as they weren’t trying to manipulate the kids.

Ok everyone saying just bc they don’t like me doesn’t mean they shouldn’t see my kids…there is a difference in not liking you and bad mouthing you to your children. If they are saying things about you to your children then hell no. Would they want you bad mouthing them to their grandchildren? Def stop that until they can act respectful. Also what does you husband say to his parents, he should be defending you.


I had same issue I however chose to believe my children were able to see Thur the bs and all the smack that was talked about me and is to this day They were young then and in 20s now. They see the truth with their own eyes


Nope. Im in this scenario myself, and if you are toxic to me, you are toxic to my child. Your title doesn’t make you ENTITLED to my child.


Yes I would and did. Just because my MIL and I didn’t get along doesn’t mean that my kids should miss out on spending time with their grandparents. They treated my kids well and they are my kids family, they shouldn’t be stopped from seeing each other.


Yes, it doesn’t matter what the ex in-laws think… Kids are very smart and will realize who is in the wrong…

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I didn’t let my grandparents see my daughter for years. Many years later my grandparents and I made amends. They have no relationship pretty much because of it

My cousin !! And I nipped that in the butt real quick ! :rage:

Children don’t get to be around people who don’t respect their parents. Even if you don’t like someone you don’t talk badly about them to children. That’s toxic

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Nope. If they’re toxic to me they’ll be toxic to my kids.


Why let the kids suffer just because someone doesn’t like me?

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Not around me. Itll be up to their dad to take them to see those grandparents because I don’t tolerate disrespect nor do I want my kids to see me be tolerate it. That’s why they barely get to see my dad and at one point had limited visits with my ex husband’s mom when me and her didn’t get along :woman_shrugging:


1/2 the population would be missing one set of grandparents :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Nope, my MIL hasn’t even met my 2.5 year old :tipping_hand_woman::woman_shrugging:


Absolutely not. They’re going to undermine everything you say


No… I have a MIL like this and my daughter has nothing to do with her… The last straw was that we were at a cafe and her grandmother walked right past her… Looked straight at her and said nothing… Her excuse was that my daughter was with me and she hates me so why would she talk to her granddaughter… Lovely person she is… Not…

If they can’t be respectful to you in person in front of the kids how and what will they say in front of the kids without you


Nope! Your kids will pick up on the disrespect and will act that way towards you and don’t listen to you. Don’t let your kids around toxic people. Family or not


Nope. That goes for in-laws or anyone. :woman_shrugging:t2:


You allowed them to do it. So therefore to disrespect you

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Grown folks business should stay grown folks business!

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Nooooo I just cut off my own maternal grandmother for this very reason!

Not at all. Will cut all ties with them

I don’t. Also they aren’t my in laws. I will be respected.


Nope! Kids don’t need to hear things like that


Neva not at all. Lord knows what things they will talk about u to ur kids

Nope. I don’t even ler him around my biological father and step-mother :person_shrugging::person_shrugging:

Nar hell nar, been there and watched my child have shit spoken about me to him and it’s disgusting!

Nope. I didn’t bring my kids around that much until the main toxic one was 6 feet under (not sorry) as for the others I started treating them they way they treated me then they were mad. Problem solved. They don’t f**k with me anymore. What you tolerate will continue.

Nope. In-laws, family, friends it doesn’t matter. If you’re toxic to me, your toxic to my child.

I’m not sensitive, just treat my kids well


Toxic is toxic family or not. I say no.

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Nope, dont need kids around that kind of toxic bs

When theyre good to my child its okay . My problems are Not my kids problems


Um, no? Lol there’s the fucking door.

I do. Actually my in laws are great People, it’s my husband who is fucking bitch. But I do, they love my Kid. They are not the danger, my husband is

No. This goes for in-laws AND blood relatives. Toxic is toxic.


No I had the same issue but with my mum ive cut her out my life completely c

Not a chance!! My kid my rules mums over rule grandparents every day of the week!!

Nope and that goes for anyone and everyone who disrespects me or my husband, I dont care!


No. I don’t allow my child around my own mother🤷‍♀️ She is a toxic drug addicted pathological liar. Does nothing but lie about me because I told her Drs about her RX shopping.
If your in laws are bad mouthing you - keep your kids away.
Also - why isn’t your spouse keeping them in check? They are his/her parents and need to be put in their place.


Toxic is toxic. Family or not.

Hello everyone I am here to share a good and true testimony of how I got pregnant to twins after 10 years of marriage without a kid I tried all means just to get pregnant but there was no way my doctor told me I will never get pregnant that I should go and abduct a child I was very worried and heartbroken until a friend of mine who I met on Facebook recommend me to dr Gabriel’s herbal home I taught she was a scam trying to deceive me to get money from me so we talked on video call and she gave me doctor Gabriel’s Facebook page I contacted him to cut the long story short after doing everything dr Gabriel asked me to do I had sex with my man :smiling_face::smiling_face::smiling_face: then a week later I went for checkup behold my doctor confirmed me pregnant I am so happy now living fine with my husband and my 2 babies this is not a joke you that is here trying to convince dr Gabriel is the best herbal doctor to contact no scam his email address is (drgabrielsolutionhome@gmail.com) his Facebook page link is

Dr Gabriel herbal home

Julie Nenni :100: wouldn’t be with a man that didn’t put me first, or have my back.

Nope. Been there. Done that. No more.

Hell no H2O!
But seriously, NO.:bangbang:

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Fuck no​:no_good_woman:t4:& that’s a guaranteed fact!! :handshake:


ohhh hellllllllll nah!

That’s a negative!!!

Nah. We went an entire year without communicating with my husband’s parents because they constantly degraded our marriage and even after 8 years together told us we weren’t going to last and we never should have gotten married :rofl::rofl:


No. Healthy boundaries are important and they will learn them from you.


No. They need to be respectful, I’m not subjecting my children to such awful childish behavior. I’m trying to make them (my kiddos) better people, not teach them that it’s ok to treat others like that.


Nope it’s one reason why my daughters will never see one of their aunts, they aren’t going to learn to disrespect me like that and I don’t want them thinking it’s ok for guys to treat them like shit and beat on them.

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Big fat nope. Family or not, toxic people are not people to keep around.


Nope, teach those babies to create and stick to healthy boundaries. It could dictate how they let their future spouse treat them.

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nope…my MIL hasnt seen my child in over a year due to how she treated me

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No. You and your family need to move out.


Nope. My own parents are this way and we cut ties to keep our kids mentally healthy.

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Let me tell you a little story recently my bd mom accused me of stealing her credit card and using it and threaten to call the fbi and cops on me and my bd and then her daughter admits to me she was using it so :smiling_face::rofl: there’s a little f*** them in laws and yes I have all the proof and messages

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Nope. Going there would just create a toxic environment for your babies. When my husband’s alcoholic mother comes over, she has to be sober or she’s not allowed in.

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Nope. Don’t need that toxicity around my family at all.


Nah nah we set healthier boundaries.

No our daughter isnt allowed to be around my mil


How does your husband handle it? Do you give respect, if it’s just because that’s the way they are? Or is it because you’ve disrespect towards them? Are you good to their son? If the problem just between you and them, I would, if it’s unfounded then your husband needs to step up and stand by you but I do know, if you don’t let your kids see what they are, they will grow up to resent you for “ keeping them away” and put them on a Pedestal they do not belong on

Hello no say bye bye to them and put them in the bin

Definitely not. :scissors: them out of your life and your children’s.

Hard pass. Doesn’t happen. My ex would let my oldest around them when it was his parenting time and she is old enough now that she personally has zero contact with them.

Set boundaries, stick to them, and make sure your husband sticks to them.

Had an issue where a couple relatives of my then ex (future husband who passed away later) would say disrespectful things about him when his mom had my kids. She took them to see them once a week or so and it got to the point my daughter would come home and cry about how mean they were about him. I told his mom that they could no longer go see them unless they stopped talking about him badly in front of the kids.

At first, they were adamant that it was their house and they could say what they wanted…but after a month of his mom NOT taking the kids to see them, they figured out that I wasn’t kidding and she was respecting my wishes. They stopped saying anything bad about him when any of us were around…and they got to continue to have a relationship with my kids.

Nope nope and triple nope. You can’t respect me then god knows what you’ll say and do to my child. Sorry

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I am forced to allow my child around people like that and she very quickly realized they are not good people. I didn’t have to say a word. Kids are smart.

That behavior is disrespectful to the children as well.

Unless you want your kids to grow up thinking is ok to talk bad about people and have no respect for you because they think its ok. Kids are so impressionable they pick up on, and learn things so quickly. Dont want them absorbing ignorance and growing up into little buttholes. Best of luck to you hun

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I did that and we aren’t together anymore. 9 years ruined because of other people constantly butting in.

Nope! If you don’t don’t respect me then you’re not going to be around me or my children!

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The older the kids get, the more they see who takes the high road. You can’t control anything but yourself and how you conduct yourself. They wanna be disrespectful- that’s on them. Keep it classy and eventually the children see who’s who

Nope. My ex’s mom hasn’t talked to my son since she filed a false CPS report against me. She reported that I wasn’t taking my meds, but I have no running prescriptions. I had to explain to law enforcement that I can’t get meds for a condition that I don’t have. That doctors actually have to write prescriptions after diagnosis. That some crazy lady who I have only met a handful of times, isn’t qualified to diagnose psychological conditions.