Would you be offended by this?

I’m really struggling here… and not sure how to handle this. A little back ground is my husband came from an old fashioned family. Women cook, clean, and pretty much cater to men, I didn’t. Well his family has always been hard for me to get along with but I go out of my way to try and keep a good relationship. We went over to his sisters house and he kept saying some pretty crappy things about me. One being that to defend the dog I’d lick liquid off the ground to see if it was pee or wine that someone spilt. I was pretty upset but after he got mad at me and I just told him finish the night and went on. Well tonight he did the same thing multiple times. Only the last time I was in conversation with one of the in-laws about something to do with hair styles(what I do for a career) and he says oh god let’s just hurry and change the subject so she just shuts up. Or she’ll just go on forever. I was pretty hurt by this because 1. We ALWAYS TALK ABOUT THEIR CAREERS and I can’t relate so I usually just get left sitting there. 2. I was taking with the girls while the guys were talking to each other. I stopped talking and just kinda got on my phone because I was pretty embarrassed by it. Then he says oh got now I hurt her feels lord I apologize and here we go again. I was pretty much in tears at this point so I got up and left. Just waiting out in the car until they were done. Well now the tables turned once again and I’m the one he’s pist at. I’m the one who “embarrassed him” and he says I need to grow up and stop being so fragile and childish. This only ever happens around his family. And I’m left to either apologize or deal with him being like this until I “forget it”. But he always will take it pretty far with a fight if I even try to be reasonable about this. Am I being childish, or to sensitive? Or is that something others would feel pretty offended by?
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There were no need for those comments, so yes I would be offended. If he was talking to the guys while you were talking to the girls there’s no reason for him to be piping in. He should be happy to see everyone getting along and talking. & I would’ve told him to not even apologize when it’s not real. He’s your husband, he should be supportive & loving. I don’t know how you deal with him, but I hope you know you deserve way more then that.

Just curious, is alcohol involved in all of these get togethers? (Does not excuse the behavior in ANY WAY AT ALL) My dad was a very emotionally abusive person and LOVED to bash/embarrass my stepmom in front of company/family! You are absolutely not too sensitive! No good husband would EVER intentionally embarrass or downgrade his wife like that! Especially in front of people! You deserve far better my dear! My partner and I are a united front at all times when around others! We love and respect one another enough not to throw one another under the bus, call one another out or anything like that around other people! It is a respect issue! He clearly doesn’t have love and respect for ypu and that is not okay!

P.S. nothing is “old fashioned” about what he is doing! It is plain disrespectful and rude!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would you be offended by this?

You’re entitled to your feelings. Regardless if that’s his family. And it doesn’t matter how he was brought up how old fashioned he is. He is your husband your partner he doesn’t have a right to make you feel like that. He’s the one that needs to grow up and realize that you have feelings and what he did was wrong


He is disrespectful. Sounds like a horrible and insensitive man


I would be offended thats just arrogant and rude :roll_eyes:

Uh he’s a jerk i wouldn’t put up with that at all. He should never speak to you that way.

Sounds like you need a new husband…. A Husband doesn’t tear down his wife like that


It’s called deflection. He is an insecure @$$hat


Girl you need to leave that relationship. That is emotional and mental absuse


Talk about your dreams hopes and careers to someone who deserves to hear it! And no offense at all babe but it sounds like he definetly does not! You deserve to be treated with same respect u give.

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This is emotional abuse

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You deserve someone who supports you


I’m old school when he married you no one else matters if he hurts your feelings that’s on him he he chose you for his wife for his partner maybe you should remind him of that if it has no effect maybe you need to fight make a different choice


A partner should never degrade his wife. A real man lifts her up, when they are in private and when they are not.


That’s emotional abuse. Run.


It sounds like he puts on a show for his family and that’s completely childish and disrespectful.


Emotional abuse… leave before it gets worse.


What the actual fk!!! Honey…Next time he does something like that, put him in his place in front of his family. He says he’s embarrassed, well give him a reason to be embarrassed. Deflecting his issues on you so you’ll feel bad… Your feelings are valid and he’s being extremely mentallyabusive in my honest opinion.


He is being an ass, plain and simple. He is trying to show out in front of his family at your expense and you don’t need to continue to put up with it.

Super duper extremely offensive.
Thats pathetic. Does he feel like a man putting you down? Because he shouldnt.
Id stay away from the family. Period.


Dump the loser before he smashes you


Tell him to kick sticks! That’s B’s!

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Tell him to fuck all of the way off and don’t stop till he gets there

Culture can be a part of this but this seems extreme, ( my hubby’s family is similar in their old fashion nature) but he is going way to far! He needs a reality check


I was raised “old fashioned” too, but I’ll be da**** if my other half talks to me like that!!! Sounds like he’s a really insecure pri**.


Sounds like an abusive asshole…I don’t put up with that crap at all…“traditional values” doesn’t include dehumanizing the woman that takes care of your ass

This is ABUSE……plain and simple…go out and get a better life


You are not wrong to be upset. Flip it on him and fire back.


No. He’s an arse and extremely disrespectful. That’s horrible behavior and way to treat a spouse. I’d have freaked out on him.

Why continue to deal with his bs? Ew, he’s disgusting. He’ll only keep doing what you allow. You deserve better than that. Seems like he doesn’t respect you at all.

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He is rude. I wouldn’t go to the in laws anymore.

TOXIC TOXIC TOXIC… Imagine if you did that to him when your around your family… It would be a different story… You need to leave his ass if he doesn’t take account for his behavior… He is an arrogant, rude #%*?! #&…

This isn’t only offensive, but its the beginning signs of an abusive relationship.


That’s awful!!! How embarrassed you must’ve been!!! You deserve better girl…if my husbands family ever disrespected me in any way he would absolutely nip it in the butt… He has made it known that I’m his wife and nobody will disrespect me… Not friends or family or strangers… There’s no way he would ever hurt me like that in public or in private!! There are men out there that will treat you the way you deserve!! Don’t settle… You deserve better

He sounds like an arse.

You’re feelings are valid. You’re not being too sensitive. He’s being insensitive. I couldn’t deal with that. Find you someone who cares about what you have to say. Someone who cares about what you feel.

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Dumb him. He’s a loser. Or just stop going with him.

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He has no right
Old Fashioned, my ass
Respect is old fashioned

So. Many. Red. Flags.


What you are is…being conditioned by an abusive person… screw that and him


Narcissistic L B, this would be fighting words!


Definitely not being sensitive. That’s bs if you ask me. He’s your husband so for him to down you like that in front of his family is wrong on so many levels. He clearly doesn’t respect you! A man who truly loves his wife is proud to speak about his wife and the things she loves to do. If it were me I’d end the marriage. I wouldn’t settle with a man who doesn’t respect me.


Sounds like he wants to play tough-guy in front of his family. You have 3 options: 1) leave (2) next time he does it completely emasculated him to the point of tears in front of his family (3) both


You do know what emotional/mental abuse is right? Cause that’s what he’s doing to you.


Leave. There isn’t no happy future with him. Years and years of abuse ahead. Will hurt like he’ll to leave but your life will be better without him


I’d be more than offended.

Sounds like his family talks bad about you behind your back & he has to look like he’s putting you in your place in front of them!
HOW HORRIBLE! That’s your husband! He’s suppose to have your back. Not degrade you! IM SO SORRY!
I would tell him, until you correct your behavior & apologize, I think it’s best I don’t go over there, it only causes issues in our marriage. No husband should ever speak to their wife that way. What bother you, should bother him!
Talk about emotional abuse.


Oh hell nah. He’d either change his mindset or I’d walk. F that


No thanks. I’d pack my sh!t and go. He sounds like a real treat.

Wow that’s horrible. This is emotional mental and verbal abuse you should leave or at the very least give him a reason to be embarrassed. What a piece of work I am so sorry you are going threw this


You need too leave him and fast!

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That’s not old fashioned, it’s abuse and I promise it only gets worse. Mine started that way, until I stopped talking much, then until I stopped going anywhere or having friends, and then he started hitting me and picking fights the same way at home. It took me 13 years to leave. I hope you find a way to freedom sooner than I did. Love and peace to you


Wtf? He would really be pissed because I would have told them all to get screwed. He could go by himself next. Fk them.

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This isn’t “old school” or "old fashioned " hes just being straight up rude!!! A real man would never talk to A lady this way.

He is emotionally abusing you. Go to counseling or leave him


It’s emotional abuse, from your husband and his enabling family. :cry: Please leave him!!! Dump his ass.

Leave him! It’ll get worse he sounds manipulative af … I’m Puerto Rican we get a lil aggressive and pick jokes but if my man said that to me in front of his family while I wasn’t even talking to him I’d call his mama and his granny bald headed and now everyone day ruined :heart:


I dealt with this for almost 17 years. It only gets worse. I finally had the courage to leave and my life is so much better without the constant battle between him and his family.


Put you foot down and correct him ! Infact since he likes to put you down , my a comment about him. If he doesn’t want to respect you he doesn’t need to be married to you.

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I would be livid and he’s an asshole

He’s completely disrespecting you :pleading_face:


I mean. For one. No matter the circumstances I wouldn’t be licking anything off of the floor. :sweat_smile:
But also, if he isn’t going to defend you to his family, or support you, show his ass the door.

What is with you women putting up with people’s shit? Seriously! Why do women allow themselves to be spoken too this way? I don’t understand, nor will I ever understand not sticking up for yourself no matter who is around. Maybe the first couple of times my husband tried that shit, I was hurt, but I laid it down and he knows better now. Never let ANYONE speak down to you. Never NEVER back down and run to the car or get on your phone. Talk about whatever the fuck you want too and just look at him like he’s stupid and carry on. Seriously.

Classic case of narcissistic and gas lighting behavior!!! Put your foot down, and stand up for yourself or leave the relationship. So toxic and completely disrespectful


That’s mental abuse. Leave


Throw the whole man away. This is emotional abuse, gaslighting and you deserve way better.


Your husband is the valedictorian of the Al Bundy School of Marital Relations, and he hates you. And it’s not you…he would be treating ANYBODY he married the same way. What you do about it is up to you.

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Red Flags!!! Run. Run as fast as you can and never look back.


What a piece of :poop:. Don’t take that crap.


I would have spun his jaw the gobby little insecure twat … he would not be putting me down amd mugging me off ever again… let alone in front of people… he is VILE


Honey, your husband has no right to put you down, degrade you, or humiliate you. I don’t care how “old fashioned” he is…there is no excuse to be emotionally abusive to someone who you supposedly love. If he feels like such a man, to treat you like shit in front of his family then he needs therapy to stop the cycle and/or you need a divorce lawyer. Life is too short to deal with shitty men.

Your husband is a POS. Plain and simple. He’s a coward if he has to act a certain way towards you around his family. And if he is allowing his family to talk badly about you without standing up for you that’s terrible. Don’t let him treat you that way. You don’t deserve that.


I promise you - the right person will not make you feel this way.


Do you really need help with this??? He’s awful…enough said


Agree I would be to. But what if in the moment of him being a jerk you said something back “ why are you disrespecting me, why do you think you can talk like that , if you don’t like my conversation don’t listen, “ more snarky options which I would probably say. Etc… if then you stood up to him and he still was an ass then u guess you have some choices to make

Get out Girl! You are being disrespected and mentally and emotionally abused, not just by him either or his family would say something on your behalf if they respected you.


He should not say hurtful things to you or put you down disprectfully.


That’s very wrong of him. Being disrespected and getting upset over it doesn’t at all mean you’re sensitive or childish. He sounds abusive and childish.


I would have politely asked him to ef off, then continued with my conversation. But then, I AM single….


He knows he can talk like that around them and get away with it because I’m sure all the men in that family do it. Stand your ground and make it clear you won’t tolerate it or leave.


Sounds pretty shitty but learn to be quick witted and come back at him and see how he likes it. Put him in his place in front of everyone. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Say something to him in private. My SO use to make jokes about me and I felt like they were hurtful. After we left I got mad at him and told him if he was going to be disrespecting me, then I don’t need to be there! He doesn’t do it anymore, it’s really how their family jokes but I didn’t like it.

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He’s sounds like a disrespectful insensitive d@#_!! Do you have children? If not I’d start seeking divorce attorneys out… you’re going to need one at some point unfortunately.
Some people just can’t be changed…no matter what you do or how hard you try to make things better they just don’t get better…sounds like he does this a lot too… especially if he’s old school and set in his ways!
You will need to decide if this is something you can live with forever or not…
He’s emotionally abusing you, and disrespectful as fk and that is definitely NOT OK!
Run for the hills woman…find you a man who treats you like a queen in every way and stop putting up with his chit!!
Maybe give him a tatse of his own medicine everyday for a few weeks and see how he likes it!!

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Hes a asshole and so is his family for not sayin something… leave his ass u won’t find happiness there…

It’s called mental and emotional abuse


I’d leave him! He is completely disrespectful to you. You are supposed to protect and stick up for one another. It doesn’t matter who it is. It’s only going to get worse


You need a new husband. The man you’re married to is a coward. No real man will ever talk to or about his wife that way!

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Wow. He’s Aweful … Get away from him

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He is a narcissistic bastard and the only attention he gets is by belittling you! He will not change but only get worse. You have some curious changes to make! It is not you girl, it’s him!

Sounds like Narcissistic behaviour


That is the definition of a Narcissist and you deserve way better. You aren’t his punching bag so don’t allow him to do it!


He has no respect for you. It’s abuse and you should not take it. Tell him how it hurts you. If he doesn’t listen get away from him.


My heart hurt just reading this.
I promise you, it is not normal to feel this way. The choice is yours but you really should not ever be subjected to this treatment and should leave.


sounds like a narcisist. He is emotionally abusing you for sure! Dont even question it!


Throw the whole husband out!


Why be married to someone who has no respect or consideration for you? Seriously, what are you getting out of it? If I were you I would have one less person to clean up after.


Emotional and mental abuse. You don’t deserve any of it!