I would be upset too
Get over it she gave birth to you and she excited for a grandbaby and you clearly didn’t tell her before hand not to post
Lol no
Its still your baby and your moment. Nothing can change that
She is just excited
I would be extremely upset!!! No one should be posting anything about yourself and your baby without prior approval!!!
Yes I would be. I told my mom she can post pictures after I did.
Yeah that’s absolutely disrespectful, a few people tried doing this to me too. I was so annoyed. Who does that though?? Ugh, so rude. People need to think before doing.
She just extra happy
Hate that everyone’s telling you to get over it. Someone even said grandparents feelings matter to. Like no not when it comes to your child. However I agree that if you didn’t tell her not to then you have no reason to be upset. If you did and she did then yeah be mad.
My friend this to me and omg she got slated and created uproar get a grip it jjst made me chuckle shes so daft and there was no malice its not great they took it away from you but theres better things to stress over - least there celebrating and bothered - look on positive more than the negative side
I would absolutely be upset. Whether she said anything or not, it’s common sense that you allow the parents to have their moment in their own way. Grandparents, including myself, already had our time for announcements, let your child handle theirs. And if you haven’t been given permission, then assume that you don’t have permission, or take initiative and ask. Believe me, I was super excited for my granddaughters birth, and I still gave them time together first, and certainly didn’t post or announce the birth before they did. And one last thing, just because you gave birth to someone doesn’t give you the right to disrespect them or their wishes.
Not knowing your mother, I am going to assume she did it out of pure joy and unbridled excitement. Go easy on your mom, ( I assume you only have one!) and try to always think the best of others’ intentions.
Not her place. It is yours to share first as parents.
I completely understand but if you did not tell her ahead of time not to post it on social media she probley got board in the waiting room and made the post also if you already told her and she did it anyways report her post and have a grown up conversation with her about boundaries
She’s excited! At least your child has a grandparent who is, not all kids have grandparents who are excited. You can still post. I’m sure you don’t all have the same friends. She wanted to share with hers. I just wouldn’t have her post a picture until you gave the ok. But your emotions are all over the place after having a baby so it’s understandable to be upset but I really don’t think it’s that big of a deal. And like others have said, if you didn’t say anything ahead of time you really can’t be too upset…
That would be a huge no for me. Would have made my mom delete immediately. Also, you having feelings that others may or may not agree with does not make you childish. You do you, and congratulations Mama!!!
I think the biggest missing piece of information is did you ask her not to post anything? We told everyone not to post until we did. You can’t just assume people will know that you want them to wait till you post first. Yes, it’s annoying. It’s your child you should get to show them first. But that’s why we told our family that they could post after we did the first one.
Hell yes!! It’s your news, not anyone else’s, to share!
Knowing my mom I’ve already told her she’s not allowed to post anything on fb about the birth until we announce - it is something she would do and think it was harmless so I made sure to tell her
I would be extremely upset. I’m due in April and I plan on making sure it’s clear to everyone that they are not to post anything until after I do it first. It really should be common sense but some apparently don’t see it that way…
I would probably be frustrated if in that situation but from the outside looking in I say there is no sense in making such a big deal out of it now. I would say “I really wish you would of given us the chance to announce the birth.” But staying mad makes no sense. You just had a healthy baby! Celebrate and don’t let something you can’t change now steal your joy.
Thats bullshit… noone has a right to do that
It should be the mother and father announcing it first
My parents did the same thing. I had an emergency C-section and my husband texted a picture of the baby to them a few minutes after they pulled him out of me. It took 2 hours to stitch me up and for recovery time after. My baby then went to the NICU so it took hours before I got to even hold him and then came to find out my parents blasted social media with his picture. I was very upset.
Yes I would be upset. Most people understand that the mother/parents should be the first to announce it. When I had my first I was in hospital for 5 days and I didn’t end up posting until she was a few days old. I was very grateful that my parents waited until I posted something before they did.
I don’t think I would have made a big deal about it if they had posted first, but I would definitely have been upset.
I completely understand your being upset and you have every right to be…However is your mom a first time grand mom?? She is probably so thrilled to be a grandmother that she just couldn’t wait to crow this bit of news from the roof tops!! You deserve an apology and she needs to understand that she really crossed a line in doing this…but then for your own peace of mind you need to “Let it go…” While it might not be as exciting as your child’s birth there will be other firsts that you can announce…first tooth, first word, and first day of school etc…Being a parent is stressful enough as it is…your child and your healing body do not need any additional stress …!
Yes I would be really ticked, but I also think these days very little is taught about courtesy & mores of old.
I’d be knocking her fucking teeth out. That shit is an unwritten but well known rule. You don’t post anything until I do - and that’s if you even have PERMISSION
I would be livid ! No excuse for this !
I would I didn’t even announce expectancy till I was told not even other siblings.that was hard because we’re all close.we message through delivery and still didn’t announce till parents did
Did you ask her not to do it? She is a grandma and was excited. I would be upset if I asked for it not to be done and they did it but how would they know if you didn’t tell them. And I’m sure some peeps are gonna say she should have known but obviously some people don’t know if nothing is said. How about just enjoy your baby and the fact that you have a very excited mother who is so happy for you. There’s more to life than social media. Hell before you had to wait for it to be announced in the paper. Would you have been mad then too if someone said it before the paper came out?
I totally get it. I was dying to put it on fb and it nearly killed me not to but I didnt. Whereas my nister didnt bother waiting for my niece to do it first. My niece was beyond furious. Only good part of this story is how furious my nister got when my niece told her that I hadn’t done it why did she?
Yes…but that goes for anybody! Some people just don’t think in all the excitement. Just talk to her about it she probably didn’t realise
My sister announced my pregnancy with my second before I was ready, I was 8 weeks and just had my first ultrasound when I told her and she immediately posted, I messaged her saying I hadn’t said anything as I wanted to wait a bit longer, she apologized and took it down but it was a bit late as people had already seen it and I was getting posts, messages about it so I put one up not long after that
I think she was so excited that she didn’t think it threw and after she did it realize what she did and felt bad so give her a chance and understand it’s awesome news and so exciting to hear great news I know she should have waited for y’all but she was excited about it and didn’t think
I would have been disappointed but now as a grandmother I sort of get it. Better to chalk it up to excitement and let it go.
My husband and I told our families that they couldn’t post anything until after we did our own announcement. It went the same for when we announced our pregnancy and the gender reveal.
I wouldn’t be upset if it was just announcing that your pregnant but, I would be upset if she announced that I gave birth without asking first. As sometimes you want a week or so to get to know your baby before announcing it to everyone else.
I would be pissed. That is just very inconsiderate.
No… it would not upset me… sounds petty. Get over it… your mother is excited too!
Yes, it’s your baby not hers. Some grandparents think their grandkids are theirs. Like they have parental rights to them…they had their chance with their own kids!
Yup! I understand being excited but wait for me and the dad to post first. I would be so upset.
My sister who I used to be very close with announced my son’s arrival before I did, and I was really upset. I really felt disrespected, and it hurt my feelings.
You’re not wrong for feeling mad or upset about it.
My mil and sil announced my last pregnancy. Me n hubby were waiting till after the gender scan at 20w. Mil n sil were arguing with us on fb and decided to tell everyone. i was pissed. Their excuse was “nobody cares that your pregnant”
I let everyone know that I wanted the father and I to announce the birth first then anyone who wanted to could
Yes! Totally out of order. Everyone knows not to do this.
When my son and daughter in law had their 2 children, they asked for her mother and me to not post any announcements or pictures, until they did. Of course we are going to respect their decision, IT’S THEIR RIGHT!!
If it was something discussed beforehand then yeah I would probably be a bit upset. But my mom posted before me after I had both my kids I never had a problem with it at all. I’m very close with my mom though and she is my go to for all things basically.
I get it though it’s a big day for parents and baby. And amazing experience shared together! I’m sure your mom was just super excited and didn’t mean to step on any toes. Especially if she didn’t know that you wanted to be the first post about it.
I’m a grandmother and I would never do that’s. It’s there baby and there news to tell !
I guess I’m the odd one out here
The more people that love my children and are excited about their births the better
This is rude and thoughtless of her although l am sure she meant no harm. Next time make sure you say no announcements prior to yours for everyone, friends amd family.
My daughter’s Nana, my mother in law, posted before I did but I didn’t care. I was so busy with baby stuff after she was born. Once I seen my baby girl I couldn’t care less about a fb post. I just wanted her.
Pictures, yes. Arrival, not really.
You should be happy she was so excited to post it. It is called grandmotherly love.
YUP my son specifically told any one and every one absolutely nooooo one is to spoil that for them and it was highly respected
Absolutely its rude and inconsiderate and I’d be furious!!! I’d demand the post be deleted and I am making it clear to my family NO ONE is to post anything until I do! So disrespectful, and not to mention they (parents) always wanna talk about before social media, well how bout you act like you did back then and enjoy me and your grandchild and get tf off your phone and fb! I’m 38wks now and I hope nobody posts birth announcement before I do, if they do they’re getting an earful lol
I had another relative post on my profile congratulationing me on the birth of my baby… I was a little disappointed, but I should have probably told her not to say anything until I did… I personally wouldn’t say anything online until the person has announced it themselves…
Did you tell your mum that you didn’t want her to say anything on fb until you announced the birth yourself? If not, I don’t think you should be mad at her… She’s no doubt excited about her new grandchild… I wouldn’t personally make a big deal about it…
Someone I wasn’t even related to did this (dads brothers girlfriend) wasn’t so bad but I will never forget it. Remember people always want to take your spotlight
No you are NOT!! That was rude & selfish of her.
So sensitive, grow-up . Be happy ,she is happy. She meant good,You are lucky.
Yes with my first and third… I didn’t mind as such.
A friend of mines dad planned a trip away on his daughters due date…She got so worked up about it and upset that it brought on early labour
He had to be forced to go to the kids name giving (it’s like a big deal in our religion) mind u there were no issues between them.
Appreciate the ones who are there for your kids. Excited for you. Excited at the idea of a grandkid. That’s all she really was…Excited.
Appreciate it. Not everyone has it. As baby grows u Wil learn to not fuss over the little things and just appreciate the fact that there are people in babies life that care for him or her, that actually want to be around…and don’t have to be forced to care. To this day the grandparent never calls or visits. She would do anything for him to WANT to be around the kid and be there for the kid
Scheduled labour induction… 20 + peeps in waiting room. Emergency c section…2 hr post op observation… i woke up he was already named and everyone met him but me. Calling people to tell them and they was like ya we seen him. Im still pissed. 18 yrs ago.
No but that’s just me cause why take being. Proud grandparent away its gonna be posted anyways nooone really care who post it just so they can see baby once baby is born nooone cRes about u anyways so it’s no big deal if a grandparents does this
Yes I’d rage, my ex’s family did this when we had our daughter and was devastated because I wanted to announce it and have that moment. It’s a very thoughtless thing to do, they should let the mother and father announce and have their moment, what if you didn’t want to announce it straight away… it’s so disrespectful.
Absolutely. It’s definitely disrespectful. My wife and I were extremely specific on who we told and in what order. You’ve got to respect the choices of the parents.
That being said, I can’t say I’d completely dissolve a family relationship off it.
Here’s the thing… in the big picture of things, is this really worth your energy to be mad over? It was thoughtless. But if you didn’t specifically say “don’t post until I do” she was sharing because she was excited and wanted to share the blessing of a child with others. I’m sorry your feelings got hurt. But there’s so much more to focus your energy on now.
Much more things in life to worry about, don’t sweat the small stuff.
She sounds super excited.
My daughter’s always past first before any family
I would absolutely be upset! It wasn’t her place! Sounds like you are going to have to lay down some rules with her concerning the baby from the get go or she will try to take over! I had a domineering mother like that and before I had a chance to talk to my grandfather from my hospital bed, she told him I was naming the baby after him! That was a lie because I didn’t like the name and already decided what name I wanted.It really put me on the spot, so like a dummy I used his name,but have always called him by his middle name. That was the Last time she took over anything when it came to my baby!
Don’t be petty. She’s happy for you, excited to be a grandmother, in love with the baby and overjoyed. She probably never even thought about it. There are real problems in the world. This isn’t one.
When my first grandchild arrived, I rang my mother and my mother in-law to let them know they were “greats” (with my daughters ok)
I then rang my sister, very excited to tell her, but my mother had beat me to it…she rang the whole family!!!