Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

Would you be okay with your five-year-old drinking coffee? She told me that when she stays the night at her grandma’s house, she lets her have coffee in the morning, and they sit on the front porch and drink it together. I called my mom and asked her, and she said she barely adds coffee in the cup, and it’s mostly creamer…but even creamer has a ton of sugar, and I am not okay with it…I don’t want to stop her weekend with her nana, but I don’t want her drinking coffee.


What about Decaf with milk? Our 2 year old wants to be just like us so we make him a decaf. He feels so grown up!

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I grew up drinking coffee, having tea parties with my mom. It was mainly milk with a dollop of coffee for color. Those are some of my fondest memories. I personally wouldn’t stop a child from that bonding. Coffee is healthier for the child than many other things children are fed regularly; popsicles, ice cream, kool-aid, soda pop, sweet tea, etc. As to the caffeine…Tea leaves contain 3.5% caffeine, while coffee beans have 1.1–2.2%. I wonder if the same child drinks tea?

Doesn’t sound like it’s an every day occurrence. Imagine the memories being made. If you’re worried, send a bottle of sugar free creamer along. But I wouldn’t want to ruin such a special moment being shared over a little sugar :blush:

The memories are worth far more than being upset about a little bit of sugar imo. If my mom did this with my son, I’d just shrug it off, it’s only once in a while and it’s special to them <3

Tell her to use milk or a non dairy milk like almond milk to dilute all that creamer

I have always been pro grandparents with my children if grandma and grandpa want to they can… idk I just want my kids to remember them in the best way possible :100: let grandma give her a tiny bit of coffee in her cream and set on the porch and drink it. Your child is going to remember those moments one day when grandma is gone :cry: :broken_heart:

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My children always want coffee like me. I usually do decaf in the Kurig and they have no idea. Mom of 5 healthy children. My five year old loves coffee flavor :blush:

I let my 3 year old drink coffee, but whatever other people do with their kids is different than doing it with a kid that’s not yours… However, this is the way your mom and kid are bonding, I wouldn’t see a problem with that, but to each their own… From my point of view, you’re exaggerating although I think your mom should’ve at least asked first

I still remember drinking “coffee” with my grandparents when I stayed with them. I realized later it was mostly milk with just a hint of coffee and sugar. Don’t take these memories away from them.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee? - Mamas Uncut

It’s making memories with Grandma. It’s not everyday, all day…it’s during visits. Let them make these memories because one day, that’s all they are going to have.

There are sugar free, dairy free alternatives for creamer if it is that big a deal.


My 11 yr old drinks coffee and my 2 yr old gets sips of my coffee, I started drinking coffee at a young age also. I dont see any harm in it

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I think it’s more of a bonding moment for them which is very sweet. Ask her to switch out for decaf maybe and a sugar free creamer and mostly milk. I totally understand your point but sometimes we need to give a little for these moments. :relaxed:


My granny used to do this. It was barely any coffee. It made for great memories that I still have almost 20 years later.

Let her have her ‘coffee’ with grandma. One day she won’t be here anymore.

Its not every day. Pick your battles. This isn’t one.


I’d let it go, I don’t let my girls drink coffee. But this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Team nana!!


A few sips here and there but never a cup of there own.

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I drank coffee with my grandparents at that age and it’s still one of the best memories I have. Let’s grandparents be grandparents. Your child will cherish those memories their entire life.


I use to drink coffee with my papa,there is nothing wrong with it,you shouldn’t stop visits due to that! I miss my grandpa everyday and that’s one of the best memories I have with him

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Making memories… its a grandparent thing.


My 5yr old gets coffee with us that he thinks is the same as ours but its decaf.

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Then send hit chocolate, but for God’s sack try a little problem solving first.


I get little disposable coffee cups from Costco because that’s what I drink my coffee in. My kids say “I’m drinking coffee mommy” because they LOVE to drink out of the cups like I do. But in reality it’s water or chocolate milk. Maybe make those suggestions to make it a little more kid friendly.

Do you let your child have chocolate milk? It’s no different. Do you let your child have a candy bar once in awhile? It’s no different. It’s petty to be mad about something like that. She is making lifelihg memories with her grandmother and a little coffee or sugary creamer is certainly not going to hurt anything.


I was drinking coffee at 5 with my mom on special occasions.
Lots of milk and sugar very little coffee but I absolutely love those memories.


Let her make memories with grandma


My kid sneaks more than that. Lol.
Suggest maybe hot cocoa as a replacement but still a bunch of sugar. I dont see much of an issue with a few sips. Those front porch memories are something she will never get back.

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Omg…the people who need validation of power are sickening


Besides this Be thankful she has a nana that wants to spend time with her💝


My three year old has been enjoying small amounts of coffee with my mom since she was a year old. A little bit won’t hurt :woman_shrugging:t3: that’s a Sunday morning tradition both at mine and my moms


Let her make memories with her granny. Maybe ask her to use milk instead of creamer. All I have left of my granny is the memories we share.


Coming from a mom who has children with inactive grandparents, I would die to be complaining about coffee. Honestly ask gma instead of creamer if she can use milk in your daughters “coffee”


Pick your battles wisely. This is not something really significant to get upset over. Perhaps just ask Nana to add milk instead of creamer. But seriously, don’t sweat the small stuff


Let her have this special time with her grandma. They are making memories❤


My mom used to make “mochas” for my brother. She’d put a splash of coffee in his cup, a splash of creamer, and then fill the rest of with milk. It made him feel special, and had a slight coffee taste, but not enough to “do” anything for him.


When I was little me and my pap had coffee every morning when I stayed with him, I’d get our cups ready and toast, and dipped our butter toast in it. I think of him basically every morning when I have a cup of coffee. It’s just a little bit of coffee, it’s not gonna hurt anyone. Leave her make memories with your mom that she will always remember. Tell your mom to buy decaf for her if you’re worried about the caffeine and use organic creamer :woman_shrugging:


My daughter is 4 and loves to drink her “coffee “ with me in the morning. Her coffee is just warm chocolate milk. She doesn’t know the difference lol

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This is such a grandma thing to do :joy::joy::joy: I swear it’s in the handbook for grandmas


I feel like she could give her chocolate milk and maybe even add a little whip? Similar coloring and all. You can really easily get addicted to caffine and then have migraines and all part of problems later in life from drinking it early on


If you quit visitations over barely any coffee, you have control issues and should probably get those addressed


As long as it’s mostly creamer or milk with a little coffee. it’s still healthier than most kids juice drinks or a soda


My daughter started drinking coffee at 1yr old, she would only have a small amount in the morning along with her bread or crackers. I didn’t mind since my mom was doing me the favor of watching my kids for me while I worked.

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Let her have it. My goodness🤷‍♀️


Does she drink sodas and tea and juice? If so they have just as much sugar. So do gummies and fruit chews and snacks.


Lmao is this a actual question. You want your child to stop making memories over some “creamer” my children do the same with my mother coffee and bread. But it’s mainly milk or creamer as well and they love it so much. My 13 year old looks forward to his mornings with my mother. Pick your battles. This one is one you should just lose.


I wouldn’t be too worried about it personally… as long as she’s not getting a huge mug of black coffee I think its fine as a treat and something special she will remember doing with her Gma :woman_shrugging:t2:


As long as it’s decaf. And there is no reason she should drink a cup of creamer. Yuck

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I give my kids hot chocolate and call it coffee. They have no idea but they’ll tell every single person they drink coffee with mom. It’s that “special coffee” that only special kids get.

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Ask nana to swap it out for green tea

If you’re that worried about the sugar then supply your mum with sugar free creamer so your daughter can continue to have these moments with her, its a special bonding moment they clearly enjoy together let them have it, also my son is 2 and a little coffee fiend, always trying to steal ours if he can and he’s perfectly fine, a few sips here and there on the odd day won’t hurt momma :two_hearts::v:t2:


Son son drinks “coffee” with his mama. It’s mostly creamer or milk. It’s a treat and special moment he shares with her. It’s how they are bonding. Yes the creamer has a lot of sugar so ask her maybe to switch it up. These are precious moments your child is sharing and creating memories with grandma. Although I get your point, I wouldn’t take that away from them. It’s not like it’s an every day thing.


Pick your battles, seriously


I’m sure it’s not a full cup of coffee. My son loves Taking his lil sips with his grandma :heart: don’t be to worry about it. It’s their lil moment and she will remember that forever


My son drinks some of my coffee occasionally and it calms him down. :rofl:

I agree with Vicky Elizabeth, it’s not everyday all day, it sounds like special shared moments with her nana. Perhaps get a decaf,


Decaf? I think this is adorable tbh. My grandma used to let me drink her coffee when I was little and I’ll never forget it. I felt like such a big girl.


My daughter is three and drinks coffee. It’s mostly milk with a splash of coffee. She loves it.


My 3 year old drinks coffee so yup

I love enjoying a sugar free coffee creamer with a bit of coffee with my daughter (4) :grimacing:
I also drank coffee with my grandparents at a young age I would do anything to be able to share a cup of coffee with grandma today :slightly_smiling_face:

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My grandparents did the same thing. It was like 90% milk and the rest was sugar and coffee. Now I don’t drink coffee at all. Each parent is different.


Most probably ur mom used to add more cream and a little coffee just for taste when u were kid too u seems fit and fine so she will be fine too in future
Our mom’s raised us so we can’t teach them they know better


My Mom would put a tiny bit in our milk in the morning. We sat and had coffee with her, so we thought.

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If it makes her happy I don’t see a problem, especially if it’s decaf

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No way. I wasn’t allowed coffee till I was 16. Of course that was in the 60’s…nowadays it’s a whole different world.

Hell I go through dunkin drive through and get myself and my 2 Littles a coffee. They like the ice coffee like me. I see no harm

Maybe she can have a cup of warm milk or hot chocolate while grandma drinks her coffee. It’s about the bonding and making memories, I wouldn’t want my child drinking coffee. Don’t let anyone convince you against what you don’t agree with, just talk to grandma to switch the child’s drink.

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If it’s not everyday I don’t see the big deal. And it’s something they share and your daughter may have that memory one day when she doesn’t have her grandmother. I guess that also comes from someone who wishes the grandparents were around more :woman_shrugging:t2:


You’re the parent. You don’t want your child having something them don’t let them have it. 🤷 Posting this here probably wasn’t the best thing to do because everyone is judgemental here. My personal opinion I wouldn’t let my child drink it either. There are better ways to make memories with grandparents/relatives.


My grandmother always put a couple teaspoons of coffee in my milk. Great memory.


Maybe politely ask that she makes her hot coco or some iced tea instead so they can continue to enjoy their special bonding time and you’ll feel better about it :relaxed:


My daughters been drinking coffee since she was a baby and so has her dad

Tell her to stop giving it to her

My daughter was having coffee with my mom since she was 3. She would serve her her own little tiny cup. She is now almost 11 and loves spending time with her and having her morning cup with my mom on the weekend. I would never dream of taking that away from her. To this day they are very close and I wouldn’t have it any other wayn

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Maybe ask Nana to replace the creamer with milk. If that’s something that your child enjoys doing with Nana, find a way to make it work. Nana won’t be around forever and moments like that create amazing memories.


Eh :woman_shrugging: they get just as much from apple juice like :woman_shrugging:


My absolute favorite memory with my grandpa, was sitting with him as he drank coffee and him giving me drinks. I wouldn’t take that way. Seems like a special moment between them.


My 3 and 5 year old drink coffee with my best friends mom… it’s their bonding time💜 it’s almost more creamer than anything (sugar free). My 3 year old drinks it more regularly though and sometimes I give her straight coffee with a bit of creamer. It’s the only thing that helps her poop.

My mom did the same and I was pissed

I give my 8 year old a couple sips of mine every morning… she loves it and says that it helps her to wake up. I don’t see anything wrong with it.

Stop being a helicopter mom. It’s an amazing memory she will always cherish with her grandmother.


Send some hot chocolate packets?? Or consider not sweating the small stuff


I work in the coffee industry so it’s a lifestyle in my house. My kids get decaf, and lots of milk but it’s still only for special breakfast occasions. Every now and then they’ll have sips of my caffeinated coffee- but it sounds like shared special moments with grandma that I’d let happen :woman_shrugging:t3:


Yes my kids do, it’s completely normal especially for Pacific Islanders. What about coffee is concerning to you? Is it all caffeinated things you are trying to keep them from like tea, soda, and chocolate too or just coffee?

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I drank coffee with my Grandma as a young child and it’s one of my fondest memories looking back :heart:


Simply tell your mom

Seriously… you’re going to stop letting her see her Nana over a cup of “coffee” :woman_facepalming:t2:
She’s not going to live forever and I bet you when she’s gone. That cup of “coffee” she drank with her every morning will be a memory your daughter will hold on to forever.


Just let nana have her special time with her granddaughter n stop making it a big deal goodness your mom won’t be around forever n these are the memories your daughter will cherish n remember


I had this issue with my gramma but I found alternatives that I was ok with her having and provided them to my gramma and she was totally ok with it!

What a special time with Gramma :heavy_heart_exclamation:. That memory will more than outweigh any “risk” to her health. EVER.

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Chantelle Blondin & Shari Lynn

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I had “coffee-milk” since I was little. A little treat that only she has with her grandmother is special and she’ll remember it when she’s older. It’s not that serious.


It’s fine. My grandma used to do the exact same with me. And now it’s my favorite memory of her :heart: don’t take away their special moment. It’s not like shes drinking a pot of coffee. Lighten up :roll_eyes:


I was raised on coffee milk :heartpulse::heartpulse:one of the best parts of going to my mammys house when I was little Saturday morning cartoons and coffee milk :heartpulse::heartpulse: as long as it’s every now and then I don’t see the issue at all like she said it’s only a small amount but I also believe you’re the momma and what you say goes!

maybe just suggest either she be sure she’s getting decaf or maybe do hot chocolate instead ?? i wouldn’t make a huge deal of it but at the same time, as her parent your wishes should be respected. coffee definitely isn’t good for kids but it’s not the worst thing. i know a lot of kids who get iced coffee drinks with their moms & even though i don’t agree with it or get it for my kids, it’s not horrible to me either.

My 8 year old still think she’s having coffee with me. . . It’s hot cocoa. Maybe try asking your mom to do that instead. Or tea?

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Please pick the battles that really matter!
It’s a splash of coffee and a little cramer with suger, It’s not an energy drink, soda or alcohol.
Is that really a good reason to keep her from her nana and hurt the bond they have. Grandparents are supposed to spoil their grandchildren.
She’s not being abused ,neglected or hurt in anyway.
She could ask her if she would prefer hot chocolate but either way I would let grandma have this.
She could ask her if she would prefer hot chocolate but either way I would let grandma have this.
I would give just about anything to have my mother still here to even offer my kid’s coffee. Cherish what you have, they will not be here forever.


Your completely missing the sentiment and point behind it n making it into a big deal. Don’t be the bitchy overprotective mom on this one… let it slide whats a couple spoon fulls of sugar for a lifetime of memories

I did this with my granny :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I wouldn’t mind. Both my kids (13) & (10) have been drinking coffee since they were little. But it’s not what I think about it, she’s your baby you decide what’s best for her :purple_heart:

She’s YOUR daughter. If you don’t want her drinking coffee, your mom should respect that. Don’t listen to these people telling you to let it go. Other people’s opinions don’t matter. Your child, your choice.