Would you be mad if your husband went to the bar everyday after work?

No he’s being rude. If your home all day and he is not… His butt needs to come straight home. Not everyday, not week should he need to unwind and you not get a break. He should be asking do you want to leave here and there.

When he gets home from bar you take 30 minutes to yourself while he takes care of kids. That way both happy


I’ve never agreed with that type of situation; specially when you are stuck at home with kids all day.

That’s why he always had some at home

Let him it’s only 30 mins maybe compromise and say hey that ok but when you get home you take kids for 30 mins and let me take a bath or activity I want on my own team work makes the dream work


As long you get “you time” as well and he helps when he’s not working and its not impacting that

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Well when he gets home, you go out for your one beer and 30 mins, then come home and conquer the little spawns together. :rofl::joy:


it’s really not fair, but he is coming home. mine didn’t drink, and now he married to her

Yes I would be very mad.Also you never get to rewind.

Definitely not necessary every day!

thats just it awh poor you you get to stay home while your man goes out and earns the money to keep it to where you dont have to work and can stay home with the kids he works hard and needs 30 mins before coming home let him theres worse things he could be doing instead of a beer


Then when he gets home grab your bag and go to the bar for 30 minutes! You know so you can unwind a little too!


My husband went to bars during work, after work …He doesn’t any more which is why we’re still married. It’s a nasty pattern to start

Can he not just have a beer when he gets home ?

If he’s had a bad day isn’t it better that he unwinds and gets it our of his system before coming home. It’s just time to decompress

Reminds me of homer :see_no_evil:

It’s definitely unfair. It sounds reasonable that he just has one and comes home. He’s not hanging there and getting drunk, however, you also need a break, and you need to be ok with it, which you clearly are not. Speak up and let him know. And does it need to be everyday? Gosh, I wish I got that much me time everyday. Maybe you both need to discuss it and come up with a plan that’s more fair and that you’re both happy with.

Omfg it’s 30 minutes AND he comes straight home :woman_facepalming:t2:
I can see why he needs that 30 minutes and beer to decompress between work and you :joy:

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As a stay at home for the first 4 years of my daughters life, and also now as a server/bartender… yes let the man have a drink and destress before he comes home! BUT also, make sure you take your time, weather a bath or girls time or going out to have a drink or a walk etc… makes for healthy life style. #timeout

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My mom used 2 be OK with my dad goin 2 the pub after work he did work from 7am til 5pm so she felt he deserved it and she was a housewife as long as you get 2 go out with the girls a couple of times a week then I don’t see the problem and it is only 30mins not like he out for hours at a time