Ask her for her recipes, don’t ask her to teach you how to cook. There’s a big difference. Just one day while he’s at work, tell him you don’t feel like cooking and ask if you can go to in laws, too then while eating dinner be like “wow this is so good can i get the recipe?”
That’s going to be my son too!! He’s a momma’s boy and loves my cooking!! Please don’t feel threatened by his love for his mom and her cooking. Ask his mom if she wouldn’t mind teaching you some recipes…
Cook what you want to cook. You probably know his likes and dislikes by now. If he doesn’t want it, that’s less for you to cook and less dishes. Let his mama feed him. Sounds crude but just being honest. You can either cater to him and only cook what he wants or you can cook things you want. I’d meet in the middle and let him enjoy his moms cooking if she wanted to cook but would also like to be invited to family dinner. It really doesn’t seem too big an issue unless mom is being spiteful and he is letting her
Sounds like you can’t cook and maybe you need to have an honest conversation with him about what he would like you to make or what’s wrong with what you’re currently cooking.
I’m not trying to say that if he’s truly being picky and childish you should just cater to him and his every whim, but I feel like either there’s something he’s avoiding at home or your food is really that bad. Sorry. Someone had to say it.
Also there’s nothing wrong with a grown man having a close relationship with his mom but in our home, dinner is the one meal we get to eat together and often it’s the only time we even have to talk at all or even sit at the same table. It hurts both of us to have to skip that time if my husband is working late and it makes more sense to get the kids asleep and leave his plate for him. Half the time I fall asleep before he gets home when that happens so we’ve spent 20 waking minutes in each other’s company by the time it’s all said and done. I wouldn’t never choose a day like that to see my mom if I could just see her any other time.
Sounds like a picky eater to me. I would find out from him what he does like to eat. If he won’t say specifically, ask his mother what she fixes for dinner that he likes. She may not know that he’s turning his nose up at what you fix several nights a week, or if she does, she’s too flattered to say anything. If it continues, I think I would find recipes for foods that you like and fix those every night and just let him eat at his mom’s. You can’t change the way a river flows.
Holy shit I’d love it if my husband went to his mums for dinner I hate cooking & end up cooking twice in the evening because I feed the children before he gets home from work. On a serious note I think it would bug me that he would rather rush there than home after a working day x
I wouldn’t give a fuck
I don’t think it’s awful he’s spending time with his mum eating her cooking, however it shouldn’t be a direct line from your cooking. If he’s not happy with what’s being made he should either give suggestions or at least invite you over to eat aswell so you get an evening off! Either that or he can start cooking for himself. Xx
You are MOST DEFINITELY overreacting!!! Be thankful. As a mother I would love for mine to do that if I cooked every night. Find out what she’s cooking and learn why it’s better.
- he has a good relationship with his mum/ so sounds like a good relationship with women in general including you.
- he is good to his mum by visiting her so much
- he likes her cooking
(It saves you cooking 3 nights a week/ take the most of it and have a hot bath- read a book watch a movie you only like during those times - cook less /
Less washing up
He’s not eating with you. But honestly I see it all as positive
stop cooking - make life easier on you
I’m getting serious Bad Boy Bubby vibes here…… does she still wipe his bum for him too……
That’s soo cool make sure he takes the kids too lol save money and no dishes
Unpopular opinion. I would be offended too
Being your husband though, surely you guys have had a conversation on likes and dislikes in terms of food ? Ask him what he likes, what he wants to eat. Maybe make a weekly meal plan together.
Idk, you are saving yourself time and money by having leftovers. Cool once, eat twice. idk maybe mom is a better cook. Maybe go to his moms and learn what he likes, or enjoy that break from him.
I would stop wasting my time with him.Stop cooking for while and see how he likes that.
Meet him at his mothers for dinner
It would irritate me as well honestly.
My fiance doesn’t have the option to run off anywhere else, but he is extremely picky and often will not eat whatever I make. (And he can’t say he don’t/won’t like it because he won’t even try it!), it’s irritating, disrespectful, and hurts my feelings!
I mean we can’t have freaking bean & cheese tacos or cheese quesadilla or eggs every single we eat, but that’s what he lives on:flushed:
Send him there every night or get him to cook
It would irritate me as well honestly.
My fiance doesn’t have the option to run off anywhere else, but he is extremely picky and often will not eat whatever I make. (And he can’t say he don’t/won’t like it because he won’t even try it!), it’s irritating, disrespectful, and hurts my feelings!
I mean we can’t have freaking bean & cheese tacos or cheese quesadilla or eggs every single time we eat, but that’s what he lives on:flushed:
I’d stop cooking and meet him at his moms. Or he can bring me a plate
He does cook but am sure he also eats what you cook
Let the baby have his bottle not like his out cheating on you
Maybe you should start to cook
Honestly I would be so grateful cba to cook ad it is xx
l get paid over $177 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18468 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info.
He’s not at his moms sis.
Yeah nah. That’s rude asf and disrespectful… I wouldn’t cook for the man if he gonna run to mummies house every time he dont think dinner is nice. Never bite the hand that feeds you! Not to mention, it’s making you look bad to his family, them thinking you can’t cook your husbands meals.
If that the case I tell him go live with his mother,
Change the locks and send all of his clothes and stuff to his mom’s.
I’d be upset. My love language is food. I pride myself on cooking meals for my husband. If I have an off night, and cook a not so good meal, it eats at me. Lol.
Maybe you just need a little finessing in the kitchen. Maybe talk to his mom and get some cooking tips and ideas. I will add though, he should be honest with you about his likes and dislikes rather than just blowing you off. He needs to work on his communication skills!
have you asked him what he would like for dinner? maybe he doesn’t genuinely like what you cook; Or when he does come home say there’s nothing for him you thought he’d go to his Mums
I would just not ever cook at all… take yourself out for some dinner and enjoy … fook him xx
Go with him if she’s cooking!
If you’re not included in invites or having shared family meals together then they BOTH are being a lil bit inappropriate imo
Shiiii… I’d go too or tell him to bring me a plate if it means I don’t have to cook as much.
Ive been there before, and it isn’t right. He is with you, not this mom. Too many women try to keep their sons their babies, dont let him grow up.
It’s a tad creepy - they need therapy
Nope…! Pack his bags and send them to his mums until he cn find the respect & appreciation for you that you deserve… wota prick…! Stop cooking for him so when he asks what’s for dinner u reply think u got the wrong number tell him he shud b asking his mother…!
My question is does he invite you to come along?
He could be at his mum’s eating what she’s cooking or at home whinging about what you’re cooking.
I know what I’d prefer
I would thank the Lord if he goes everyday.
I’d love my son to still come home for dinner when he’s older.
And bring the wife. Are you not invited?
Why not ask for cooking lessons and learn from her. A few signature dishes. He loves his mother and has a good relationships with her. He lives her cooking.
Not bad in my eyes but if you are taking a negative feeling from it. Ask yourself how you can make it a positive?
I wouldn’t have a husband anymore…
Why not go too? Why waste food on 2 meals? Like I don’t understand why he’s not calling earlier and just saying hey don’t waste food let’s go to moms. Mean maybe there’s a reason he’s trying to spend extra time with mom you don’t know or he just needs to be more involved in meal planning
Try asking him what he wants for dinner of an evenings
Maybe he just doesn’t like your cooking do you ever get an offer to go with him for food??
Wouldn’t bother me Im not a good cook I’d let him go and tell him to bring me home leftovers
Less dishes, my mom in law lived 2 houses away and we ate there 1 or twice a week… I would like to have that again, if she fed my hubby, we helped her with the yardwork, and she was very kind, she would tell him to bring the leftovers to our house to eat…miss that
A man must leave his mother and cling to his wife…he’s not ready and will always be a mommas boy. Either step up cooking or give in or nothing at all. Cook what you’re gona cook instead and let him have leftovers. What if he likes the leftovers?
All in all…he’s a mommas boy. Your choice…but yea, id have an issue with it.
I’m pretty sure I can win a “my inlaws are the worst” contest most of the time.
I do find this annoying however is he spending time with her because she is old or ill?
Nope you need to put your foot down. Limit that to once a week you both go as a family only.
I’d quit fixing dinner for him
I’d ask him earlier in the day if he’s going to go to mom’s for dinner. Then decide what you’re going to prepare for dinner. Save you the hassle of cooking for two.
He’s acting like a spoiled brat . Don’t cook for him no more let his mom deal with him
I agree…he should stop running to mom’s…but u know what they say…once a mama’s boy always a mama’s boy…id tell him something he really wants then not cook shit…i hate when I cook and no one eats waste of food.time and energy and making u look like shit to mother in law cause ur not feeding her baby good food…id go on strike…no food…no laundry…mayb mom wants to wash his nasty shorts 2…lol
Girl you can’t cook
I find that really disrespectful. So much for coming home to his family. Spending quality time with you and if you have kids ect… I’d be having a big talk to him about it. it obviously offends you so say something.
I would ask to go along as well…
Sounds like he hasn’t cut the strings. I bet he over involves her in the relationship too. Next time he says he’s eating at his moms tell him you’ll meet him there and do it. I bet he freaks out.
I’d just stop cooking and go there too lolol
I’d say I didn’t cook every night and have him bring me a plate.
Stop cooking and go there too
Let him eat over there! You will save alot of money!
I don’t see the issue with him having a good standing relationship with his mom, and eating dinner over there from time to time. She won’t be around forever. I think he should eat dinner with you as well though. Can you have dinner with him at his mom’s house and can you alternate days? Maybe ask him what he wants or if he has any ideas. Tell him how it makes you feel.
He needs to eat with his wife and family. That’s a weird relationship he has with his mom
As long as I haven’t already prepared/ cooked the meal for the day I wouldn’t have a problem with it.
Woah. Nah. That is a very selfish person. They didn’t invite you to start. Then they pick and choose whether or not to eat food you made them? Lastly, he has a very unhealthy relationship with his mom…
Why doesn’t she ask why he’s not eating at home? If she does know, she’s not supporting your marriage.
Does he bring you a plate? I would purposely tell him something he didn’t like so I could eat his mom’s cooking! lol
I’d stop cooking for him
I would be upset. It’s time to cut those apron strings bud. If he wants to eat dinner with his mom, maybe you guys can plan a weekly dinner with her.
3 nights a week bit excessive
See, I’m petty. You don’t get to hurt my feelings and make them invalid. My man use to try to be picky but not go to his mom’s. He would claim he didn’t like this or that. So I started feeding myself and the kids and having the kitchen clean and put away by the time he was off work every single day as if he was non-existent just like he treated my feelings. He started to notice I wasn’t feeding him anymore and I didn’t care. Eventually he became more grateful
I wouldn’t cook the next day, dinner would be left overs… ha
He’s lucky to still get to have mom’s cooking. Couldn’t you join? It’s not gonna last forever, let him have it.
Let him go & go with him. Let someone else do the cooking & enjoy the time with her if she is a good person.
Okay so be honest how are your cooking skills? Can’t force someone to eat something gross …. Let’s get both sides of the story
Learn to cook better maybe
That’s her son she will always feed him…He’s a mamas boy.
Oh my father used to do that too and my mum would throw a wobbly every time it happened, it didn’t get her anywhere except huge arguments To be honest it’s not worth it …too stressful when he goes to his mothers you get the best meal out and piss him off that way hahaha.
I’d tell him to always eat at his moms and that way I don’t have to cook for him and I’ll just buy myself dinner I’d tell him to tell her to teach him to cook too cuz when she passes in not going to start cooking for him either
take this as a learning opportunity & humble yourself. learn what she makes so he can begin eating the food you make
I’d would go over to dinner too( together) I don’t think I’d be ok with so many times a week.
Ask him what he would like to have for dinner and see how that goes. If he still goes there he’s just missing his Mom or don’t like your cooking.
Obviously a mummy’s boy, he wants to eat there fine but once a week etc your his wife he should be eating with his family during the week after work and spending time with his family highly disrespectful to be honest, he can see his mum at weekends or Fridays after work he can make a day just for her for mother and son time so she can make his dinner etc rest of week he should be home, if he dont like what your cooking he should be telling you what to buy or what he would like for dinners during the week, its called communication me and othet half always dicuss together what to have for dinners etc
I wouldn’t be mad about I would tell him to pick me up to go there too
Why bother to cook when she’s doing it
Mama’s boy. Good luck with that.
My son is older and married. If I lived close enough I’m sure they would both be at my house eating every night. Your MIL has a bit of fault here. She should be inviting you over as well. I’m not sure about the relationship you have with her but you shouldn’t be excluded from dinner.
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I don’t like to cook. So when he’d call & ask what’s for dinner id ask him if he’s eating here or at his mom’s. I wouldn’t tell him what’s for dinner. It depends on if he’s eating here or not. Let him eat at his mom’s every night. Ok by me. Less cooking & less mess for me.
I didn’t have a mom, I had a mum!
Man babies don’t make good lovers
l get paid over $177 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18468 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info.
If my guy did this, I’d make something that “doesn’t sound good” every night!
I would not waste my time or money making enough dinner for him. Let him spend time with his mama. Food is expensive.
I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM but my in laws live directly below us. I’ll pack him a lunch for work and he’ll purposely leave it at home and then his mommy brings him lunch to work. I’m about ready to tell him to have her suck his…ahem… too if that’s what he fuckin wants
Girl what who cares is everyone eating? then all is good
Yes, that’s rude.
Stop considering him when you make dinner and just cook for yourself. He can make his own dinner.
You are in competition with your mother in law for your husband’s time and affections. This is the very same question that was posed in another forum. You fix your husband’s favorite meals but it is never going to be good enough as your mother in law will find a way to get your husband to go to her home for dinner. Ignore the rather nasty posts here about your cooking skills.
Was this an issue before you were married?
Your husband’s behavior is unlikely to change. This current situation is a no win for you. Hire a chef to come to your home and to prepare a meal for you and your husband. Let your husband know. If he still goes to his mother’s that evening, you will know beyond any possible doubt that it not the food you serve in your home but a competition with your mother in law. If he has dinner at your home when you have the meal specially prepared for him OR if he goes to his mother’s that night, give your husband an ultimatum to go for counseling immediately or tell him to return to his mother. If he refuses to go to counselling, strongly consider getting the locks changed the next time he goes to his mother’s for dinner. If you are strong enough to change the locks, text him and let him know the locks have been changed and, that since he is more devoted to his mother than you, he is no longer welcome in your home and a change of clothing is waiting for him outside your home so that he may return full time to his mother.
If your husband won’t go with you to counseling, do not have children with him. Do get out of that marriage.
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His a spoiled brat
But you put up with it
Are you serious