Would you be mad if your husband went to the bar everyday after work?

If it’s thirty minutes to enjoy one beer no I wouldn’t be mad. Except that he’s probably overpaying for a beer.

Now if he isn’t actually helping you or giving you some alone time when he gets home then oh yeah that’s bumpkiss. Enjoy your beer at home in the chaos bro. That would be my trade off okay you’re home I’m taking a glass of wine into the tub or do not disturb corner and you get to deal with all chaos.

I’d consider how he is the rest of the time.Is he good to you,does he help you with the children, household, is he faithful…Maybe yoi could negotiate that you do You some of the days too .It’s important to find something for yourself-besides kids and household- to be passionate about…


Nope especially if he allows me my time.


No reason he can’t buy a case of beer and have one when he gets home.


I feel like 30 minutes after work to unwind is a good idea. Men need to decompress too. If you feel it’s unfair, talk to him about you having some you time to unwind as well. Being a parent is hard. Being a working parent is hard. Being a stay at home parent is hard. I’ve been both. Both rolls require 30 minutes ATLEAST a day to decompress. Don’t be angry at him for practicing self care. Make a point to practice self care for yourself as well


It’s only a half hour. Give him time


Does he help with the kids when he gets home? If he does and it’s only 30 mins that he is at the bar I wouldn’t pick that battle. He is working and you are home all day, granted you are doing house work and taking care of the kids. You didn’t say you had a job nor did you say if he actually helps with the kids or not. I wouldn’t mind but I would ask him for it to not be every day. I would buy the beer he likes and have it ready when he got home so he wouldn’t have to go to the bar. Give him 30 mins when he gets home. Then say I’m going to have 30 mins of me time while he is with the kids. That’s just me though. We all deserve time to unwind. He probably doesn’t want to bring a bad day home.


I get paid over $150+ per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 22687 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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No. One beer isn’t hurting. He’s not staying all night .

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I broke up with a guy because this was a normal and acceptable behavior for him. His dad did it too. He definitely wasnt doing anything wrong not cheating or flirting or meeting women but it’s a habit I couldn’t get behind, like at all… some days I had to go get him if he hungout too long. I had an alcoholic mother and father I couldn’t live with it.


I see no issue with it. It’s only 30 minutes. I think his unwind time is a good idea. He’s still helping you with the kids. Do you work also or are you a stay at home? I personally feel the expectations of a working parent be stay at home parent are a little different. I’ve been both a working and no man working parent. If he’s using that time to decompress and not bring home a bad work day I’d let it be.


My husband is the hard worker of the family so usually when he drops one of the guys he works w/ he will always stay a lil while to drink a beer or two then comes home & goes straight to cooking supper (I don’t ever cook supper really that’s his job lol) then of course help me get the children ready for bed. I mean he’s been at work since 6 if comes straight home he walks right in the chaos & never get a chance to actually relax before hand. He does only buy a case when we go grocery shopping & if it’s gone before Friday it’s gone. Beer can get expensive steadily buying it especially from a bar.

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So I am all for unwinding time however you need break this down. How long does it take him to get to the bar? He stays 30 minutes? Is he with other people or is he alone? How long does it take him to get home? Because now 30 mins can turn into an hour -hour and a half and to most that might not seem long but to a SAHM it is. I’m not a SAHM but the days I’m home with the kids I want my hubby home ASAP. However if this is something he feels he needs to do so he can handle the rest of the day then let him know you need your unwind too because being a SAHM is just as hard if not harder then any job.


My husbands wind down time is his quiet 20 min ride home…:joy::joy: if my SO wants a beer he can have one at home in the backyard when the kids go down for bed. He likes being alone out there(with his cat) listening to the crickets and frogs anyways lol


I had to learn to let my husband drink a beer with one of his coworkers after work a couple times a week without being a bitch to him about it. I had to learn that he needs time away from work and kids just like I do and that’s what he wants. To just have a beer or two. If I tell him please not today he’ll come home. But I used to get instantly angry every time he’d even think about it because id be home with the kids all day and I work overnight. It usually just depends on how much sleep I’ve gotten now.

if it’s for only 30 minutes, I then understand & as long as he does help with the kids, let it go. And who said you HAVE to stay home everyday ??? You can go outside, even with the kids, walk, play with them or just sit outside & enjoy the day!!!


One beer and then helps with the kids? Don’t pick fly shit outta pepper. Give him his time to relax!

I wouldn’t be mad as long as he would be willing to give me 30 mins a day to unwind also.

My Dad,and My.husband had stressful jobs,but they were happy to come home to their family.

I wouldn’t mind. I would just expect he give me 30 mins to unwind when he got home.


Tell him to bring you a beer

I’d honestly love to stay home with my kids… I hate work.
You need to have at least a “mommy hour” (or more) on his day off, so this doesn’t feel like you’re getting taken advantage of as a partner. It really does take a lot out of you.


So as soon as he gets back you get to clock off and head to the pub to unwind right ?


When he gets home…take your turn. Go for a drive or do anything else.


What’s stopping you from going out for a break when he gets home?

Nope he should be come right after work your job is stressful too


My hubby does. Not everyday but twice maybe 3 times a week. He is literally there for one beer then comes home ! But if it’s all the time and hours on end maybe that’s an issue !

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Nope wouldn’t bother me at all. Actually I’d be glad of the peace :joy:

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Yes I’d be concerned about a drinking problem. If his only coping mechanism is drinking that’s a real bad sign. Does he need time to unwind yes but drinking and then driving sets the family up for some bad consequences if he’s pulled over or in an accident.


So that means when he gets there you can leave for a bit everyday? Bur why does he get to go to the bar to have a bear? Why not the backyard why the kids play for a little bit so you can have a break

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If it’s only for 30 minutes and he isn’t getting drunk and staying out all night I would say don’t sweat it. Let him have this moment of peace. If he is staying out super late ask him to compromise and come back sooner. Work is also stressful and maybe he doesn’t want to drink in front of the kids


HELL YEAH!!! A married man does not need to be going to a bar PERIOD!

If this is his self care and having 1 beer after work and being gone an extra 30 mins shouldn’t be a problem. I think it bothers you because you are not getting self care for yourself. Find some time for your own self care.


That’s him unwinding and getting in the head space to deal with kids. I’m a single mom and my 45 min drive home is my unwinding time after work to switch from work to mom mode

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If he gets his 30 mins to unwind then you should also get that aswell. If you’re both getting 30 mins to yourself to unwind then that’s awesome, if he’s only doing it for himself and not giving you that time to yourself in return then I would have an issue with it.


If it’s only 30 minutes and he doesn’t come home wasted I don’t think I would be upset if it was my husband


Tell him you want 30 minutes, too. Everyone needs a little time to unwind!

Oh Lordy . I would prefer him to have the beer especially if it’s only one btw that is not an impaired limit lol he’s fine to drive . Second would you rather him come home in a nasty mood and take it out on you guys or would you rather him come home in a decent mood and help with the kids .


It’s 30 minutes of time to himself.
Maybe the reason you’re upset about it is because you also need time to yourself and aren’t taking it?
Make a deal, that when he gets home, you can go do something (a walk, bath, yoga, have a beer etc) for 30 minutes too.


30 minutes wouldn’t be a problem, for me at least. If he comes home decompressed, maybe it genuinely helps him.

Try to negotiate if you don’t care for it. Offer him a beer at home and a quiet place for 30 minutes some days?

Once his 30 are up, take 30 to yourself and you’ll see how beneficial it can be on one’s heart/mind.


I’d say okay fine, but I get to get alone time as soon as you get home too! :rofl: I’d be yeeting those kids towards him with a quickness!! LOL

I was mad until you said 30 min for one beer. In that case I wouldn’t be upset. My husband comes home and says hello then takes 20-30 min to unwind before joining the rest of us


That 30 mins is going to turn to couple hours after awhile.


Yes he needs to come home after work…

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GIRL… STOP :stop_sign:
You’re going to start complaining and he’s going to stay longer at the bar every night… 1Beer or 30 mins is fine…
You know where he is at.
The other option is… he stays there for a few hours, or he starts going to a bar you don’t know where it’s at, or better yet he comes home straight after work in a shitty mood and all pissed off… :woman_shrugging:t2:

The whole thing, he gets to do it and I don’t it’s not fair…
it’s NOT … so what? life’s not fair. It never has been and it never will be… 

Question is how is he when he gets home?

Your not mad. Your jealous. So when he gets home, take your 30. Simple.


No husband of mine ps if he’s staying out until 2/3 in the morning he’s up to no good shoot even 12 move on :dizzy_face::pray:t2::disappointed:

Been married 39 years. My husband still does it. I’m watching our grandkids now and he still does it. You can’t change their routine. When my husband comes home I get 110 percent. I don’t nag him like I did when we were younger. It only creates arguments. As long as he’s not spending hours at the bar and comes home and is productive…it’s best to let it go


I would want him to have that time but also give me 30 minutes when he walks in that door! Let me have a beer now!


Maybe you need to take 30 when he gets home. That way both of you are more relaxed.


When he comes home. Run down to the bar for 30 minutes


So when he gets home go take 30min for yourself


Who in the hell just drinks one beer ?? Asking for a friend , lol.


Does he actually help with the kids when he gets home? Do you get a break away from your family? Is he really only there for about 30mins & has 1 beer? If your answer is no, HELL YES I’d be fuming!

Doesn’t sound bad to me 1 beer, 30 minutes to end the work day before headeding home.


I would be okay with one drink however in return when he gets home I’m leaving for about an hour to go have a drink somewhere too.


If it’s 30 mins I don’t see it being an issue. But it normally leads to longer. He did work all day and catching some time for himself. But in return you should find some me time too


How long have you been together? Married? Has he always done this even when dating? Just since you’ve been married? Lots we don’t know. My husband, not a drinker, used to play pool 1-2 times a week has since before we got together 12 years ago been married 11. He recently stopped playing pool just to give himself a break from it and he came home on a Monday, I figured he had a bye but he said he was taking a break for a bit. OK cool I don’t mind it at all whether he’d be at pool or at home after work, he’s doing something he likes and in his own way unwinding. pool can last from 6-9 or later depending on where he is in the lineup and how the matches are going your husband is only out for 30 minutes that’s absolutely nothing when he could be out for hours drinking then driving home.

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Damn, he only wants 30 minutes to himself after a long day at work. I think you’re overreacting. I know you’re probably tired too so maybe you should take 30 minutes to yourself when he gets home.

My dad did this and I see nothing wrong with it. My ex stopped for a beer every night and rarely came home. Hench, my ex!

Umm no … not cool at all

My husband did that the first 4 years of our marriage. Then, he became a Christian, and he changed completely. He became the husband I had always wanted. That was 48 years ago, and he has never looked back on that old life–and neither have I.

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I work in a bar and let me tell you there is a lot of husbands that have a drink after work


No I don’t care ,I’d do it myself :rofl::rofl::rofl: don’t see what the issue Is with some people,if his worked hard all day then why not,it’s half hour and one drink .Men need longer to unwind ,just let them.


When he gets home, go do something for you for a bit.

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It’s fine as long as when he’s home you can leave and have time to yourself too


Everyday? Yes, I would be upset. 1-2 a week wouldn’t be an issue.


Get a job & do the same then. :woman_shrugging:


Think yourself lucky its only one pint. Many men go and get drunk every night then come home and beat their wives /kids.
As long as its a quick pint then hes home and helping out i wouldnt mind at all.


If he only stays 30 minutes - I wouldnt worry about it. Or when he gets home - you go for 30 minutes.


Fuck that he can come home and deal with the kids and i go. Like no he cant go

Trust me, give him his 30 mins!!! Take yurs wen he reaches home

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My ex-husband did that. Then he started staying longer and longer… turns out he was being a bar whore… not saying every man is like that but that’s my experience.

my farther did this for38 yrs till he retired. mom put up with it even tho she was home with 6 kids.

It would bother me Bc my kids dad is an alcoholic and recovering drug addict

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Plus I’m the one working and going to school FT and he sleeps until 6-7pm every day

I agree with most people on here. Let him have his time. It sounds like he comes home and helps with the kids so I wouldn’t have an issue with it. Make sure you take time as well when he gets home.


He’s only stopping for 30 minutes? I guess I wouldn’t mind that

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Be grateful it’s only for 30 min my husband stays gone for hours after work may not be at the bar every night but still out drinking with his friends

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Leave when he gets home for 30 mins or so for your break :woman_shrugging:


So long as his drinking isn’t a problem and he allows you to have time to yourself as well I don’t see the problem. Maybe see about getting a sitter and ask him if it’s ok to meet him there. It would probably help you understand why he feels like he needs to go.

If it really bugs you then talk to him and see what you can work out. Communication is key.

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Let him have his 30 mins if he actually comes home and helps with the kids. If we deserve breaks for our work they do too.

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If it is literally 30min and 1 beer, nope.

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It’s only 30 min :joy: let the man unwind after work, it’s better than him coming home grumpy. 30 more minutes isn’t going to kill you :roll_eyes:

That’s his time to unwind. Work with him to have your own scheduled me time. Yes, I get that it’s frustrating. He gets out of the house every day to go to work. But it’s still a responsibility. He’s not going for fun. And then when he gets home he immediately has family responsibilities. The man needs down time or he will burn out.
But so do you. When he comes home, take 30 minutes to yourself for a walk, or a drink with friends. But don’t begrudge him doing something for the benefit of his mental health.

Well could be worse. He could not come home at all!! A half hour is nothing. You can take time too.

Go have your 30 min too. Let him stay with the kids.

He could be staying in the bar for 3 or 4 hours. And more than one beer. I know that happens too often.

Give him a break he works all day 30 min isn’t a big deal if he was there for hrs then it would be a problem


Hire a nanny get a job and then stop in at the bar for 30 minutes after work

No. It’s one beer & only 30 minutes. He needs a little time to relax after work. I don’t think he’s asking too much. Take you a 30 minute break too. We’re all better parents when we get that 30 minutes break.

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He can rest for 30 mins and have a beer at home… going to the bar every. Day. To do it is a bit sketchy. And if nothing is sketchy to you, I CANT stress this enough, MAKE SURE you take a 30 min break when he gets home.


mine stays back after work anywhere from 30- an hour.
it’s annoying as sin. but I get it. needs to change from work to home.

I used to go to my son school 40 minutes before he got out. so I could unwind and change from work mode to mom mode.

I’d be fine with 30 mins, but if it started getting longer I’d be mad, everyone needs relaxing time. I don’t get it often, but some days I go pick up my kid from school and arrive early to relax and just sit in the car playing on my phone, listening to music, taking a mini nap etc

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Would you like some cheese with that whine?

I think you not getting your 30 minutes is what is causing you to have resentment/an issue with him getting his. Try to see when the best time to work in a 30 minute break into your day for you time and see if that will help ease your mind. In all fairness, I would say that him doing that and consistently keeping it a short time frame and not hours, makes the issue at hand completely different than if he was staying out hours.


30 minutes isn’t that long

Now is that childish or do you just need a reason to put a guilt trip on your husband


I am GRATEFUL EVERYDAY that I DON’T have a HUSBAND​:grin:, I would be a WIDOW IF I were married to THIS JERK!!!:grin::+1: