Would you be okay with your man talking to a female friend all the time?

My boyfriend said it’s different at work but not at work is weird and could be a sign she wants some lol I would say big no to this one. I was going to add a personal experience a long time ago I dated a guy for about 2 months and a girl came up to me and asked me questions about the relationship and then turned around and slept with him so my gut feeling just says a big no on this.

If he allows you to read the Convo every now and then ("includes you’) and if he isn’t hiding his phone . It’s okay . Just don’t put yourself in a situation of anxiety and distrust that it ends up ruining you or your relationship, you are his best friend and just invite her for a coffee , if he refuses then you have all the right to ask but why ? Literally allow him to have a friend but he has to be honest with you at the same time and willing to compromise. Both ways actually.

Also he doesn’t talks to her more than you?

You know him and his personality, if it changes drastically because of their friendship then get worried but for now just trust him and use your right as his to invite her and get to Know her as a family .

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My best friend is a man we’ve known each other for 16 yrs he lives down the street we FaceTime almost daily we hang out … as long as your secure in your relationship it shouldn’t be a problem there should be no doubt . My husband is fine with my best friend

Invite her over and get to know her. You will be able to tell if you got anything to worry about…and if you don’t who knows maybe you will make a new friends


I wouldn’t have an issue if they spoke, but if he is putting more time and effort into his “female” friend then I would have an issue.


Well lets be honest, you don’t own him and he should be able to pick and choose his own friends.

This sounds like me and one of my (male) coworkers. He & I talk a lot outside of work and we both know that we are just friends,nothing more. I haven’t physically meet his girlfriend but I know the two of them are dating and she knows about me.

That ma’am is your gut feeling trying to tell you to leave


I had the same problem. I was okay with it at first but then problems occurred and it led to us breaking up because of it.


I worked in an office, I spoke to this guy everyday he was a sparky I did all the bookings. We talked daily and after work. We where just great mates nothing more to it. I would speak to his wife while being on speaker phone etc. Males and females can just be friends.


I am. If you have no trust you have no relationship.

Some of my fiancé’s best friends were women. He spent our engagement party sat on his best friends knee (woman)

But it was me he came home to

If they had been a long time child hood friend, or friends for a long time, before me, I wouldnt mind.

I don’t care. I’m friends with my hubby’s really good female friend. He doesn’t cross the line or talk to her about or personal things though. That would bother me…not in a cheating way but just a certain things are supposed to remain between us.

If it makes you uncomfortable you should tell him. How he responds will tell you everything you need to know.

No, and hell no. Why does he have to talk to her outside the office? They areore than co workers and JUST friends. Your insecurity from your past relationship has nothing to do with it.

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Tell her to fuck off … simple.
It’s different if they are friends since they were little / family like but work colleagues… hmm. Sorry i wouldn’t trust it

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would you be okay with your man talking to a female friend all the time? - Mamas Uncut

My partner has female friends…and I have male friends … that we both talk to frequently…if he was gonna cheat… he would do so without having female friends or not.

Maybe sit down with your partner and explain how u feel. But if its totally.inncocent…don’t expect him to cut her off. Relationship are nothing without trust


I’m best friends with a guy I work with and we talk almost every day but there is honestly nothing romantic in it

If he’s not hiding the communication from you, then there’s no issue. I’ve had this where they would talk constantly to a female (which they had had a crush on prior to our relationship) but lie about it to me. Saying they hadn’t talked to them in forever when in actual fact I caught a quick glimpse of the messenger before he angled the phone away and knew it was her he was talking to. It hurt me emotionally to know that he would lie about it.

If he’s openly doing it, not hiding anything then it should be OK. Talk to him about how you’re feeling. But in a non argumentative way. It’s gonna eat you up inside if you don’t. Communication is the key.

If he won’t discuss it and be open to toning down the amount of texting (because regardless of who it is, texting, calling, communicating with others all day does cut in to a relationship) then I’d be more concerned

absolutely because i trust him, a relationship without trust is not a relationship, im sorry you were cheated on before but you cannot tar all men with the same brush if you see an issue with this you need to leave and sort out your insecurities before you get into another relationship

You will only damage this relationship if you cannot trust him. Without trust a relationship is nothing more than a friendship with trust issues

She asked in case you would reacted negatively and you did. She understands that people can be uncomfortable with the opposite gender being friends. Someone mentioned you invited her for dinner. Maybe you could both go for coffee and you could express yourself or all 3 of you could go somewhere, just so you get to know her. I get what you mean that he has cheated previously but he is very open with the friendship so that’s a great sign. Good luck with everything .

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I have a boyfriend and I have a male co worker I speak to most days which my boyfriend knows about. My co worker has a girlfriend as well… there is honestly nothing romantic in it whatsoever lol. We basically chat shit about work and people :joy: I wouldn’t worry too much but if it is playing on your mind and you have insecurities around it then just be honest with him and talk to your partner about it and how you feel.

If the cheating was a previous relationship then leave it there. Have a dinner party or something and invite her


You’re allowed to have non-romantix relationships with people of the opposite sex. If there isn’t trust in your relationship without due reason to mistrust him then your relationship will be doomed.


Suggest a threesome and if he declines you know where he stands :+1:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would you be okay with your man talking to a female friend all the time? - Mamas Uncut


My best friend is a guy and his wife is also one of my best friends. I was best friends with him first before I even met her :woman_shrugging:t2: but I had nothing but love and respect toward both of them and their relationship, and the three of us have one of the strongest friendships ever. There was never anything but true friendship love between him and I. He’s like the brother I never had. She has no problem that he’s my best friend and we talk a lot, just as my boyfriend doesn’t have a problem with it either. It all comes down to trust and respect. Without that, i can imagine it would be much harder.
Hopefully you can figure out the best course of action for you.


Nope it should be but leaves a door open… After 15 years he cheated and now agrees and sees how she impacted his perspective manipulated him and turned him against the woman that loved him for almost 2 decades she damn near stole my entire future he reached out to his long ago ex to say how well he was doing and hoped.the same for her even though she was in a long committed relationship she still wanted my life can’t blame her he’s better than him in every single way but seriously knowing he had two small kids and been together so long takes a special kind of shitty soul unfortunately I’m not ok with trusting my happiness and life with some random woman if she want to be friends with him than she needs to be introduced to me pretty early on and told about as soon as he is talking to her outside of.the workplace if it’s being hidden it cheating period


She’s putting the feelers out, if he says no she now knows she can say what she wants and if he says yes she knows you communicate…… I have been in this situation more times that I can tell you and……. He cheated every time…. If in your gut it feels off, it is! don’t let anyone tell you it’s just insecurity…. They are :100: not just pals…. And if they are now it won’t stay that way. :heart:


That’s such a slippery slope. If she’s asking if you know, she is likely either making sure he doesn’t have inappropriate intentions or she has her own inappropriate intentions.

It could be harmless but the reasons they do it is because of the thrill… likely, not always but usually. Its not worth the risk of hurting you. If it clearly hurts and bothers you and is uncomfortable then I wish for you that he would simply stop doing that.

I am sorry you are having to experience that. It hurts. Indeed.


I personally would not be ok with it. What seems like harmless talking now could lead to more later. Opposite sex friendships are off limits in my relationship. Plus it just seems disrespectful. Even if you can trust your partner, it doesn’t mean that the other persons intentions are pure.


I agree with some of the other people above that she obviously thinks the amount of time they talk would be concerning to a significant other, now since I don’t know her personally, I’m not sure if she is pointing it out to him out of concern for your relationship or if she is trying to cause concern in your relationship. I have a lot of male friends, I think you should invite her over for dinner so you can see how she reacts to you and what your feelings are about them being friends after seeing them interact in person. That’s what I would do and it’s also what I do when a male friend gets a gf, I try to let them know they don’t have to worry about me, I’m not after their man. Good luck!

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You’re not alone. There are some women that can respect relationships and boundaries but this day and age… 99.6% of them don’t care about anything but themselves.

Just be careful.


She might have asked because she wanted to know if you were okay with it and didn’t want any problems between you and her. Long as I’m being respected in both parties I’m okay with it. I don’t think it’s okay to control who your partner talks too. It’s find of toxic to me. Long as there is no real reason to not trust them, it should be okay. Maybe meeting her would make you feel better about it.


Her asking that question is super sketch to me. Having friends is one thing but they seem a little too personal for my taste. There are boundaries. Why is she asking him if he’s told you how much they’ve been talking…
That to me is super sketch.


That’s how my marriage ended. It ended up being more than a friend. It can totally be just a friendship but in my case it wasn’t so I get how you’re feeling about it.


I mean hes an adult he can be friends with whoever or whatever. If you have problems with it talk to him About it. You not talking about it and turning a blind eye just because you dont want the issue to arise is whats going to make an issue arise.


In my opinion (I’m a therapist/licensed professional counselor) she wouldn’t have asked him if you knew about her and him talking all the time if she didn’t want to make you jealous in some way. She most likely does have at least an inkling of wanting to be more than friends with him, and by asking that she is hoping to put that into his head too.

Also, what kind of things does your husband talk about with her? Emotional things? Does he share with you what he talks to her about? Does he go to her for things before you? Is there a reason for this? I’d encourage you to explore some of this with him. Emotional cheating is a very real thing, even if he doesn’t think of it that way.


I think it depends on your relationship and how much both of you are dedicated to it. I have been in relationships that I absolutely would not be ok with that. With my husband, I would be ok with it. He and I are equally committed to our relationship and each other. If there comes a time that our relationship is rocky, I’m not sure I would be ok with it.

Also, I’m pretty sure her asking about if you know how much they talk, is her trying to gage his interest in her. If he is committed to you and your relationship, he should have shut down that kind of talk.


I don’t think that’s showing you respect if your significant other always talks to his female friend… Yes, he can have friends and even female friends but there is a fine line… If he always has to talk to them I feel there is more to their “friendship” so I’d say I’m not okay with it…


All I’m going to tell you is to read: You are the one you e been waiting for by Richard Schwartz and do the work you need to in order to realize your worth. Everyone has insecurities but it’s how you handle them. We’ve all been in shitty situations at some point in life and it’s a matter of having faith and trust in the person. The man you’re with isn’t the man that cheated on you and to treat him as such is unfair and shows you didn’t heal before getting into a relationship with him.


That’s that guy instinct. You should express how you feel to him and if he brushes your feelings off then there’s definitely something going on. They talk all the time regularly and work together, someone is bound to get feelings. I know this from experience and seeing other friends as well.

When you hear people say, “they’d never put themselves in a position to lose you”, that is the truth. The person that loves you would see your feelings and where you’re coming from and act in your favor. -because they dont want to lose you.


I wouldn’t like it because, we barely have time to talk to each other. If he chooses to make time to talk to another female; entertain another female, even a guy friend over making that time and effort for his marriage and family… they can keep him. I won’t settle for less love than I give.


If he is gonna cheat he will cheat no matter what kind of restrictions you put on his friendships :woman_shrugging: the fact there is transparency is a good sign - communicate that you are feeling insecure because of past relationships but appreciate that he is being open with you about his friendship and that you understand that your insecurities are your responsibility but that it would be helpful if he could acknowledge them and not break your trust - that it will go a long way in helping you heal and helping you both to have a healthy relationship :heart: conversations like this can happen, its good communication and these things can be talked about without blame or accusations, I wish you both the best


Nope… If it is outside work, there is more going on. If gut says something is wrong, it’s wrong


maybe she was just asking to gauge whether you’re comfortable with it?? anyone that says you can’t talk to work friends out of work is insecure beyond belief, i met one of my best mates through her boyfriend that i work with


Also I see alot of issues with her asking him if you know they are talking, and if I had a male friend that I knew was married, I’d also ask that question. If he is hiding our friendship from his wife, then we probably shouldn’t be friends. Just saying.


I have a male work colleague i just click with. Just mates. We text out if work because he is struggling at home.

My husband makes a joke about it but he knows me, he knows I care.

He also knows nothing is going on. However there are no there are past issues which seems to be underlying here.


It’s hard to say because everyone’s relationships are different but I think I’d need more context :sweat_smile: opposite sex friendships can definitely exist. There are also a handful of times where certain things cross boundaries for an s/o as well and that isn’t ok imo either because both partners should be and feel respected. Is she constantly over stepping or are they just close in general?


yes, your partner can have female friends. Your partner could have male friends. Your partner could have any friends that they want.

insecurity is an absolutely valid emotion. There is no shame in feeling insecure. The problem comes when you try to place rules or boundaries on another person based off your own inecurities

unless your partner by his own actions have given you reason to distrust him, you should trust him. You want him to trust you, don’t you? Do you want to have your relationships and your actions to be limited by his insecurities? I’m going to guess probably not. Nobody does

if you want your partner to trust you, you need to trust your partner.

think about how many friends you have of the opposite gender. Are you capable of a platonic friendship? Are you capable of becoming friends with somebody of a gender that you are attracted to without them wanting to get in their pants?

so is your partner. And so is this friend.

what you do is you talk with your partner. You let them know that you are trying to balance your feelings of insecurity with the acknowledgement that you do not own your partner and he is free to form any attachments with any person that he wants. you speak together and agree upon what counts as cheating and what does not. You agree upon boundaries in your relationship. And then you trust him to live within those boundaries just as he’s trusting you to live with in them

you do not own him. He does not own you.

yes, it is very scary to trust when you are feeling insecure. Yes, it is very hard to get past feelings of insecurity. No, you are not a jerk for feeling insecure.

the only problem comes depending on what you do with your feelings of insecurity based off of the scenario around you


Absolutely. Why does your man have to pay the consequences of your previous experiences? She may have asked because she doesn’t want that conflict and hopes you understand their friendship. Obviously she knows about you and your opinion matters at minimum if she is asking. Invite her over, or go out to eat with friends and invite her. If you don’t trust your man, what kind of relationship do you really have?


This is something that you guys have to talk about and decide what is ok for YOUR relationship. My personal opinion if you’re not ok with it, he shouldn’t have conversations with females outside of work or talking about work. Same if he wasn’t ok with you talking to males outside of work or work related conversations. you should respect how he feels.

I personally don’t care that my husband has female friends. There have been some over the years that have crossed lines, but he put them in their place.


I’m fine with it but I’m not the jealous type unless I’ve been given a reason. I like to believe that if she was inappropriate my bf would put her in her place. And tell her clearly he is in a realtionship ect


Maybe she wants to make sure u know about their friendship & keeping him honest… I dont necessarily monitor his friendships & I know it all depends on the person & what’s going on. But talk to him. Also, u can’t hold your own insecurities over his head. Either u trust him or u don’t. If you talk to him & yall come to an agreement, if he breaks whatever that is, u have a decision to make… But talk to him & let him know where you’re at & how u feel. I hated losing good friends because my partner was insecure. .


It is not healthy to control who your significant other speaks to. If you are controlling the situation you will never truly see who someone is anyway. If he’s gonna cheat, don’t you wanna know that sooner vs later? Besides. It is on you to work on your insecurities before you get into a relationship and project them onto someone else who has done nothing to you.


I find the fact that she asked to be a flag. As if she too knows it’s not the norm…jmo


It was ok until it became an obsession. Every day, all day, texting and talking. Then I discovered inappropriate text messages. I was heartbroken. As far as I know he’s not texting her anymore. At least not while I’m home. Then again, I don’t trust that because the trust was broken. It’s been almost two years and I still have issues.


It comes down to trusting your man. I understand the feeling because I’ve been there but in the end I had to sit down and take a good hard look at things and decide whether or not I trust my man enough to work past my insecurities.
Let him know how you feel and let him know you trust him (or if you don’t, let him know why) but you’re going to need time to be comfortable with things. Either he’ll understand and do anything he can to try and help you get past it, or he won’t and you’ll know from there that you don’t want to stay with someone who doesn’t take your feelings seriously.


Girl. Talk to HIM
I caught my hub sexting girls . On mother’s day nonetheless, never even talked to me like that or suggested that he was horny . He said he was sorry But he would have never “followed through with it”. Cause I seen that he messaged that he wanted her tight you know what slaping on his face so he could make her squirt . Asked him how he would feel if I messaged a guy telling him how badly I want him down on me.
Maybe I would have felt some type of way if he had at least sent me messages like that cause he knows how much I crave kinky shit. But purely fantasizing about several girls in so much detail is something that I don’t think I can fully recover from


I work in an industry setting where it’s 98% male in my area. I have guys I have grown close to because I’m with them as much as with my husband it seems. I am not a cheater and if I didn’t talk to them I would not have anyone to speak to at work. I would be respectful and ask because I have been bit before by not asking and assuming a wife knew I worked closely with her husband and she didn’t. So when I introduced myself and my husband when seeing them out one night I was caught off guard by her hostility towards me because I was a woman. If a man cannot admit to his wife he speaks to a female coworker that is when I see red flags. I would enjoy having the wife reach out to me in a friendly manner or make a comment to me through the husband as a joke or whatever so maybe that is where to start to see how that plays out instead of being insecure. She might be a really great person


In all honesty, no one can really tell you if there’s more or not. If you feel weird about it, sit down with him, address your concerns and worries, without any assumptions. Good communication can go looooong ways, and can spare alot of heart and headache. :relaxed:


Maybe you should talk with her. And see what her intentions are. I’ve also been cheated on, but I do my best not to bring my past trauma into my relationship that I have now. Especially because he’s not the one who hurt me. I trust him to make the right decisions because he’s never given me a reason not to.


My best friend is a man. My husband has zero problem with it. It’s all about trust, and communication. We all hang out together too. I would be completely fine if my husband had a female best friend. Like you said, you have insecurities. That’s something you need to work on within yourself so that you can learn to trust


Here’s the thing. What works in one relationship might not work in another. Some people are ok with things like that. Not me. I wouldn’t allow it and neither would my husband. We didn’t and wouldn’t allow it when we were just dating either. With that being said, no one can tell you what to do in your relationship. That’s between you and him.


Friend yes but a best friend like that - nope. That’s me. No need to speak to another female that much. I wouldn’t speak to another man that much either & I fully trust my husband - just not my jam. Hell we tried to be friends with a few couples and 2 couples tried to bait us with swinging. Nope- not happening.


Umm… I already see red flags with this… the fact that she’s asking that is pretty fishy as if she wants it to be secretive… and if they talk a lot lot… I feel like it will end up being more than just a “friend” thing. And especially if this is outside of work as well


Absolutely NOT It’s INAPPROPRIATE. Period. Emotional affairs start out with “ just talking to a friend” He is putting himself in a position that could lead to cheating physically .


I personally am ok with it. I call her my hubs work wife. Heck my hubs even shaved his head in solidarity with her because she’s going through breast cancer and was upset about losing her hair. We all need that outlet at work. If he hasn’t ever given you a reason to doubt, then I wouldn’t be too worried. We all have insecurities.

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Of course he can have female friends. Just like you can have male friends. But he should also respect you and your feelings and you need to express them. No feelings should be deemed invalid in any relationship. I can’t relate because I am terrible at keeping in contact with my friends. The only reason I talk to them almost everyday is because we work together. Outside of work, I go ghost. I like my Family time and alone time. The only person I talk to every single day is my fiance. And that’s pushing it some days. :joy:

If you feel strongly about it, tell your husband. Let him know how you feel and let him make the decision of what he can do to make you feel more secure. I let my husband have a friendship with a woman at his work. They wound up having an affair. We are now divorced. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Maybe get to know her as well, that may ease your fears or confirm some things for you. Either way, taking the initiative to get to know her should show your husband that you trust him while giving her a chance to know you and include you in the friendship. If she’s not into meeting you, you can bet something fishy is going on.

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Me and my husband both have the same female friend we always turn to. She is our rock but it only came because we had those trust issues in the beginning now we laugh about how insecure we were. I admit it was hard but I eventually found that I can also find that same friendship and I’m glad I did. :blush:


My husband actually had a lot of girl “friends” before we met. Him and I were friends at first than we had a real casual relationship and i didnt want to express my insecurities about it. Once we got closer he noticed that insecurity in me and i noticed he slowly just stopped talking to his female friends. My husband and I arent just romantic partners were also friends too. I genuinely enjoy talking to him, hanging out and opening up to him and i would not be ok if he were to find another female to do those things with. I dont have male friends either it goes both ways and it works for us. I guess you need to figure out what works for yall. Btw i trust my husband 1000 percent i know he would never do anything to jeapordize our relationship and our family- I just dont like sharing my mans time.

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My question for you would be does he hide it from you? If he hides it, that would be something to be suspicious about. However, if he doesn’t hide it, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. If he doesn’t hide it, invite her over and try to get to know her. My boyfriend has female coworkers that he talks to. He doesn’t talk to them much out of work, but I wouldn’t care if he did. If he had a female best friend, I would be completely okay with that. I know he’d show me his phone if I asked for it. The only reason I don’t have his password is because it’s his work phone, and he has other people’s personal info on it. But I know he would let me see it if I asked.

Would he be ok with you talking frequently to another male friend? Every relationship is different but if your feeling uncomfortable then that should be respected

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I think it totally depends on the person you’re with and the woman. My bf got incredibly hurt by my accusations once and it turned out to be all in my head with proof I had made it so much more in my head lol. Anywhoo, I had to realize my past partners are not my current partner and I trust him. He has been consistent in letting me know who and when he talks to people so I feel as long as we are open and it is okay. I would feel hurt if he didnt trust me and I think it’s a respect thing to trust your partner but also depends on the woman. Like if she is definitely getting too close and thr things they talk about become inappropriate then no. Not at all. But go with your gut about who your partner is.

I’ve been with my husband for 16 years. Not once has it bothered me that he has female friends. I trust him 100% or we would not be together still. He has never cheated or given me any reason to believe he has or will. However, communication is very important in any relationship. Tell him how you feel, but at the same time listen to him and how he feels. Do you speak to other men? If so, be prepared to stop

I don’t know. In my past relationships it was always a no. But with the guy I’m with now, I just know that my guy would not cheat on me, and he wouldn’t disrespect me in anyway, and we both are still friends with ex’s. He’s one of my baby daddy’s friends, but he also wouldn’t disrespect me by making new female friends when he has me, there’s no reason too, and if there is, communication would be first between us. But my moms now ex-husband cheated on her with one of his coworkers and now they’re together. So it depends on your relationship. But if you’re not comfortable with it, then either tell him or leave. A man that doesn’t see your worth and talks to someone else as much as it seems they do, is not worth it. Your man should see you as his best friend and life partner, and those talks he should be able to have with you or his family/friends he has had for a long time, and not a female coworker. Know your worth is all I can recommend.

If he knows you have insecurities from pasts relationship then he should respect that. He can be friends with another woman and there not be anything going on. But if he KNOWS it makes you insecure then yes it is his job to protect your heart and be respectful of you feelings. Maybe ask him not to talk about her so much and only talk at work. If a man knows you’ve been hurt in the past and has no regard to what he does that might trigger that he is not the man for you

Yes, absolutely. She could have been asking if you know because she wants to avoid any potential drama if you didn’t know. If he was going to cheat, he would. Trying to dictate who he can and cannot talk to wouldn’t stop him, you just have to trust him.

Honestly…id be fine with it if i met her and saw how they talk and act with each other.
Id suggest you bring up having her over for dinner and watch his reaction, and how they interact thatll tell you everything you need to know.

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I have a male co worker that I call my work husband. My husband knows that him and I aren’t attracted to each other. We don’t really talk outside of work. But every once in awhile we text. He respects my husband so he knows his boundaries. We do go to lunch alot. But we have 1 hour lunch together.

I’d be ok with it and my bf doesn’t care that I have guy friends. It also depends tho. I always say go with your gut but you also can’t let your insecurities get the best of you.

I’m a firm believer of “if you can’t talk to me, don’t talk to my husband.” If you can’t acknowledge me as a significant person in his life, move along.

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My husband’s female best friend was his “best man” in our wedding. I don’t even think twice about their friendship.

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My advice is talk to him and calmly explain how you feel and why you feel that way. I personally could never be okay with it. I also have a history of being cheated on. My last ex left me for girl that was my best friend. So I get where you’re coming from.

I dated a guy that was constantly texting with his co-worker who was not only in a committed relationship with the father of her 1st child, but pregnant with her 2nd. On my birthday of all days I heard the ring tone he had set for her as we stood in line at a store, and it was inappropriate enough that I got strange looks from the girls in front of us. Let’s just say that was the last time I saw him lol. The female coworker may think it’s just friendship but that doesn’t mean HE is only thinking of her as a friend. (This was his ring tone: She’s smoke
I put her in nice and slow
She’s a habit and I can’t let go
Blowing rings around my heart) :rofl::rofl::rofl::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Mine has a close female friend but they don’t talk all the time. I’ve became friends with her too and like her a lot. He actually doesn’t talk to any friends male or female a lot. It’s us, we’re a team. We have 11 month old twins to care for and no time for much at all. We have a hard time just keeping up with family let one friends.

Nope. We respect each other. We dont have friends of the opposite sex. Unless we are hanging out with our friends together.

My male bff and another guy friend I had both asked me if my husband knew we were talking. It wasn’t like “uh oh he might find out” but more like “I don’t want to disrespect him and make him think there’s anything funny going on”. It could be innocent so just judge based on your man’s actions and not your insecurities… which I TOTALLY understand btw. I’ve been cheated on many times so I get it!

I have a best male friend that I’ve known long before my hubby and I, he’s totally ok with it because I include him when we hang out. But now he knows he’s not a threat there’s no issues.
We have so much much trust in each other though. Lol took years but we got it :relaxed:

My best guy friend passed away recently but until then we talked almost every day. He liked all my posts and we sent presents back and forth on occasion but ALL of our communication was either done in front of my husband or my hubby had full access to our texts and whatnot. My bff considered my hubby a friend as well even though they never met (high school friend who lived in another state since I got married.) I think if there’s full transparency, NO flirting, and I don’t tell the friend anything I wouldn’t tell the husband, it’s fine. We trust each other, but I’ve had guy friends I stopped talking to when I got engaged too because I was noticing an attraction either from them or me and I didn’t want the temptation in my marriage.

If she had asked if you were okay with it or phrased it in a question whether then a statement I wouldn’t have my guard up but id just ask him about her and what all they talk about. My fiancée has a female friend at work which I’m 100% okay with because she’s 1) married 2) I like her myself and 3) I trust him. There’s one other worker who asked to take a picture with him and said he looked like Ed sheeran which if you see my profile picture he doesn’t, I told him she was flirting and he hasn’t talked to her since because he knows it made me uncomfortable

My best friend is a guy and my guy is cool with it , takes a secure man but we’re all good. I wouldn’t have it any other way

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It depends on their type of work. Why do they need to talk a lot? I’m in a line of business where I’m constantly on the phone with my co manager (he happens to be a guy). Sometimes he has me on speaker phone & I even talk to his girlfriend (they live together). So it all depends on their interactions, why they’re interacting, how they include or don’t include you. Also, maybe mention something to him if it makes you uncomfortable. He may not even realize. Best of luck!!

I have a couple of female friends I met through streaming and gaming over the last year my other half of 4 years she has enough faith and trust and love in me to let me not only game with them weekly if not nightly and even talk to them daily when they need to get things off their chest… Never had an issue with it at all… Even asks me how they are doing and have invited them to our wedding in 2 years…

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Once a cheater, always a cheater… he will do what he wants regardless of what you say. Have a backup plan ready because if you don’t, you will be stuck and it will eat at you every single day. How much is enough? Where does the line cross? It’s foolish to trust anything, even your spouse.