He’s disrespectful of you only around his family. He’s teaching them to disrespect you. He’s a narcissist. This is mental abuse. If you have children , he will do the same. Tech them to disrespect you. You can do better. Trust me. Pray about it. Leave asap. You’ll be glad you did.
I’d treat him the exact same way
Leave. He’s twisting it on you when he’s acting like a fucking asshole.
Give him back to his mommy. She can have her idiot back.
No baby, YOU are not over reacting! I’d give him a very stern ultimatum in private at your own home, and if you have kids let them go watch a movie and you take that “husband” of yours back to your bedroom where the kids don’t here you and honey you give him the sternest harshest ultimatum and I mean bring out your mean voice. It’s deep down within you, bring THAT out in his face and let him know “if you EVER belittle me again in front of ANYONE, your friends your family anyone WE ARE GONE”! and girl stand by it. If he hits you get out immediately. If his family is ok with that, I’d get out of there. That is abuse what he is doing to you. That is verbal and emotional and physiological abuse and he’s agging it on to get others to join in and put you down. You deserve better than that and If he tells you to “go get me a beer” and you do it?? Make sure to throw the whole can at his head. Tell him to get it himself next time. Sorry for the rant. That just pist me off. I’m praying for you love and I bet your hair and your styles ROCK and he’s only jealous Because your more successful than him.
I would call him out and divorce his sorry ass you should not let him treat u like shit on his shoe
Mmmm that is a no for me.
I’ll be damned if my husband did that to me around anyone, let alone his family.
Big red he’s gaslightung you girl you might need to call it quits and leave or he’s just gonna get worse
F*ck him. He’s rude and gas lighting you. You can do better
I’m sorry honey but you need to LEAVE HIM NOW! He’s a narcissist and he is mentally and emotionally abusing you. He will always make out like it’s your fault so no matter what he says, please get out now!
If you’ve conveyed your feelings and this still continues to happen, leave. He won’t change and neither will they. Get out while you have some semblance of self worth.
This is abuse, manipulation, and gaslighting.
Oh no you are not overreacting at all!
That is emotional abuse
Counseling may help but I would get affairs in order for divorce. That man does not respect you at all.
No I’d be offended. He’s a jerk
This has nothing to do with traditional upbringing and gender roles. This is abusive. Don’t tolerate it. Don’t attend his family functions. Don’t put up with him talking to you like this. Call him out. Stand up for yourself. Traditional roles, a husband lovingly leads his wife and family. He doesn’t trash talk and degrade them in front of others.
I am warning you… It will get worse… The children will see it his way.
Sounds like a narcissist
Umm i would never accept this from my husband. His family hates me and he always defends me. We no longer go to his parents except at Christmas because of how they treat me and the only live 45 min away. If he ever talked about me or to me like this infront of someone or in private i would leave him no questions.
Go to counseling together. He should defend you not degrade you. Is it worth a divorce? Try getting advice from a neutral party.
And you need to ask what you should do???
Honestly he sounds like a dick and needs to be treated the way he treats people. I’m sorry to be so blunt but hun you don’t deserve that.
I would be absolutely humiliated ! You are not be sensitive, he was being straight up mean , no two ways about it. That is so incredibly disrespectful. I’d have started throwing hands
You need to look for a NEW mate!
Sounds like you need to leave the relationship
My ex did my exactly like you described until one day I was crying and said that BS oh God you’re such a baby can’t even mess with you with out hunting your feelings…I snapped I said my feelings aren’t hurt…I’m crying because I’m frustrated. He what the hell are you frustrated for. I said because I mad enough to physically kill you with my bare hands but equally afraid of jail…I was filled with rage and he told me later that he believed me. He says I’m just playing with you. I said I don’t play like that. I had his attention. I said to me playing is when everyone is enjoying it and having a good time. I will never enjoy being the butt of someone jokes.
That’s the sort of stuff narcissist do. Please don’t blame yourself for reacting to how he treated you. If he can treat you like that in front of his family and they’re okay with it then that speaks volumes for how he was raised. Please consider leaving him. You don’t need the emotional & mental abuse. He’s in the wrong, you’re not. Do NOT apologize for YOU getting treated like crap. You deserve so much better.
Guy’s a major DICK… or he’s mad at life for having a tiny one. Either way, please show him this so I can tell him
You need to get out of that relationship. He’s toxic. You deserve better. Nobody desert to be degraded or spoken to that way especially in front of people
my ex was like this. It turned into 13 years of self hate and i gained 200 pounds. Run fast. Do it for your own health!
This is abuse, he needs to make you feel comfortable and protect you even if it means from his own family.
Hes emotionally abusive and then gaslighting you for feeling upset about it. If you have a way to get away from him I would…and if you don’t its time to build a support system to make your break
That is not ok. How awkward!! Narcissist behavior right there. Do not put up with that
If its just when its his family then refuse to go when they meet up! Have they run him down so much that he feels he has to show he’s boss ( failing there just showing that he’s a pig) Is there not one of his sisters or his Mum you really get on with that you can be around them to show them how wrong he is? Tell him that if he thinks so little of you theres no point you staying and that you’ll leave him x
Just dont go.Then you wont be hurt.Abusive man’emotional is just as bad.'Words hurt.
Id be mad af! My partner would never do this to me but if he did he’d be sorry bc then his family would be fair game and i wouldn’t hold back. He knows i bite my tongue for his behalf a lot of the time.
No, No, No what him and is family are doing is BULLYING you. Then he is gaslighting you and that IS NOT OK!
He sounds like a narcissist
I agree with many of these women!! Leave his ass!!! This is emotionally and mental abuse and you don’t deserve this!! It will only get worse!! God bless!
Girl…this is emotional abuse and narcissistic behavior. I’d walk. Ur not being unreasonable. U deserve to be respected.
Personally, I’d go up one side and down the other and one of us is packing our shit.
Oh hell no would I let a man put me down in front of his family. This is for his own amusement. It seems like they are amused too if they don’t say anything. I’d suggest therapy or divorce. You don’t deserve to be disrespected.
Leave him, only gets worse
That is abuse ! Your not his equal or his partner your his doormat. As far as him being embarrassed he should be and so should his mother! Sounds to me like this man child needs to be punched in the mouth. Stop going to family functions and set your affairs in order and divorce him. He will never change no matter what ultimatum you give him. Run dont walk
Abusive, narcissistic, blind man. That is what you call “gaslighting”. Emotional manipulation and abuse. And yes he most definitely was being cruel and this is not how a person treats someone they love. You deserve to have your man always defend you, always on your side, no matter what. That’s the standard of real love. You do NOT deserve to be made fun of by your own partner. Honestly, people like this usually don’t ever change. Your best move would be to dump him and stay away from him, from this day forward. Put him in your past. He does not deserve a relationship.
Dump the ass hole and his family
Gaslighting hon. No one deserves that bs
Shit the wedding wouldnt have even happen.
No don’t put up with that it’s a form of abuse it’s all about him he’s spoiled
Absolutely not childish or selfish. He should not be treating you like that at all. And him turning blame on you makes it even worse. You have a right to be upset. His job is to lift you up and support you.
I would never stand for a man’s emotional abuse
I would have to walk away. He is beyond toxic. And sounds very much narcissistic. His family should at least defend you to some point, if they were decent human beings.
I would just leave the whole bunch of them to their own and make a new life
If he ONLY treats you like this when you are around his family, I see this as his childhood traumas showing up and affecting him. Being raised by a toxic family can be very emotionally damaging to a person. If he feels he has to act this way to you in front of them, it’s his inner child begging them to see him as strong, acceptable, and doing what they’d want him to do, so he can finally have their approval.
It is entirely sick and wrong, abusive behavior, but I can almost guarantee it’s his insecurities in their presence talking.
My husband was never so awful to me, but every time we went to see his family, he would pick a huge fight with me the whole drive down there, usually over something so stupid. Then we’d get there and he’d put on this happy, carefree demeanor, acting like he didn’t have a care in the world, and I came across as a raunchy &itch because I was still mad from the fight he picked with me.
Then his family would do what they’ve always done; ridicule him, mock him, talk down to him, leave him out, and I would stand up to them for him.
They’d hate me even more than before for not cowering to their bullying and “causing problems” in the family. They’d always bullied him that way and me saying something about it pissed them off.
We’d leave and my husband would feel like a kicked dog the whole way home, wondering why they always treated him like this. Why couldn’t they love him? Why was he the black sheep? Etc.
It was a viscous cycle and I absolutely HATED IT!!
I got tired of their stupid mind games and the pain they caused us every time we saw them, so we stopped going around them.
It literally saved our marriage and our mental and emotional states.
Looking back, I can see how inside, my husband knew how things would go when we got there. He knew how they’d treat him. And his childhood traumas and stress would resurface as we made our way there. He dealt with that stress by taking it out on me.
I’m not excusing this behavior in my husband or yours. It’s wrong and I called my husband out for it every time until it stopped.
However, I’m saying that your husband probably has major traumas that surface around his family. It’s no excuse for him to act the way he did to you. In fact he was more than a big ass to you and I would have called him out in front of all of them and made him look like the ass he was being.
That being said, you need to let him know that you won’t be treated that way, regardless of how his family makes him feel or what they think or say about you. Stop going around his family so you don’t have to deal with that bull$#!%.
If he continues to disrespect you this way, it’s time to leave. You shouldn’t be treated this way by anyone. EVER.
Most especially by the man who is supposed to honor and protect and love you.
Stand up for yourself and set him right, or leave.
That’s not okay
My man’s friends and there family’s always
Talk shit about me
Sometimes to my face
They think they know me and can tell me what to do
I don’t listen to no one …
I made it clear to my man
That I will not stop him from seeing his friends and his friends family but I will no longer go to any of the events because they are looking for trouble it never fails they find some kind of shit to talk about me
They even go as far as tattle tell on me
Nah I wouldn’t go around them anymore …
Nope. You are not in the wrong. Get out.
Leave. I can’t believe his family let him treat you this way in front of them!!
Can imagine he will only get worse behind closed doors
Throat punch & divorce lawyer
That’s gaslighting to a T… Darlin I hope you can have an honest conversation with yourself about this… You Do Not Deserve to be treated this way… You do not have to socialize with them either if they cannot give you common decency and Respect, especially from your Husband… No one, not even his family or him, have a right to treat anyone like that… When youve been able to have a real honest conversation about this (because this is very toxic) then you need to have a sit down with your husband… It doesnt matter his background, this is about you and him, and this kind of treatment is verbal and mental abuse… Hopefully you two can work on your relationship together, to be able to figure this out for the two of you… Be safe and sane sweetie
You don’t deserve to be treated like that
No sweetie. He’s an ass.
Time to get rid of him
Thats called gaslighting (emotional abuse) and he doesn’t love you. Leave.
That is abuse. If my family member was doing that to his girl I’d call him out. Love yourself enough to know this isn’t normal and you don’t deserve to be treated that way.
He sounds like a psycho
I’d be offended. I’d also leave. You deserve so much better
He is abusing you emotionally and he is wrong! You should stay away from his family! They bring out the jerk in him. Or tell him to stuff it up where the sun don’t shine and to treat you with respect.
Offended by?? You were disrespected! Your husband needs a good lesson in how to treat his wife. Do not go over there with him. He needs to apologize. Don’t say if you work. But I would be putting money aside and get rid of the extra baggage. Get an extra set of car keys and l would leave him at his family. They can deal with the asshole.
Sounds like an abusive asshole to me!! Run girl run!!!
Girl you need to walk away. This isn’t a relationship. He is using u as a punching bag. If he doesn’t treat you like a queen then someone else will. He should be showing you off being proud of the woman you are. Sorry but it time to leave.
He’s shitty and now he’s gaslighting you that your the problem. The fact that his family is ok with it is gross too. Until you’re free I’d call him out every time until you’re out which is hopefully this weekend. By the way people can do the 50s style he works and she takes care of the home without being disrespectful or verbally abusive to their spouse. He’s just doing this bc he personally is broken and it’s not you responsibility to take his crap so he can feel important. Good luck!
He is a narc!! Run!!
We would get home and I would be like oh god here we go again. Tell him your done with his verbal and emotional abuse a.k.a. Gaslighting. Then I would consult an attorney and take his ass for everything you can get. You deserve better and to be respected!
Either accept him doing this for the rest of your life or walk away. He’s not going to change.
Why are you staying with z man that disrespects you
Where there is disrespect there is no love! Run!
If my son talked to a woman like that I would hang my head in shame at the failure I raised. Then I would smack him for the shame he brought on me.
No one deserves to be treated like this. Consider counseling. If he wont go with you, go alone
God how can you write this crap
Iam sorry about that, it sure hurts. You deserve better than that bully.
U should leave ur husband
No he doesn’t respect what you do or passionate about. No boo that’s just not right.
That’s a child who’s feeling were never validated, not a man. He doesn’t respect you or your career and feels the need to embarrass you in front of his family because they’ve never made him feel like he was good enough. Please respect yourself and leave. Verbal abuse is still abuse.
Leave him on the curb!!!
Nta. He’s belittling you in front of his family that’s a red flag
When he does it state a boundary. If you continue to do xyz I am going to leave the room, stop going to your parents house, or go on a walk.
If he continues to do it after a few times of a boundary being explained then call him on it.
If he tries to gaslight you can call him on it and tell him you can’t talk your way out of bad behavior and respecting your boundaries.
If he can’t change then you’ll decide what is the best next step for you.
Run. Run hard & run fast. Him & his family are never going to change & any children in the mix are going to think this behavior is appropriate.
Nope I would pissed!! I can’t imagine my husband talking to or about me like this
What a rude ass. He’s trying to be macho for his family, and keep uou in “your place”. You should leave.
Cast iron skillet to the face might make him a little more sensitive!
If you know no matter what you do it’s going to be a fight you have 2 options.
Stand up for your self or continue to take the abuse.
Old fashioned or not there is no reason for disrespecting your partner period!!
He sounds like a disrespectful, self centered, rude jerk to me and so does his family that don’t put him in his place for treating you like that in front of them. Unless you like being the laughing stock for him and his family and being considered the family idiot and fool, I’d kick his ass to the curb
Girl! He is nasty and disrespectful. A man has to give you something to cater to. Ain’t no way imma cater to a nasty disrespectful mf who allows his family to disrespect me. Period.
Why is he still there? Why would you even consider that the one person that promised to always have your back treats you like that. You allow it thus teaching him the behavior is fine.
This is abuse. Leave him.
I’m sure you know the answer Run this guy is bad news got no respect for anyone &I’d be long gone if that happened to me " put your Runners on "
I’d start making fun of his dumb butt in front of everyone period
Narcissist. Thats what they do best. It won’t change either hun. Its time to say bye
Never let Anyone steal your joy! EVER!
No your aren’t being sensitive or fragile as he says his being horrid and he knows it like his getting some kick out of trying to embarrass and hurt your emotionally
Google narcissistic abuse I’m sure you’ll find some similarities