Would you be offended by this?

Your husband sounds like a piece of :poop:.

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Sounds like a no good tosser who doesn’t care about your feelings or anything dump him and get with a real man that loves you and respects you

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All I’m going to say is give what you get!!!

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He’s not old-fashioned, he’s rude and low key abusive. Not a traditional man at all, traditional men have class. But girllll, you lick liquids off the ground? Can’t you just smell them? :eyes::rofl: or is that after it’s cleaned up to make a point?

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He’s gaslighting you.


Have you tried throwing the whole man away?


GTFO…RUN…he’s a nasty bastard!

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He’s a jerk. Start putting it back on him and see how he feels about it. Don’t ever let anyone cut you down like that, hubby included. You deserve better. If he doesn’t change his attitude, let him watch you leave!


He needs to change and his family should stick up for you too. If he won’t change you need to leave him. You don’t want your children made to feel the way he makes you feel. Wishing you the best❤️

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I probably would have of put up with that in much younger days. These days I’d probably say something smart back and honestly if it continued then I’d probably leave him. Family or not he shouldn’t be disrespecting you like that!


That is mental abuse and toxic as, I couldn’t stay with someone who degraded me like that, hes taking pleasure in hurting you, that’s not ok, and he will not change, it’s who he is now.

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That’s verbal and emotional abuse.

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No one is giving you any respect from this family…get out …ASAP !!!


Girl I would leave, the way he speaks to you is NOT how a man should treat a woman and the fact he doesn’t apologise and expects you to apologise is wrong on so many levels. He sounds like a prick and I would of gone full blown psycho on his ass if he ever dared speak to me like that! If you ever need someone to talk to just gimme a message

Your husband, AND his family, sounds like :wastebasket:.

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He’s a walking red flag


I’d tell him to F*** off and divorce his hateful ass.

Tell him if he is going to keep it up…you’re not going to his family anymore. Tell him that in front of them and be done with it.


You need a divorce attorney


I dealt with something similar… until I got my mouth back! This is not ok! This is abuse! No matter when or where! Plain and simple, it is verbal and emotional abuse! I am sorry he is doing this to you!


I would stop going with him to his families houses. Go out with a fun girlfriend instead if keep putting yourself in that situation.


Hes trying to show off for his family. Be who they want him to be or think he is. If you love him at home then just don’t go to his family gatherings.


Hell no, I would be pissed off. You have every right to feel the way you do. First off he’s being disrespectful and talking down on you. He’s emotionally and verbally abusive. I would get out of that marriage asap or you will be forever stuck on apologizing and feeling like this.


What an awful asshole… I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. It’s absolutely emotional abuse. I’m not sure how to offer advice because I’m just too mean for anyone to think it would benefit them to try me in that way. Letting him get away with this once was one time too many and now he’s comfortable shaming his wife in front of others. Sounds like he could be trying to show his family he’s got big balls… I’d warn him just once that you’ll neuter him in front of them all if he ever tries it again. Whether I know you or not, you deserve better and it’s past time you show him that. I would suggest, in this order: church, counseling, divorce. Best of luck to you.

He’s just plain and simple, a fucking narcissist, he won’t change and you will stop loving him, it’s absolutely unacceptable, don’t go to his family gatherings…I’m sorry your being treated this way, no one deserves a narcissistic partner

I have a similar situation, We moved away

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He is disrespecting you. Why? What is he gaining? And if he says this type of stuff in front of you just imagine what he says behind your back.

And you aren’t sensitive. HE IS GASLIGHTING YOU.

My suggestion……beat him to the punch. Find something that will make him feel the way he made you feel and say it in front of his family and when he gets mad say the same thing.

See how he likes it.

If you don’t this will get worse and you will end up having your kids treat you this way.


You’re being bullied and degraded. Some changes needed.


This is mental, verbal and emotional abuse and you need to get out. It seems like he enjoys putting you down and gaslighting you in front of others. You do not deserve that.


LEAVE HIM…and his family!!!


It sounds like you married a narcissist asshole… get out while you can before he destroys your mentality

They just sound mean, and so does your husband


He doesn’t respect you. In any way. My husband didn’t want to hear about me delivering newspapers or about flower arrangements and crazy cards. He cares about what the kids do, but I give him the most mundane info. In all my jobs, he’s never put me down or diminished the work I was doing.


Take what’s yours and walk . Ain’t no damn man going to talk to me like that . Hands down

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Why are you still there? He is an abuser. If you don’t see this as abuse there is something wrong.


Yea I’d have got home and packed my bags and left. At that point there’s no talking it out with a pig dick like that.

He’s a narcissist. Get out before you can’t.


I would of stood up and told him right then and there…
You may disrespect your family like this but you absolutely will not disrespect me like this
I will not tolerate it…then I would of walked out…don’t EVER put up with ANYONE disrespecting you like that…
I also would tell him if you EVER embarrass me like that or in anyway in front of someone ever again…you’re gonna get it right back buddy…eye for an eye so to speak…
My ex embarrassed me one time so bad and I went outside to cool off…Once I calmed down and came back and a certain subject came up and boy did I ever get him back…I embarrassed the hell out of him…as I was walking by him I looked dead square in his eye and said…You remember this…what goes around comes around and I can roll with the best of them…he never again ever embarrassed me…he found out I was better at it then he was…:rofl::rofl:
Stand your ground!!


I’m sorry but he would be out the door so fast no way would I put up with that


Huge red flags, pack your bags. Don’t look back


Narcissist behavior.
Nothing will ever be his fault. He will always ALWAYS find a reason to blame you. It will never get better. He will continue to verbally and mentally abuse you


do not EVER apologize for the way someone makes you feel!!! You embarrassed him? Well ask him how it feels because every time that you’re around your family you embarrass me!!! Do not apologize to him or his family. If I know anything about people, they will continue to do the same thing over and over again unless you put a stop to it! So if you don’t want to leave him which honestly you should because he sounds like a narcisstic ass, then don’t go with him when he goes to his family and just tell him that you are tired of him embarrassing you in front of them. Stop being reasonable because you can reason with someone like him. You need to be the strong person and put your foot down because abuse is abuse no matter if it’s physical or emotional!!!

You’re not only left to apologize or to deal with it. You have a third option. Stand up for yourself, since your husband is a pussy. I’m sorry, but you’re partially to blame for this. I assume he was this way before you married him, so you kinda knew what you were getting into when you married him. It’s not like he changed. You can either continue to endure the way he treats you, or you can stand up for yourself, to him and his family. Or, even better, you can leave his ass in 1950 and you can walk into 2022! There are still old fashioned people, like my husband makes sure when we’re walking down the street, I’m away from the road. He works hard, and doesn’t do a lot at home… he busts his ass daily and still comes home to cook, but I do the majority of the cleaning, laundry etc. If he came home and sat down, waiting on his slippers and martini, he would get knocked upside the head with divorce papers. Your spouse is supposed to support you and be your partner.

Was he like this before you married him sounds like a real treasure do you have kids with this idiot if he continues leave him

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Sweetie, would you allow somebody to talk to your child (if you have one) that way?

Would you allow anyone else to talk to you that way?

Would you talk to somebody that way?


That’s because you know it is wrong.

The fact you are questioning it shows that deep down you know it isn’t right.

You deserve to be spoken to and treated so much better than that.

You really do.

Never EVER let anyone make your feelings and emotions invalid.

It is appalling that he feels that behaviour is acceptable.
Absolutely appalling.

You are worth so much darling, never let anyone make you forget that x


He’s gaslighting you by turning it around when you get mad. He’a a misogynist honey. Im sure he thinks he’s being cute and funny in his treatment of you when in reality it’s gross and disrespectful. Your feelings do matter and I’d be hurt too.


Leave! Know your worth! It will only get worse!


Leave his ass nobody deserves to be treated like that

And…… you’re still there why? That’s horrible behaviour on his part. Hugs.


Total narcissist abuse


This is your spouse? If my spouse ever did this it would be the end. Absolutely unacceptable. This is verbal abuse and I would never tolerate this. I’d leave him plain and simple. He would be lucky I didnt beat his ass infront of everyone. He would never talk to me sideways again. Next time just straight up tell him “you dont ever talk to me that way again, you understand” say it loud and in front of everyone. Then you decide. If you’re leaving you tell him. Say “I’m sorry all. (His name) and I have to go home and discuss his absolutely appalling behavior. I apologize for him and his horrid behavior.” Then turn to him and say “it’s time to go. Now” if he doesnt come take the car and leave his ass there. Guaranteed once you speak up he will shut the fuck up or show you hes a bigger ass than you can imagine. Either way, stand up to this abuse.

I wouldn’t put up with that for another moment. You deserve so much better than that! You only get one life to live and if I were you I would leave his ass.

These are red flags- dump him


Noooo you’re not overreacting. I’d be pissed. Also my step dad does this to my mom and it makes everyone so uncomfortable and honestly I feel bad for her and him and I get into arguments about it. You don’t deserve that at all


You need to leave him no man that loves you will talk to you that way my love… fuck him and his family!!!

Sounds like you are in an emotional abusive relationship. You are being degraded and disrespected. Get up and leave him he does not deserve you at all.


I would have punched him :person_shrugging: your not over reacting he’s abusing you and being manipulative and narcissistic


What a ,POS,dump him he’s what gives men a bad name,why do you put up with that I don’t care who he is no one has the right to treat another human being that way, you need to leave NOW!!!


Me and my partner would now and again having a fun slagging match about things I do or he does that is funny or annoying etc and sometimes in front of family or friends but what he is doing to you is so disrespectful sounds like he wants to show people that’s hes the man and can degrade you when and as he pleases it’s not right. Especiallyif he knows it gets to you and you dont find it funny.have a word with him and if he continuesthen leave his ass.:woman_facepalming:.your worth more than that x

I would definitely be offended and hurt as well. I just wouldn’t go around his family anymore. Possibly even leave him if was an option.


I wouldn’t go with him anywhere anymore. If he gets offended by you not going, say “stop being so fragile and childish.” :roll_eyes:
If my husband did this and it continued I’d tell him im leaving, and would wish him luck finding a broad who would put up with his trash insults for the rest of their lives. Super unacceptable.
You’re husband and wife. You should be partners, not enemies. He sounds like he isn’t a good partner.

That is typical behavior from a gaslighting asshat. And his family is no better letting it happen. You need to take care of you and your kids. He is a freaking adult acting like a child not your at all. No you are not being too sensitive at all. He is making you doubt your ownself Huge Red Flag. What day is trash day??

Oh honey you need to get away from that as soon as possible there is no excuse for him to treat you that way


You need to dump that asshole

I wouldn’t be married to a man like that.


Run girl it’s not going to get better!! Save yourself years of heartache :hugs:


You need to make it clear how you expect to be treated


He is wrong. You have to be confident in knowing you’ve done nothing wrong. Leaving him certainly isn’t bad advice but of course easier said than done. What you need to do is make clear boundaries. If he only disrespects you in front of his family, do not be around his family. Let him know if he can’t respect you around certain people then you don’t need to be around certain people. Start there, but boundaries are so important in this situation.

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If your husband knows this bothers you, he’s a complete ASS to keep doing it.

He’s a narcissist :running_woman:


His family should have been embarrassed for him to treat his wife that way- it shows they are scoundrels and so is he! I’m sorry he did that to you; you deserve better.


It’s called gaslighting…and he’s a POS.


Verbal and emotional abuse is right there in same category as physical abuse. And your children see or hear it and as they get older they will consider it acceptable behavior. Get out now, you deserve better

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Get rid of him. He doesn’t respect you. You deserve better than that and I think you already know this. Best wishes to you. :heart:


Your feeling are valid! You need to get out out and don’t look back. Your partner should protect you from everyone and everything! He is emotionally abusing you.


Bottom line is he has no respect for you and treat you like absolute garbage in the way he speaks to you you are not in the wrong here and I would seriously reevaluate my marriage to someone who feels that this is OK to do to me and then gaslight me into thinking that I am the one that’s at fault



He clearly has no respect for u! A man that loves his women will never embarrass her! Or let her sit in the car to cry!

He sounds like an ass!

He doesn’t know how to treat you in front of his family. He doesn’t know how to be on your side. Like someone on here said,stand up for yourself!
Maybe start by not going to his family functions. Why should you sit one side or get embarrassed by him?

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Domestic violence is physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Just because he isn’t putting his hands on you doesn’t mean it’s ok. Actions like his are NEVER ok. You need to get out and get out fast. Otherwise you are gonna lose who you truly are.

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LEAVE. HIS. BUTT!! When I got married at 15 my husband did the exact same thing to me. Him and his family spoke like that to me every single day. At the time I didn’t know that what they was doing was called abuse. All I knew was they it literally made me want to commit suicide. My kids was the only reason I didn’t. Thankfully, I now have an amazing husband that loves me. But I would rather spend the rest of my life alone than to allow another person treat me that way again. Please stand up for yourself.

This is abuse. You need to leave.


Oh hell, I’d have nut punched him a long time ago.

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You have nothing to apologize for! Please do not apologize!!! How he treated you is completely unloving and extremely disrespectful and shame on his family for allowing him to treat you like that.

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Call him out. Tell him how you feel. Remind him he only does it around his family. Let him get pissed and pout. If he continues to pout, then move on.

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He’s an asshole :woman_shrugging:t4: no way around it. You don’t deserve to be put down by your significant other. He’s being disrespectful/verbally abusive and I can guarantee he wouldn’t be happy if the tables were turned. Know your worth hun! Nobody deserves to be treated in that way.

No your not being “sensitive” your not being “childish” he doesn’t love you. It sounds like he’s mentally abusive.

What a fucking douche bag!!! I couldn’t be with someone who was so disrespectful

Public humiliation and disrespect. He doesn’t respect you as a partner, or as a person. And it’s not okay. You should be with someone that validates your feelings or publicly humiliate you.


It’s called gaslighting.
And its a narsistic trait.

Go do some serious reading. I think its time you leave.


You married an asshole. Leave. Don’t have children with this man.

Sounds like you have got yourself a little boy. Get rid of him ASAP and get you a real man.Also next time he done that I would embarrass him so bad in front of his family he would never want to go back around them.

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Being old fashioned is not an excuse to be abusive and cruel


This is who he really is. He won’t change. It is NOT your fault, I am sorry. Consider quietly planning your exit, and don’t engage with his verbal abuse or blameshifting.


Fuck that! Straighten ya crown and walk off.

He probably does it to you bc they do it to him
He needs therapy hell

I’d leave him it’s never going to change

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I would try to put it in perspective for him something like this when he does that once you get in the car to leave “we need to have a conversation. “
“ when and how would you ever think it’s okay to talk to anyone the way you have spoken to me and about me?”

This also comes down to a mind set. Does he talk bad about his friends? Co workers family?

I’d also elaborate on the facts of what you bring to the table and if he isn’t happy (which comes across in the way he treats you) why doesn’t he just leave?

You cannot hold onto someone who disrespects you like he has. IF he is not willing to acknowledge that and work on it. He’s needs to hit the door because you seem sweet and vulnerable and he is taking advantage. I get it I wear my heart on my sleeve too. But you have to stand up for yourself and not be blinded by “love”. Best of luck no one is going to know what you should do except YOU!


Pack your shit and move on. Life’s to short to walk around on eggshells. You don’t deserve that Kind of disrespect

Run as fast as u can he is so not worth ur time


He sounds like an ass who cares about how he looks to his family more than he cares about you. Firstly I wouldn’t be going to his family’s anymore and I would tell him his behavior towards you is unacceptable and he needs to change. If not I honestly would consider leaving.