Would you be okay with your husband leaving to hunt so much?

If your husband were gone a total of 8 weekends in the fall for cycling events and hunting would that be okay with you? Why or why not? We have a 9, 12 and 15 year old and I’m a SAHM if that matters. Thank you


As long as you also have weekends for you

My mum was fine with my step father going away weekends during hunting season… Just seemed like a natural thing growing up as that was his passion.


Yes PLEASE GO!!! Alone time with myself after the littles are in bed and one less baby to take care of for awhile.:rofl::rofl::rofl: except mine does not hunt but if he did I would so be okay with it.

I wouldn’t care… my husband needs hunting , it’s his time with God and his outlet from the world, it gives him peace so I encourage him to hunt


I would be upset because I like the fall and only a few weekends of good weather so I would wanna do family outings. Live in WI so gets cold quick.

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Nope… could you be away that much time??? Just imagine if that time was spent with the family on little get aways!!! My grown kids tell me how much they loved the last minute getaways!!! Travel as a family is a gift like no other!!

My husband use to hunt( not that much) and l had no problem with it. As for the cycling go with him. You don’t need to cycle just be there to watch. Take the kids once in awhile; get a motel and have a family getaway. Also one of the weekends that he’s gone have a “you” day. Get someone to stay with the kids and go do things just for you. Pick your battles.


You need to make time for your hobbys. As long as hubby happy to let you do same I don’t see an issue

The kids are old enough to be pretty easy and low maintenance, so much easier to take on solo while he’s away. Since he is the provider, I wouldn’t be making an issue of it. Personally I would be okay with this.


Depends on a lot of things. If it brings him joy, you should want him to go. But is he reciprocating the support of you getting to do something you love? Is he helping out before he leaves or leaving you to fend for yourself like you’re not in a partnership? Parenting takes two but you each need to be your own person too when you get a chance


Probably not for me. We share our responsibility in the relationship from home chores to caring for the kids. Not to mention work. If he takes me with him, that’s a whole other story but I don’t like hunting lol.

With the prices of groceries right now? I wish I could send someone in my house hunting!!! Take as many weekends as you need as long as your bringing home food!

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I would support it 100% for him to have him time which everyone needs. But I would also plan my own me time, a couple days a month for just you.


Yup. As long as I’m allowed me time as well when he’s home :sparkles:.


I have 5 kids from 1 to 8 and it can be hectic and I struggle when he’s gone so much but I respect it. Just a natural part of life

People….he isn’t just gone for hunting. Or did you miss that?
In any event…bye! Have fun.
Find your own hobbies for when he’s gone.

Just in the fall? Non-issue.

Oh yes! Love a full freezer and a happy man that got to get out and hike to his hearts content. Before kids, we used to hunt together. Mine are 2 and 4 years old… once they are bigger, we’ll go as a family :blue_heart: I can’t wait!!!


I think it depends on the dynamics of your relationship. My husband, during hunting season, I know Saturdays are for hunting. I know the week before thanksgiving he goes to camp with his dad and uncle and cousin. And I know during spring Wednesday evenings are for trap. He did these things looooong before I came into his life. This is the time that he gets to actually enjoy life and live it a little bit. He works so hard for our family day in and day out. He deserves a break.
I’m a stay at home mom. I don’t get a break other than if he can tell I’m really overwhelmed he’ll send me to dollar general for a break :joy: but I still wouldn’t expect him to give up his hobby just because they’re several weekends in a row

But , hunting is seasonal, if he is using “going to hunt “ as an excuse to leave sure there will be some issues but if he is actually doing it hunting season you should not have any problem with it.
Specifically when your kids are grown and not toddlers/ infants.
Having me time to be able to do whatever we like to do is helpful, important and very much needed, I hope you have the opportunity to do your stuffs as well

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Go ahead…take kids with you too! Girls hunt too! Lol least us girls do! We can hunt as good too! Good for me to have them…good for him as well! Or split weekends taking them. Fair deal.


Hunting = food in the freezer, so yes this would be amazing in my books… plus 9, 12, and 15 year Olds aren’t exactly toddlers


Don’t say you are going Hunting or Fishing but go to visit Alta Britz for a week at St Lucia bay Kzn

All I could think about is the good meat my husband is bringing home! :wink: jokes aside, hunting is seasonal. It’s not like he’s hunting all year.


Yes my husband has done it for 30plus years and at least he is a cheater or addict. It’s hunting and he always took the kids when they got older as well


I would be fine with it with kids that age!

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Yes… you don’t have toddlers other then maybe cooking and Driving them places you aren’t running around taking care of them… find a hobby of your own .he probably has been hunting long before he even meet you

I wouldn’t mind… we have a 9yr old and an almost 5yr old. I’m a sahm and I homeschool them… he normally only has Sundays off anyway so really that’s only 4 extra days for me. He encourages my hobbies so why wouldn’t I do the same for him? Sure my hobbies are things I can do at home but he makes it a priority to give me the time and space to do them without being interrupted by kids or whatever. He hasn’t hunted in years but if he wanted to, I’d be for it… nowadays when he needs a break from reality we spend a day at Disney lol


As a hobby or to provide food, no. But if it starts getting put before family or effecting things at home, yes it would start to bother me.


When I had brand new babies: hell nah.
Now that they’re 4+ I love when my husband goes hunting.
I miss the crap out of him but I also don’t feel obligated to cook big meals every night.
Cereal for dinner? I think yes :joy:
In all seriousness though, as long as you’re both getting equal time for hobbies and you’re not expected to have house keeping and child raising as your only hobby then there’s nothing wrong with him having his own time away.

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Yeah, I’d be ok with that. Hunting seasons are set time frames. In lots of places it can be just a few days or a few weeks or a month or two. So for working people who hunt the weekends are really the only time they get to enjoy their hobby/craft. While yes it sucks to be stuck with kids for 8 weekends in a row. That’s 16 days out of 365 days (Sat/Sun only). I can suffer through 16 days to allow my husband the ability to hunt.


Yes I’d be fine with it. It’s his hobby. The kids are at ages that they can practically take care of themselves.

Does 15 year old hunt? How about 12 yo?
Is he gone ALL weekend or does he come home when it gets dark?

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Most guys dont wake up at 40 and decide to take up hunting. They grow up doing it with their dads or family and they teach their kids. So if he was doing this long before he met you, why is it a problem now? Also, your kids are getting older. Go out in the woods with him. Does he take your kids too?? I can’t understand this one at all. A freezer full of deer meat for the family is well worth it!


My wife would be fine with it if I actually had time to go hunting


I personally wouldn’t mind, but we have also gone together. If it does bother you, why not ask him to shorten 1 day out of the week to spend with you and kiddos? Or so you could do something for yourself? If it made my husband happy, I’m all for it! Especially when it’s putting food on the table. We have two boys, and the oldest is almost old enough to hunt now too. Hubby is SO excited to bring him along. Also, why can’t the kids go with? Are they not allowed, or just not interested? Either way, communicate with your hubby about how you feel. Good luck. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

Why would you love a man that loves to kill ! Yuk. I could not bear to have his body touch my body. This must be USA that love to kill so glad I left.


Depending on if he stays gone all weekend or just goes out hunting in the morning and comes home. I definitely wouldn’t go for it if he’s gone Friday to Sunday for 8 weekends. I grew up with a hunting family and hunted with my dad and we’d go every weekend but would be gone from 5am til lunch.

He’s shirking his responsibilities

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It for me. My ex husband would go for weeks at a time and leave me home with the kids. When I wanted to go away for a weekend he told me the kids were my responsibility not his. Needless to say he’s an ex

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I would have a problem with him hunting for sport
(No I’m not a vegan)

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I wish a mofo would!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: Imagine complaining about this lmao


He’s the 1 going to work everyday providing for the family. He definitely deserves that time… If your not happy maybe you should find someone else


Why would we be upset our husband has hobbies?
He’s supporting the family alone, he deserves to enjoy his time off, not to mention hunting is also ANOTHER way he’s providing for your family
Unless you’re homeschooling you’re a sahm by your choice so that’s not even a relevant point to bring up


It caused my daughter’s divorce.

He deserves some time to himself BUT 8 weekends in a row is stupid. He helped make the kids - he should be spending time with them because THEY deserve to have a parent that is present. Do you get time to yourself too???

Nope. That is 8 weekends of no second parent doing their part. 8 weekends your children are missing time with their father. And no staying home doesn’t matter. He has his own weight to pull whether or not he works


Why not? As long as he is giving you time when u ask there really shouldn’t be an issue with it. Why would you want him to give up something he loves? Have you considered going hunting or cycling with him? Find a sitter for the little one and go with him. Now, it would be different if he didn’t want u to go with him or even go do something for yourself (sometimes deer camp has a no women rule :roll_eyes: men) . If you cant even go do youe own thing while he stays woth the kids, then I would say that’s controlling and unhealthy and you may want to consider your options in leaving. Otherwise let him go do his thing.

Fuck yes! Go hunt go play with a gun in the woods with your buddies! Idc.
You’re a stay at home mom regardless why that matters. He’s working for you to stay home. Leave him alone. Or go get a job.

Umm what? You are not deserving of a husband. 100 years ago—that husband hunting was feeding you and your kids for the year! It’s really no different. More sport now than then—however. PLEASE—the man is involved in healthy activities and you are tone deaf to not recognize

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Oh yes. As well as fishing season! My husband takes great pride in the role as the provider…if he has the opportunity to stock that freezer I am all for it!

It’s fine with me. Mine is gone all week working and when it’s deer season he’s hunting. It’s the way it’s always been. We have 4 kids 10,8,2, and 1. It’s something he loves to do and our kids love it to. He takes 1 with him every now and then.

I love that my husband has a hobby that brings him so much joy. Seeing how excited and fired up he gets while talking about it or gearing up makes my heart happy. Our freezer full of meat is a major bonus lol!

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Yep kids are pretty Independent at those ages I’d be taking some me time

100% yes! I actually enjoy the time when he’s away. Maybe that sounds bad. Love the guy. It just strengthens our marriage to have time apart! Plus, then there’s meat in the freezer. I actually hunt too, so I understand the excitement behind it. Find something for you to do, so you can get away for a weekend. That may help with the resentful feelings.

I have a 2,3, and 7 year old! My husband hunts whenever for as long as he wants. It doesn’t bother me. I plan fun things to do with my girls during those times!

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It would be cool if he took the kids to hunt one weekend. Or one each weekend so they learned how to hunt too if they’re interested

Before we moved my husband went gator, duck, deer, hog hunting. He was gone a bit for that. Now that we have moved he goes camping more than hunting. But we both need our separate time and our together time. It’s important to still do and have the things you each enjoy without each other. We’ve been happily married for 18 years.

My husband takes me and the kids with him

My husband doesn’t have any interest in hunting, let alone going anywhere, but as long as he gave me time off as well, I’d be totally okay with it. Moms need breaks too.

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Yes because it doesn’t happen all year! I’d give anything for my husband to go hunting. Be grateful for what your husband gets to do.


Go with him and make it a family event.

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9,12 & 15?? Girl go have some fun! What you stressing over him and weekends for your kids are old enough for you to get your life back!


I’m fine with it bcuz I know that he likes doing it and he dosent really get a lot of hobby time outside of work and family life plus when he gets that deer its jerky time!

I think none of our kids are hunters partly because of my husband being off hunting so much when they were growing up.

Hunting only happens on certain dates during the year, he probably looks forward to this all year and if it makes him happy then good. This is meat in your freezer which he probably froze his a** waiting on that deer to come out. You should appreciate his dedication and patience and be happy that he’s doing something he loves. At least he’s not gone to spend time with another person, he’s doing something he loves and you should be taking this time to do things you want or start joining him!

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When I met my husband, he told me that he hunted and fished. I knew what to expect. When the children were young, I stayed at home with them if they didn’t want to go with him. Once they were older and left home, I started going with him. I am his hunting and fishing buddy now.

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He’ll naw…go feed our family! See ya later man :rofl: I wish my husband hunted

I’d be fine with it if he gave me even half as much time for me to have weekend getaways! Being a stay at home mom is WORK!

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I’ve been used to it since I started dating him. He and I been together 4 years he warned me year 1 he hunts, we have a 3 year old together and one on the way. Gives me time to myself when my son is busy doing his own thing. He comes home after doing his own thing and talks to me about it. If it’s getting to be too much for you, you have to tell him.


I feel this is normal for most men that enjoy hunting. I wouldn’t have an issue.

My husband goes for an entire week. I’d be fine with weekends.

Lol mine would go everyday if he didn’t have work. He provides food that way so I’m ok with it

Y’all go with him. Make it a family thing! My husband always took the kids when we lived where he had to leave to hunt. Now we live in the forest and the kids all hunt also. As they have got older, they hunt alone. No reason y’all cannot make them family weekends. I would go sit with him while he hunted or stayed in the camper and chilled, (when we didn’t live in the forest!). Now when they hunt I sleep in and catch up on other things.

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Do you get time like this when you need or desire it?

If he is providing the family with meat from said hunts, then cool. But if he comes home empty-handed every time, I’d question it

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Sure yeah as long as he is supporting your hobbies as well

We’ve been together almost 19 years (married for 11 years with a 9 year old) & my husband hunts more than just a few weekends in the fall :joy: it’s year round for us. But if you went into it KNOWING he was a hunter… there’s not much you can say?? You knew his interests before you married him. If you don’t TRUST him being gone that much, that’s a whole different issue completely.

Book yourself a girls weekend trip to the spa on his off weekends if you need a break

Hunting for food- hopefully that means we’ll stocked them deep freezer. I would be happy…
Hunting - going out and searching for food for the family.
Yes it takes a lot longer than going to the grocery store real quick but in the end should have y’all money on meat.


I personally wouldn’t care. Once hunting season is over, take some weekends for yourself if you wanted? Is there more to the problem? Are you lacking his time and attention when he is home? If everything else is good let him have his fun and you can have yours too.


I don’t care if he chooses to. I joke I’m single until the season is over. :joy: If I need him, he’s here. But we like a full freezer and he enjoys it. :tipping_hand_woman:

My husband provides for me and our children, so yes if that’s what he chooses to do then I would definitely let him. Plus it would save on meats

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That’s not a lot of time spent hunting at all. I’m in Idaho and trust me guys here have base camps they stay 60 days at a time.

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My husband doesn’t hunt but I would be okay with him spending a set group of 8 weekends devoted to his hobbies because he is typically a present and participating partner in our household. As a military wife and veteran myself, I’m quite independent. I’ve spent countless weekends and years worth of deployments, training, temporary duty, and overnight duty being a solo parent. My husband and I also have different hobbies and take separate vacations. Earlier this year I spent 6 weeks in California with my sister while my husband managed the household solo.

If you’re struggling with him being gone for 8 weekends, there’s something amiss with your everyday routine that needs to be addressed. You are a human with needs that are important, but his need to have time for his hobby is important too. The two of you need to figure out how to balance your life to meet both of your needs.

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Yes. Only if I could leave just as many times.

Story of my entire marriage lol I like him far too much for it to be an issue though, it’s his hobby and it sticks my freezer for the winter, plus we have fun processing The deer together so :woman_shrugging:t2:

Hah. 8 weekends. I’ve been with my husband for nearly 13 years. He’s a AVID hunter and gone a good 60 days for hunting throughout the year if not more because he hunts deer, ducks, geese, turkey, pheasant, rabbit and he’s about to start black bear. Take it as time home to yourself to relax. We have 3 children 2, 5, and 8 and we end up having fun days at home. Sure I miss him a lot but I love having a freezer full of meat that only cost a tag and license


As long as he isn’t coming home empty handed, he’s providing for his family and doing something he loves to do, win win.

I would have him take the kids :woman_shrugging:. Get some real peace and quiet , but that’s just me. I would love it if my man had a hobby besides the hobby we do together . I feel like I would get so much done .

My dad goes two weeks a year. Basically it adds up. He’s retired, your husband probably is not. At least he’s home during the week, he’s probably pretty toned too. Kids are old enough. Why not go have some girls time?

Our Inuit culture, the men are out hunting and working all the time, us Inuit women do our part taking care of the meat, our children and the house

Oh heck yeah! Let him go!

Yep. Kids are know enough to know better maybe even go join him.

Yes. Most hunters hunt for food to feed their families during the winter because they keep the meat. I wouldn’t be complaining. Plus your kids are old enough to go with their dad if he invited them and they can learn and understand how to hunt also. Have you ever thought about asking for all of you to go as a family possibly?


Moderation was the key for our big family. He started out. Gungho every single night of hunting season. I had to say something. Having 4 kids home every night without any help or interaction or not one single evening available for me to get a break was a bit much for 3 solid months. So, he chilled a bit on his 2nd year and from there on.

If it’s just the weekends I wouldn’t mind

My husband just got back from a 10 day hunting trip. I practically escorted him out the door :laughing: I think it’s important to have your own hobbies and interests. He doesn’t bat an eye at my shenanigans! Our kids are 5&7, I’m also a SAHM.

My husbands hunts from the start of deer season to the end Bow rifle and at times black powder. I have no problem with it. I have a cross bow he bought me and a deer rifle i have gone with him several times. But if he wants to go every day i have no problem with it! When our kids were young he also took them. Now that they are grown they still hunt together as well as our grandkids! Let the man hunt there are worse things he could be doing!!

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Lol. You are fighting a losing battle.