No… most states have laws against it.
No. Not appropriate.
I wouldnt be ok with my child staying at her house at all. Not after only 1 month of dating. And not ok with sharing a room either
I’m pretty sure that’s illegal in most places even with biological siblings over the age of 5 that aren’t the same sex.
No !!! Take your daughter and don’t let him take her until he takes that damn boy out the room
Hell to the no and if he tries to tell you something. You can take his ass to court.
No. I wouldn’t. They should have their own space.
That’s actually illegal in most States.
Parents need to provide adequate housing and rooms for children.
Absolutely not. Even at 9 & 10 they need their privacy
Nope , here in GA it’s illegal, most states it is .
That’s a no from me. I have an 8yr old boy and as much as I know nothing would happen with a child of the opposite sex in his room I wouldn’t allow them to sleep in the same room.
Nah man. If they were 1-3 and it hadn’t been a month, maybbbeeee. But at that age, nah. I may be paranoid/neurotic and way into true crime, but so many kids are molested/raped by friends, playing “doctor” and all that. Nah. Plus I’m fairly certain if cps was ever called, they’d be in trouble bc 5+ opposite genders are not to share rooms, probably bc of my previous statement. I’d definitely be in court with my ex to establish some rules.
My s/o & I have been together 5 years, have 2 boys together and we each a kid before… they’re opposite genders and don’t share a room. They’re siblings and still wont happen.
lol. hell no. i wouldnt even put both of my bio kids of diff sexes in the same room. i c it as a privacy issue.
Um… they’re children so I don’t really see much of an issue. But my household was one that was ok with boys over on sleep overs so maybe that’s why I don’t see much of an issue with children sharing a room. Especially if it’s not a full time thing. BUT I would dislike the idea of my child being around anyone that’s only been around for a month. That’s the part that I would have a problem with.
No. At that are they start exploring their bodies. If they are playing in a room, always have door open. Check frequently.
No way! That’s not on for many reasons. The first being a privacy issue.
I think at that age, they need separate rooms. My opinion.
Absolutely fucking not!!! Hell fucking no!!! Nope!!!
Do you really have to ask that question?! I think that’s a common sense question
Nope!!! Kids at that age start getting curious… F that!
No at at that age cps would want them to have separate sleep spaces
I dont think that is legal. Once kids get to be a certain age, different genders need to be on separate rooms.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo in many states children after a certain age are not allowed to room share. Sometimes apartments have their own rules on that as well. Look it up and use it to back your argument if you can
Not at that age… Maybe at around 5 but not 9
Its illegal in our state for boys and girls to share a bedroom after the age of 7.
Although not illegal, it isn’t recommended after 10.
Child protective services would NOT be happy with that! Their not babies anymore. Let them take turns sleeping on the couch or give the kids the bedrooms and You sleep in the living room!
Very concerning, not really ok for children that age to share room with opposite gender
No. They need to sleep in different rooms
I am a property manager. the government says two kids of the same set in a bedroom, parents in a bedroom, one body on the couch
each child needs a bedroom
Never in my fucking life would i ever let this happen.
Absolutely not, children at this age are developing hormones and learning about their bodies. They need their own space.
No. Only if they are same parents and
After the youngest turns 5 children of the opposite sex aren’t supposed to be in the same room. This is definitely not okay
Absolutely not! That would be a big no no in my book
No not ok in any world
I don’t know where you’re from, but where I am it is not legal after the kids are 6. I would not be okay with it and would be doing something about it.
Uh no at that age regardless of how well known they should NOT be sharing a room … just my opinion
No way!!! Girls have their own rooms and boys have their own rooms. I think its law.
Nooooooooo freaking way!
Noooooope I don’t even let my daughter in her room with boys with the door closed, not acceptable at all
Boys and girls shouldn’t share a room period unless they are babies/toddlers. ONLY time its okay.
You people are ridiculous they are children. Yes I’d be fine with it. but not long term/once puberty starts.
Actually illegal in some states
Not a fucking chance
I know in Minnesota children 5 and over cannot share rooms with opposite genders per the law.
Nope here where I am thats not allowed past the age of 6
It’s not necessarily illegal, but it’s a great way to get cps involved. Ive heard plenty of horror stories about girls being molested by their step sibling so I personally would neverr put my child in that position.
NO!!! A thousand times no!!
Nope not ok. Legal or not. Just wrong.
Nope I do not agree with this.
Absolutely not. Don’t be a parent that puts your child in that sort of situation.
Absolutely NOT!!!fight that!! Document it…do not let her go back till better arrangements are made!
Nope, at that age they need separate rooms
No, I wouldn’t at those ages
It’s illegal if they’re not full blooded siblings and even then it’s still looked down upon. Take it up in a court room.
Heeeeeelll no.
Not for a day, an hour, a minute. Nope!
At those ages puberty and other things are stirring, and they need their privacies. Both kids.
He could get into trouble for letting them room together, because it’s a requirement that different genders have separate bedrooms.
The little boy may be a good kid, but there’s a chance he is not. Many bad things can happen. Do NOT allow this!
Honestly no because they are too old. Also depending on which state if caught and cps shows up, having a a boy and girl share a room I’d a big no no and they will get your butt for that. That’s a big rule in Florida.
No! Look at the state laws. Children of the opposite sex can not share a room over a certain age in many states even if biologically related.
Umm no. I have an 8 year old bonus son and a 6 month old son, along with my 5 year old daughter. No. I would not let them share with her by any means and they are mine.
Depends on the how grown up they are , it would be hard not knowing the other child. I would have a long talk with othe parnet
Hi momma, not trying to upset you but take what I say to heart. My step brother who’s 2 years older than me raped me when I was 11 and we weren’t sharing a room. I’d take to court and put my foot down on that ain’t happening
What about a co room for sleeping where everyone sleeps in same room .
In the scenario mentioned up top no, that’s not ok kinda scratch. But in the case for my family, we have 3 kids boy 7, girl 4, boy 2, ( all biologically mine and my husbands ) they all have had to share a room their whole life due to financial issues, we were just able to separate them in October for the first time now we have a boy room and a girl room. We didn’t see a huge deal in them all sharing at that young of an age.
Hell no related or not
Abso-fucking-lutely NOT!
Maybe up until a certain age. I feel like when he or she reaches age 4/5 they are ready for their own space and privacy. I shared a room with my sister willingly when we were teenagers, we had a blast
Hell no. Who thinks this is ok. Why can’t she sleep in the living room?
I shared a room with my middle brother till I was 9 but I guess it’s different when they’re not related
Nope. They’re getting curious at that age and it’s just not appropriate
Nope And if you go through court they were Require different sex have to have their own Room after 5.
HELL NO! In most state it again the law!
Nope…not even close to ok!
Hahaha nope I know a couple people who got pregnant like that
Isnt that illegal? I thought after the age of 5 opposite sex children need their own rooms
I was told after 5 they need to have separate rooms for separate genders
Afraid not at that age x
They need their privacy…
No not that old. Maybe if they were a lot younger.
After a month my kids wouldn’t have met new partner tbf. But no it shouldn’t be allowed at that age
NOOO!!! Absolutely not !
That’s stupid to even ask I’m sorry but what idiot would even allow this?
I don’t think girls should be sleeping in a room with any man or boy that isn’t her father over the age of 5. Brothers maybe a bit different for a bit while they are still young. Very trusted close family maybe, but thats it.
Honestly alot of abuse happens right in people’s homes from family and friends.
You have no clue how this boy really is or what he’s been through. I wouldn’t trust it.
It would depend on the maturity of both children. R they still innocent and it will be simply that: sharing a room. Or r they more mature and would be curious. I know 9 and 10 r young but I had kids when I was in 5th grade having sex. That being said, the kids r opposite sex, they should have separate rooms. Our bodies start changing at that age and it’s inappropriate.
My husband and I moved in with each other after 3 months. My son, and his 2 kids shared a room on/off when he had them on his weekends. Eventually it became permanent. It is 2 boys and 1 girl all under the age of 11.
There was never any issues unless you want to call the bedroom being constantly messy
Now they all have their own rooms but it took 5 years before we got a house.
I think you need to see how it goes before you make a decision.
In our case it helped us save some money to get a home.
Why dont you ask and see what their plans are for the future?
This maybe a temporary solution
We have been together/married 8 years next month
Oh and he got custody of my stepdaughter 3 years into our relationship. Now he is working on custody of my stepson
I wouldn’t be comfortable with this, if they were only dating for 1 month he don’t even know the woman or her son well enough to have his daughter spend the night, definitely not in a room with a boy
Nope. When my daughter goes with her father for his time with her she Sleeps on the futon couch because his fiancé’s son has the bedroom over at their apartment which I understand because her son is with them way more than our daughter is with him since we live out of state with my husband now
My 3 kids (2 girls and 1 boy) all share a room, not ideal but it’s all we can afford… however, they have always shared a room and at one point we all were in one room together and it’s not at all weird to me or them, my son actually is scared if his sisters aren’t there at night but he’s always had someone in the room with him… but absolutely not would trust another kid in my kids room (boy or girl) at that age when u don’t even know them, their upbringing or what may have happened to them or in front of them, not to mention ur ex barely knows them either… I don’t blame u for being upset or uneasy about it at all…
No freakin way!!! One of them can be on the couch… but not in the same room. Make sure the daughter knows this is not acceptable and if they try to make her, have her call mom asap!
No way in hell! Boys in 1 room girls in another. Right now my 13 yr old son and 9 year old stepson share a room. Stepson is here every other weekend. My 4 year old son and my 7 year old daughter share a room then my 13 year old step daughter has her own room. The girls were sharing a room and my 4 year old had his own room but we switched because I babysit 2 little girls and it wasn’t ideal to have the 13 year old girl to have to be stepping on toys or the little kids getting into her stuff so we moved the little kids and all the toys together in 1 room. Once it starts being weird for my little ones to share a room we’ll be switching them back.
If the both have shared custody and they both use the room but at different times then ok but not if they both are staying at the same time.
Yes and no. One month no. An on going relationship where I have met her and her son AND feel comfortable, yes.
Absolutely not! Totally inappropriate. I dont even let my own 9 and 11 yr olds share a room. And they are full blood siblings.
Absolutely not. If they were toddlers or younger kids, maybe but not at that age, no
A 9 year old shouldn’t be sharing w anyone outside her immediate family.
Absolutely not! It would be one thing if they where related/grew up together or if they used it with alternating visits. But who knows how mature that kid is. Sounds like a bad idea. She’s at the age too that she needs privacy because she’s starting to learn and understand her body differently.
I shared a room with my little brother and little sister before. However, I feel if it’s not their sibling, idk I don’t think it’d be right… Also, I wanted my privacy! I was tired of having to change in the bathroom and not being able to change in my own room. Or having the room filled with boy toys, I hated it. I wouldn’t do that to your daughter.
wow! he sure moved fast. only together for a month and already moved in together… but back to the question: no, I wouldn’t allow it. why? they are the curious age where their bodies are changing and might get “curious” about the body of the opposite gender.