Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

Don’t be such a prud that’s quality time together and coffee don’t hurt you

It’s common for children from Spanish families to drink coffee, so it’s not too out of the norm but if you’re really uncomfortable just ask her not to give it to her. Maybe hot cocoa or tea. Or even just decaf if she likes the flavor but you worry about the caffeine

Maybe get her to give your child chocolate milk while grandma has her coffee? That’s what I do with my 3 year old!

This is what we call coffee milk. It is considered a treat. Milk instead of creamer would eliminate the sugar. Ask nana to sweeten with honey instead.

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Your mum has explained the situation , ask her if your granny ever gave you things she didn’t want you having & im sure the answer will be yes , let it go

I would give anything to have my momma still here making memories with my baby girl

Maybe bring over some decaf and sugarfree creamer or some tea. My grandma gave all us kids coffee sometimes no harm done. I would object if it was a regular everyday thing…

It’s not going to hurt and the memories will last a lifetime.

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I say get over it lol

My mother used to give me a little bit of coffee a few times a week because of it being an antioxidant and helped a lot with my asthma when I was child :slightly_smiling_face: if you don’t want her doing it then just tell her to do non caffeinated tea :slightly_smiling_face: then she’s still a big girl with nana and no worries on your side :slightly_smiling_face:

Personally, if its on occasion and its minimal I wouldnt make that big a deal. This is going to be a special memory she will carry for the rest of her life. See if you guys can come to a compromise without disturbing their special time and bond.

My 3 year old drinks coffee with me every morning. It’s mostly creamer with a splash of coffee for color. I think it’s fine.

If your daughter having creamer with a little coffee in it is your biggest concern oh, you’re very lucky! LOL your mom’s not going to be around forever but your daughter enjoy this time with her. It’s not like she has it every single day.


Wow! Let her enjoy it… it absolutely isnt hurting a thing also u can buy her sugar free creamer to take.

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My daughter would want coffee when she was little, I would put a tablespoon of coffee in the cup and add water to the rest with sugar free creamer…believe it or not it would actually help with her ADHD and calm her hyper butt down…

Ask her to replace creamer with milk and a little sugar or have her make her a mug of something else like hot coco

As a mother of two boys who have no grandparents at all … let it go. Memories are being made

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We do “café con leche”. Warm milk with a sprinkle of instant coffee or a little brewed coffee, add sugar to your liking. She probably loves that time with her grandma.


Agree. It’s not all the time I still remember having coffee with my grandpa it was the coolest thing because it was a only with grandpa special thing once in a while. But we had milk with it. I can still remember the coffee cups he had and the coffee he used :heart:


I was given coffe milk that what I remember most about my grandma

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It’s a once in a while treat; just let her enjoy her time with her grandma.


My Grandma did the same thing with me. I’ve never been much of a coffee drinker, and the memories have stayed with me for a lifetime!


The ritual is the important thing come to a compromise that doesn’t eliminate the ritual

That honestly sounds so sweet please don’t rob your child from those memories


Wow…wish that is all i had to worry about when ask grandma to watch the kids. My grandfather would give us milk with coffee in it…a few drops…whenever we would go to his house as well as fresh bread and honey and fruit every morning. I was 3 and had to have some coffee in my milk. Lol. When my daughters were 9 months old…they would both attack a coffee cup for a sip. As long as it isnt an every day thing all week long…she should be fine. Know people that constantly give their 5 year olds soda and then wonder why the kid is obese or getting headaches…Smh. Very petty thing to get upset over. The MIL would watch kids at our house and then give them whatever they wanted…knives, scissors,etc…and run out the door for 2 hours so i would have to be the one to watch them and pull the dangerous stuff away from them and deal with their tantrums. Wish i had a good grandparent to trust to watch kids…My mom is going to watch my kids for two days while i go out of town for business, but only thing i worry about with her is her getting sick or falling while watching them bc she isnt in the best health, so will be calling often.


buy special hot chocolate for her to take over for those days


drinking coffee with grandma on the porch is a memory your child will never forget …. don’t take that away for either of them over your concern of too much sugar one day those memories will be gone


The outrageous spoiling I got from Grammie didn’t harm me one bit. Mind your business momma and be thankful.


She’s not drinking it every single day or anything like that lmao she’ll be fine

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I drank black tea :tea: (like really dark but with sugar) as a kid(cultural thing). I’m fine , however I transitioned to large amounts of coffee at 18 and had a really hard time stopping it all together. So idk its a parent call.

My one year old loves iced coffee :joy: i always find him tryna be sneaky with it :joy:

She probably gave you coffee too… it’s a beautiful moment they share dont take that from them


I wish I had that moment with either of my grandmothers :confused:


If you don’t want it then speak up. But my kid has always had coffee and I with my grandmas. It’s something she’ll grow to remember and probably pass on to her grand kids as she gets older :woman_shrugging:t2:


My 3 year old grandson drinks coffee with me however I give him decaf.

My granddaughters love my coffee, just making memories…and I barely give them a half a cup. Its just the thought of them wanting to be like you. Our weekend morning chats with coffee are the best.


As long as its a cup, I don’t see nothing wrong with it. My mom does the same with both her granddaughters ages 3 and 4. She even bought them little mugs and they know it’s a thing they do with Grandma. They do drink it black with just a hint of sugar though ,no creamer :blush:

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My mom use to have my niece sit on the porch with her on the weekends and they would talk and drink their coffee. My niece was still drinking out of a sippy cup when they started this and still to this day when my niece is there they do it!! And I’m just gonna say she is perfectly healthy and smart as all get out just finished the school year with all A’s. It’s not going to hurt your child to have that special bonding time with nana. If you give her juice, soda, tea ect. That is basically the same thing same amount of sugar!


My daughter loves her frappachinos from Starbucks. She’s 2


Leave this coffee topic just share healthy diet plan of ur kid…I want to make something healthy for my kids as u seem to be a very diet conscious mom…


Ask her to use milk, half and half, or whipping cream in place of actual creamer that’s what my grandma has always done for us.

I have lots of fond memories drinking coffee with my grandma on the porch. Does she even drink a lot of it, I never did but felt special I got to get a cup! I think if it was everyday or multiple cups I would stop it, but once in awhile to create an everlasting memory personally I think is fine.


As long as it’s just a tiny splash I’d say it isn’t a big deal! But if you’re not okay with it you’re not okay with it. Ask her to change it to hot chocolate or milk.

I was in a day go by that my daughter and son we were living with my mom and dad every morning they had to drink their Grandma and Grandpa’s coffee they could not do without it they also had to have peanut butter on a spoon I don’t see nothing wrong with giving them coffee truth be known as much as my kids drink it they probably got more of it than the grandma and grandpa did LOL that ain’t one thing wrong with that

My nana and i would have tea time (which has way more caffeine) when i was that age and hey, i may have only grown to the glorious height of 5"2 but i’m just dandy :smirk: Let the kid enjoy a little cup of mostly creamer joe. Lot more harmful things out there.

I see nothing wrong with it. Our daughter will sit on our lap and have a few sips with us on the porch and she’s going on 2. I drink black coffee at that my husband cream.

When we are camping she sits on my lap takes a few sips and we all talk and those are the memories I wanted her to loook back on. She’s a wild child so I can see the sugar aspect as well but I think creamer may be a less of evils compared to what she could have gave her. My MIL feeds her Capri suns and hands her back. I get annoyed :unamused: becuse we talked about the fact thay I water down her juice cuz she’s hyper. But hey that’s what grandparents do. My mom and bonus dad is 20 hours away and my bio dad is gone. So his parents are all we have and I can look past the sugar for them to have a relations

It’s those memories that she will never forget and the conversations that will help shape her life. I would give anything to have the conversations over any drink at the moment.

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Then switch it for tea !!! Those memories she has with your mother are the most important

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My aunt would do this and call it coffee but actually have my cousin hot chocolate. Probably a very cherished memory for them. Maybe suggest that.

My 12 year old has drank “coffee” a few times a week for 2 years. It’s the only thing that’s kept his bowels regular after a decade of issues the doctors could not help with.
Doc says coffee is fine. They’d also give kids a splash at bedtime if they’re bed wetters from heavy sleeping, as soon as age 5.
Ask her to get sugar free creamer? That’s what we use

Yes. My son has always stolen my coffee since he was like 2. I hated it but realistically it’s hard to avoid as a busy mom.

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Pick your battles, let them make memories


It’s been proven that coffee milk actually calms a child down, because it has the opposite effect, like Adderal calms a child, but makes adults hyper.

A memory your child will never forget


Honestly it sounds to me more like you want to control the situation than you actually not wanting her to drink the coffee.


You are the mother & if you don’t want her having coffee, you should discuss with your mom & if she respects you, she won’t give her coffee. Personally, it wouldn’t bother me as much. Grandmothers are notorious for giving too much sugar, it’s how they show their love. My own grandmother & my boys’ nana have always done this & while it does drive me nuts sometimes & I have every right to put my foot down, I have lightened up a lot. Overall they have a healthy, well-balanced diet & they brush their teeth every day. It’s a bond they share & I’ve learned to back off & relinquish some control when it comes to things like this.

Make her hot cocoa or chocolate milk

Special memories with grandma! My children did this with my mom. They are grown and healthy with no harm done.


My 6 year old has done this for a couple of years now with my mom when my mom is in town. She asks me for coffee when my moms not visiting but I just tell her that’s hers and grandmas thing they do so she can only do it when grandma is here. I think it’ll be a nice little memory for her as she grows up


My daughter LOVES morning coffee dates on the porch! My parents keep a small jar of the instant coffee that’s Decaf (they make pots of caffeinated coffee for themselves), but they will fix her a little cup of decaf with some sugar-free syrup. There are plenty of ways to fix your little some “coffee” for her dates with Nana, without it being harmful! & they get to keep on making sweet memories :heart:


My partners nana passed away. Some of his fondest memories are waking up early with her and drinking coffee. Let it go. Pick your battles. This one isn’t worth it.


I used to jug my moms coffee behind her back starting around that age . I offer sips to my three year old twins . I don’t see the big deal .

We do hot chocolate when they want to “drink coffee” with us

My grandma did this with me when I was little, and it’s one of my favorite memories of her.


Memories .//// just sounds like a cup of milk with a dash of coffee. One day her gramma won’t be here and she will remember these times


Switch it for herbal tea

They have decaf and low sugar creamers. Get her some to keep at grandma’s. Problem solved.

What’s the difference between drinking iced tea or Coca-Cola with caffeine in it


I mean it isn’t going to hurt. That’s what grandparents are for… doing things you can’t do every day. Extra sugar, extra fun, later nights, shopping, trips, and lots of fun…


I have fond memories of drinking coffee with grandma. It’s not a regular occurrence so I wouldn’t worry about it


They have all kinds of delicious sugar free creamers

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I wouldn’t be okay with it. I don’t drink coffee and don’t want my kids thinking they need coffee to wake up in the morning. It’s a crutch.

My grandparents used to do this with my younger cousin. A cup of milk with just a splash on coffee. He loved it and it was something cute they did together.
Maybe you could ask them to just add a splash to some skim milk or something instead of creamer?


Will not hurt her, my grandmother use to fix coffee milk when we were there, she put sugar and milk. And our great grand daughter drinks sips with her mom, but thats your choice,just saying.

It will be ok. Great memories made with Grandma


My son did that with his pappy , don’t make it a big deal .

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My grandma did this with me. It was mostly milk and sugar. But if you aren’t ok with it see if she will make her hot cocoa instead

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oh my lands… I am a mother and a grandmother many times over. I gave my kids coffee before they were 5. Especially in the winter time to help warm them up 3/4 of milk a dab of sugar and top off with coffee. My oldest 3 grandchildren and their momma met me every morning for coffee. The coffee is a mellower for adhd children. It helps people having asthma attacks. It also helps for regular bowel movements… a cup of coffee isn’t gonna kill her and it’s something she shares with grandma. Let her build those special memories. Grandma isn’t gonna live forever


She will be fine n probably won’t even like it when she gets older , let her have relax morning with her nana

Decaf coffee, and sugar free creamer.

I wish my nana was here to have those moments with my daughter, but she’s not… so let your kid enjoy this time they have with their nana, because before you know it they’re gone


If you don’t want it, then that’s that.

You ask for decaf instead.

Also I used to steal sips of my grandmother’s coffee. Started regularly drinking coffee at 12. I grew to 5’10" and am perfectly fine.

My dad use to get me coffee every saturday morning when we would go have our daddy daughter breakfast :relaxed: started when i was around 5-6 and we did that until i was about 11ish. I loved it. Just the memory of it is great. && when i would go stay weekends with my grandma she would make us (me and my nephews) some coffee and we would all drink coffee and watch walker texas ranger :joy: i wouldnt make a big deal out of it. Its just making memories. Im 24 now & i think about them often.

I did that with my grandma. Wonderful memories. She passed when I was 6… But I still remember drinking"coffee" with her. No harm, but beautiful memories.

My daughter is 2 and drink coffee every day with my mom! I did the same when I was her age and younger! She will be fine.


Let her make that lasting memory with grandma

I wouldn’t take this away from your daughter (or her grandmother!). Maybe ask her to switch out the cream for milk?

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My 2 year old and my mum drinks coffee every morning and he cant wait for her to wake up…life is short and one day my mum will not be there and i want him to have this with her


She probably thinks it the greatest thing being able to be like grandma and drink “coffee” in the mornings.


I have a cappuccino for my kiddo when he asks for coffee but I can’t think of the kind right now!

Coffee milk is like the grandparent tradition around here! It early morning bonding! Let her, have her “coffee”


I drank coffee when i was little. Didn’t stunt my growth :expressionless: .my kids steel my coffee…
They wont die. I promise


I do “baby coffee” with my granddaughters when I stay at a hotel to visit: decaf, milk and a little flavored cream like hazelnut. Maybe ask grandma to use instant decaf & some milk vs all creamer. French people have been giving their kids cafe au lait for generations. Pick your battles.

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My Lil Brother loved coffee as a lil boy! He knew when he was 5, he liked double doubles…
Time went by, he grew up.
He seems to be just fine, lol… he’s still healthy & happy…

Let him/her, it’s ok.

One of my most cherished memories of my grandma is the two of us having our “coffee” in the morning. I idolized her and I felt so grown up :relaxed:…let them have their special time!!!

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I always filled it with milk and just enough coffee to turn color and they were always happy with that or ice to water it down more on top of cooling it

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Some of my kids best memories are of them sitting at the table with their grandma eating sweet bread and drinking coffee.

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My grandpa used to always give us a small cup of coffee, and I love those memories 🥲💖


Both my kids have always snagged our coffee. Since they could drink and walk. We don’t let them have much, but there’s bigger things to battle over🤷‍♀️ my grandpa used to sit with me and drink coffee. If the sugar is what really bothers you about the creamer, there’s low sugar creamers


How about decafe coffee that’s what I and my children drink. I think its a lovely bonding think for your daughter and her grandmother so definitely don’t cut it out but maybe just change what she drinks.

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Some of my fondest childhood memories involve sharing coffee/ breakfast with my grandmothers.


My kids sometimes drink coffee. It probably started around 6 or so but it was maybe a sip here or there