Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

Namwinga S Mulenga Didi has a partner in coffee drinking

I always said no… however my dad would sneak it to my kids… my oldest will be 19 on Friday and never had an issue… he loves coffee now… It is a good memory they have with their grandfather

My daughter drinks “coffee” with her grandma too! Of course not an entire cup but it’s their thing and I’m ok with that :heart:


I drank coffee when I was younger and it didn’t hurt, I give my kids coffee. if you let your kids drink pop and tea, what’s the difference. my kids mainly drink water so it’s a treat


What happens at grandma’s stays at grandma’s, especially when memories are being made.


Nana give my boys small sips of coffee and only one or two. She’s been doing this for 3 years, my oldest is now 5. Is it flavored creamer of half and half. If it’s half and half it’s milk and cream anyway.

If you have an issue with the caffeine maybe ask her to give your child decaf instead. I personally wouldn’t have a issue. Now if it was an everyday thing then I would.

Let her share this time with grandma and her “coffee” on the porch. It’s making memories, and it’s not an everyday thing. It’s special grandma and me time. My grandmother was the same way, and two of my most treasured possessions are the coffee cups that she kept just for me at her house. :heart:

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I was drinking coffee at 1 :joy:
My grandma always gave me coffee! Ain’t nothing wrong with it!

Don’t take this memory from her. It won’t harm her!

What about warm milk or something like that? I do agree that nana should respect your wishes, especially when it comes to her diet. My mom told me, when I was little, my grandma put soda in my bottle.

I give them chocolate milk and tell them they’re having coffee with me. They think it’s the best thing ever lol

My kids grandma always made them coffee milk. Just a little coffee, little sugar, mostly milk. They loved it.

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Coffee is gross. I remember my mom letting me sip hers and I gagged. I can’t get past the taste unless I have more creamer than coffee

Awww I did the same with my grandpa! :two_hearts::two_hearts: I even had my own mini sized coffee cup that I still have to this day! It’s one of my most treasured memories with him. He would put a little coffee with some milk and shugee in it. He had his black coffee and I’d have mine while we would wait for grandma to get up. For me personally, I don’t see a problem with it. There’s not enough caffeine or sugar to do any sort of harm in that small of a serving. The only thing that will come from it are some of those small but very special memories :two_hearts:

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Hard no… tell her to give the little one hot coco

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I drank decaf with my mom. Do the same with my kids (only one likes it). decaf coffee and sugar free creamer and they absolutely love our morning coffee. Didn’t stunt my growth nor has is stunted my kids :woman_shrugging:t4:

I did when I was little :woman_shrugging:. My 2 older 2 do too…little bit of creamer & coffee the rest of the cup filled with milk

I’ve been drinking coffee since I was 5, it started at great-grandma’s as a “treat” to enjoy with her. We let our son drink coffee in the morning to help with his ADHD and it helps calm him before his meds start working. I don’t let him drink it all day but it’s better than soda, drinks that have artificial color and other additives. However, you are the parent and it’s your choice, if you have an issue I would simply say something, Nana should understand.

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I wish my grandma was still here, she raised me and adopted me. My best memories are little things like this! Ask to switch to something else, because these memories will last a lifetime. :pleading_face::two_hearts:

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Grandmas & grandpas have been doing that since the beginning of coffee. Loosen up. My grandma was always big on having cocktails before dinner and she would nake me a Shirley Temple and put it in one of her fancy martini glasses. And oh how I loved her for that.

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My grandmother use to do this with me and it’s one of my favorite memories of our time together. Ask her to use milk instead of creamer and just a drop-off coffee or decafe.

First world problems.

My 4 yr old drinks my coffee every time i turn my head :joy::joy: i’m starting to question my own parenting lol

We do warm milk with a tiny splash of coffee, just barely enough of a drop.

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My husband’s papaw gave him coffee when he stayed with him when he was 3 and up. Splash of coffee, mostly milk. My daddy gave me coffee, and gave my oldest coffee. Now that my parents are gone, my husband does the same with my 3 year old. He gets his own cup.of coffee to sit with daddy and just enjoy that bonding time. Why would you want to take that away from her? Ask her to use a sugar free Creamer if your worried about sugar intake


The caffeine is bad for her, and it’s addictive. Addiction can lead to caffeine headaches and irritability. I wouldn’t allow it at such a young age.


My daughter did that with my dad. It’s special. Let her do it

My granddaughter is 3. She’s been sipping my coffee since she started mimicking me blowing on it saying mmmmm…coffee. She absolutely loves it. The taste especially. I’ve tried to trick her and she catches me everything I leave out the real stuff. That being said if her mom said no I wouldn’t give it to her. Her child her rules.

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I’ve been drinking coffee since the age of 4. I would hop on my grandpa’s lap and he would give me a sip. Eventually my folks would order a small one for me at breakfast reataurants. I turned out fine… There’s nothing wrong with kids drinking coffee.

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I wouldn’t mind, as long as it’s only a treat here and there. It’s good bonding time for them

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Mine does it with her meme! Mostly milk lighten up!

Just ask her to use sugar free creamer… I would not want to stop their traditions they do together… they are making memories she will carry with her long after her grandma passes away… If she asks why you don’t let her than just tell her that’s something special she does with Grandma and leave it at that.


Pick your battles. This is something she will remember about her grandma forever. Don’t kill special memories over that.


My mind is blown :exploding_head: with how many women are saying it’s no biggie! She doesn’t need a cup of coffee at the age of FIVE to make memories with grandma. Will grandma still think it’s such a good idea, if she becomes diabetic at the age of 6? She could drink a glass of milk and STILL make the memories with her.

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If it’s a once in while thing I wouldn’t worry too much.

I always have given my kids and now my grandkids before they’re a year old.

My 3 year old asks for Starbucks at least once a week. They are only young once and only have grandparents for so long, let them make as many memories as possible.


If you don’t like what’s going on at grandma house then keep your children at home period.

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Please don’t ruin your child’s special ritual with a loving grandma. Ask grandma to use milk instead of creamer. When I was little my grandma gave me “tea” which I found out later was mostly milk.
Besides if you let your child eat “kid” cereal, or candy or chocolate milk or… she’s getting a load of sugar.


Consistently, no. An occasional sip or even a few oz then no. No issue. My mom had/has a little 2oz cup. My daughter has been having coffee with my mom (mostly creamer) since she was 5. It’s a bonding time for them and considering it only happens once or twice every 2-3 months then I’m fine with it. A daily consumption, or large consumption, I would feel differently about


It is your decision but I think the memory that is being made is more precious than the harm that the little bit of coffee does, but it does remain your choice.


I would see if nana can give her decaf or if they can switch to herbal tea :tea:

I had coffee with my grma my kids had coffee with me growing up,my grandkids have coffee with me now.

It’s not going to hurt her, if it’s only on the weekend she’s with her grandmother. That is a special bonding time and for the small amount she is getting, it’s not going to hurt her. Like someone else mentioned, ask her to use a sugar free creamer or milk instead of creamer. Don’t take away something that means a lot to her

She could use decaf and sugar free creamer. I used to always want to be like my mum and drink coffee like her

Girl sit down. Learn to pick your battles wisely.


My mom used to pour my kids milk and add a touch of coffee so they could have “coffee with grandma”. It was more about the bonding time my kids had with my mother. My mother passed away unexpectedly in 2019. I would give anything for my kids and grandbabies to have that coffee time again. :heart::heart::heart:


My grandma and I used to have coffee parties instead of tea parties with fine China, because my grandma hated tea lol but it made me feel so grown up drinking coffee with her. There wasn’t cream or sugar and she watered mine down significantly, but I didn’t know any better. It tasted awful but the memory making was wonderful! Maybe you could convince her to do chocolate milk with a hint of coffee in it instead of creamer if that would be better for you. But that’s a wonderful memory that your daughter will likely cherish forever with her grandma, just like I do!

My son has a cup of coffee sometimes its in a smaller cup and mostly creamer honestly normal coffee really dont have a ton of caffeine in it

My 8yr old daughter has ADHD & anxiety. Coffee isn’t a stimulant for her, is has the opposite effect - she can actually concentrate. I make her ‘iced coffee’ in the morning with a little coffee, almond milk, lots of ice & Splenda, sometimes adding a little flavoring syrup if she’s feeling fancy :yum: Her behavior during the after a small coffee is night & day compared to without.


Some of my best memories when I was a little girl are of me and my grandmother sitting on the front porch in the morning, reading the paper (her reading the news, me reading the funnies), drinking coffee (not a lot) listening to the birds chirp and talking. She loved it, and I loved having that time with her. It was never about the coffee. It was about the meaning of that time we had together. There was something about that time that told me she respected me and loved and protected me (and she did more than I ever knew I needed at the time). Peaceful and uninterrupted time together. The people who say there’s no difference in her having a Coke or tea are absolutely right. Fast forward to today though…my grandmother is now 90 yrs old and has dementia, diabetes, and her kidney function is less than 20%. She doesn’t even remember what she had for breakfast. I’m currently caring for her and these days she doesn’t remember our times on that porch drinking coffee but I do :heart: and that’s what matters. Let them have their moments and try to understand that for them, there’s a much deeper meaning. Stay strong to your beliefs mama, but also choose your battles carefully :heart: That sweet baby is watching and learning.


Your decision :ok_hand:t3:

I remember being 5 years old and having a cup of coffee with my nana whenever I went to stay with her. Didn’t hurt me any, and now my mom and I chuckle at the sweet memory :heart:


I do have a cuppa tea with my 6 year old she loves a cuppa tea it is have to say no with coffee if it has me kinda jittery off a few cups I wouldn’t want my daughter feeling like that either but if your daughter is having it now and then it should be ok if it’s the tiniest amount of coffee

My Grandmother gave us coffee milk and sugar cookies when young one of my best memories :heart: that Grandma is creating memories

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I’d rather her have decaf coffee than what she’s giving her. But that’s something special between them. Let them do it

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My son drank a little but more milk than anything

My mom does this. But she does a very tiny bit of coffee and milk instead of creamer. She did it when I was a kid. It’s special moments! My son loves sitting on the porch with his paw paw and have his “coffee” with him.

Only a little bit every so often. My mom used to fill the cup halfway (give it take, maybe more) with milk and then the rest with coffee so I wouldn’t bounce off the walls (or bounce off the walls as much)

That is why what happens at grandma’s stays at grandma’s.

My son drinks coffee on the occasion. It has shown in children with ADHD that it helps calm them. It’s no more caffeine then soda and if it’s just a small cup once in awhile it’s not that big of a deal. If you dont want her to maybe ask grandma to make her hot cocoa that way they can still have their bonding moment. But idk if youre worried about the sugar aspect.

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Ask nana if she could do hot cocoa instead of coffee for the little one. If it’s only one small cup and a weekend visit I guess I would bite my tongue as I know how much I cherish the memories I have with my grandmother’s and know that there aren’t enough now that they have passed.

Some of the most awesome memories my kids had was sitting drinking coffee with my Mom and Dad. She added very little coffee and they are both gone now. I’d give anything for them to be able to ait together and drink coffee. :heart:


It’s special moments with grandma let it as long as it’s not lots tell her milk for her and call it coffee

I use decaff for my daughter and she’s 5 but add no sugar as she was forever pinching my cuppas when my back was turned xx

Oh Lawd she won’t die from a small cup of coffee!

Ask her to change it to “kids coffee”. My dad use to take me to a coffee shop every morning after taking my siblings to school and he would order me a kids coffee which is just sugar free hot chocolate in a small coffee cup I now do it with him and my 5 year old and it’s such a sweet moment for us. I was so little but never forgot how happy and cool I felt drinking my kids coffee haha

I would just ask her to use milk instead of creamer then a splash of coffee lol. One of my biggest memories with my grandma was staying weekends and we would always have hot tea. It was so cool she would let me pick out one of her fancy cups and saucers to drink out of. I still think about it all the time.


I wouldn’t take that memory away from my daughter. If she’s telling you about it then she probably really enjoys that moment with her grandma. I would send her to grandmas next time with decaf coffee and sugar free coffee. Or even some instant hot chocolate if I was bothered by the coffee.


I personally wouldn’t want my 5 year old having coffee but it’s not necessarily harmful.
“What happens at grandmas stays at grandmas” is just a saying that people use to get away with not respecting the parent’s boundaries, it’s bullshit. If you don’t want her drinking it then grandma shouldn’t offer it


Ask her to do warm milk with just a little splash of coffee, so its mostly milk. I bet she loves that time with her grandma.


One of my favorites memories with my Abuela who passed away in 2018 was being that age and drinking cafe con leche with her every morning while I dunked my Cuban bread in it. And that stuff is way stronger than any regular coffee :rofl:


Let Grandma and child have this special time of precious memories. . Good for both


Can she do hot cocoa instead. That’s what I have with my kiddos :woman_shrugging:t2:still has sugar. But there’s also sugar free u can but

I let my kids have "coffee milk ". Mostly milk, little bit of coffee.

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As a mother with a child who is already built with the energy of 7 Starbucks baristas zooming on 12 espresso shots each, I totally understand not wanting your kid to have coffee.
But on the other hand, that’s cute as hell. That’s a memory she’s likely gonna hold close for life. Maybe ask her to switch to decaf or something, even buy her some. And maybe a more healthy type of creamer, diluted with milk or something. Whatever you do, don’t ruin that memory for her.


It should be totally fine. When my girls were little, they loved getting up in the morning to drink coffee with my mama. When preparing their coffee, we put very little coffee and put extra milk and a little bit of Karo syrup in for sweetener. I’m talking about an ounce of coffee, and the rest milk. We would just warm it up and they absolutely loved it. :coffee::blush::blush:. They are grown now, and that is one of the many precious memories that they have of their precious grandma.:blush::kissing_closed_eyes:


My kids take sips out of my iced coffee all the time && they’re 1 and 3. It’s not a big deal :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I’m the odd ball here but,i understand where youre coming from.I think its an amazing bonding time for the both of them.When your daughter gets older,this will be one of the memories she has of her grammy.I remember sitting on my grandpas lap at the table when I was 3,dunking my donuts in my"coffee"

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I don’t see the harm in ruining such a sweet memory. Maybe nicely ask for an alternative to the coffee if it really bothers you that much.

Let grandma have fun. No biggie. As long as she’s not living on sugar, some every now and then with grandma is not bad. Hot cocoa probably has a lot of sugar and I’m sure most wouldn’t say a thing if it was hot cocoa.


Both my girls had “coffee” with nanna it created memories that will last a life time.

Stop weekends with Nana?! Because of morning coffee time that isn’t really coffee? Please don’t do that to your child or her grandmother. Yikes.


My grandmother used to put coffee in my bottle🤣 also, my almost 4 year old loves coffee and I save him the last couple of mouthfuls every morning.

Yes, my daughter drinks coffee & she’s 5. Lol she hardly ever finishes; after like three sips she just sits it down. Understand that caffeine is in quite a bit of our “regular” drinks too…for example tea, & pop (soda) .

I think it’s the vibes. They like feeling like a “big person” but they also like the bonding time. I think she admires her nana and just wants to show her love :two_hearts:. That’s probably their little thing :heart::heart: Maybe try to substitute with milk or vanilla/caramel flavored almond milk inside with just a splash of coffee.

But You are the mother and what YOU say goes, even nana must respect that.

Goodluck Queen :heart:

My son shares a “woffee” with his PawPaw all the time it’s his favorite thing. He gets Woffee & Donuts :doughnut: and he is a happy kid. When I was little my Nana used to give us Coffee with our Breakfast. I don’t allow him to have it all the time but having their own little thing is special


So you want to stop a special moment brcause you think a little coffee is bad? Coffee is not harmful to children yet parents think it is while letting their kids have sodapop which is far worse. It is a bonding time if you are conserved about the sugar all your mom nicely to go sugar free for your daughter’s coffee. Be glad your daughter has a grandma that lives her and wants to build special memories.

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:raising_hand_woman: coffee kid! Ask her to use milk. My grandma did the same with me. It was 90% milk and 10% coffee. My other grandma did the same with tea. I enjoy both now as an adult. :woman_shrugging:
My youngest loves ice caps from Tim Hortons, I only allow a few drinks. Also coffee can be good for some kids, surprisingly. My friends kiddo mellowed out after a cup of coffee, it can have a reverse effect on kids with adhd.

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My son is 5 and drinks coffee every morning. He had cancer and that is his “safe spot” drink. I understand not wanting to give them it but you can always do decaf!

I understand as a parent on the sugar. Totally get that, but nana has her special time with her grandbaby maybe your mom can just give her hot coco instead or maybe try sugar free coffee creamer?? Your not over reacting or anything your just being a mom and raising your baby your way. In the end its your decision i can only put my 2 cents in :grin: best of luck to you momma.

We would always leave a little tea or coffee in our cups and let our son finish it … do you let you child have chocolate or soda? They both have caffeine… along with a lot of other things. So over reacting if it’s once a week and not very much… I’m willing to bet your mom did the same thing with you when you were little.

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Ask her to switch her to caffeine free coffee, and milk. Or sugar free coffee creamer?

Loving memories are very valuable actually Priceless :heart::heart:


I give my kids sugar free hot cocoa when we camping so the feel big w their (coffee) lol

You don’t like creamer buy whole milk or half half, skim. Let them have their moments. Those will last a lifetime.


My favorite memory is my grandma taking my sister and i for “coffee” with the ladies at the local diner. We felt so grown up!
Also, drs prescribe newborn babies caffeine to help with acid reflux


Hey I am a grandparent, 2 or three drops of coffee in a glass of milk, they are proud, they most likely wouldn’t like the taste of it were a lot.

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Awe she’ll remember that for the rest of her life… make sure she gets consistent nutrition at home and leave them be, memories are priceless.


My toddler steals sips from my iced coffees all the time :see_no_evil::see_no_evil: and if I don’t catch him he will happily sip more. I think it’s a sweet memory to have and I remember drinking coffee with my mom when I was little. She would do the same thing. :heartpulse:

Oh this is dramatic af. My Mom is dead and I’d let her give my kid redbull through an IV drip if it meant my kids got to feel their Grandma’s love. Grow up.