Would you be offended if your husband went to his moms for dinner?

They do that shit to make you feel less than good enough for your husband

Stop cooking and go over there too


Would my feelings be hurt? Yes.

Would I just ask him in the AM if he plans on eating at home or visiting his mom to avoid that hurt & waste? Also yes.

I think if you guys change your communication it’ll help. He should extend you the respect of “hey I plan on stopping by my parents tonight and will eat dinner there”.

Honestly I get why you’re hurt. I make lunches every day for my husband & then randomly he’ll say “oh you don’t need to do anything for tomorrow, I still have the ones from earlier this week” or whatever and it stings cause there’s 800 other things I could have been doing instead. Anyway, I think just changing up communication will help.

Hell no! I’d be happy.

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Sit down with him and ask how he feels about your cooking. If you need to improve what can you do better. Whether too bland or salty you gotta fix it.


He’s a mommy’s boy. Things will get worse.


I would enjoy the break from him.

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Stop cooking and go there too!:grin::rofl::grin:


I wouldn’t be offended, I would just stop cooking for him. When he calls and asks what’s for dinner, tell him to check with his mother. Problem solved.:woman_shrugging:t4:


Eh. I used to get upset with mine doing this but idc any more. Gotta pick and choose your battles. I honestly don’t care if he eats my food or not. I only care that my kids and I eat. My fiancé is Vietnamese and he prefers his mom’s Vietnamese food. It took a while to get used to though, not gonna lie.


If his mother wants to cook for him, invite yourself as well.


How about you ask his mom for some of her recipes and cook them for your husband. Or maybe start asking him what he’d like for dinner instead of making what you think he wants. Maybe this could help. But I honestly don’t know. Just an idea


Bro better bring me a plate home if his moms cooks good :person_shrugging:


Does she give him a fresh bottle and change his diapers while he’s there too?


this is word for word a reddit post lol

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My aunt learned quite a few recipes from her mother in law…maybe that would help. Also, he would be bringing me a plate home :sweat_smile:


I would make sure I cooked for dinner what I and the children wanted every night. If he doesn’t like it he can go down to mommies. Or make a sandwich.


Youll never cook anything as well as his mother does…its fact lol…so don’t try to compete. Just ask him what he wants for dinner and if he still chooses to eat at his mums then ask if you can come too. Maybe shop with his mum to help with the cost and cook with her to learn her ways…one day his mum won’t be there and it would be nice to learn how to cook how to cook his favourite meals after she’s passed.


I would be offended! My husband does the cooking​:joy::joy::joy:
Honestly I wouldn’t care.
I would join him!

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Hell see if she’ll do his laundry too lol


Nope let him go eat. If he doesn’t like what you are cooking 3 days a week.


Maybe talk to him about it? Maybe you join him there for supper a few times a week and the rest he comes home and you cook for him.
He’s obviously got a good healthy relationship with his parents and having supper with them isn’t a huge deal :woman_shrugging:
My father, to this day still goes to my grandparents place for supper multiple times a week. And since my grandma passed my gpa now goes to my fathers lots for supper too,

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Maybe talk to him about it? Maybe you join him there for supper a few times a week and the rest he comes home and you cook for him.
He’s obviously got a good healthy relationship with his parents and having supper with them isn’t a huge deal :woman_shrugging:
My father, to this day still goes to my grandparents place for supper multiple times a week. And since my grandma passed my gpa now goes to my fathers lots for supper too,

I wouldn’t cook for him anymore and I would go lao if moms food was better that day lol he probably calls her also to see :sweat_smile:


That would hurt me. Start having him tell you what he wants for dinner if he doesn’t like what you’re cooking. Mine doesn’t care. If he doesn’t like it he’ll just eat something else. We have a family of 7 so it’s hard to please everyone in the home. There is always one child that will eat something else. He has never once though chosen to eat elsewhere nor chosen not to eat what I’ve cooked.

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Now that I am a wife and mother…from the wife perspective: Please go. Save me the trouble of cooking and cleaning up after. From the mother persepective: I will literally cook for my baby until I die - Count your wins.


Have him help you make a meal plan for the week, then he’ll have a say in what you cook . If it keeps happening then just don’t plan on him being at home for meal times and cook for you and the kids and don’t worry about him

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Heck I’d be going to eat moms food.


I would be happy that he is spending as much time with his mom as he can. We don’t have our parents forever. Son and mom time is so important.


Girl stop cooking, go out to dinner on the nights he goes to mom, spend his money on your meals, that crap will cease when he sees you’re clearly not bothered, plus you don’t have to do dishes afterwards


Call his mom everyday to see what she’s cooking and make the same thing :rofl: no more choices for him


I wouldn’t cook a thing🤷🏽‍♀️


I would straight up laugh and say have fun at moms could you imagine how much you are saving on groceries plus no slaving away on groceries we break our back on dinner because we want to make a special adult meal and end up making two different meals kids and then husband because we all know how it is right … now you only have to do ONE MEAL!! Shit yes and I can have lazy days where you order pizza and husband gives the look of what did you do all day lmao :rofl: how was dinner at your moms come back and it’s over I’m down

Go to moms to eat too. Ask for cooking lessons. Can’t beat ‘em, join em!


My MIL is a wonderful cook. So I would find out what time dinner is and eat there also! Win win! :woman_shrugging:


I’d him to bring me something back


Stop making his ungrateful mommy loving ass dinner. When he calls say go to your mamas

I mean when I worked and he stayed home if I didn’t like it I’d pick up food for myself. So at least he’s saving money by going to moms. :joy: just text/call him before cooking and say this is what I’m making. If he says he ain’t eating then don’t cook. :woman_shrugging:


I would be offended. I spent all this time cooking a good meal and he has the audacity to not eat it? No no no. I would try to get to the bottom of why he does it.
My man will eat anything I cook without complaining so I’m not in the same boat. The other day I made potato salad to go with a roast, he admitted he doesn’t like potato salad but this fool literally got seconds :joy:

I also agree with the women saying go shopping with her, help her cook, learn her ways. Some men are straight mommas boys and that can’t be helped :woman_shrugging:t3:


Then feed him on what he likes and wants

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I’d be mad. Not because he went to his moms…mom’s… but dinner is family time here. We sit and eat together every night unless he’s out of town. And even then me and my daughter sit and eat together


Absolutely ridiculous


Tell him to sleep there too


I would love it and say take the kids too so I don’t have to cook ever!!! :star_struck:


Go with the flow and don’t ? a mom and son relationship

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Hey, if his Mom is cooking something better I am going to her house too! I’ll have put my food in the fridge for another day!

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I would be annoyed if I spent time cooking just for him not to care to eat but I hate cooking so if MIL feeds all of us and she’s down the street, why not just save the time and go eat all together🤷🏻‍♀️


I think there should be a balance where you and family should be invited at least on one of the meals his mom makes and maybe invite her to yours. Never easy to say one is right or wrong but compromise and communication is the key to happiness

That’s a bit ridiculous…

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Nothing wrong with that lol :laughing:

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Maybe you should have his mom teach you to cook like she does ? Most men want the food they grew up eating.


If you already know he prefers his moms food then just stop cooking for him. Enjoy the time you won’t have to worry about a clearly Picky eater. Even go over with him. You can make it a big deal that will hold alot of space in your mind and heart or not. Soon you’ll be cooking for him every night and miss when he wasn’t a worry.


Stop making him any food. Just fix it for yourself and any kids you have. He wants mommy to do it, let her. She can wash his clothes and come clean up after him too.


Tell him to bring you home dinner too and enjoy the night off cooking.


I wouldn’t mind at all if that means I can skip the cooking part lol


lol me like this…I’m not your mom and I don’t cook like her…maybe you should prepare your own food…I will cook for me and the kids and you can cook for yourself or go to your mom’s. The kitchen is closed …


I’d be taking a bubble bath :joy::woman_shrugging:t2:


No :neutral_face: actually i will be happy for not cooking jajajaja


Maybe you should ask him what he likes to eat not what you think everyone likes


I mean honestly I would stop cooking for him and just feed yourself… and the kids if you have any… even better next time he calls and asks tell him you made nothing and to bring enough home for you also when he comes back from dinner with mom


I could understand how it would get frustrating. But hear me out, do you discuss supper plans with your husband, or do you solely make meal decisions? No hate, either way! :black_heart: But maybe involving him before you make supper, like discussing what you’re thinking of cooking for that night, & if it doesn’t sound good to him (i.e. he says he’ll eat at his mom’s), ask him what does sound good. If it’s just a matter of him wanting to see his mom, ask if you can start joining him, & ask your MIL if you can bring anything. However if it’s just a matter of him wanting to spend time with his mom, just ask him to tell you ahead of time so you don’t cook. :smile:
Just communicate. :black_heart:


Quitting cooking, go out to eat by yourself, when he calls, tell him your going out…he can go to his mommys…


I’d stop cooking save yourself the trouble :joy: let her do it.

I would quit cooking for him. Next time he calls and asks you what’s for dinner tell him to ask his mother.


Lol… I wish this was my case… would love not to cook!! Have mommy dearest make dinner always for you too!! Lol

We all going to moms to eat wtf I’m cooking for save myself time and money


Are you a bad cook? What do you cook that he doesn’t think sounds good? Is it homemade or are you cooking from a box? Does his mom cook homemade food?


I would enjoy it…
I would only cook 2x week


This… is… EXACTLY what my uncle and aunt went through. They’re now divorced. So I get it. And boundaries must be set… or things might get a little too entangled.

Tell him to stop and grab the kids too. And relax girl… but on a more serious note. That’s rude!! And disrespectful!!!

Make for you and the kids… text him 1st…“I’m making food for the kids and myself…see ya after dinner”. Lol seriously what a jerk

Cook something he likes? Like how long have you been married, shouldn’t be too hard? I used to cook my ex something different if I made spaghetti cause he hates it

Start making food for just you. Make whatever you want. When he calls say, I don’t know I didn’t talk to your mommy today.


You should get with his mom & cook dinner TOGETHER.


I really wouldn’t be that upset. It might be annoying from time to time. However I’m a very picky eater so I eat the same meals over and over. I do make my husband separate meals often so he doesn’t get burnt out. So if anything it would save me some trouble.

I’d stop cooking for him. He can go to his moms or make his own food.


Quit cooking. When he asks say air soup. Then go take yourself out.


Maybe try asking him what he would like for dinner? When you make your grocery list, plan out meals with him.


If I weren’t also invited I’d feel very suspicious about it. I’d suggest coming up with a schedule. Like, m/w/f let’s get together at your moms and eat dinner then. The situation feels insensitive to me. Don’t have you cook dinner first just to see where he’ll be eating.

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Or just meet him at his Mom’s house once or twice a week. Bet she would enjoy and don’t buy as many groceries give some to Mom to help her out.


Stop making him dinner

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I wouldn’t cook anything for him if he does that. Save you from cooking


Good lord go with him! Help her cook the meal and all of you eat together.

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Maybe ask her to teach you to make some of his favorite meals .

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Stop cooking and go with him to his Moms.

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Come up with a meal plan together, no excuses then :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Next time show up with your dinner for potluck. He can run but he can’t hide :wink:

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Honestly. Is it because you’re not a good cook? I’d take some cooking classes.

I would stop cooking and show up there for dinner too


Involve that man in your meal planning. He shouldn’t feel like He has to go to His mom’s house for food that He actually likes.


Learn to cook food he likes, or single portion meals :woman_facepalming:t3:

I be happy if I didn’t have to cook for him :rofl: there’s nothing wrong with him going to his mom’s to eat…

Stop cooking dinner.

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Id be getting a divorce. What an entitled prick

I went to my mama’s for dinner almost every night while she was alive I could cook and can cook,she just did it better lol go over with him and spend tike as a family God knows I wish I could still go to my mama’s for dinner.

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When my parents first married, my dad did something similar to this. The difference was it was his sister and not his mom. My mom got tired of it and came up with a plan. She went to his sister’s house one day and gave her money to cover food for a week. Everyday my dad would come home and ask what was for dinner and Mom would say let’s get in the car and go. They would drive to his sister’s and have dinner. After 3 days of this, my dad finally got the hint. Mom made him keep going for the rest of the week because she’d already paid for the food. Needless to say, he never tried that afterwards. Mom figured if he was going to pick his sister’s food over hers she would just cut out the middleman and they would just go over to his sister’s. It might be worth a shot to try.


No. Wifey and I actually eat at my mother in law’s at least 3 times a week. Let him hang out with his mom as much as possible. She’s not going to be there for him one day.


Yes and if he did again he would be eating all his meals there.


I’d go over there with him so I didn’t have to cook


Lol he sounds like a mommas boy.( I’m raising one🤣) I honestly hope my son comes over that much as an adult, he can bring his wife.